cookie-studies · 11 months
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Hobie & Pavitr 🕷️🕸️ my two favs
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cookie-studies · 1 year
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hi here’s something i pointed out on twitter goodnight
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cookie-studies · 1 year
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cookie-studies · 1 year
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There’s obviously a lot more to it but you know. Basics for beginners, *stares some of y’all down*
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cookie-studies · 1 year
turning red is such a thinly veiled metaphor for the immigrant/diaspora experience of losing touch with your heritage. it’s all those stories of immigrant parents not teaching their children their native language in the hopes that they will assimilate easier into society. it hit me in such a particular way when the aunties all started singing in cantonese, and mei asked what they were saying.
the red panda means a lot of things in turning red, and i think one interpretation is the family’s relationship with their cultural roots. it’s spelled out in the movie already: when their family moved to a ‘new world’, and the blessing became a curse. as much as the red panda is a metaphor for self-expression in general, a message that’s easier to empathize with too, cultural identity still plays into it. the fact that they had to cut themselves off from it is so telling.
and! they literally tokenized themselves. ming and her family literally packaged and contained this huge part of their identity into something small and palatable for the society they want to exist in, a shallow connection to their culture that they can wear as an accessory. it’s exotic enough to be interesting but ultimately not impactful or disruptive to their current setting. i cannot stress enough how obsessed i am with this detail. they made little tokens to contain their pandas. they actually tokenized themselves.
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cookie-studies · 2 years
Dark academia bitches like the aesthetic of studying until they actually have to study.
It's me. Im bitches.
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cookie-studies · 2 years
I love the idea of studying. I love buying [hoarding] pretty pens and stationary. Carefully planning out my workloads in an agenda. Staying up into twelve with only a textbook and Spotify, trips to the library until it closes, an immaculate layout with all my books and paper spread out in front of me, cramping words onto flashcards until my fingers are stained with ink...
The only problem being, of course, having to actually study. But yes, I love the idea of studying.
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cookie-studies · 4 years
it won’t be like what you imagined. maybe you get the road trip to the beach with coffee in your hand and the radio playing, maybe you don’t. but happy shows up. it’s in a 2 AM game of jenga with your new college friends. it’s curling up for another marathon of netflix. it’s meeting the person who will be your best man at the wedding. it’s 4:45pm in the library when the girl in the study coral across from you quietly whispers “i’m going to set everything on fire” and then turns to you and asks if you wanna take a break for dinner (say yes, she’s very nice and you both need a moment away from the stress). it’s the mornings they have omelettes and in good books and in a puddle that looks cool. it’s sometimes picturesque, but more often it’s full-belly laughter at stupid things on the floor of your friend’s house while in the background someone is debating the best way to win settlers of catan. 
i know it gets dark early now and the tired is setting in and everything sort of feels blank and hazy and you want to spend ages staring at walls thinking of nothing
but happiness will find a way in. it will be small moments. look for them.
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cookie-studies · 4 years
students as months of the year
january: fresh journals, black and white notes, bullet journals filled with motivational quotes, cold brew coffee, loves writing letters, finishes everything on time, a daydreamer, seems laid back but really they’re stressed about everything
february: doodles in the margins of notes, the person who lends you their pens, sloppy handwriting, loves motivational speeches and classical music, finishes easy assignments early but writes their essay the night before its due,
march: straight A’s, study playlists, the teachers favorite, color coded notes, everyone thinks they’re naturally smart (but really they’re spending every night studying), forgets to eat sometimes, hasn’t slept for what feels like years
april: open windows, listening to the rain and thunder, tea pots full of earl grey, a functionally messy desk, fairy lights, always losing their pens, a huge nerd, afraid to raise their hand in class in case their answer is wrong
may: cramming for tests, lives in the library, highlighters and sticky notes everywhere, drinks espresso, would definitely consider bringing their coffee pot to school, messy desk, if an assignment is due at 9:00 they’ll submit it at 8:59
june: late nights, smoothies for breakfast, hanging out with friends, takes notes on their laptop, minimalist, organized, says they’re studying but they’re actually on studyblr, tries to study everything at once and gets distracted
july: staying up late to read, learning new languages, focuses on the learning and not the grade, watches documentaries for fun, loves the classics, owns a thousand pens, takes studyspo pictures, hundreds of unread emails,
august: stationery shopping, getting ahead in class, iced drinks, spending weekends with friends, takes very little notes but does well in class anyways, a relaxed personality, healthy snacks, the master of self care
september: a morning person, new pens and folders, a perfectionist, audio records classes and re-writes notes, over works themselves, loves the smell of new books, competitive, “i’m gonna fail!” but ends up getting A’s and B’s
october: chai lattes in travel mugs, will study for three days straight and then not study for a week, snacking in class, uses washi tape and stickers, sleeps for eight hours but is tired anyways, terrible at accepting compliments
november: gratitude journals, mental health days, the baristas at their local cafe know their name because they’re always studying there, study groups, loves to travel but never travels, cinnamon in their drinks, trouble sleeping, sweet smiles
december: hot chocolate, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, says they don’t care about grades but panics when they get less than a B, to-do lists, tutors their friends, watches movies in their free time, vanilla candles
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cookie-studies · 5 years
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Llevar una libreta en la que puedas tomar apuntes "feos" y rápidos me ha ayudado a entender en clase y poder hacer un repaso del tema cuando lo paso a limpio. Algunos dicen que así pierdes tiempo pero para clases en las que no puedes detenerte a copiar todo es una buena opción, además así estudio menos antes del examen. ✨
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cookie-studies · 5 years
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Los mapas mentales siempre serán mis fav
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cookie-studies · 5 years
Hace unos cuantos años encontré esta comunidad por casualidad, me llegó a imspirar mucho y querer ser parte de ella. He por ello de este studyblr y mi studygram, ambos descuidados por el momento, en tumblr la presión no fue tanto pero una vez llegada a instagram me empecé a preocupar aún más por como lucían mis apuntes, como era la luz, la estética del feed.
Me he alejado y paré de hacer publicaciones, ahora, con más confianza puedo decir Al diablo con ello. Esta comunidad fue hecha para inspirarnos a estudiar, apoyarnos, darnos tips y no para competir sobre las fotos más bellas.
Hoy trataré de continuar con mi studyblr, esperaré ser tan constante como la uni me lo permita y poder enseñarles todo lo que tengo en mente.
Recuerden que studyblr es para inspirar no competir.
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cookie-studies · 5 years
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¡Eco-studyblr, chicos!
A días del regreso a clases, este studyblr está haciendo un compromiso de generar la menor cantidad de basura en este semestre.
Seguiré con los hábitos que ya tenía el ciclo anterior: llevar mi comida en tupper, botella de agua (¡no he comprado botellas de agua desde hace un año!), cepillo de dientes de bambú, llevar bolsas de tela cuando haga la compra y no comer en las calles.
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Este semestre estaré utilizando carpeta pero todas las hojas serán recicladas. Mi universidad tiene en la biblioteca una caja llena de hojas recicladas donde todos vamos a tomar unas cuantas para entregar tareas en ellas o para tomar apuntes.
Stay smart
Stay bio
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cookie-studies · 5 years
¡Mucha suerte y éxito en esta nueva etapa!
El día 22 de julio del 2019 lo comencé con la gran noticia de que fui admitida en la universidad. No saben lo mucho que grite, lloré, sonreí, salté, de lo emocionada que estaba. ¡Sentía que no era verdad!
Entonces esa misma noche/madrugada tuve que planear mi viaje para los cursos al día siguiente, ahí fue que sentí el verdadero temor de los foráneos. Jajaja tuve que pagar hotel porque no tenía donde vivir aún. Entonces mi mamá este mismo día busco y me encontró un excelente lugar con una viejecita muy tierna.
Entonces, en 15 días aproximadamente, estaré dejando mi hogar, para venir a vivir aquí, como buena foránea.
¡Deseenme mucha suerteeee!
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cookie-studies · 5 years
I rebloged this two years ago and my tags were about how I felt the same, not knowing were to go or what to do. I remember feeling so lost at the time, I was 16 and I was feeling bad about not having anything figured out yet, then november came and I was pressured on to choose a career right away or the chances of getting a scholarship into this university would be gone, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so I threw myself into the one topic I loved, chemistry, biology and science overall and here I am, studying biotechnology I still fear the future but everything seems better when you are studying what you love
everyone on studyblr (seems) to have goals that they can work towards like “i wanna b a doctor and help people” “i want to be a teacher so i can help people” “i want to be x because i love it” but i dont have a goal? its kinda isolating esp when every inspo quote is like “work towards your goals” i dONt HAVE AnY!?? ugh i just want to sleep for the next few years pls
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cookie-studies · 5 years
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I‘m currently trying to get an overview of my biology notes that I need for finals 🌿 but also I am in a good mood today and can’t wait for spring time! I just adore tulips… and I’ll never say no to some macarons and green tea 🌷
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cookie-studies · 5 years
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When STEM people have fun.
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