post-game adachi
After hijacking a boat and driving it back to the nearest Japanese port town, Adachi sunk the boat and caught a train back home to Akita prefecture. He rested up at home for a few weeks, catching up with his mom and reconciling with his step-dad.
Having killed four paramilitary soldiers (for good, no VR deaths here) in his escape, Adachi needed to flee the country sooner or later - and so he did. Though it pained him to leave his mom forever, he figured that his step-dad could take care of her now, and thus she would not have to rely on her son for financial support anymore. Adachi bid his parents (for the first time, he acknowledged his step-dad as his real dad!) farewell and headed back to Alaska on his lonesome.
Adachi met up with his old fishing crew, and promptly kicked the new captain’s ass and reclaimed his rightful place in the captain’s seat. He resumed crab fishing for roughly ten years, but Unalaska locals noticed that he became increasingly paranoid and incoherent over the years.
Those who took walks in the woods would sometimes find Adachi using pine trees as punching bags for hours at a time, and local restaurant owners learned very quickly that they should not offer him coffee if they wanted their coffee pots to remain intact.
With climate change causing the crab population in the Bering Sea to rapidly decline, Adachi became very engrossed in conspiracies as to why this was the case. Rather than blaming a host of actual factors like a normal person, Adachi became convinced that Eco Bando Logging was somehow altering the genetic code of arctic and subarctic pine trees in an effort to hinder their ability to reduce greenhouse gas levels - all to run him out of business.
Eventually, Adachi left behind a note on the town bulletain board, claiming that a paramilitary organization in Japan had murdered his high school’s student body, brought them all back as homosexuals, and was now out to ruin his life. Intent on going “off the grid”, he took his crew and their families into the woods and became the benevolent leader of an advanced-technology-free fisherman commune, where every able-bodied man worked hard so that everyone could survive without using money. It never occured to Adachi that this kind of sort of made him a small-scale communist figurehead.
Somehow, Adachi’s commune was a success. He married his second in command, and also set up a greenhouse where they grew shittons of weed and maybe some vegetables. On New Year’s, they would cut down a pine tree and partake in tea made from its pineneedles, and everyone would sing a song about “taking their revenge on the Pines”. All in all, it was a pretty sweet, if incredibly strange set-up.
Unfortunately, the good times came to a close when a 57-year old Adachi wandered too far into the wilderness in search of game to hunt. Tired and cold, he fell asleep on the side of a highway and froze to death. His body laid there until Spring, and it was only because of the the attentive eye of a passing trucker that his body was found. His crewmates gave him a burial at sea, partially because it was fitting, and partially because the ground was too frozen to dig a hole. Nevertheless, the commune continued on without him under a new leader, and everything was good.
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in which adachi and yuka Leave This Place.
the contents of this thread are entirely unrealistic and make 80000 assumptions about the setting but also i doubt it’ll affect the main game and i’m not participating in endgame so w/e it’s probably fine
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adachi Sniff that sea air. any boats he can captain around?
Doesn’t look like it! Other than the robots, it’s just you and the emergency exit door.
Sink or swim, greenhorn.
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Adachi votes for Tadashi Matsuo in hopes of being able to see the look on his face if he gets executed.
Vote recorded!
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i'd love to, actually.
MORISHIGE: I’ll be in the Ateitis stasis room, then!
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all of us are already traumatized dumbass. do you really expect me to buy that.
MORISHIGE: Well, if you’d really like to assist with the dissection, you’re more than free to join me! : )
why is she like this
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[adachi texts dr morishige] are any of us supposed to give a shit about mckinney in particular or
she text back
MORISHIGE: I suppose that’s up to you, Adachi-san!MORISHIGE: I just wanted to let you all know tactfully so that nobody came to the stasis room expecting one thing and finding something that’sMORISHIGE: Likely traumatizing? : )
well that’s not ominous
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Adachi sighs and, deferring to Yuka's wishes, votes for... Yuka Kagome.
Vote recorded!
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Kid, you're not denying that you have access to guns?
He pops another cookie in his mouth before raising his arms to flex his nonexistent muscles.
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“You downt dewserve acksewess to these gons.”
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Kid, you're not denying that you have access to guns?
He pops another cookie in his mouth before raising his arms to flex his nonexistent muscles.
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“You downt dewserve acksewess to these gons.”
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Do you really think they'd let any of us in an area with guns? I'm just raising a safety concern. Could be guns in areas he can access, but I can't.
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“Duddent wueh ‘over thish, Addakkumn? I wash not in a mourdor or buh mourdored sidduadion. It wooda be far muhr dangarush t’let yeou mordles ave ackshessh.”
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
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Yeah, kid's been running around this military base doing whatever he wants for at least the better part of a month now. Possibly played with guns at more than one point. Just FYI.
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“… You’re suggesting that you saw my son playing with guns and you didn’t think to take them away from him?”
There’s something tight in her voice. Seems you’ve struck a nerve.
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Morishige, quick question. Why did you let your son become a child soldier? Asking for a friend.
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“A soldier? Oh, no, of course not! I just thought it was best to bring him with me when I started working here full-time. Spending time with your children is very important.”
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“To be honest, I was assured that the doctors were going to be taking adequate care of him while he was over here… How irresponsible of them. I’m afraid I’ll have to file a complaint.”
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TRIAL 7 - MM TRIAL | The "Make Sure Sarara Doesn't Kill Literally Everyone Stakeout" Thread
do u want to join crabman in the stakeout. i hope so
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Adachi immediately votes for Chou Nakahara and EBULLIENCE for mastermind. Assuming that's a thing he can do.
The system appears to accept the vote, and for a moment, it just… lingers on the screen, as though asking the room to judge your choices. Rather than making the ‘vote accepted’ ping, however, it simply vanishes.
Did… DID that count?
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Adachi sighs and votes for Kanon Kurosawa.
Vote accepted!
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ayyyo here y'all go
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