cloakedspurs · 8 months
The straight faced cowboy kept himself still , as the chatty cyborg began to aim his weapon towards his leg. And as it charged up, a short flash of second thoughts began to run in Eight’s AI- did this guy really have any aim? Well, his doubts were cut short when the shot was fired and in a flash the wire finally snapped. Quickly, he pulled back his leg and sure enough it was free.
The cowboy then shot a glance at the still busy Bravo, who continued to burn the rest of the electric cord as he went on about his supposed duties. Duties of being some sort of cop?-Superhero? Darn,if he knew. Whatever the guy was didn’t really matter much-for now.
“Well, I’ll be darned. Ya really did it.” Shade drawled as he pulled himself back up on his two boots. “Really saved me a trip to the shop there.” And from stinging pain, of course.
Then after adjusting his hat a bit, he stretched out a hand towards Bravo for a handshake.
“I’ll be frank- didn’t quite catch all that-but I gotta say, you got aim.” A pause. “Name’s Shade.”
Stepping into the forest never seemed to go smoothly for No.8. Whether it was because he had decided step into the woodlands for a bit of training or for a simple outdoor walk, it rarely went well. This time his gripe came in the form of a thick wire that had become entangled with his boots.  And now he remained sitting on the ground with this cord around his ankles. Sure, he could simply yank it away -but he was hesitant. Did he dare touch the potentially charged hot wire?
For a moment he stared at it, cursing at himself for stepping into a trap. Until he heard it- the steps of someone fast approaching. Could it be this stranger who had laid down this trap?
“Stay where you are.” He rasped, eyes shifting towards the scarf wearing stranger. “This yours?” Eight said nodding towards his entangled boots.
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cloakedspurs · 8 months
Sure, the comment about the gizmo exploding had mostly been dry banter on his part, a small warning even-but the shifty sharp-eyed kid didn't appear bothered in the slightest. He held the seemingly overheating, crackling MP3 looking device like it was nothing-didn't even wince like humans often do when they hold those broiling drinks of theirs.
"....Wouldn't be the one in danger, aye?" Eight said quietly.
Still, the cowboy's stolid expression remained unchanged as the kid prattled on. Eh prankster- Shade figured. The kid must have been in the middle of something. Until again- another sharp ping reached his radar,prompting the robot to once again narrow his hidden eyes on the gizmo that was now ablaze with sparks.
"My hat? Course' it's running fine,kid." Eight muttered. "It's not the one catching in flames." Then he shifted his visors directly at Rey.
"....Now-what are ya really carrying there?"
As the kid drew nearer, the robot's tinted visors continued to watch him. Well, what do ya know? It really was just a kid. For a second he was beginning to think that this was just in fact another bot, but nope-up close Eight could see, clear as day-that this was a full flower sniffin' human.
Still- Shade said nothing when the uppity kid marched in closer with puffed up shoulders. And at his rather rightful demand for an answer, the tall robot returned nothing but a silent stare, yet he remained in place.
Again, the central red light on his hat gave a sharp distorted pinged. Prompting Eight's camera eyes to narrow in on the new arrival until he spotted it.....-the device Rey was holding. Interesting...
"Think.....-think that could use some repairing." Shade finally rasped, as he eyed the device. "Got the feelin' that thing is just about to explode on ya kid-any second now...-any second now."
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cloakedspurs · 1 year
As the kid drew nearer, the robot's tinted visors continued to watch him. Well, what do ya know? It really was just a kid. For a second he was beginning to think that this was just in fact another bot, but nope-up close Eight could see, clear as day-that this was a full flower sniffin' human.
Still- Shade said nothing when the uppity kid marched in closer with puffed up shoulders. And at his rather rightful demand for an answer, the tall robot returned nothing but a silent stare, yet he remained in place.
Again, the central red light on his hat gave a sharp distorted pinged. Prompting Eight's camera eyes to narrow in on the new arrival until he spotted it.....-the device Rey was holding. Interesting...
"Think.....-think that could use some repairing." Shade finally rasped, as he eyed the device. "Got the feelin' that thing is just about to explode on ya kid-any second now...-any second now."
Heavy metallic boots steadily made their way along - searching and scanning around for the source of a sharp signal. A signal that had momentarily interrupted the boot wearer’s radar. Normally, a single ping of the radar meant another machine was nearby but- this signal was different, it had almost cut off the radar’s tracking abilities completely.
And whatever that had caused the over-sized hat to glitch had made it’s owner-curious, and he was now in search mode.
Except his search had only brought him to what appeared to be a wide open field of a park with nothing but greenery, flowers and what appeared to be some kid in a purple coat walking along in the distance. And again his radar started to react- seems like some sort of sharp electric current was messing with it again.
Yet-with no other machine in sight,murky visors followed the kid as he drew closer towards the robot’s direction. Yet, he made no effort to hide.
This was the source?
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cloakedspurs · 1 year
Heavy metallic boots steadily made their way along - searching and scanning around for the source of a sharp signal. A signal that had momentarily interrupted the boot wearer’s radar. Normally, a single ping of the radar meant another machine was nearby but- this signal was different, it had almost cut off the radar’s tracking abilities completely.
And whatever that had caused the over-sized hat to glitch had made it’s owner-curious, and he was now in search mode.
Except his search had only brought him to what appeared to be a wide open field of a park with nothing but greenery, flowers and what appeared to be some kid in a purple coat walking along in the distance. And again his radar started to react- seems like some sort of sharp electric current was messing with it again.
Yet-with no other machine in sight,murky visors followed the kid as he drew closer towards the robot’s direction. Yet, he made no effort to hide.
This was the source?
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cloakedspurs · 1 year
In the midst of using his Prism Canon to camouflage, Howlazor tripped over cloaked Countershade. With a started gasp, Howlazor turned visible and remarked "By Allspark...! Are you ok?"
After feeling something heavy smack against his lanky leg, the cowboy instantly de-cloaked. And looking over towards the large mechanical wolf, he frowned.
" 'Could ask the same thing-ya running from the dog catcher?"
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cloakedspurs · 1 year
I like to think that 8 can use those electric wires of his as lassos- he IS a cowboy
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Somehow the sniper and his radar hadn’t picked up a thing when the timer stopper had approached. Still he knew that his hat had been tampered with. Frowning, and with a quick upward swipe he swatted the hat’s brim to pluck up the ear.
“…Hmm?..” He eyes narrowed as he held up the pointy ear up to his visors. Now- who had done it?
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
-squints at calendar-
Sometimes I think about adding shipping rules-but
8’s such a “laser focused on mission” stoic type of guy that trying to write shippy things for him is tricky
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Do you wish to have a different life?
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
“How things should be...?” Eight said quietly, feeling the flower bot’s stare sharpen. Seems like his search for deserted stockrooms had lead him to this pink lady’s greenhouse.
And despite her amusement, he could tell she wasn’t all that keen of having a cowboy guest. Still Shade kept his boots firm on the ground when the flower bot jumped down from the crashing platform.
“Whichever critter I can find,Miss.” Shade coolly replied, raising his one hand out in a bit of a surrender stance as she approached.
“But guess- I gotta settle for flowers, eh? Yellow ones, red ones…pink ones.”
With a heavy thud from his boot, Eight stepped into the rusted  greenhouse. From afar it had appeared to be nothing more than a large shed or  even a deserted factory of a sort, but now standing inside? He realized that this “mill”  wasn’t exactly industrial. As vines and over-grown foliage covered most of its glass walls and there seemed to be nothing machine about it. Matter of fact, the cowboy could see a vast half-dead, half unkept garden spread out behind the structure.
Well he’ll be darned, it really just was an abandoned garden after all. Seems like he wasn’t going to find much here, not even wire. Still, he placidly made his way further inside.Until suddenly he came to a halt.
Sure, his radar was resting on his back-but he had heard it. Leaves rustling-whole lot of rustling.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Well-there was no creature in sight. Just a violet-eyed, curious, pink bot. Flower hat and all- must be the care taker of the place, Shade figured. Although it seemed like she had been away for a bit...
“Ya heard right Miss, critters. Though don’t think I’ll find any here, aye?” Shade  replied, eyeing her as she stepped a bit nearer. Then he lifted his gaze a little at her next statement. “Hunter?” He paused to chew on his dart. She was quick, wasn’t she?
“....I’m just a cowboy out on a walk, that’s all.” Eight nodded, before turning to take another good look at the garden again. This time he noticed the thick thorns that many of the plants seemed to have. “What do I think?...Don’t know Miss, guess those roses are spiffy, but could use a bit of clipping.” He went on dryly.
“Heh, but what do I know? You’re the gardener here, aren’t ya?”
With a heavy thud from his boot, Eight stepped into the rusted  greenhouse. From afar it had appeared to be nothing more than a large shed or  even a deserted factory of a sort, but now standing inside? He realized that this “mill”  wasn’t exactly industrial. As vines and over-grown foliage covered most of its glass walls and there seemed to be nothing machine about it. Matter of fact, the cowboy could see a vast half-dead, half unkept garden spread out behind the structure.
Well he’ll be darned, it really just was an abandoned garden after all. Seems like he wasn’t going to find much here, not even wire. Still, he placidly made his way further inside.Until suddenly he came to a halt.
Sure, his radar was resting on his back-but he had heard it. Leaves rustling-whole lot of rustling.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
The stoic cowboy lifted his gaze a little when the hummingbird bot let out a shout in disbelief. For a split second her cool demeanor had cracked, she was shocked-he could tell. It seemed that his blunt honestly had only heightening Yaolt’s unease. And he couldn’t blame her. She was correct, after all. He was just as much of a hunter as his gun powder- dusted armor suggested. Not of little birds-of course. But of...-other targets.
“...Just being frank, Miss.” Shade rasped. “Don’t want ya getting all jittery, but don’t think I can tell ya that my armor is made for gardening.” Slowly, the cowboy tucked his stubbed arm back inside his cloak. “No- wouldn’t tell ya a tall tale like that.” He drawled on. “But  I sure can answer your queries. Storm isn’t stopping soon, any who.” A light chuckle escaped him.
However, her next words made him pause, yet he no longer stood in surrender. Instead, he now appeared to be leaning back on the wall across from her. “Hunter? Sure, you can call me that. Some do.” The edge of his mouth curls up. “ ‘Course it’s for entertainment. Already said it, I get into tussles and the crowd cheers.” He glanced at her, waiting for her to further connect the dots. “Now-all that gear? My hat? It’s for the show-for the standoffs.” He maintains his visors on her. “Think you get the picture here, Miss...”
There were times when the radar wearing,dart chewing ‘bot had the need to use his day off to drift far from the bustling city, take the role of the desperado he was and step his boots into new terrain. It had become a habit of his, actually.
Now- with this particular route he had chosen, the cowboy found himself surrounded by nothing but rows of trees and ripe greenery. All was hush except for the sound of his spurs stomping along a trail that lead to a low mountain that lingered a few ways ahead. There-he had decided would be the perfect spot to set camp and-slack off. And sure the grey clouds above seemed heavy, but it didn’t matter too much,he had his hat. Placidly, he began his way up the slope while whistling a bit-mimicking the bird tunes in the distance.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Seeing the other’s antennas tremble at the mere mention of a tournament, told the cowboy that no- this guy was most likely not a fighter of any sort. Meaning that the fancy buster he had wasn’t for combat. Now what type of job required a weapon like that was anyone’s guess.
Still he needed this guy’s help, if he wanted to free his boots anytime soon. Sure, he could try shooting the trap himself, but that would require movement on his part. Movement that can trigger an electric shock...
“Combatant? Think “entertainer” is a more fitting.” Shade bluntly replied. Why startle this guy more, right? Then he fixed his visors on Bravo.
“Don’t know if I can call ya a training dummy yet, but guess we can find out.” He drawled. “Look-I need ya to aim at these here wires and fire. Looks like a shot or two will do it. You got aim, don’t ya?” Just a bit more and he was free.
Stepping into the forest never seemed to go smoothly for No.8. Whether it was because he had decided step into the woodlands for a bit of training or for a simple outdoor walk, it rarely went well. This time his gripe came in the form of a thick wire that had become entangled with his boots.  And now he remained sitting on the ground with this cord around his ankles. Sure, he could simply yank it away -but he was hesitant. Did he dare touch the potentially charged hot wire?
For a moment he stared at it, cursing at himself for stepping into a trap. Until he heard it- the steps of someone fast approaching. Could it be this stranger who had laid down this trap?
“Stay where you are.” He rasped, eyes shifting towards the scarf wearing stranger. “This yours?” Eight said nodding towards his entangled boots.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
For a second there, Eight expected a growling critter of a sort to pounce out from the foliage to defend its desolate territory.
 But instead, Shade’s receptors were met with the sound of- a sweet placid voice chiming in from across the room. Prompting him to throw a glance over his shoulder. And briefly for a few seconds he stared at her in silence.
“....Ah,apologies there,Miss. Didn’t think I was intruding, didn’t mean to be rude.” He finally began with a nod. “What am I after now...? Nothing much. Just thought I could catch a glimpse of some critter-that’s all.”
Sure he was jesting a bit, but why not try to bring some ease to this unexpected meeting?
With a heavy thud from his boot, Eight stepped into the rusted  greenhouse. From afar it had appeared to be nothing more than a large shed or  even a deserted factory of a sort, but now standing inside? He realized that this “mill”  wasn’t exactly industrial. As vines and over-grown foliage covered most of its glass walls and there seemed to be nothing machine about it. Matter of fact, the cowboy could see a vast half-dead, half unkept garden spread out behind the structure.
Well he’ll be darned, it really just was an abandoned garden after all. Seems like he wasn’t going to find much here, not even wire. Still, he placidly made his way further inside.Until suddenly he came to a halt.
Sure, his radar was resting on his back-but he had heard it. Leaves rustling-whole lot of rustling.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
With a heavy thud from his boot, Eight stepped into the rusted  greenhouse. From afar it had appeared to be nothing more than a large shed or  even a deserted factory of a sort, but now standing inside? He realized that this “mill”  wasn’t exactly industrial. As vines and over-grown foliage covered most of its glass walls and there seemed to be nothing machine about it. Matter of fact, the cowboy could see a vast half-dead, half unkept garden spread out behind the structure.
Well he’ll be darned, it really just was an abandoned garden after all. Seems like he wasn’t going to find much here, not even wire. Still, he placidly made his way further inside.Until suddenly he came to a halt.
Sure, his radar was resting on his back-but he had heard it. Leaves rustling-whole lot of rustling.
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Time of the year again- so have some Santa Shade
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Guess he just really likes Christmas - for some reason
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
💎 Hornman
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"Gotta say-thought I was seeing some sort of long legged bull at first." He raises an eye. "He a minotaur? Guess it doesn’t matter.” Eight muses.  “All I can say is that whatever ends up on the end of those horns? It’ll get ravaged.”
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