cringefestuwu · 2 years
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cringefestuwu · 2 years
Not sure what to name her 😅
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
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GIF Request: Millie Crab Walking
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Somethin for the spooky month✨
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Some doodles of deer daddy since schools taking up 20 hours of every single day!👍
H a h a lighting go brr
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Helluva boss's episode 6 was amazing af-
Ok but like... T h i s g u r l✨
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
(H a h a being alive)
~Alastor finding his s/o being attacked by a dog~ ~headcanon~
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You knew alastor despised dogs, he had explained it a while back when you had gotten together. He seemed to trust you enough to tell you. You ofcourse could understand, at least knowing never to get a puppy.
Being independent you could easily go outside of the hotel and not become prey to some sinner walking by. Even if alastor trusted you he still worried about your safety, so he let his shadow follow once you left.
It had been an hour or so since you've been gone, you had to take a longer route since there was this croud of demons of all kinds watching two demons who just seemed intoxicated having some fist fight.
Alastor sat on the small red sofa near husks bar, tapping his foot as he anxiously waited for you, he wouldn't admit how worried he was behind his smile.
While you walked through an unfamiliar part of hell, you could at least remember where the hotel was located, knowing it wasn't too far, it was afterall a high building so it was fairly easy to see from afar.
You walked past a part of the street covered in darkness from the building to your left. The light was normal a few feet from you. Only haulting when you half-tripped on a hard object on the ground, causing you to silently curse as you looked back to see what it was exactly.
Your eyes didn't adjust much, only hearing small shuffling and a few subtle scraping noises. Not even a few seconds later you heard low grumbling along with red slits peering into your soul. Your breath caught in your throat, taking a few steps back. You heard the scraping continue, coming towards you. You went to turn around and book it, but before you were even givin a chance you felt a tug on the back of your shirt, slightly ripping it from the sharp end piercing the cloth. Snatching and shaking you back and forth as if you were the tug-of-war chew toy. You began freaking out trying to grab it by its ears, face, neck...anything really.
Meanwhile the "shadow" had already returned to alert alastor.
This...canine...was tearing up your cloths, scratching your arms, stomach, face. It was ferel, you could see it's spine showing through the skin on its back...it must have not eaten anything in a long time. Your cried of pain were normal to hell, so it was ignored. You thought you'd die a second time. Lucky this beast hadn't broken a bone yet. It looked to be almost 5 feet tall.
Not long after you heard the ground begin to shake, did earthquakes exist in hell? Though that thought quickly left as another cry if pain left you, the dog continueing to attack with no mercy.
Alastor knew exactly where you were, he was there within what seemed like a millisecond, feeling the weight of the canine lift within a second, hearing a loud crash right after. You tried looking up, but your arms were too sore to use then to push yourself up, laying on the cold concrete floor only able to hear the crashing and yelping that came from presumably the dog. The noise eventually sounded as if you were underwater, closing your eyes as you let yourself fall into unconsciousness.
What felt like seconds was actually hours. Time passing much faster when your unconscious. You quickly regretted opening your eyes, immediatly feeling a headache coming on, squinting your eyes to try and let them adjust to the light. Realizing you weren't in the alley-like area anymore, you seemed to be on a bed, cloth wrapped around your stomach, arms, neck, almost your entire body besides your face and most of your upper body. The noise you made when moving must've alerted al. Quickly sitting up from his seat, his smile widening, mentally sighing in relief that you woke up.
"(Y/n)!" He called, his voice quieter than his usual prompt radio one, possibly presuming you would have a headache like hell from being thrown around. You just responded with a grunt, resting your arm over your eyes, feeling sore and stiff, not wanting to move an inch. You turned your head towards al, seeing the worried look on his face, even if he was smiling, it looked more forced than genuine. Quickly noticing the splotches of red that didn't blend with the shade of his suit, along with the bits of fur from the canine here and there. If anything you felt bad for him, emotional scarring lasts longer than physical injury, he's already been through a bad history with dogs, why make him re-live it.
"I...im sorry, i should've be-" alastor didn't give you a chance to finish, wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. You were confused, but you didn't say anything, after all he seemed to need one. He was careful, knowing you were still in a bit of pain and discomfort. You slowly hugged back...with how much you physically could anyway.
You felt him start to shake a bit, you moved your head to look at him, not finding it much affective from his hair hiding his face. Your confusion answered once you felt your shoulder become slightly wet...
he was crying.
"Alastor?" You called his name, your tone quieter and more calm, he didn't say a word. "Dear...Don't scare me like that again..." He said, his shaky voice audible. You looked down towards the floor, trying to comfort him the best you could. "It's ok al, im alright.." You murmured, contineuing to mutter any encouraging words to help cheer him up, knowing it was rare seeing him in this state, only a state he trusted to be in around you. He was vulnerable. Worried....
"Don't worry al...it takes more than a oversized fluff beast to keep me from you"
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Alastor: "So it's a deal then?" 🤝
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Beware the Ink demon🖋
School starts in 3 days...send help
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Note to self...cant draw any form of hat to save my life :').
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
(This is relatable on so many levels :') )
~Alastor finding his s/o's art of him, finding out he was their muse for art-inspiration~ ~headcanon~
You wanted to improve your art in some way, but you just couldn't ever find something that sparked that inspiration to help you. Eventually you decided on trying the others in the hotel, something simple, like husk at his bar, vaggie sitting on the couch. But it all just lacked a certain...something to it.
Eventually you looked to a more obvious answer, your own boyfriend. Alastor wasn't a complicated person to draw, eventually he was the only thing you'd draw when you loose inspiration in other things, keeping your own binder to hold your art of him. You would usually sit at the couch. Use the inpiration by looking up, seeing al talking to one of the others, giving you a good mental-canvas. Eventually helping you make your most recent work.
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But you didn't intend on showing him, not yet at least. What if it was too bad? After all it was your "work in progress..."
You kept the binder under the bed in your and al's room. Ofcourse out of all days he had to clean the room.
You were having a conversation with charlie about a few random things. Hearing footsteps coming from upstairs you turned towards the source of the sound, seeing al leaning against the wall with a big shit-eating grin on his face, his eyes immediatly landing on you once he was in view, seeing his form disapear into a mist-like shadow, swiftly seeming to "fly" over beside you, quickly reforming, his eyes on you the whole time.
"Terribly sorry to interrupt but can i borrow (y/n) for a moment?" He asked, barely giving charlie time to answer before he had taken you by your hand, quickly walking off towards the stairs. Having to jog every now and then just to keep up. You didn't know whether to be worried or not. Unsure where all the sudden joy came from....wait was it joy?
Eventually you made it to your shared room, staring in confusion as al turned to you on his heels. "Darling how come you never told me you were such an amazing artist?!" He exclaimed, making you stiffen in place. How the hell? "I- uh what?" You looked as if you were playing dumb, but to be real, you were just denying your own answers in your mind.
He snapped his fingers, your binder quickly fomring in the air, landing in his hand before he flipped it open, flipping through the various doodles and colored art you worked on, you felt a bit of embarrassment in that moment. What did he even think of it?
"Oh...that- uh, it's just some stuff i work on when i get bored is all" you rubbed the back of your neck, your body instinctively cringing back a bit. Wanting to crawl under a rock and die again. But he just seemed genuinly happy, not with his usual formal grin.
You stared at him, watching the interest he held on his expression as he looked through your drawings. You felt your heart flutter a bit. He seemed like he liked the work, and to be honest, it make you feel better about your art. Bringing your self esteem up a bit with it. A small smile forming on your face.
"Its absolutely amazing! How come you never shown me before?" He asked, having taken his eyes off the drawing for the first time. You fiddled with your hands a bit.
"Well, i was just worried you'd probably....not like them? I mean they are a bit of a work in progress" you said, shrugging as al stared with a slight surprised look. "Dear...i think there amazing, and i think you could make amazing things!" He said, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, handing you your binder back. His smile widening as he left a small kiss on your forehead.
(Sorryforanythinglikeincorrectspelling orsomewordsthatdontmakesenseimtiredaf :') )
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Alastor: "Hello, dear! Would you like me to accompany you?" ~🍓
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Unrelated, but i made it cuz i miss batim 🖤
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Alastor: "why, you must be that swine gentlemen that dared to raise a hand at my (y/n)...how lovely to finally meet you..."
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
2p alastor: "o-oh..hello, dear." 💙
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
Im not crying...you are!
A groan of pain left the lips of the fallen overlord, one, clawed hand pressed against a wound in his chest. Thick, almost black blood was oozing from the opening, and no matter how hard he pressed on it, the flow didn’t seem to slow down. His body was growing cold as he staggered towards a familiar figure in the distance, crimson orbs struggling to focus. 
He soon fell to his knees, feeling hands on his shoulders, someone calling his name. He looked up, offering the other a smile.
“Well, darling.. It looks like I have reached the end of the line…” He spoke, trying to keep a somewhat perky tone. However.. His voice betrayed him, weak and hoarse. He noticed something rolling down the cheeks of the one in front of him, his head tilting to the side as trails of blood trickled down his chin, having filled his mouth. Tears? He slowly reached out, a thumb stroking the salty liquid away.
“Oh, come now… Don’t cry..” He started, trying to straighten up, yet he found that to be.. Somewhat impossible. He was so weak.. “Don’t waste your tears on an.. An old sinner like me..” He croaked, soon finding his vision to blur and darken. Before he knew it, he was on his back. The other had him.. Held him. One arm around his back, while a hand was pressed firmly against his chest. The wound. The wound that wouldn’t stop spilling his blood. His very life.
He looked up, feeling hot liquid drip onto his face as the other wept. His brows furrowed slightly, his everlasting smile faltering. “Please.. Dry your tears, sweetheart.” He’d beg, noticing that his mind was starting to become.. Muddy. He didn’t think straight. He knew he had to hurry..
“I… I just have.. One.. Thing to ask of you..” He spoke, voice frail at this point. He drew in a breath, music playing from that staff of his, that had somehow manifested next to him. He wasn’t too familiar with the tune, but.. He had heard it, stored it in his mind, having been exposed to it at the hotel. And now.. In this moment.. He had recalled it from the dark depths of his mind, finding it.. Fitting.
“Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don’t let it make you cry
For ever if I’m far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart..”
His voice was not crisp and perfect. He did not hit every note. Normally, Alastor was a perfectionist. He didn’t like when his own performance wasn’t perfectly executed. However.. Right now, this was the best he could do. After all, he just wanted to convey a message. Something that could be kept in the heart. Stored there, and be recalled whenever one needed him close.
“Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you The only way that I can be Until you’re in my arms again Remember me…”
That last note trailed off, crimson eyes closing as the last bit of his strength ran out. He struggled to breathe. He only managed to draw in one breath, as he heard his name being called in the distance, heard the sobs, the footsteps drawing closer. 
He exhaled, body going limp as one, last phrase came up in his mind, the static dying out, as if someone turned the dial on an old radio to “off”.
Goodbye, my dear.
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cringefestuwu · 3 years
(This is pretty much a part 2 to the crew vacation- likEeh...half way through my writing was deleted so i had to rewrite it...welp-)
~The crew on a vacation(2)~
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
After all the bickering and teasing thrown your and al's way you all finally made it out of the hotel room, luckily taking less time than last night to change in to the swinsuits and cover-ups, angel ofcourse holding the sand tools, nifty holding the towels and sunscreen. (theres no sun tho wh-) the only task at hand now was going down the 6 set of stairs to get to the bottom. Luckily getting down was easier than up, making it exhausting to go on after. But it didn't take much to get back going after. Honestly dreading the fact you'd have to walk back up the stair sets by this afternoon.
Eventually you all made it to a small gate that was left open, the right one slightly off its hinges. Two huge bushed on either side, blocking the view until you walked through. First angel and charlie walked through the gate, followed by husk, nifty, than vaggie. Alastor let you go in ahead of him, not bothering to close the gate for obvious reasons. The beach was fairly decent despite how hell's conditions are. There wasn't polution or trash, and a few demons swiming or walking along the beach here and there, overall surprisingly peaceful. Instead of a light blue sky was a blood red one, the rest looked almost exactly the same other than the water, it was a darker, almost light red color. Nifty started setting the towels down to sit on, almost having a coniption when even a little sand got onto it. Vaggie and charlie putting sunscreen on as angel took no time in sprawling the sand tools along the ground, beginning to play in the sand to his hearts content, making you think he's just a child in an adult body. Beginning to strip out of your cover-up, seeing the others soon do the same, eager to get into the water. Husker on the other hand took a seat on the towel, drinking his cheap booze like normal. As you took off the cover-up you looked out at the ocean, seeing the high waves crash against the shore. The sign saying it signalled high tide, but that just made it more fun, ofcourse you just hoped it wouldn't drown you. Eventually setting the clothing on the towel as to not get sand in it. Showing your (f/c) bathing suit underneath, you weren't so sure about it being a two-piece, afraid of judgement, but if you were going to be in the water than it wouldn't be so bad. Looking over to see al already had taken his over shirt off, showing the red striped short-sleeve shirt, along with the matching shorts. One thing you couldn't help but notice was the short fluffy tail and hooves for feet. You haven't really taken the time to process that feature of his, to be fair it just made him look more adorable in your eyes, especially if the tail began waging, unsure why he hid it all the time. He was talking to nifty for amoment before they went their seperate ways, his crimson eyes eventually landing on you, his smile widening as he went over to you, taking notice of your swimsuit almost immediately. You worried he'd reply negatively to it, though all he did was twirl you, hand in hand with him "My, you look lovely as ever, darling!" He said, his voice just as loud and prominent as ever. It made your heart fluster from how happy he looked being here.
"Last one in the water's a rotten egg!" You heard charlie shout, running towards the water, angel, being angel...hopped up, trying to outrun her, a smile forming on your face as you looked over at al, hopping up to leave a kiss on his nose before running out to the water, leaving al to sand there for a moment, soon following closely behind. The only thing slowing you down from completely getting in were the crashing waves pushing you every which way. Angel ending up jumping in, completely disapearing in the water before emerging after a few seconds, pushing his hair out of his face, only haveing a moment before a wave crashed into him, making him have to pay attention more behind him, the waves rising up to a foot or so taller than him, and you were a few feet under him. You pushed past all the waves you could get past to go into the more calmer part of the water, eventually going to an area you barely could touch. Looking back towards the others in the water, seeing them splashing or riding the waves. Alastor was just floating in the water, the waves seeming to not affect him much. Angel eventually turned to you, being a 8 feet away from you, vagually seeing a shoked look on his face, making you confused (and fairly concerned), at that moment you felt the water pulling back, pulling you back as well. "(Y/N) BEHIND YOU!" He yelled, pointing over your head, causing everyone to look your way. You quickly turned around only to see a wave a good few feet taller than you, towering over you as it came crashing down, causing your fear to hit you like a brick.
Pulling you under water, not giving you the chance to hold your breath, already tasting the salt water pooling in your mouth and nose, causing you to gag as it felt like it was burning your brain. Dragging you along with the current before your head hit the bottom. All while only seeing black, the salt burning your eyes if you dared opening them. You felt like completely passing out before you felt a hand firmly grasp your wrist, yanking you up frim the water as they wrapped ther arm around your stomach as they seemingly teleported to shore, immediatly you started coughing and hack up the water that you ingested. You vaguely heard voices around you, all the water in your ears disabling you from hearing clearly. Eventually feeling it drain from them, helping to hear much clearer, you looked up to see alastor had been holding you, possibly pulling you from the water, the water drenched his hair, making his ears droop, his hair in his face a good bit as he stared down at you with wide-eyes, his smile more forced and smaller than previously.
"(Y/n)!" You finally heard him calling you, staring back at him as you looked around the area, seeing the concern on charlie's face. Making you quickly look at the sandy ground. "I- uh- im alright.." You said, slowly getting out of al's arms, though his hand remainded wrapped on your wrist in a firm grip, causing you to look back at al, he had the same look on his face, eventually feeling him begin to shake. "Al?" You fully turned to him, a worried look on your face as you brought your hand toward his cheek, he didn't react. You would have said something, though the others looked as if they were gone, just not around anymore? You looked back at al, but his expression was different, his hair fully covered his eyes as he looked towards the ground, eventually feeling some liquid stream down his cheek, it was bitch black. Was he crying?
"Please dear...dont worry me like that again..." He finally spoke, his voice cracking, the static noise sparking every time he spoke. You stared at him for a while, eventually pulling him into a tight hug. "Im...sorry- im so sorry...i-i didnt mean- i" he quickly shushed you, pulling from the hug a bit to look at you, his hair having been moved from his face, his smile not so forced anymore. "Don't apologize...i know it wasn't your intention, just be more careful" he said jokingly, cupping your cheek with his hand. You quietly chuckled in return, leaning in as you kissed him on the lips, setting your hand on his shoulder, he leaned into it not a moment later, wrapping his arm around your back to bring you closer, feeling the tears on his face come in contact with yours. Eventually pulling away as you stared at him. "Don't worry, im sure I'll be alright" you said, quietly laughing as you felt the atmosphere go back to normal as if time resumed. Seeing everyone still standing there with their concerned looks, you just gave them a soft smile. "Don't worry, im just fine, cmon, we came here to have fun!"
After the day began ending you all started packing, pretty ready to get a shower and cuddle up in bed. Everyone gathering the things before walking back past the gates, looking back up towards the stairs...oh right. The stairs...
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