crawlincreepz · 2 years
It's so refreshing to see creepypasta stuff again after, like, 12 years lol. It's nostalgic.
I've recently been super into Lost Silver again, got so into it that I wrote a whole character sheet for my version of gold, and found your Headcanons while looking through some stuff! I love them very much. I didn't think many other people had the HC that he's definitely ANGRY alongside sad. It's super believable to me. I love all of your HCs for him. They're super good.
Would you feel like blessing us with some more sometime?? I haven't seen HCs that aren't x reader, and yours are just great. I'd love to hear more about the boy!!
anon you have no idea how much this made my day!1 i’m so glad ppl agree with the whole angry gold HC, he 100% has anger issues.
now, here are some more Lost Silver headcannons.
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We’ve already gone over how angry Gold feels with himself and how stupid he feels for treating life so selfishly. Poor guy really needs therapy. (Is there such a thing as ghost therapy..?)
Gold has an unusual obsession with rainy weather. He’s a glitch! You’d expect him to hate water, but no! The sounds are therapeutic to him, also the pokémon like it as well. It’s one of the only times he allows his mind to rest.
He’s not threatening toward people. Gold has no intentions of hurting others, as he believes his demise was his fault and his fault alone. Why should others pay for his foolishness? Don’t get me wrong, Lost Silver is a powerful entity, but just because the boy died doesn’t mean he’s lost all of his morals. ..Maybe he’s lost a few, but come on. I’m trying to say Gold doesn’t kill like his other creepypasta “friends”. He’s capable of doing so, but doesn’t see the point in it.
His voice is more gravely and echo-y side. Not deep, but definitely not normal. It almost sounds like he’s talking in a big empty room on the rare occasion Gold actually talks. It’s a bit uncomfortable to listen to at first, with how unsettling it sounds, but you’ll get used to it.
Well, since we’re on the topic! On the rare events Gold would talk, it would be in one-to-two-word responses usually. I would say it’s not because he doesn’t want to talk to you but come on, we all know he absolutely despises talking to people he doesn’t know. Often he will scare others with how quiet he is. Gold could have been in the room for hours before you found out he was even there! Really, it’s terrifying. Even if you ask him: “How long have you been there?!”, he would give some unhelpful ass answer. “Long enough.” Like, what the fuck does that mean, man?!
It’s kinda funny, though.
On a sad note, Gold often “lets” his emotions get the best of him. There are times late at night when you can’t stop the angry torment in your mind. He can’t help but wail endlessly into the void until his throat gives out, unable to do anything else but scream out every bit of emotion left in his body. They always sound angry, his cries of regret and intense pain for the fate he thought he could escape. After all these years, he’s never going to accept that death indeed caught up to him. No matter how hard the boy tried, he could never escape the inevitable. Now he must pay the price.
After his death, Gold never really focused on wanting a partner. He’s aware he’s too emotionally unavailable for one. It wouldn’t be a healthy relationship with Gold, and he knows that. Maybe one day, if he ever gets his shit together, that is. But we all know it will be quite a while before that. Plus, he can barely make friends with his attitude! How in the world would he get a partner?
Game nights between Gold and Glitchy Red are incredibly chaotic. Seriously, never be in the same room as them on a game night. You’ll hear insults you never knew EXISTED, and god forbid they pull out Mario Kart or Smash Bros. One of the only times Gold has zero problems talking... *Shivers.*
Gold totally always wins in Smash bros, BTW. Red hates it.
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crawlincreepz · 2 years
Stuff kids on tumblr better relearn
1. You are responsible for your own media experience. 
2. There is such a thing as a healthy level of avoidance towards topics that make you feel unwell or even (in a real-life clinical definition of the term) trigger you - but you are the one to actively take care of what you view.
3. Avoiding does not mean policing others.
4. You have no right to tell artists to censor themselves - you may criticize what others do, you may dislike it, that’s fine - but actively asking for censorship when you could easily unfollow or block a person just makes you look incompetent in your use of the internet.
5. Do not give people on tumblr or /any/ website the responsibility for your emotional well-being. Because these people do not even know you so no, you have no right to ask them to take care of you.
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crawlincreepz · 2 years
Lost Silver Headcannons!
there fr isn’t enough of this dude, my boy deserves more recognition!1!
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A lot of people see Lost Silver as this scared, sorrowful ghost mourning the death of him and his pokémons. I do not see him like that.
Gold, to me, is angry. Furious with himself and how he treated life so foolishly. He was ignorant and never stopped to enjoy the smaller moments, only to have it ripped away from him by a stupid choice that also cost his pokémons life.
Lost Silver is much more dangerous than he initially leads on. Having no limbs really makes people look down on you. It bothers him, but it’s not like he can do anything about it, right? Not like he can magically grow arms again.
…Nevermind, he can. Silver can use coding from his game to make up facades of arms and legs. They take a lot of energy to keep, so Silver doesn’t do it too often. Well, he tries too. Silver overworks himself worryingly often, and that does...not lead to good things. Obviously. Luckily, he has Red (Glitchy) to scold him for it... Okay, more like calling him stupid and a dumbass than real scolding, but hey, it’s the thought that counts! He’s just worried, guys.
Some days Gold will wake up in that hellhole of a game again, forced to relive his death in some sick twisted way before he can return “home”. He experiences a sort of amnesia when this happens, his memory only returning once everything subsides. Poor guy has to keep slowly losing his limbs, not to mention his pokémon too… It overall sucks.
Gold comes off as very protective around his pokémon. Having had to watch your companions perish repeatedly can really take a toll on you. It’s not uncommon for Silver to allow his pokémon to have a little play date with other poképastas, though. They deserve a little fun in a place like this.
He’s mostly close with Glitchy Red. Silver feels Red is the one he can relate to the most, and they both take comfort in that. Not too many people understand the sorrow they both feel on a day to day basis.
His room is a fucking mess. I guess that makes sense since no limbs and what not, but Christ man!
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crawlincreepz · 2 years
Hey do you have any behavioral event network head cannon’s?
Ah yes, everyone’s favorite goblin! I’ve been dying to talk about BEN for so long, thank you for requesting!
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BEN, in my headcannon, does not have a physical form. While they can project a sort of.. hallucination of themselves, it cannot be in a solid state. If you tried to touch BEN, your hand would fall right through them. And.. it would also probably try to kill you for trying.
THIS GUY IS COMPETITIVE. Never play videogames with BEN, they’ll cheat until they win and laugh at your frustration. God help if you manage to beat them. Insults will be thrown, and it’ll be hard to tell if it’s playful or not… It might be, but in their own twisted way.
They manage to seem sociable while hating everyone at the same time. It’s weird. You could think it’s your friend but in reality, it’s only trying to find ways to blackmail you. It's observant and will use it to its advantage. I told you, they're little shits.
It definitely keeps a small stuffed animal in its room from one of the now ascended Moon Children. It brings a sense of comfort while being bittersweet, a reminder of the kid(s) it used to be.
Ben is.. iffy around them.
Dude has a weird thing against cats, and no one knows why. It’s like two cats meeting for the first time when BEN encounters one of them. Ben loves the little fuckers, though.
I believe the spirits that make up BEN weren’t all willing to ascend. None of them wanted this. It explains why BEN acts out aggressively, feeling betrayed by a figure they trusted. BEN is just a group of children who are traumatized and hurt, angry at the terrible fate that has been decided for them. They can’t control the being they’ve become, so they chase that control with others. It makes you feel bad until BEN blackmails you with trauma you never even them.
Whenever they enter a body of water, their form begins to become unstable. More than it already is, anyway. Textures missing, bits of them melting/glitching, speech becoming a static mess, etc. They sound like a speaker when you get water in it. It looks like it hurts, but BEN doesn’t seem to care.
They are definitely the type to wait until your distracted, and stand RIGHT behind you until you notice their breath against your neck. Staring at you like 0v0 while an inch away from your face, it’s terrifying.
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