commentonmlpfim · 6 years
This is pure gold. The fact that some one who are in collage can even post a question like that is both hiralrious and saddening. If you can’t find scholarly articles about something that support you view, your view is probably wrong. Unless you want to spent hours on experimenting to prove an already proven point.
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The fact that you cannot find any journals to back up your viewpoint MAY suggest you need to reassess your viewpoint…
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commentonmlpfim · 6 years
This deserve a repost. That was badass
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commentonmlpfim · 6 years
I’ll take a dozen
Red-eyed crocodile skinks are mini dragons
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commentonmlpfim · 6 years
“Mr. dog you had made two mistakes, the first is to anger me, the second is to let me live. Now you shall pay for your error in judgement with your life.”
Why does this cat look so evil
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commentonmlpfim · 6 years
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everyone’s always asking me to stop making pap cry and i decided to be generous today nsjksnjksdasd idek whats funny anymore
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commentonmlpfim · 7 years
A Wisconsin mall Santa decided to handle one of the naughty list members early this year when a young girl told him her Christmas wish was for her stepdad to stop molesting her. He and four of his elves attacked the guy, who was waiting nearby, and pummeled him unconscious.
An eyewitness recalled, “Santa didn’t say nothing. He just grabbed the back of the guy’s skull and headbutted him REAL hard.” The witness continued on to say, “Then Kringle got on top of him and just started pummeling him. He was laughing and screaming ‘Ho! Ho! Ho! Motherfucker!’
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commentonmlpfim · 7 years
Besides, it is fun to dress up and go around trick o treating. I remember even doing it with friends during collages days. It is a good way to get away from the stress of class, exams and work
if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.
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commentonmlpfim · 7 years
comment on MLP FIM season 7 episode 17 "To Change A Changeling"
To my surprise, I am back again. While many didn’t think much of the episode or are fascinated by the exploration of the new Changelings, I was surprisingly focused on a different aspect. but to not ruin my usual format, guess I’ll have to leave that rant for later.  
1.      Character
1.1.   Starlight
1.1.1.She should not be allowed to help, with ANYTHING. So far Starlight’s help has cause some serious problems. While they ended well, I really wouldn’t want to push one’s luck.
1.1.2.Starlight speech, should not be Twilight speech. While I love how she begins to actually took on the friendship speech trait of Princess Sparkle butt, I can’t help but feel a bit out of place. I loved Starlight because of her own style of things, but her speech there just don’t feel like her. Where is that psychological manipulation, guilt trip, subliminal suggestion and overall badass psychological-warfare that I felt in love with?  
1.1.3.Starlight, babe, what the hell happen to you. You know how in my first comment I pretty much praised Starlight as an evil genius that should have world domination? Well, in this one episode I was forced to eat my words, and it tastes like crap. Did she really have no backup plans after leading the Molesworth to the changeling hive? We are talking about the master planner who enslaves an entire town for years, manage to take the cutie mark from the fable mane six, and capable of leading the pony version of suicide squad on a mission to stop queen chrysalis. You are telling me she wouldn’t have a backup plan? Just how many time did you have to smash her head in with the stupid stick?
1.1.4.You need to spend more time with Muad Pie, Trixie is bad for you. I understand people love Trixie, and I also understand Trixie is her first none mane six friends. But Trixie is honestly that one friend who puts you down time and time again to make herself feel big. At a certain point, it turns from a running joke into psychological domination, slowly turning you into her bitch, making you feel like you deserve the constant put down. And for that to happen to Starlight, the master of Psychological warfare, is just plain terrible.
1.2.   Trixie
1.2.1.She is really getting on my nerve. I will admit, I never really liked Trixie, she has always been way too egotistical for my taste. But I have only grown to dislike her more since she became Starlight’s friend. She showed affection to Starlight a few times, but those are quickly over shadowed by the constant put down, and manipulation she did to Starlight. In this one episode, she has shown her worst traits and pretty much thrown Starlight under the bus multiple times.
1.3.   Thorax
1.3.1.He is doing surprisingly well. From the way he talked in “triple threat”, I was half expecting the episode to be about a changeling civil war. Or at the very least he would still have a lot of opposition. But to my surprise, he actually took Ember’s advice to heart and are doing really well as a leader.
1.3.2.He has more of a spine than I give him credit for. So far, Thorax has seemed very spineless, cowardly, and overall a weak push over, even when he went full Alpha Bear mode in “triple threat.” He quickly fell back into his meek self upon realizing the situation. But this episode actually changes my view on him. He supported his brother, despite the whole hive was against his decision. He didn’t cave in, he sticks to his decision to the end, and for that, he had earned some respect from me. (and here I was planning for a good nickname for him, but alas, it was not meant to be)
1.3.3.He called out Starlight and Trixie’s BS and demanded they go with him to find Pharynx. I’m not going to lie. I never thought I’ll see that in MLP, let alone from Thorax. Too often, they character are busy chasing after their friends that they don’t call out other’s BS, that lead to the problem, even if they do, they rarely straight out demanded the responsible party to take responsibility.
1.4.   Pharynx
1.4.1.I love him. When I first saw him, I thought “on a look, the bad changeling that won’t reform. Guess we found our problem.” But as the episode gone on, I really started to like him. While yes, he is a problem with his attitude, but his points are very valid. In fact, I was completely on his side half way through the episode. He isn’t mean for the sake of being a jerk, he is mean because he realizes that the changeling has become a group of pushovers, and begin to lose their ability to defend themselves. Just like many people think policies are jerks, but they had to be, to ensure the safety of the masses.
1.4.2. I really hoped he didn’t transform. While yes, I don’t like the new design, but that was not the reason why I didn’t want Pharynx to transform. Pharynx fundamentally different from Thorax and most other changelings we saw, he is a warrior, and proud to be so. The changeling form represented an exterior expression of their change mentally and physically. They gone from aggressive and predatorial to passive and peaceful. While it is a logical step for changeling like Thorax, who are more passive and in many way pony like, it is not so for Pharynx. Even after his transformation, he did not change. He is still aggressive, and his love for his brother Thorax and the Hive exist even before his transformation. In this ways, the transformation was totally pointless. But on the other hand, his transformation actually became a hindrance to him, due to him losing his aggressive features, such as fangs.
2.      Other
2.1.   There goes the changeling civil war plot. Ever since the episode “triple threat”, many people in the fandom, me included, had dream of seeing the changeling civil war. Between those whom supports and against thorax’s new ideology. But sadly that plot was quickly shattered by a single sentence from Thorax in this episode. Well, there is always hopes of underground changeling resistance. But I don’t hold my breath.  
2.2.   So ponies can just freely enter changeling land now? As much as I would love to think that Starlight and Trixie are the exceptions, I honest do not believe that is the case. But if ponies now could freely enter changeling lands, just what kind of implication this could have? Maybe a certain pair of con-artist may decide to give them a visit? Perhaps, some of the threat from Equestria may wonder in? Or maybe some apples may want to expand their territory? I’m really looking forward to seeing what may come from this.
2.3.   Changelings are screwed. While love and friendship can solve many problems, but as the dread Molesworth as shown, the changeling’s adaptation of love and friendship may have gone a few mile too far in the other direction. They were pretty much powerless, and if Pharynx gone off to take care of it, in all likelihood, it would ended poorly for the hive. But with the way it looks, I really don’t think they will start building any military force, and I really don’t want to find out just how much Pharynx can do, before the changelings lost their very last “line of defense”.
Overall, I have mix feelings about the episode. While in some ways, it was really good. With Pharynx, a look into the new changelings and Thorax’s character development. But in other ways, it was very lacking. The story was pretty predictable, there was really no moral, and Pharynx’s transformation was nothing more than to clean up the story with a “nice bow”.
 I am Metal Cloud, and I really hope the next few episode won’t disappoint.
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commentonmlpfim · 7 years
comment on MLP FIM season 7 episode 14 “fame and Misfortune”
what’s up, people. I know I haven't been posting for a while, it’s due to both some personal reasons, and there just hasn’t been any episode that I really have anything interesting to say. yes, I didn’t have anything to say about “Perfect Pear”. It moved me to tears, but I feel anything I’d say would only cheapen the impact. but “Fame and Misfortune” was quite different. 
I won’t be using my usual formula since it is not an episode that focuses on characters, nor story. it is a fandom episode through and through. 
Firstly, this episode is exactly why I love this show. they are perfectly aware of the fandom. and their contribution to the show. yet they have no qualms about making fun of their fans in good humor. something many other cartoons can’t seem to pull off. 
secondly, this episode had me dying the whole way, I been in the fandom for quite some time now, and watching as the characters express the many complaints the fandom have was hilarious. 
thirdly, I find it fascinating the writers took this route since it is unclear if this episode will have a lasting effect, It is risky to simply ignore the fact that now the friendship journal have become widely accessible, yet keeping this little plot could cause many problems, I am interested to see how the writers will handle it. 
lastly. this episode has really taken a high ranking on my list, not only for the meta commentary but also due to it is just a lot of fun to watch. I think the last time I had so much fun was when I rewatched Party of one for my comment. (Perfect Pear isn’t fun, it is very emotional, it’s good, but not quite the same)
once again, I'm sorry about the lack of post and hope that I would have more to say for the up coming episodes.
I am Metal Cloud, and Hope to comment again soon. 
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commentonmlpfim · 7 years
Comment on MLP FIM season 7 episode 1 - Celestial Advice
To be honest, I actually didn’t realize the season starts today, it was not until I saw Dr.wolf posted something on youtube that I happily watch the episode. And I had to say this episode blown my mind in more ways than one. So without further delay here is my comments
1.      Character:
1.1.   Twilight
1.1.1. Psycho Twilight. I’m not going to lie, I was not expecting to that side of Twilight again. She has grown to be very composed, calm, wise, and even elegant much like her mentor. So guess my surprise when Discord manages to put Twilight into this panic state of trying to plan her pupil’s next phase.
1.1.2.Lesson zero 2.0. over reaction has been something we came to love about Twilight over the years, but nothing was as epic as that of Lesson zero. And for the first time in years, we get to see her turn everything into worst possible scenario again. And as much as I hate to admit it, I did get a bit of joy in watching her over reaction, adding on Celestia and Spike being her straight mare, that few scene was pure comedy gold.
1.1.3.Is that racism I see? At first, I didn’t quite catch that, it was until my friends pointed out that I begin to notice, how in Twilight’s fantasy, the changelings and dragons seem to have below average intelligence, and how Dragons are brutish, despite Twilight has personally seen the changelings and dragons do not behave as such.
1.2.   Discord
1.2.1.He once again stole the show. In few brief moments of interaction, Discord stole the show from right under Twilight. His way with word, his careful manipulation and aiming at Twilight’s pride of mentor and hit exactly where it hurts to get his kicks remind the audience why he is the king. Even when we knew he wanted to mess with Twilight, one just can’t help take pleasure in watching Discord sadistically gets his kicks.
1.2.2.He seems to out of his usual role. For an episode focus on mentors, I can’t help but feel a strange dissatisfaction at the fact that, Discord was not doing his usual role. While Discord has always been someone who takes joy is messing with others, and he still stole the show in his appearance this time around, as shown above. He however, felt off. Upon further inspection, I came to realize why I got that feeling. Every single time he mess with the mane six after his reformation, he has always taught the group a valuable lesson much like a chaotic mentor. This time however, he taught the group nothing.
1.3.   Celestia
1.3.1.Holy Celestia, she didn’t knew!!! Ever since season one, Celestia has been used in place of god whenever a pony swears, or otherwise. However, this was the first time she actually addressed the matter. And guess what? She didn’t knew that her subjects has been using her name in vain. Furthermore, she even said she didn’t know she was an expression, which kind make the “Celestia knows ……..” more funny.
1.3.2.She really is a good teacher. Anyone who knows me, knows how I simply love taking shots at her. In Fact, it is only recently that I started to refer to her by name, instead of sun butt. However, this episode legitimately impressed me, and help Celestia earn some of my respect. While it is no surprise that the event of season 1 through 3 was part of her grand plan for Twilight, her intention for those event has always been debated. Some thought she plan those for the benefit of Twilight, while others, me included, thought she was just a gigantic troll. Granted her reactions in both GGG did not help her case. However, this episode not only show that she really did plan for those events for the benefit of Twilight, but also those decisions were hard on her. This actually is quite touching, since she did what was best for her student despite her own feeling. That is what a great teacher does, placing their pupil’s future above their own desire. And for that, Celestia gain a lot of respect from me.
2.      Story
2.1.   I didn’t expect this. I didn’t see how this story played out. And that in of itself is worthy of praise. As much as MLP surprise their audience, they are not above common plots that those whom watch enough TVs and movies couldn’t guess. Especially since Season 6 hasn’t be throwing us that many curve balls.
2.2.   It is actually pretty relatable. Be it you are a parent, teacher, friends, or mentor. There comes a time when those whom are closes to you must leave. And due to your close relationship with them, often your words hold much more influence than one realizes. And it is often difficult to make those decision, due to the ties you share, but in the long run, you should still do what is best for them.
3.      Others.
3.1.   The joke with thorax was pretty funny. Before the whole what await Starlight plot, there was this little joke that was funny, and set the mood for something light, only to then blind sight us with something heavy. I begrudgingly applause you writers for you cleaver diversion, but mark my word, this trick shall not work on me once again.
3.2.   Pinkie’s antics. Surprisingly, I didn’t really care for her antics this time around. Maybe it is due to all the heavy themes being drop, maybe I simply have just gotten used to her law defying antics, but honestly, it just didn’t do it for me.
3.3.   That scene with AJ and Rarity. My friends try to convince me it was made for comedy, but I don’t buy it. It wasn’t funny, and it doesn’t seem to do much.
I honestly like the new episode. It was surprising that it wasn’t a two-part episode, which has been the trend. But then again, being a trend breaker has been a reason why I came to love MLP. And as stated above, I really like the story, and how they actually turn Celestia into someone whom I respect (sorry Luna, but my loyalty for you is wavering). Overall, I say it is a decent episode that did a good job at starting us off on the new season.
 I am metal Cloud, and hopefully, this season will have me posting more often.
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM Season 6 Episode 17 - Dungeons and Discords
Alright, first things first, sorry I haven't been posting lately, it is partly due to I was sick and partly due to I really have nothing to say. well now that is out of the way, let’s get down to this week’s episode.
1.1. Discord:
1.1.1. I'm surprised he has no love for it. At first, I really thought Discord would like TRPG. Although upon further consideration I realize that, Discord’s life has been basically an RPG, except he has always  been on the wrong side. 
1.1.2. I’m surprised at the bias Discord shown. I know Discord doesn't really extend his friendship much further than Twilight, but to flat out have a bias seem a bit out of character. he never seems to have any issue to treating all ponies the same, despite it was treating them all like crap, but still. 
1.1.3.He is improving. I know what most are probably thinking. “Metal, you clearly had gone mad, Discord hasn’t improved.” but hear me out. I meant he improved in the aspect that, he was willing to admit his faults. Discord has always come up with reasons to justify his actions, even after he has screwed up majorly. but this was one of the few time when we actually see him apologize to a mistake. and I really hope it meant he is beginning to understanding that sometimes an apology is more appropriate than a reason for action. 
1.2. spike & Big mac.
1.2.1. They are nerds. As a fellow nerd, one has no idea how much I giggled at the title. then the amount of screaming when it finally happens. and the near skull splitting high pitch scream of joy when Discord made the world real. but back to the topic. While Spike could sometimes be thought of as a nerd due to Twilight’s influence, I was really surprised to see Big mac. Maybe it’s just my personal experience, but Big mac reminded me of those kids who had to work to help out their family, so has no time to play. Because of such, they mature too quickly and never see the purpose of a fantasy game such as D&D. 
2. others. 
2.1. we need more. It could just be my inner nerd, but I want to see the Mane six playing the Pony D&D. we already saw that Dashie took on a rogueish character and Pink became a bard/jester. I really want to see the rest of the mane six in a fantasy character, and how they would interact.
2.2. Is it not DM by Twilight? when I first saw the title, I was really expecting the mane six, DMed by the princess sparkle butt. Seeing as BBBFF used to play the game, and Sparkle clearly loves reading books, which let’s be honest, D&D needs ALOT of read. So imagine my surprise when Spike was the DM
2.3.Discord makes best DM. there is no arguing here. Ask any d&d players, and they would tell you that the scene with Discord’s face in the clouds and mountains of enemy rushing down at you is pretty much the iconic imagine how most battle felt in d&d. Adding to the fact Discord can make the game semi-real and the fact he is a trickster,able to transform, warp reality, and so much more. he could really make both the RPing and battling a blast to have.
2.4. Spike and Mac maybe a bit obsessed with their game.  pulling away from the nerd portion of myself. I do see an issue when Discord pulls them to basically a club, and those two were still obsessed over their game. While I understand why the writer did so, but if you look at the actions, as a choice made by the characters, it does seem they are a bit obsessed and should find some help. 
2.5. why close the door and back out? firstly, what were you expecting? Sparkle butt. It is Bloody Discord we’re talking about here, just be glad you didn’t return to something you had to bleach your mind. Secondly, You guys fight changelings, evil plants, and other crazy shit almost daily, and you were surprised by them fighting moving cardboards? Thirdly. I would expect Dash and Pinkie’s reaction on Twilight, not what we got. 
Overall, this episode is a really fun episode, mostly with the implication and concepts that will follow. but along with Discord, This episode is definitely something I would rewatch again. 
I am Metal cloud, and I’ll see you soon. 
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM Season 6 Episode 13 - Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Well, I’m back. Honestly the episode kinda sneaked up on me. I didn’t even notice the new episode until Dr. Wolf and Sliver did a reveiw on it. Hell i thought it was a fan-made thing at first. But regardless. it came, and i have something to say. Oh and before who ever cares to read this, gets really really angry with me. lets me get this perfectly clear, this is MY OPINION, and IT COULD BE WRONG. That being said, This is a WTF episode for me. Season 4 will always hold a  special place in my heart, and while it had many good episode, There was a few that are like a tomato stain on a perfectly beautiful white dress. one fo those stain is “ Daring Don’t”. So imagine my spite take when they made a “squeal” to that episode. But let me elaboratee  
1.1. Dashie: 
1.1.1. She had hit a new level of fan girl. i know crazy fans, but I really doubt any of them would place another in life and death situation just to prove a point. 
1.1.2. Just how desperate are you Dashie? No matter how i look at it, and no matter how much others will argue this point, Quibble pants had cut that bridge with a knife, burn it with fire, then hire an evil cleric and desecrated the ash of that bridge. I don’t care how he try to play the “we just liked different part of daring Doo.” BS, there is no way Dashie should ever give him a second glace after the BS attitude he shown. Unless she is that desperate. 
1.2. Daring Doo:
1.2.1. really love? So let me get this straight, she can solve enough mystery and get out of enough deadly situations to fill at least four books,  but are unable to notice the door thing? Some how Quibble pants may have a point, her drop of intelligence is kinda hard to believe. 
1.2.2. WHY!!!!!!!! Daring Doo is a good character, she is brave, smart (cough cough). adventurous, and shown good moral. But she should stay in a book. Her existence in Equestria, cause so many questions, brings out so many holes in the main story, further shown Celes’ (true to my word, I will call her Celes, until she screw up bad again) incompetent, create more danger in Equestria than it already has. further make ponies question Celes’ intelligence, further make me question the intelligence of those ponies, and just overall unnecessary. Serious, why make her real? Can’t you guys just borrow Digi’s head cannon and just made “daring don’t” Dashy’s dream, fanfic, or fantasy? Why place a few more nails on this coffin?
1.3 Quibble Pants.
1.3.1. Are you serious? So you are telling me that, having basically a sun and moon god as your ruler, having met one of the former bearer of the element of harmony whom helped defeated, a evil moon god, a chaos spirit, the queen of a race that can change into any pony, or any shape, an form-less dictator, and a creature that can drains the power from others to boost his own, and having the said former bearer of element of harmony telling you Daring Doo is real, Could not convince you to believe in Daring Doo is real? Dude, you are either the most stubbornest fool, or you must have some serious issue with believing in your own reality. 
1.3.2. Hell no!  I don’t care what you say, your issues far pass liking different things from Dashie, you openly attacked her interest, due to it did not match your own, you were nothing but rude at your attempt at explaining your opinion, and even if she did set up the whole thing, you don;t even have the grace to at least play along to humor her? Dude, you not only burn that bridge, you cut it down, burn it, then desecrated the land where its ash were spread. She should never even spoke with you after the event if she had half a brain....... (Well, Dashy never had been shown to be very bright, I suppose.)  
2.1. It had potential. I honestly thought the story could had been good. While Quibble Pants were bloody annoying, he did had a good point. And as the story progressed, His point were made valid. While i still question why Daring Doo write her adventures (I think its to taunt enemies), It is a writer’s job to make the story good. The series wasn’t a autobiography, seeing as how every pony thought she wasn’t real (this is a whole another can of worm, I’m going to open soon). So can some pony please explain to me, Why did she not try to spice her story up? did she just not care? If so, why write it? I was honestly hoping to see maybe Daring Doo dumb down something, or make something seem stereotypical to throw reader off her track, but clearly that did not happen. I then was hoping maybe Dashy would see the flaw of her hero, and that also did not happen. Instead we got the oldest story in the book, seeing is believing. 
2.2.Why was this made? In terms of entertainment, why add a critic? He did nothing, and only been kinda gets on people’s nerve. Was this a set up for a love interest for Dashie? I really doubt it, and even if it was, why make him so unlikable. Was this just a filler? Why this story? If they want to bring Daring Doo back, Why not just had Dash read about one of her new adventure? Seriously why this story? Have they really ran out of ideas, and this is what they can came up with?
3. moral
3.1 Sometimes people just like different things. That is a good moral. If you been in the fandom for a while, I am sure you had seen the crazy Pinka-fender, the rabid Dash fans, the Flutter fighters, and many other fans whom are very “devoted” to their favorite character. And that is fine, But there comes a point where you had to also accept that, not everyone shares your “devotions”. However, despite how much I love the moral, I really hated how it was presented. They made it seem like it don’t matter how much you insults, and attacks others, so long as you use the “we like different things” card, all that insult and attacks just goes away, and all things returns to rainbows and sunshine. I can’t imagine how the writer could come up with anything along this line, seeing as they had been at the receiving end of those insults and attacks on many different occasions. 
4. other.
4.1. How did no pony else notice. remember my promise of opening this can of worms? Well, I always delivers on my promises. Serious, considering the adventures Daring Doo had been on, And the possible implication of danger on cosmic scale in each adventure, you would think more ponies would had either seen Daring Doo on one of her adventures, or drawn the connection between the similarity in the events in the book and events in their own world. Or to a lesser scale, notice how coincidentally, the artifacts found in the books, are discovered in their world. Oh there are so many ways this should not work, but some how, (I think it is due to the lack of intelligence on the ponies’ part) Daring Doo manage to remain a fictional character, despite the overwhelming odds against her. 
4.2. Why is she writing her story? I honestly can’t come up with a single rational reason why she would do that? Remember how Peter Parker takes picture of his alter ego Spider man? remember how he is harassed by almost every villain he ever face, due to he is the only way to find Spider man? Or the second last episode of Kim possible, where her home is literally obliterated due to her enemy knows her identity? Or perhaps a more cannon example, how Dr. Caballeron literally raided Daring Doo’s home to find the ring in “Daring Don’t”? Do i really need to explain why this is literally the most stupidest move that can be made by any pony? And to have a Pony who was suppose to be smart making this incredibly stupid move? I can’t even express how disappointed I am at the writers for making this cannon. 
4.3. Apparently Villian’s life don’t matter.  I know it was play for a joke, but Daring Doo basically set lost an hungry monster upon the villains, who had no way of defending them self. And from the look of things, that monster wasn’t just place in the ruin for shows. He actually wants to eat them. Seeing what I’m getting at here? For a hero, Daring Doo really don’t pull punches. 
4.4.Daring Doo is very irresponsible. Firstly she left two ponies in the middle of a jungle, that had shown to have old bridge that could fall apart, a monster she just set loss, an water falls, and Luna knows what else, all alone. Dispit Dashy is a wonder bolt (which honestly may means she is liable to being more useless than usual ponies), there is another pony to drag her down, and they were shown to be no match to the monster. So by leaving them there alone, there is a high chace that those two may not make it out of the jungle alive (we know they did, since Dash has plot armor, but I digress). 
Secondly, She literally set loss a monster. There is no implication or anything, she set loss the monster that wanted to eat them, into the wild, where it could eat every pony else. Now if this were in a book (which it should), it could be foreshadowing or a plot hole. But no, they made it real. Meaning, BonBon and Lyra could be sitting at a bench one day doing nothing, sudden the monster appears, and Lyra would  be eaten by a monster. What is worst, Daring Doo did not appear to be concern about this, and appears to had done this before. So it begs the question, What and who all had Daring Doo unleashed upon Equestria? Perhaps a queen with her subjects? or maybe a  Centaur?  
4.5. How is Dr.Caballeron free? He committed at least three crimes (by my count, breaking and entering, robbery, and High treason) right in front of Princess Sparkle butt, how in Luna & Celes’ name did he not get life sentence to the moon, execution or Friendship with the six plus spike? Either Sparkle butt been seriously slacking, Caballeron has some seriously bad ass lawyers (which i honestly don’t even think exist in Equestria), or he is currently wanted, and no pony recognized him (which given the implication of “Daring Don’t” and this episode, is not that far fetch).
 4.6. What is happening!? I know every seasons has their hits and misses, and i shouldn’t be too critical, but when majority of the fandom screams foil for an episode, and a squeal episode still comes out, there is something to be consider. We know the staff pay attention to the fandom, we seen them throwing us bones, and showing their understandings. So why is this happening? 
If anyone actually made it this far, I must say I am surprised. This week’s episode really got on my nerves. And i’m usually really good with not getting too upset with an episode, (unless they mess with ma Pinkie Pie’s character.) but this episode really brought up the anger I had for the first time around, and I kinda just exploded. I know i can just rewrite this and make it all happy and rainbow, but I honestly feel this way, usually my opinion on a episode changes after I re-watch it a few times, but as I re-watch this episode, my rage just burns hotter. Due to this episode was like them telling us, they just don’t give a shit anymore, and how much of a slap to the face that felt.
I am Metal Cloud, and i would see you all next week :P  
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Why did your friend think AJ or dash would have served the she purpose as pinkie? Let me guess they are a blind dash fan. I need to turn this into a drinking game every time a dash fan says an episode would better with dash.
He isn't a blind dash fan, he just think pinkie really serve no special purpose, and thought who else could had been there instead of pink. Just like we try to figure out a replacement for rarity, but her social standing appear to be petty important to the plot. We thought of twi, but pretty sure twi can do much more than endorse, like royal decree a three hooves
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM Season 6 Episode 12 - Spice Up Your Life
sorry, despite my best attempt, I was unable to come up with anything in the past weeks, and so I decided instead of placing crap that has no thought or heart into it, I’m just not going to comment. 
this week’s episode was interesting and I really enjoy it. The first half of season 6 has been really hit and miss for me and many others, I hope the second half would be better. but that is for another date, on to the episode. 
1.1. Pinkie. 
1.1.1. she is really serious this time around. compare to her first job at griffon stone, Pinkie seems much more serious. she didn;t crack as many jokes, and over appears very on task. a bit too on task, which nearly caused a fight between her and Rarity. 
1.1.2. she suffers again. I don’t understand why, but for some reason, the writers appear to decide that Pinkie will have to eat something horribly every time she is on a map mission. And this time, she ended up with bland tasteless french high-class cuisine that even most wealthy don’t like.  
1.1.3. she was written well. While one of my friends pointed out, how AJ or Dash could have served the same purpose as Pinkie in this episode, I disagreed. While AJ or Dash would enjoy the unique taste, they may not have fought Rarity tooth and nail to the point that Pinkie had. Most people remember Pinkie only for her party, but one part of her that most brushed aside is, she herself is a cook(baker, but a cook of a sort none the less). She understands the importance of individuality that one place into their work, and could appreciate different and unique taste like none of the other mane six. while this may not be the writer's first intent, I find fascinating that Pinkie was placed in the perfect situation where she isn’t used as a joke but actually solve the issue with her specialty, similar to how Fluttershy resolve the issue with the two families. 
1.2. Rarity. 
1.2.1. the white horse is here, again.  is it just me, or have Rarity been stealing the focus a lot. she has been either the main focus or secondary focus of 5 out of 12 episode just this half season, that is not even mentioning the Rarity month that happened last season. while I enjoy her presence, I had to say she is getting a bit overexposed, and begin to lose her charm. 
1.2.2. it is good to see her fame extends. whileIi know celebrity endorsement is a thing, Rarity is a bit of a different situation. she isn’t technically a celebrity. it is like Steve jobs endorsing a McDonald. The effect isn’t as effective as a movie star, or someone within the field. so to see others actually giving the restaurant a chance thanks to Rarity’s fame really speaks volumes. 
1.2.3. who knew she is such a conformist. considering how her entire career depends on individuality, I really can’t believe she would recommend conforming to the norm, even the “she isn’t specialized in this field” argument are thrown out of the window since she actually thinks their food is good, but by conforming the “good” food won’t be part of the restaurant.
1.3  Saffron and Coriander
1.3.1. they are not horses!! ever since the prince and princess of saddle Arabian appeared, I have been speculating whether all saddle Arabians are horses, instead of ponies. It would explain why trouble shoe appears to be twice the size of every other pony, I suspected saddle Arabian blood in him, but here goes my head cannon :P
1.3.2. is it happening?  middle eastern ponies! is this the beginning of a new group of oriental ponies? are we finally going to get some ponies from the far east? 
2. story
2.1. the ending was surprising. I won’t lie, I was expecting Zesty to taste the food, have a revelation and decided that food can be different but still good, and give them the three hooves rating. but honestly, I like the way it ended. it shows that it don’t matter if they get the hooves. they made great food that inspires, and taste good, and that is what really matters. how often do we lose sight of what is important due to social pressure and social value? it is times like this that I really forget that MLP is a cartoon for little girls when it could very well be watch by anyone, and be just as relevant  
2.2. the song was a bit overkill. while I love the middle east tone of the song, I find the song unnecessary. a quick show of what they try to go, cut scene and we get the idea. we could have used the time to further explore the parent and child, maybe a quick flash back to nail in the feel. as it stands, I feel the reconciliation a bit rush, whereas the song was good, but overkilled. 
2.3. the switch was brilliant.  Pinkie is usually the social butterfly and would be perfect for gather crowds; Rarity is usually the artistic member, and would be great for redecorating. However, this was one of those times when they are not best suited for their usual role. Pinkie had no clue what canterlot ponies look for in their food, and her usual means actually creates the opposite of the desired effect, while Rarity, while usually artistic, are fallen into the norm (depict me screaming foil), which actually kills the originality the place have going for it. 
3. others. 
3.1. will there be solo missions?  so far every single mission the map sent them were composed of two members. but what if the mission only requires the skill of one member, such as something only needs Fluttershy or AJ, would the map sent a single pony to the job, or will there be a tag along as always?
3.2 is starlight going to be sent out on a mission. anyone else notice the Twilight/Twilight signal on the map? I suspect that is actually meant for Twilight and starlight, but since Starlight does not have a throne chair, it used Twilight’s mark. 
3.3. that’s why there hasn’t been map quest. I have been wondering why the map had been quiet for so long, apparently it wasn;t the map slacking off, but instead it was because Starlight broke it. 
well, I like the episode, it was good, and I really like how they portrayed Pinkie. while there are a few small nick picks. it really did well. i look forward to the next half of the season, when it comes out, and hope it would hold up better than the first half. 
I am Metal Cloud, and I will return when I do.  
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM Season 6 Episode 9 - Saddle Row & Rec
Well, I’m back. The reason there wasn’t a comment last week was because I had nothing to say. It was a pretty by the book seasonal episode. And really nothing much else to say, despite the cameo of Luna as hearts warming future.
Back to this week’s episode. I honestly don’t have much to say again. It was fun but not much else. So I will just write my feeling as a whole, instead of the usual format.
When the idea of Rarity opening a new boutique in mane-hate, none of us was expecting to hear about it for a while. While I question how Rarity ran into so many problems considering this wasn’t her first rodeo.
The mane six in this episode was at their best, but really no further development for their character. Pinkie stole the show for me, with her shoulder angel& devil Rarity. One thing I found interesting was how the mane six think how Rarity would handle the issues. Each of them while took the approach Rarity would take, they also place a large part of their own mean in implementing, which resulted poorly.
I really like the episode, but the enjoyment in more due to the love of each character and their interaction, so to truly place the enjoyment into word is quite difficult. Ironic, since I have been attempting to do exactly that for the past two seasons.
I am metal cloud, and I’ll be back next week :P
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM Season 6 Episode 7 - Newbie Dash
Alright, so Dashie finally became a wonder bolt. While that news itself may have caused the rejoice of many Dashie fan, the episode sadly brought nothing else. Do not get me wrong, it wasn’t bad. It just brought nothing new. that being said, prepare for my shortest comment to date.  
1.       Character
1.1.   Rainbow Dash
1.1.1.       Rainbow Crush. While Rainbow took the nickname as a budget of shame at first, she came to realize it was her team's way of joking with her. Personally, I had been on sports teams before, and I can personally attest that people actually will do such things out of good wills. it was fun to see it.
1.1.2.       She has an impression of everyone. The cinch aside, it really does show a great deal about how Dashie views each of her friends. She Views Pinkie as a hyper psycho, instead of the fun loving sweetheart she is, AJ as a boring southern who speaks nothing but apple, instead of the straight mare who grounds the group, Sparkle as a nerd, instead of a leader who makes hard decisions when decisions need to be made. FS as a wimp…… (pretty much, I can’t think of any other way to describe it), instead of a kind hearted introvert whom will strongly defend what she held dear. Lastly, Dashie views Rarity as a flirtatious gold digger, instead of the strong business mare. It is fascinating to see how Dashie only sees one side of her friends.
1.1.3.       Her insecurity is showing. This is nothing new, but it was still good to see how the writer hasn’t forgotten one of her character flaws.  
2.       Other
2.1.   What is next? While my friends rejoiced in Dashie’s dream being realized, I was more concern about the future of the show. Within the last two seasons, the writer has fulfilled nearly every dream of the main cast. With no new goal to strive for, how will the main cast grow and develop? What will the show do next to keep the audience’s attention? Is this the end?
2.2.   Will Dashie leave the group? Unlike Rarity’s shops, where she could hire helps. Being a member of the wonder bolt is a full-time job. If Equestria once again faces danger, would Dashie be call in and fight, Or would she be allowed to stay with the mane six and handle the issue? furthermore, Wonderbolt has their base in Cloudsdale, will Dashie have to leave pony vile, or will she be stationed at a sub-division in Pony vile?
This week’s episode gave fans a big treat, but at the same time brought some concerning questions to the table.  The dynamic of the show could be dramatically changed after this one episode, and I am excited to see how the writers will do with the potential opportunities.  
I am Metal cloud, and I will see you next week.
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commentonmlpfim · 8 years
Comment on MLP FIM season 6 Episode 6 :“No Second Prances”
Sorry for the late post this week, there are a lot of personal issues going on, and I was really tired. Overall, I really like the episode. Starlight returns again, show pony also makes a return, which is great, and the story is also great.
1.       Character
1.1.   Starlight:
1.1.1.       She returns. Six episode into the season, she made her appearance again. While it took longer than anticipated, I was very happy to see our bad girl return. And she definitely didn’t disappoint.
1.1.2.       Her social skill is horrible. While I had to admit she may be a bit out of touch with the rest of Equestria due to being a tyrannical overlord. But Considering how good she was at manipulating the whole village, I am really surprised with how much trouble she had in dealing with ponies.  
1.1.3.       Like the teacher, like the student. Anyone else got a “lesson zero” vibe from Starlight? I was fully hoping to see some mental break, but alas, it didn’t happen.
1.1.4.       Wait what? Did she really fall for the guilt trip? You are talking about THE pony who manipulated an entire village for years, falling for the simplest guilt trip?
1.2.   Trixie
1.2.1.       She returns. After missing for two whole seasons, Trixie makes her return and she came back strong. Her pride still was her biggest downfall, but for once we get to see more of what lies beneath that show pony’s boastful exterior.
1.2.2.       Dang things got dark. She actually decided to continue with the show after Starlight left. Not knowing if Starlight is even around, her decision was no less than a suicide. Just think about it.
1.2.3.       That’s the prideful show pony we love. Her Moment with Starlight and Twilight was great. While she didn’t mean it, her Pride took hold and made a mistake. And she suffers the consequences.
1.3.   Twilight
1.3.1.       Psycho-teacher makes her turn.  Say what you may, but I draw the line at stalking your student dressing up as a bush.
1.3.2.       No forgiveness? She does not forgive Trixie, which while I find it perfectly reasonable, is like a sin in Equestria. When was the last time some ponies was instantly forgiven upon apologizes?
1.3.3.       Her forgiveness is weird. So let me get this straight. She forgive a pony who enslaved a village of ponies for years, violently rip the talents out of her and her best friends, and nearly destroy the world multiple times, on her own free will I may add;  but she have a problem with Trixie, who did most of the bad thing under the influence of a mind-altering artifact.
2.       Story
2.1.   Crime has weight. Anyone who know me on Youtube comments, knows that I think the equestrian law is a joke, since every pony could not only get away with overthrowing the crown, murder, mass enslavement and so much more but also be instantly accepted into the herd, if they just shed a few tears and make a heartfelt apology. But this episode actually shows that some actions are not forgotten after the character are forgiven.
2.2.   Two heart, one story. While the scale is different, Starlight and Trixie both enslaved an entire village, and the guilt haunts them. To see those two becoming friend and help each other was great.
3.       Other
3.1.   He speaks!!! Big mac speaks with clarity? Alleluia. I know it was played as a joke, but for us who wish to get a deeper thought into the mind of Big Mac, it was an unexpected surprise.  
3.2.   Were the cameos really needed? Trixie, DJPon3, Derpy, Cranky and sun butt, is all the cameos really necessary? It is a bit distracting.
3.3.   I ship it. I know there is the Starlight Trixie ship is strong, but I see no Angel starlight ship yet.  And I am here to make it sail.
Overall, it was a good episode, and I really like it. Not only did they brought back a fan favorite, and didn’t make it feel a force. They also help develop both starlights using Trixie.
I am Metal Cloud, and I hope to see you next week.  
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