cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
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Blog Post #9
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you –
ask what you can do for your country.”
President John F. Kennedy
“Service is never a simple act; it's about sacrifice for others and about accomplishment for ourselves, about reaching out, one person to another, about all our choices gathered together as a country to reach across all our divides.”
George H.W. Bush
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
President Barack Obama
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
1. Have you volunteered your time to respond to this issue, either by directly volunteering; educating the public about it; expanding your knowledge of the issue by attending government or non-government meetings, demonstrations, etc.?  If so, explain this experience in detail, provide dates, and evidence (attach pictures, notes, screenshots, etc).
I have spent a lot of time thinking about and resarching this issue because I am extreamly engaged in it, While learning I would love to go downstairs and tell my parents about what i learned, and maybe have a couple civil debates with them. 
2.  If you have not been civically engaged, what are YOU willing to do in the future to respond to your civic action issue?
I havent gone to anything but when things begin to open back up i will looking to ultra violet, a pac i learned about studying this civic action issue and i hopefully can attend one of their protests or marches because i really enjoy and support what they belive in. 
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
Legislative and Executive Action
 What is the bill number and title? When was it introduced?
H.R. 7816, Abortion is healthcare everywhere act of 2020- July 29, 2020
Scroll down and review the bill History. Did it originate in the House or the Senate? Has it passed either house?
Originated in the house, it is very current so no further action had been taken with this bill yet
Scroll up and click the Summary tab. Briefly describe the bill in your own words and explain how it will it impact your civic action issue.
it allows use of foreign assisatnce funds to provide reproductive health care services in developing countries.
This will allow repoductive rights not only to be given to our fellow americans but we can help others countries in the world get edujcated and have those same rights that we will 
Was the bill sponsored by Republicans, Democrats, or a bipartisan effort? 
How does this determine whether the bill will pass or not?
Since our president elect is a democrat i think this bills chances our higher, and the house is majority democrat right now so chances are pretty good with this bill
Which committee was the bill assigned to?
foriegn affairs 
Would you encourage your representatives to vote yea or nay? Explain.
yea, because i belive that not only americans should have reproductive rights but everyone in the world should and if we can help out i think we should. 
Which Executive Department manages the federal response to your civic action issue?
Health and human sevices 
What is the Department’s mission statement (usually on the homepage)? Explain if it relates to your issue.
“The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. Who is the secretary of the department (usually under the about tab)? What is their background? Are they professionally qualified to lead this department or are they merely a political appointment? Explain how this impacts the department and your issue.”
It relates to my issue because reproductive freedoms are healthcare and without them their will be more infant fatality and fatality of the mother, along with unsafe abortion practices 
Explore the Cabinet’s Programs and Services. Which would be suitable for responding to your issue? Briefly identify and explain them.
Health and human services because abortion and reproductive freedoms are health rights and basic human rights
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
California Proposition Assessment
Questions: 1. Proposition number, title, and election year 
prop -4 / waiting period and parental notifaction before termination of miors pregnacy, 2008 2. Summarize the proposition in your own words. 
A minior is not allowed an abortion until their parent is notified 48+ hours earlier
3. What was the fiscal impact: how much would it cost to enforce?
4-5 million for state, 2 million for counties 
Next, search Ballotpedia: the Encyclopedia of American Politics to answer the remaining questions.  In the search bar type California Proposition (insert #) and choose the accurate title from the list. Scroll down to answer the following questions. 
4. What were the election results? Do they surprise you? 
52% no and 48% yes
yes it suprised me how close the voyes were because in my mind it is totally unconstitutional to have to let parents know before an abortion if they do not want them to know 
5. Identify the proposition sponsors, interest group endorsements, and financial backers.  Are you surprised by any of the endorsements? Explain how this information can help voters understand the true intentions of the proposition. 
 Arnold Schwarzenegger sponsored it, made 2,767,032 in endorsements and backers. Im not sure it really can, but Schwarzenegger was govenor then so it could have helped it get more recognized with a govorner endorsing it
6. What were the arguments in favor for and against the proposition? 
Against- “Mandated parental notification laws don't work. No law can mandate family communication.Some teenagers can't go to their parents because they fear being kicked out of the house, beaten, or worse.Prop 4 may force these teens to delay medical care, turn to self-induced abortions, or consider suicide.If a teen chooses to go to another adult, her parents would automatically be reported to authorities and an investigation would ensue”
For- “When a minor obtains an abortion without the knowledge of a family member or guardian, her health can be endangered if health complications arise after the abortion. Prop 4 is named after a 15 year old minor, Sarah, who died after receiving a botched abortion. Family is needed to assist with medical history and appropriate after care. ]If a minor becomes pregnant because of sexual violence or predation, a sexual predator may be missed, because the abortion clinic may not report the sexual crime. Although clinics are mandated reporters of abuse, repeated cases of sexual predators concealing crimes through secret abortions reveals a broken system in CA and the need for family notification”
7. How would you have voted on the proposition and explain why. 
I would have 100% voted no, i think its crazy to tell a minors parents they are having an abortion if they dont wantb to because it can lead ro an unsafe family enviornment and in somse cases being kicked out of the home. It should always be the one who is gettinhg the abortions choce 
8. Identify one additional fact you found interesting about this proposition from your review of Ballotpedia.
I still think how much money they got from people was crazy to support such a prop
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
Political Interest Groups and PACs Assessment
1. Ultra Violet
2. A community to fight sexism and create a more inclusive world, community of over a million people that drives feminist, cultural, and political change. . 
work to end violence against women 
gain more equality for women
improve the quality of life for women of all identities and backgrounds 
Fights for better and more inclusive reproductive rights 
Center in on communities disproportionally effected by injustices such as women of color, indigenous women, immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community 
4. This group definately endorces and support Kamala Harris for vice president, shes on their front page. 
5. This group is a cross country group their leading members span from everywhere and they lead many womens rigts protests. 
6. I belive when the announce both their online and in person protests and organizations that would be a good opurtunity to go and learn more. 
7. I think its great when looking through their founding members and team members page you see women of all color all backgrounds and all sizes, which really shows a lot of inclusion. 
Next, go to Open Secrets: Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan, independent research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effects on elections and public policy.   Scroll down and choose a super PAC that represents your civic action issue.  Include:
1. NARAL Pro-Choice America
2. has leds the fight for reproductive freedom for every body for over 50 years
3.Total Raised- 1,159,000
Total spent- 1,153,166
4. 100%- against republicans 
I mean yes it makes sense and would be consistant with many things being against republicans because they are usually against abortion 
  5.A lot from microsoft, the scott foundation and linkedin, i think this could definley make cirtain pacs help these companies or organizations more becase they are donors 
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
Howie Hawkins’ Platform- he made it clean and simple by stating, “defend abortion rights”. I do support his stance of defending abortion rights for all women. I think he makes it pretty clear, and yes this stands with the same view of the green party platform for all women to have a choice.
Donald Trump’s Platform- It said nowhere in trumps website how he stood on abortion or even on women’s rights at all. I do believe though that trump has made his stance on women’s rights and abortion abundantly clear. Calling women dogs and pigs, speaking of things like sexual assault in a joking manner, and also saying there should be a punishment for women that get abortions. Its hard to really tell if trumps stance stands with the republican party or not because the republican party didn’t really mention it at all but from what i read yes, I would say this corresponds with the party platform as well as it can. No, I do not at all support trumps views on women and on abortions rights. 
La Riva’s Platform- This platform clearly states that they are about free, safe abortions on demand to keep women safe. Their statement does match with their party with the fact of her body her choice no matter what your personal opinion is. Yes, I also agree with their statement on this because i support free and safe abortions on demand. 
Jorgensen’s Platform- This page did not have anything on women’s rights or abortion, I will get in contact.
Roque(rocky) DeLaFuente- This candidate also had no information on women’s rights or abortion freedoms, I will contact as well.
Joe Biden’s Platform- Biden’s platform states in the heath care section by expanding acsess to contraception and abortion, and stopping many of trumps plans to take away these rights for women. yes, This does stand with the democratic platform. Also yes, i majorly agree with many of biden’s statements on health care for women, abortion, and contraceptive rights. 
My emails to the candidates who did not have information for me....
Dear Jo Jorgensen/ Roque DeLaFuente, The issue I am concerned about is Women’s rights, and reproductive/ abortion freedoms.  I am concerned about this issue because there are many ways that the government are trying to take many of these rights away. I am currently a senior at Acalanes High School and I am researching this issue for my senior Government class.  Please clarify your stance on this issue.  Thank you so much for your time and good luck.
Sincerely, Charlie Parker
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
Political Action Party
Republican Party-
The republican party had a clear but vauge stance on abortion and womens rights, they mentioned a lot about regigion and the proper type of family, must be a man and a women. It seems as though anytime their stements mention a women it has a man attached to it, in there eyes it seems that they cnnot have a women without a man. They discribe religion and many statements seem to be about families and adoption and fostercare. They never mention abortion or womens healthcare, as a women only exists for a man. I do not agree with this parties statement, if you could even consider it a statemnt on abortion, they top toed around the subject abortion and never seemed to want to mention anything about womens healthcare or abortions which i find wrong because that is currently an issues of politics, which human eights like this should not be in politics and sadly they are. 
Democratic Party-
 The democrats stance seems to be very equal talking about how women should not have to pay more than a man. They seem to vaugley point to acsess to abotion or special womens heathcare outside of your state with this quote, “...including by removing barriers to states that seek to experiment with statewide universal health care approaches. So it’s easier for every American to access preventive and primary health care.. fundamentally believe health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the few”. This quote really describes the need and the availibility of healthcare for all, assuming that would include women and all the heathcare, including abortions, that they would need. Of course I agree with their statemnts, that abortions shoukd be provided because in fact, it is healthcare. 
Libritarian Party-
  The libritarian party makes their statement on abortion clear by saying, “ Abortion- Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration”. This quote really saying that any one person has the right to choose for themselves, the government should have no say in what you do with your own body. The party also states this, “Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate”. This statement by the libritarian party also shows that no person has a right to decide what another does with their body, such as abortion, its not your place, its theirs. I do agree with this party but I think they could have made their statemnt more clear, it implaies things but does not directly state and i feel as though they are tip toeing around te subject. 
Green Party-
 The green party very clearly sates mens overpowering dominace over women since the begining of time, and the brutality done to women over time. They have a great commitment to brining more women into polotics and keeping and expanding on womens rights. “The change the world is crying for cannot occur unless women's voices are heard. Democracy cannot work without equality for women, which provides equal participation and representation”. The green party is saying that women need more rights, more representation, and over all, more equality. With the green party standing for so many womens rights we can assume that the green party will also stand for the right of women to make whatever choice they feel is right for their body, such as abortion. I also agree with this group with it being a womens choice, it does not matter if you agree or not but if its the womens body its the woemns choice. 
Peace and Freedom- 
The peace and freedom party is very much all about womens rights. The list the rights all women should have clearly,”Provision of free, high-quality, community controlled child care. Convenient provision of safe, free birth control information and materials to men and women of any age. Free abortion on demand. No forced abortions or sterilizations. Safe prenatal care. End violence against women”. This shows how strong of a opinion they have on womens rights and the fundimental freedoms they should always have. I agree very much with this group, they have many of my same veiws and are the group i most identify as. I would love to vote for oe of their candidates but sadly it really is a two party system and a vote anywhere but dem or rep would really be a waisted vote in my opinion. 
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
1. Three articles
Fox News-https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/opinion/march-for-life-2020-abortion-abby-johnson.amp
Huff post -https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f45997dc5b6cf66b2afd884
Wall Street journal -https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/antiabortion-movement-begins-to-crack-after-decades-of-unity-11563384713
2. SUBJECT what is the main point the source is trying to convey? What is the central message of the document?
Fox- stance also on Abby Johnson and her veiws. Supporting them and the pro life movement. Very pro life stance, seems as through abortion isn’t an option in any case. Discussing giving women what they need so then they won’t choose to have an abortion
Huff-discussing Abby Johnson and her veiws. Proving her points incorrect or bashing them in some way. Obviously is a pro choice stance. And is against Johnson’s veiws
Wall Street-information about anti and pro abortion states and the laws that have or are being passed, no distinct side
AUTHOR who authored the source? Google search the author if needed. What are their credentials? What social, economic, or political affiliations does the author have which may have an impact on their argument or objectivity?
Fox-by Abby Johnson, director of a program to get abortion workers different jobs, wrote a book about the horrors of abortion, extremely pro life and republican, maybe even conservative. So her argument will obviously be against pro choice and against a women’s right to choose
Huff-Melissa Jeltson is a senior reporter at Huffinton post, covers dementia voioemce and other women’s health issues, pro choice. Accepts women’s right to choose, against what Abby Johnson is saying and preaching
Wall Street-Jacob Gershman and Arian Campo-Flores...Jacob Gershman, covers always articles. Priciously wrote about New York politics for the journal and New York sun. Doesn’t seem to have a bias or sway. Just kinda writes the real stuff about what’s going on, simple facts. Arian Campo-Flores is a reporter in Miami and the Wall Street journals east coast bureau. covers Florida, the southeast and the Caribbean as well as drugs and addiction. Just like Jacob he keeps a pretty unbiased stance and just stars the facts of the situation.
CONTEXT where and when was the source produced? How might this affect the meaning of the source?
Fox- written by Abby Johnson about what she is doing and her stance and what she has witnessed about abortion. Published in January 23, so decently recent to this year. The source will obviously be the stance of Abby Johnson because she is writing it
Huff-using quotes and clips from the RNC, from Abby Johnson actually talking about her stance and then the author goes in with facts that blow it away. Got on Abby for using her soraking time at the RNC to “stigmatize abortion” and hurt PP reputation. Also from 2020, august 26 so again pretty recent and good political use
Wall Street- using quotes from credible sources and up to date tables displaying the facts of abortion so it is very informational and not seemingly trying to sway your option just trying to give you information so you can form your own opinion. Little bit older, july 17 2019, but I do still believe it is informational and since it’s not too optinionalted is still a good source.
AUDIENCE who published the source and for whom was the source created? How might this affect the reliability and objectivity of the source?
Fox-this one was written for the conservative or pro life eye. To be able to back up what you believe even more. Since it is a bias opinion piece then we can assume it will affect the credibility because we know this article leaves out the pro choice argument and only stands for the pro life way.
Huff-showing the liberal or pro choice side of things and bashing the pro life advocate and activist Johnson. This is a bias price twords pro choice so it does leave out a lot of the points of a pro life argument although it does have prices of pro life argument in there as a rebuttal
Wall Street- this isn’t really swayed either way written for bith liberals conservatives, pro choice pro life. It seems to me as if it is just displaying information is a neat way to be able to form all our own opinions instead of trying to sway it.
PERSPECTIVE is the text objective (neutral or fair point of view) or is it subjective (biased or one-sided)? If the article is objective, identify the competing perspectives presented in the article. Which perspective do you agree with and why? If the article is subjective, identify the author’s claim. Do you agree or disagree and why?
Fox-subjective. Supporting and bias twords the pro life movement and doesn’t support pro choice. I disagree with this authors claim because I myself am pro choice and I think her points just don’t make sense to me
Huff- also subjective, little less than the first one. Supporting and has a bias twords pro choice and not supporting pro life arguments. I identify with this one because I am pro choice and I think it has really good arguments against the pro life stance.
Wall Street-objective. Just saying facts and had no bias. I like this one because it didn’t feel like it was leaving anything out and it allowed me to add things or take away things from my argument with out feeling pressured to support theirs.
SIGNIFICANCE what is the evidence used to support the author’s claim or competing perspectives; what verifiable facts are presented?
Fox- quotes and her own  experience since she used to work at planned parenthood so she says and she’s the things that she saw and did. Then again there is no way to prove what she is saying is true at all because it is her own mind and opinion. Not too many facts besides her own.
Huff- quotes from the RNC then disputing it with scientific facts so it has a lot more credibility to me. Obviously the author had a stance but who doesn’t when it comes to abortion.
Wall Street- using data tables, quotes, and laws that are being passed. Seems very credible and obviously not bias so I feel like this would be the best source to look at if you are forming a new opinion and don’t want to try and be swayed by emotional arguments.
3. They all Have to do with abortion and  whether it is right or wrong. Going into morals, feelings and facts. Showing people the emotional side or the fact side of the argument. They all have very different stances. One is pro life one is pro choice and one is just there to state the facts. I think it’s a really good spread to be able to read then all and it helps you see all the sides and a lot of facts too.
4. I would say that I identify with The Huffington Pist more than the others because it takes a pro choice stance and I am pro choice. I agree with a lot of the facts and options stated in this article and feel like it does a really good job with disputing what the opposing pro life argument had said. Stating a lot of scientific facts instead of appealing to the readers emotions like pro life articles tend to do.
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cparker21ahsgov · 4 years
1. For my civic action I choose women’s rights, pertaining to women’s rights in general, abortion rights, and the rights women get in prison and how we can expand and help these and more rights stay in place for the women of our country
2. There have always been big debates about abortion, either pro life or pro choice. And it pertains to politics and government because everyone has a stance and a side. Usually republicans or conservatives will be pro life where Democrats and liberals will be more pro choice. It’s a big debate and I wanna do more reasach on why it’s such a big debate and how we can help.
3. I personally believe that more bills need to be passed to protect women’s right to choose. Being pro life is forcing somone to have a child where being pro choice isn’t forcing you to have an abortion as it’s in the title. It gives you a right to choose. Abortion shouldn’t be banned in any states because that doesn’t stop abortion, it just makes women go to very insafe lengths and many women die from unsafe back ally abortions.
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