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Hi! Do you have any advice for disabled folks who are unable to do direction actions, but still want to help support local antifa groups? I myself am unable due to severe health reasons but I wish to help make change anyway I can!
Yes.  Yes we do.  In fact, this is one of the most-common questions we get asked! The good news: antifa work is maybe 1% being in the streets fucking with fascists and 99% behind-the-scenes work that most people with disabilities will be able to take on with no problems whatsoever. So here’s a list of 30 antifa things we think pretty much anyone could take on, perhaps with the help of some friends - find a couple you like and do the thing.  LET US KNOW HOW IT GOES! Disabled antifa - what antifa stuff do you most like to get up to these days? 
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@ people who don't celebrate christmas and are currently having christmas shoved down their throats
i hope whatever holiday you celebrate is fun and well!! and if you don’t celebrate any holidays this time of year, i hope your day is nice anyways!
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Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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How to Ditch Amazon
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Support your local libraries and the small businesses that are actually making the products you want.  Fuck Jeff Bezos and the systemic, universal worker abuse, gaslighting, and brutality they live off of.
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For future reference.
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hey lovely angels my friend’s mother has breast cancer and is struggling to pay for the treatment as well as day-to-day expenses.... she’s such a beautiful person and she’s suffering so much.. they live in russia and it’s all just a very difficult situation
i’m going to reblog this post w the paypal link pls consider donating every little bit helps thank you so much for ur kindness
i’m also willing to do emoji or moodboard commissions for anyone who can show me the receipt of donating more than €15 (i’ll reblog links w examples to my emojis and mbs as well)
please consider helping my dear friend and her family
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some things i’ve learned about adulthood that no one warns you about
you will in fact continue to have acne past the age of twenty
you will eventually hit a point where you start to feel icky inside if you go too long without eating some sort of vegetables
depending on your current level of athleticism/physical activity as well as the kind of activities you did as a kid/teenager, your joints may start acting whack in your twenties, despite what everyone says about that not happening until middle age
eventually you will reach a point where you wonder how you were able to stay up until 3am nearly every night and be perfectly fine the next day (and this moment will come much younger than you expect)
it is much harder to meet new people after you’re done with school than sitcoms would have you believe
don’t let society tell you shit: it is perfectly acceptable to live with your parents after you graduate, there’s no need to be broke and miserable just so you can have some misguided attempt at independence straight out of school
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25-35 is such a weird fucking age because you’re 100% a bread-and-butter Standard Edition Millennial but the cool teens are like “ok boomer” because you have a Real Job but the actual Boomers at your job are like “I’m not going to listen to a literal fucking child” as they download 16 self-replicating viruses and meanwhile the Gen Xers are telling you to refinance a mortgage for a house you don’t have and you’re sitting there at the Adults Table with the pretty tasty casserole you cooked because you’ve finally figured out how to do that now but everyone is eating the Boomer’s store-bought macaroni instead and admittedly they do sort of taste similar so it probably wasn’t worth all the trouble of cooking from scratch and you’re trying to comfort the freshly-graduated sobbing 22-year-old next to you because she just woke up here and doesn’t know where she is but you have like maybe 5k dollars in a savings account labelled RETIREMENT that grows approx. twelve cents a year and you keep eating dry macaroni while smiling incomprehensibly and periodically blacking out like ??????????
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Meet Maya, an orphaned 24 year old trans woman in Yemen. She has been held in prison for multiple charges for being trans/being a "man that dresses like a woman", and for being gay.
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She has been brutally beaten and sexually assaulted/raped by both prisoners and security guards. Her adoptive family abandoned her because of her gender identity and the charges against her. When she was released to go home her family beat her up. They broke her nose. They told her she deserved to die.
She ran away to another city to live with a friend temporarily. She's attempted suicide multiple times.
I got in contact with her recently after retweeting her story. She said she managed to afford an apartment with just a few retweets of her GoFundMe. All she needs is a little more money to move out of Yemen. Her goal is £12,000 and she's currently at £4,392.
"I hope that you look into my case and help me to get out of Yemen to a country that saves my right and dignity as a transgender woman."
She has stated that she is not the only trans person in Yemen to undergo torture like that. Trans people have no rights or protections in Yemen.
Please, if you have the means, even donating a dollar or two can help immensely toward the effort to save her. If not, a simple reblog as well as boosting this on twitter and other social media sites would help greatly.
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link to the thread on twitter
donate here
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yeah ok i really like the new guys so sue me
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also in trans news that should be talked about. laverne cox has stated that on saturday her and a friend were assulted in a park and it’s not really getting the same attention as elliot. we can still be proud of him without ingnoring what happened to laverne and her friend.
if you claim ally ship to the trans community then you can’t ignore the bad things that happen to especially trans woc. and if you’re a white trans person you can’t just talk about other white trans people. it just shows that you only care about trans people if they are white and that shouldn’t be the case.
if your gonna talk about elliot please also talk about laverne. she deserves better and we should all do better to raise up the voices of black trans women.
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Hey there, my name's Oliver Groover.
I'm shit out of money, and any donations you could spare would be greatly appreciated.
It would all go towards getting my medication (which costs 100s of dollars) getting my wisdom teeth removed (Its causing a lot of problems and infections) and paying off all my medical bills (psych ward fee, co-pays for appointments, hospital fees, etc)
If you can't donate, please share.
Edit: I will do an art or writing commission if you donate. Message me for more details
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