clearmindonline · 2 years
Self awareness is knowing and understanding who you are, what you stand for, what’s relevant to you, and your strengths and weaknesses. It means recognizing your characteristics, abilities, motivations, values, and potential. People with high self awareness can understand their thoughts, actions, and incentives.
They recognize how they react in situations and their strengths and limitations. These people clearly know who they are rather than who they want to be or think they should be.
Being self-aware involves understanding why you feel the way you do and behave the way you do. This awareness enables you to change things about yourself, allowing you to live the life you desire
Self-aware people know their strengths and limitations to find environments where they thrive rather than struggle.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Having a distant view can make us feel overwhelmed, and that’s why many people say, “Screw it, I’m off to have a drink.” When we fail, it lowers our future chances of success. Failures are more likely to be repeated than successes. This is where Kaizen Philosophy comes into play.
The Roman Empire wasn’t built in a day, so why do you think you can too?
It can be discouraging to make a significant alteration in life, particularly when we want to lose weight. When we see little results after months and months of sweating, wheezing, and eating salad, we are likely to give up. In addition, any intimidating job, such as writing a thesis, may cause us to trudge along half-heartedly.
People tend to say, “Screw it, I’m off for a drink,” when they come across a distant horizon. It is difficult for us to deal with the immensity of the universe, which can have serious consequences. If we fail to achieve our goals, we are less likely to succeed in the future. Success breeds success, and failure is self-perpetuating.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Taking risks is not for everyone. Some people see it as an invitation to danger and shy away from it. Others see risk as a necessary part of life and understand that it can bring rewards and disappointments. The risk-taker knows that taking risks in life is one of the most effective ways to grow and develop as a person.
The Importance Of Taking Risks In Life
The best thing about handling risks is that it can open up a new world of opportunities. Without trying, you won’t know where it will lead you. So if you’re looking to build a successful career or find a meaningful relationship, you need to be willing to take the first step and make an effort.
The best way to meet new people and make new connections is to be prepared to put oneself out there and take a leap of faith. Taking risks in life can help you find your passion in life. It can help you find things you love to do, even if it’s something you’ve never tried. 
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clearmindonline · 2 years
When you think of intelligence, what springs to mind? Do you imagine someone who is clever and academic, with a high IQ? Or someone with abundant knowledge about a given topic, such as history or literature? Let’s check out the various archetypes of intelligence.
Societal views on intelligence tend to revolve around the belief that it’s a fixed character trait that an IQ test can measure. The perception is that intelligence is innate and cannot be changed. However, in recent years there has been a growing awareness that this isn’t the case.
Rather than viewing intelligence as just one general attribute, psychologists have identified 9 separate bits of intelligence.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Sleep is important for living a quality life. People who get adequate sleep tend to be healthier, happier, and more productive. Conversely, not getting enough sleep can lead to drowsiness, moodiness, weight gain, and even heart disease.
And the earlier you start getting enough sleep, the better. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night if you’re a teenager. And if you’re older than 65 or have a chronic health condition, aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the typical adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night. For most people, that’s hard to achieve, given our busy schedules and fast-paced lives. But what are the implications of not getting enough shut-eye? We’ve all experienced that fatigue feeling after a sleepless night or two.
Sleep is essential for human survival, but why and how does it affect us?
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clearmindonline · 2 years
In the late ’60s, an engineer named Bill Neidig discovered that frequencies could be harnessed to create different effects on the brain. So he began experimenting with different sounds, syllables, and frequencies to create a more balanced response from the brain.
In 1971, Neidig teamed up with sound engineer Thomas Lightner and clinical psychologist Michael Monroe. Together they created Hemi-Sync (short for “hemispheric synchronization”).
A form of biofeedback that uses audio stimuli and, in some cases, visual stimuli to stimulate specific brain waves (alpha or beta) to induce relaxation or trigger desired psychological states or physical responses.
What Are Brain Waves
Brain waves are oscillations in the brain’s electrical activity. A device called an electroencephalogram (EEG) measures them and records the flow of electrical current through the brain.
Waves of the brain are classified by their frequency and the number of times waves cycle per second. The frequency of a wave is determined by the rate at which neurons (brain cells) emit electrical impulses.
Waves with high frequencies (30 hertz or higher) are considered “high-frequency” or “gamma” waves, while lower frequencies (12 hertz or above) fall into the category of “low-frequency” or “beta” waves.
Scientists have identified four primary types of brain waves: alpha, beta, theta, and delta.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Don’t you hate it when you set a goal and never achieve it? It’s the ultimate let-down. To achieve your goals is no easy task. If it were, we would all achieve them with great ease.
However, many different methods can help you achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently. We all have aims we want to accomplish in life. For example, maybe you want to lose weight, find a partner, learn French or save money for retirement.
These ten steps will help you effortlessly achieve your goals, whatever you need to accomplish.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
When you first discover that you have social anxiety, it can feel like the end of the world. It feels like something is broken inside you, and there’s no way to fix it. Your first reaction may be that you cannot possibly go on living with this kind of anxiety forever. But don’t worry! It gets better. With time, patience, and willingness to work on yourself, you can learn how to cope with anxiety and live a happy life again. Here are five ways that may help you deal with your anxious feelings:
Change your perspective
Are you aware that people with anxiety are more creative than those without it? It’s true! People who suffer from anxiety are often innovators, creative thinkers, and people who excel professionally. We all have strengths and weaknesses. It’s how we see the world that makes all the difference. You need to change your perspective and see your anxiety as a strength, not a weakness.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something because of your shyness or awkwardness? Maybe you feel like everyone else is confidently walking up to new people and striking up a conversation while you stand on the sidelines thinking about what to say.
If this sounds familiar, don’t worry — you’re not alone. Many people struggle with feeling shy or awkward around other people, especially when trying to initiate a conversation. Even though it can sometimes be challenging, there are ways to make starting and keeping a conversation more accessible for you.
Having conversations is an essential part of making friends and meeting new people. But, with the right tips and tricks, initiating and keeping an exciting conversation going might become second nature to you one day soon.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Mental health is how you think and feel. It’s the way you view yourself and your world. It’s an essential part of who we are as people, and it’s something that most teens face at one time or another. 
In this article we will learn what mental health is, different types of mental illness, stressmanagement strategies, and other coping techniques. This article can help you maintain a healthy state of mind in your teen years.
What Is Mental Health?
Mental health, also known as emotional wellbeing, is how you think and feel. It influences your mood, thoughts, behaviors, motivations, and actions.
A person’s mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Our mental health influences our behavior. Moreover, our attitude toward stress, relationships, and choices determines our sound state of mind. 
It is an essential part of who we are. The term “mental illness” describes a wide range of illnesses that affect one’s mental health, like depression or schizophrenia. Mental illness isn’t something anyone chooses to have–it’s just something that happens to almost all os us.
7 Ways To Stop feeling Stuck – Start Feeling Better
All stages of life are affected by mental health, whether they are childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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Life can get tricky sometimes when you feel like you’re not progressing anywhere or just going around in circles. When you’re feeling stuck and apathetic about your life, it can be hard to keep the faith, and as such, you may start to wonder if there’s something wrong with you.
Although, it doesn’t mean that you have to let that feeling take over and hamper your progress. Instead, here are some practical ways to allow more love into your life when you’re feeling stuck and apathetic. Read on to find out more.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
Social media has become an inseparable part of our lives, and it has also become a massive part of our culture. We’re all connected to one another through social media, and it’s not going to change any time soon.
If you’re not using social media, you’re going to know someone who is. Maybe you’ve found yourself thinking about social media and its impact on your marriage. Also, you may have heard others talking about it and wondering what it means for your relationship.
According to a growing body of research, the use of social media has a detrimental effect on marriages and relationships. Infidelity, conflicts, jealousy, and divorce have become more common due to increased social media usage.
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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clearmindonline · 2 years
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