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Incense uses
*not mine
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Smoke of Air, Fire of Earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth. Drive away all harm and fear; Only good may enter here.
Home Blessing prayer (via blvkcvt)
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Blood Rain Curse Jar [REVISED]
This is a revisions of last year’s spell, which can be read here.
What You’ll Need:
1 black candle
1 small or medium jar
1 taglock per target
a marker in black, white, or silver ink
rain/storm water
red paper flakes, chili powder, or any other dried/powdered hot pepper you have on hand
Tabasco or other liquid hot sauce
optional: a piece of paper
Note: Your taglock can be anything - a photograph of the target(s), a slip of paper with their name(s) on it, a piece of their hair, or something small that belongs to them. If you have multiple targets, I suggest trying to get a picture of them all together, making sure to cut out anyone you don’t intend to harm. If you write each target’s name down, use a different slip of paper for each target. When I performed this spell, I attached it to a sigil that I placed somewhere the targets spent a lot of time.
Warning: This spell makes noise depending on the mix of ingredients you have.
Performing the Spell:
Prepare your work space, making sure the candle is safely secured, and then turn out the lights. Light the candle and spend a moment staring at the flame. Meditate on the ways this person or people have harmed you, take some time to re-experience your feelings about their actions. Use this space to ensure that this curse is truly necessary and you’re committed to it.
Take your taglock(s) and with your marker:
for photographs: draw an eye around each face
for written names: draw an eye at the end of each name
for objects: draw an eye on the paper and wrap it around the taglock
for sigils: incorporate an eye into the sigil’s design
While you draw the eye say/think:
“May this eye see all that you have done. May it look into your very core and know your true self. May it understand your motives, may it know your intentions, may it ride your execution, may it fester in your actions. From the pool of suffering you cause may it grow knotted vines and terrible fates. May it trip you, may it stab you, may it choke and hinder you. May it bind you to yourself.”
Place the taglock in the jar and fill the jar with the ingredients in the order they’re listed above. Use as much or as little of each as you can spare, leaving a bit of room at the top of the jar.
Cap the jar and very carefully seal with the black wax. If you want to be the judge of when the curse ends, you can skip the following part and go directly to the end.
But if you’d like the curse to monitor itself, letting the curse decide if it should pull back or get stronger, then while you pour the wax say/think:
“May this eye see your sorrow, may it know your guilt, may it feel your regret, may it understand your understanding, may it ride through your change, may it whither in your growth. In the face of your rebirth may it shrink and die, may it dissolve with your spark of light. And should that spark flicker out, should you raise a hand again despite, may it rebound double fold and sink in deeper than before.”
State any other terms you’d like and then shake the jar a few times to make sure it’s mixed and the taglock is soaked.
Snuff the candle and place the jar somewhere convenient to you but still out of the way. Whenever you want, give the jar another shake to strengthen the curse.
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Every Witchy Site that I've Saved Links For
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Important first date question: Do you drop a frog that pees on you or keep holding it
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We need to spread this around.
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Potential Curse Ingredients
Time to get creative with your curses, witches! 
-Venomous Spiders 
-Graveyard Dirt
-Rusty Nails (or Nails in general)
-Blueberries (Confusion)
-Red Pepper
-Black Pepper
-Coffee Grounds
-Razor Blades
-Burnt Rose Petals
-Dead Bugs (I usually use Butterflies)
-Broken Glass
-Mirrors (Broken or Intact)
-Poison Ivy
-Cranberry Juice (Good substitute for Vinegar)
-Poppies (Confusion)
-Dead Wasps and Bees
-Cigarettes/Cigarette Butts
-Raw Meat
-Various Taglocks (Hair, nails, etc.)
I always collect my curse ingredients humanely. This is simply a list of ingredients for all variety of curses and hexes, and it would be best to pick and choose what items will make your spell most effective. If you have any questions, comments or would like something added to the list, feel free to message me! :3 Use your powers wisely!
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Cursing 101
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So you wanna curse someone. 
Someone has really fucked you over and you’ve decided all of the ordinary routes of justice are not gonna cut it. But where do you start? 
Step 1: Commit to cursing.
It may sound obvious but cursing is a big deal. Its generally a risky spell to conduct in any paradigm you look at, and all morals aside, its laborious and energy intensive. If you feel iffy about cursing, the time to bail is now. (There are still alternatives to cursing if you want to do something about this person in your life. I recommend binding.)
Step 2: Find a curse that fits the crime. 
Please don’t do a death curse on someone who cut you off while driving (though I feel you). If you do believe in returning energy or similar ethics about the universe, this is a good way to minimize risk. 
Good places to look for curses and cursing ideas can be found throughout the witch community. These are two of my favorite tumblr directories to look through when searching for a curse. Sometimes curses are specific and state which crime they are punishment for, which is a simple way for beginners to follow this guideline. 
Step 3: Find a taglock for your target.
Curses need a direction and a taglock in order to hit the right person. This could be an item of theres, their signature, a picture of them, or even just their full name written out on a piece of paper. These are only suggestions, sometimes an integral part of cursing is getting creative with your taglock. Just give the universe a good way to find your intended person. 
Along this same thought, here is a piece on avoiding misfired curses. 
Step 4: Finalize your plan for conducting the curse.
Even if you use a curse 100% written by someone else, its important to mentally walk through exactly how it will be carried out. This is not the time to wing it. Curses are stressful and the best way to avoid accidents (which can have serious consequences) is to be detailed in how it will unfold. 
If you are tweaking a spell, you should double check that any ingredients you’re swapping out have the same associations so you get the same result. Similarly, make sure that changed actions will have the desired effect. If you’re making your own spell, verify that all people and intents are represented.
In all cases, make sure that what you’re doing is safe. Go on WebMD and check that the herbs you’re using aren’t dangerous with any health conditions you may have. If you’re doing blood magic, do it safely. Be smart, use your brain. 
Step 5: Put in a failsafe. 
Curses are not meant to last forever and trying to craft something to last that long will drain you of energy for a very long time. Put at the end of your spell that the curse will last a definite amount of time (i.e. six months) or will last until a certain action has occurred. 
Step 6: Gather materials and conduct the curse. 
Get everything together, set up the space. Its essential to clear the mind and cleanse before a ritual to set yourself up for success. Unless you hate yourself, you’re going to want to purify and protect you and your space. 
When you feel grounded, go on and do the spell. Go slow, be diligent. You can do this (especially because you’ve already mentally gone through all the steps). 
Step 7: Aftercare. 
Cursing is a lot for most witches, from newbies to experienced spell-casters. Do something restful and brings you back to center. If you’re looking for a simple spell to accomplish this, one can be found here. Other places to look into magical self care can be found here. Don’t skimp on this step, you need time to rest and regain your magical energy. You don’t want a curse effecting the rest of your magic.
Now go out and be the wicked witch you always wanted to be! 
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Me as a parent: If you want to cast curses and summon demons with your friends, I'd prefer if you did it at home where I know you're safe.
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"Get fucking lost" banishment hex
Are you annoyed?
Is that person being an ass?
Well, have no fear! This curse is here! It will banish and hex them to have a cloud of bad luck around them for a week or two.
You’ll need:
A black candle Nails or needles Anger Person’s name/username Paper Jar
What to do:
Write the person’s name on a piece of paper and crumple it up. Put it in the jar, and stick a ton of needles/nails into the paper. Do it with as much anger as you can muster as you imagine the bad luck that they’ll go through. Lastly, light the black candle and while visualizing this person being soaked and stuck in negativity, pour it all over the paper. Then close the jar, and seal it with wax. When you feel like they’ve had enough destroy the bottle.
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We’ve gotten quite a few asks in the wake of this post about how to charge jewellery with energy (and by extension, other objects). So, here’s a how-to!
Charging an object is a very simple process. The first thing to determine is your intent. What are you trying to achieve? Do you need a pick me up? Something to help you focus? Something to draw attention to you? Once you’ve figured out what your intent is, keep it in mind.
When you’re charging your object, pick somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Hold your object in both your hands and start focusing on your intent. Try not to let your thoughts wander, and start to visualise your object taking on the energy you need. Some visualisation techniques you could use are:
Picturing the object surrounded by a bright light representing your intent
Picturing the object being ‘filled’ with your intent, like you would fill a bottle with water
Picturing yourself with the object succeeding with whatever your intent is (eg. charging a ring with positive energy; imagine yourself wearing the ring and feeling happy!)
As your hands warm up the object, imagine the heat is your intent washing over it.
These are not the only methods, and there isn’t any wrong one- so if you come up with something that suits you better, go for it!
Some things to remember: it’s good to recharge your object every once in a while if you’re using it in the long term. Things do tend to pick up energy in everyday travel, so it’s important to clean that off and replace it with what you need instead!
Also, it is possible to charge things for others, of course; like a gift you are going to give them. However, don’t use this to be manipulative. Charging a gift for them with something like a good luck charm or positivity is okay, but anything bigger than that you should ask for permission for!
Charging objects is a quick, easy and effective form of magic that has an infinite number of uses. Go forth and charge!
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Spells for Protection, Shielding, and Warding
Updated: March 30th, 2016
[Ancestral Powder]
[Angel Protection]
[Animal Protection and Healing Visualization]
[Animal Protection Spells]
[Anti-Intruder Charm]
[Anti-Spirit Charms]
[Apple Protection Spell]
[Armor of Love Protection Bath]
[“Armour Oil”]
[Ash Solar Amulet]
[A Banishing / Protective Charm - The Keep Away Stone]
[Basic Warding Jar]
[Basic Warding Spray]
[Bear Your Fangs Protection Spell]
[Besom Spell for Home Protection]
[Black Salt]
[Black Salt]
[Black Salt - Spell for Protection and Absorbing Negative Energy]
[Black Salt (Witch’s Salt, Drive Away Salt)]
[Blackberry Protection Bath]
[Blackout Bottle]
[Blood Magic – Protection Jar] (tw: blood / blood magic)
[Briar Rose Protection Spell]
[By Light of a Candle]
[“Calcifer” Home/Personal Protection Spirit Making Master Post]
[A Calming Emotional-Protection Bottle]
[Candle Spell: To Protect Your Home]
[Cascarilla Powder]
[Cascarilla Powder]
[Cat Protection Spell]
[Charm Against the Evil Eye]
[Charm for Safe Travel]
[Charm of the Beast]
[Charter Magic Diamond Protection Spell]
[Circle of Fire Amulet]
[Cleanse and Protection from Mind Altering Spells]
[A Cloak of Psychic Protection]
[Complex Bramble Protection Spell]
[Copper Drains My Powers - A Protective Ward]
[Coral Protection Spell]
[Cottage Charms: Ward Against Fire and Injury]
[Cottage Crafts: Elemental Magic Storm Ward]
[Cotton Guard: Personal Protection Spell]
[Crab ‘Alarm’ Protection Charm]
[A Crash Course in Warding]
[Creating a Decoy for Protection Purposes]
[The Crystal Fence]
[Dark as Night Protection Powder]
[Distance Protection Spell Jar]
[Diversion Jar]
[“Do Not Want” Online Protection Spell]
[“Don’t Mess With Me” Folk Charms]
[Door Bar Boundary]
[Doors & Locks Protection Ritual]
[Dragon Oil]
[Dragon Protection Jar]
[Dragon’s Bite (Warfare Powder)]
[Dragon’s Blood Public Peace Protection Spell]
[Dragon’s Wall Dust]
[A Dream is a Wish over the Rainbow Protection Bottle]
[Earth Protection Ward]
[Easy Black Salt Recipe]
[Easy Protection Charm]
[Elemental Protection Spell]
[Elemental Wards]
[Enchant an Object for Protection]
[Enchanting a House Guardian]
[Energy Protection Bubble]
[Energy Work: Shielding]
[“Evil Eye” Protection Jar]
[Eyes Like Coals: A Spell to Defend One’s Home from Intruders]
[Faery Lime Ward]
[Fairy Net Ward]
[Father God’s House Protection Spell]
[A Few Ways to Protect Yourself When Casting Curses, Hexes and Bindings]
[Fiery Wall of Protection Powder]
[Fire Sigil Spell]
[Fishcraft: Protecting Your Space]
[Floral Arrangement Protection]
[For Protection Driving in the Snow]
[Formula: Flying Devil Oil]
[Four-Gates Warding Spell]
[Fuck No Jar]
[Full Moon Protection Charm]
[Full Moon Protection Spell for Jewelry]
[Garden Warding Spell]
[“Get the Fuck Off Of My Property” Black Salt]
[Giant Guardian Magic]
[Golden Mist Shield Spell]
[Good Fences Spell]
[Hands Off Spell- Body Scrub to Prevent Unwanted Touching]
[Hands to Yourself]
[Harry Potter Inspired Spell: Protego Totalum]
[Heart-Protection Spell]
[A Hearth Witch’s Security System - Boundaries and Entrances]
[“Hell Hath No Fury” Protection Powder]
[Herbal Protection Bath]
[High Protection Winter Tea]
[Home-Away-from-Home Ward]
[Home Guardian]
[Home Protection Spell Bottle]
[Home Protection - Delineate Your Boundaries]
[Home Protection Spell]
[Home Protection Spell]
[Home Protection Spell]
[Home Protection Talisman]
[House Guardian]
[House Protection Charm]
[House Protection Spell]
[House Protection Spell]
[House Protection Spell Bottle]
[How to Create & Use Wards]
[How to Make a Protective Talisman]
[How to Make Black Salt]
[How to Make Magical Black Salt]
[Initiate the Fail Safe - Emergency Protection Spell]
[Jewelry Protection Charm]
[Juniper Protective Candle Spell]
[Keep Out Prying Eyes Room Protection Pouch]
[Kitchen Ladder-Pyramid Ward to Prevent Injury and Fire]
[Knitting Spell (For Protection)]
[Lavender-Rosemary Wreath for Home Protection]
[“Let Only Good Energy In” Horseshoe Ward Charm]
[A Little Protection Spell Bottle]
[A Little Red Protection Pouch]
[A Long List of Ways to Spiritually Protect Yourself]
[LoZ Magic Armor Protection Spell]
[Magic Clothing: Protection Meditation]
[Magically Protecting Your Home - Cairn Method]
[Major Arcana Spells: The Empress’ Eyes of the Home]
[Maka’s Black Blood Dress]
[Make a Protection Charm Bag]
[Making a Protective Travel Pouch/Charm]
[Making a Witch Bottle (Protection Charm)]
[Making and Using Witches Black Salt]
[Making Warding and Shielding Talismans]
[“Master Protector” Body Scrub]
[Matryoshka Layered Protection Spell]
[Medusa’s Reflection Spell]
[Mental Protection Wards]
[Method for Protection From Undesired Spirits or People]
[Mini Loki Protection Jar]
[Mirror Protection Spell]
[Mistletoe Spell for Fire Protection]
[Misty Day’s “Rhiannon” Protection Spell]
[Moon-Infused Protection Water]
[Moonstone Travel Amulet]
[Mortal See Mortal Do Protection Spell] (tw: gif)
[My Stuff Don’t Touch] (to ward off the fairies from taking certain items)
[Patronus Ward]
[PC Magic Warding Spell]
[Peace and Protection Spell Bottle]
[Peacock Key Ward]
[Perfect (or Safe) Home Spell]
[Personal Protection Powder/Potion]
[Personal Shielding]
[Pet Protection Powder]
[Pet Protection Spell]
[Piper’s Potion]
[Plant Protection Charm]
[The Portable Barricade]
[Potent Protective Witch Bottle] (tw: blood / blood magic)
[Property Protection Spell]
[Protecting Yourself and Your Home: A Basic Warding Ritual]
[Protection Against Untrue Love]
[Protection Amulet]
[Protection Amulet]
[Protection Amulet (for a Loved One)]
[Protection and Happiness Jar Spell]
[Protection and Healing from Abuse]
[Protection and Security Charm for a Friend]
[Protection Blend]
[Protection Bottle]
[Protection Bottle Charm]
[Protection Bottle Spell]
[Protection Bottle Spell]
[Protection Bottles]
[Protection Charm]
[Protection Charm]
[Protection Charm Against Thieves]
[Protection Floor Wash Recipe]
[Protection for Artwork and Photography, Witchcraft Style] (tw: music autoplay)
[Protection from Bullies]
[Protection from Magical Wounding]
[Protection from Negativity/Evil Necklace]
[Protection from Storm]
[Protection from the Full Moon]
[Protection Ink, Salt & Spray]
[Protection Methods]
[Protection Mirror]
[Protection Pasta Sauce]
[Protection Pennies]
[Protection Powder]
[Protection Powder]
[Protection Powder Recipes]
[Protection Sachet]
[Protection Sachet for School]
[Protection Sachet Recipe]
[Protection Salt]
[Protection Satchel to Ward Off Ex-Lovers]
[Protection Spell]
[Protection Spell]
[Protection Spell, Bay Leaf Ward]
[Protection Spell: “My Blood is Armour”]
[Protection Spell to Enchant Jewelry]
[Protection Spray]
[Protection Talisman]
[Protection Tea]
[Protection Techniques]
[Protection Tomato Sauce]
[Protection Vial Necklace]
[Protection-Ward Jar]
[Protection Witch Bottle]
[Protection Witches’ Ladder]
[Protective Charm]
[Protective House Wash]
[Protective Measures Against Common Hexes or Curses]
[Protective Rune Chain]
[Protective Stones Spell]
[Protective Storm Ward]
[Psychic Protection]
[Quick Protection Spell]
[Raised From Perdition: A Castiel Spell] (tw: gif)
[Raven Home-Protection Spell]
[Retreat into Your Shell Shielding Spell]
[Rice for Protection]
[Roadtrip Protection Charm]
[Room Protection Bag]
[Rosary Jar Spell]
[Rose Shield Potion]
[Roughskin - A Protective Glamour Spell]
[“Safe and Sturdy” Enchantment]
[Safe-and-Warm Charm]
[Safe Return Spell]
[“Safe Travel” Mini Jar]
[Safe Travel Prayer]
[Safe Travels Charm]
[Safe Travels Over Water Spell]
[Samhain Protection Amulet]
[Samhain Protection Spell]
[Sea Amulet for Protection]
[Sea Protection Bottle]
[Sea Witch’s Bottle] (tw: blood / blood magic)
[A Sea Witch’s Charm Bag for Warding]
[Sea Witch’s Protection Bottle]
[Seashell Protection Charm for a Loved One]
[Selective Spirit Door-Bar] (tw: blood / blood magic)
[Self-Love & Protection Spell Bottle]
[Self-Love Spell Jar with Protection and Luck]
[A Series of Protection Spells]
[Seven Little Acorns - A Home Intrusion Spell]
[Sharpen Your Claws Spell]
[Shielding Masterpost]
[Shower Disks for Protection]
[Simple Email Protection Spell]
[Simple Home and Hearth Ward]
[Simple Home Protection Jar Spell]
[A Simple Protection]
[Simple Protection Incantation]
[Simple Protection Jar for your Book of Shadows, Spell Book or Diary]
[Simple Protection/Prosperity Bottle]
[Simple Protection Sachet]
[Simple Protection Spell With a Strong Kick]
[Simple Protection Water]
[Simple Protections for Yourself and Your Home]
[Simple Protective Cleansing Bath]
[Simple Purification and Protection Scrub]
[Simple Shrine Spell of Protection]
[Simplest Protection Charm You Can Make]
[Sleeping Beauty House Protection]
[Somnus Draconis]
[Spell Bundle: Protection]
[Spell: Cross Protection]
[A Spell for Animal Protection]
[A Spell for Protection Against Unwanted Attention]
[A Spell for Protection While Coming Out as Trans]
[A Spell for Safe Flight]
[Spell for Safe Travel Through a Fae Infested Land]
[A Spell for Those Not Faint of Heart]
[A Spell to Banish and Protect: “Restraining Order Bottle”]
[Spell to Give Some Protection to a Loved One]
[Spell to Keep Your Home and Family Safe]
[Spell to Protect a Fragile Heart]
[Spell to Protect from Mental Intruders]
[Spell to Protect Your House]
[Spell to Ward Your Person from Harm]
[Stay the F* Out Spell] (tw: blood / blood magic)
[“Stay the Fuck Away From Me” Protection Jar]
[Stay the Fuck Away Spell]
[Spell: Protective Talisman]
[Spell: Rosemary Protection Oil]
[Spell: Stitch Protection]
[Spell: Witch Bottle]
[Sternly End a Relationship] (a simultaneous banishment, binding, and protection)
[Stone Wall Protection Spell]
[Strong Protection Spell: For Your Home]
[Swamp Water Protection Spell]
[Tea for Protection]
[A Technomagic Ward]
[Tepig’s Fight]
[Three Pretty Poisons Ward / Empowerment Bottle]
[Three Red Leaves Protection Spell]
[Threshold Protection Spell]
[Thu'um Magix: Become Ethereal]
[Thunder Cake]
[Tiny Bottle of Warding (Against Intrusive Thoughts & Feelings)]
[Tiny Protection Jar]
[Tough as a Nail, Sharp as a Thorn Protection Spell]
[Travel Protection Bottle Charm]
[Travel Protection Charm]
[Travel Protection Satchel]
[Tumblr Account Protection Spell]
[Vehicle Protection Powder]
[A Very Small Protection Charm for a Very Small Journal]
[“Volcanic Eruption” Protection Powder]
[Wall of Fire Property & House Protection Spell]
[War Water]
[War Water / Water of Mars]
[To Ward an Area by Stone]
[Ward Stones]
[Ward Water]
[Warding Off Unwanted “Love” Interest]
[Wards and Ward Accessories]
[“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian]
[Wearable Protection Charm]
[“We’re Going To Have A Party, And You’re Not Invited” Spell]
[Wind Protection Spell]
[Winter Protection Spell]
[Witch Bottle for Protection]
[Witch Bottle: Mad Diviner Version]
[Witch-Bottle to Protect from Negative Energies]
[Witch Jar Alternative]
[A Witch’s Jar for Protection]
[Witch Tea: Securi-Tea]
[Wobbuffet, Mirror Coat! - A Protection Spell]
[Wreaths for Protection & Happiness]
[Yarny Family Protection and Love Poppet]
[View List on Blog] | [Spell and Resource Lists // rebloggable]
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Sigil Craft Resources
Sigil 101 by pomegranateandivy
Sigils by vaya-mernda
Sigils…. by hexenwildling
Sigil Making with Lee by cannibalcoalition
Making Sigils by nebetaset
An Essay on Sigil Crafting by graycloak
Sigil Crafting by tinyrosemarysparrows
Sigls and Seals by dracaisfyr
Sigil Masterpost by carpeumbra
Designing Sigils by pomegranateandivy
Methods for Charging Sigils by pomegranateandivy
Ways to Use Sigils by crystalwitchery
Enchanting Glasses with a Sigil by @Poppet-Prince
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I never see suburban witch posts, much less teenage ones, so here’s to the neighborhood kids.
Drawing sigils on the sidewalk, to be charged when people look at them.
Helping neighbors with their yards and gardens in exchange for flowers you can use in your spells.
Stirring intent into morning tea and coffee.
Not being afraid of the town “haunted house” because you know you’re scarier than anything in there.
Doing a psychic stand at every annual fair.
Giving your friends tarot readings about their love life.
Instead of taking walks through nature, taking scenic walks through your neighborhood.                                                                                                 
Having the creepiest looking house on Halloween.                                         
Befriending all the birds and squirrels that live in the neighborhood’s trees.   
People looking at you oddly when you ask for their weeds and plant scraps but eventually getting used to it.                                                                           
Using the positive energy from neighborhood parties in your spells.       
Building fairy houses in your backyard.                                                              
Dancing underneath street lights and stars.                                                      
Finding clovers under the porch stairs.                                                              
Standing in your yard barefoot to feel the earth move beneath you. 
 ✨Suburban Witches✨
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Where to put Sigils: Body Edition
Places you can feel your pulse (it can be used to charge):
Inside of your wrist
Inside of your elbow
Inside of your thigh
The side of your throat
Your temple
Your foot
Over your heart*
Places the sigil is meant to affect:
    e.g. If you have a sigil for better eyesight, put it on or near your eye*
If you’re not open about your practice (and want the sigil remain on your skin):
*Pro-tip, be careful what you use in areas where skin is sensitive. Your best options for these places are things like makeup, which are made to be used on skin.
These are all just some basic ideas and this is definitely not a complete list. The most important part is that you should put your sigils somewhere that is comfortable for you. 
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“My home is protected”
“Money enters my life with ease in abundance”
“Work is not stressful”
Some sigils that I’ve been using lately to help me out. Feel free to use! I haven’t used my tablet in so long, my hands and lines are really shaky omg.
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A sigil to protect your pets from harm! Write on their collar, bed, or wherever you feel is appropriate. Best written in the color black, which corresponds with protection and safety.
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