crookedfanpeach · 9 months
every year around christmas me and my grandma play this fun family game called “maybe you want to put jesus in your room instead, sweetie? :)”. now, it’s important to note that the jesus referred to in our game is not actually the real jesus christ, but instead a wooden figure i made in 2011 that has an uncanny resemblance to the lord and savior himself
so what happens is that i place jesus in our living room, and my grandma smiles and asks me if i don’t want to decorate my room with him instead. i ask her in return if she thinks my jesus figure is ugly (which he is), but she reassures me that this is not the case. however, a couple of days later jesus mysteriously disappears from our living room, and appear in my room instead
now, the real jesus christ might have been able to perform a miracle like this, but please remember that the jesus in our story is only a figure made out of wood. he can not move on his own, so i think we can safely say that my grandma is the prime suspect here
the first year i would often confront my grandma about this, but she would always make up an excuse and never straight up tell me she moved him because he’s so ugly it’s an embarrassment to the family
eventually i grew tired of her lies, so now we only move jesus around in silence. one second he’s in the living room, the next he’s back in my room. in a way i think this adds an extra element of excitement to the holiday season, because you never know for sure when jesus is going to be moved again
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
okay new tag game. do you actually recommend people play/watch/read/listen to your favorite media?
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
reblog if you unironically love art that makes you feel weird, confuses the mind, wises to destroy the canon, mocks the concept of values, spits on beauty and celebrates ugliness
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
Love fantasy settings where “fairy” is treated like a fantasy junk drawer. Settings where “fairy” means elves and goblins and pixies, but it also means trolls and fauns and rabbits in waistcoats and talking pianos.
Settings where if it’s magical, and meets a certain degree of whimsy, it’s a fairy. You know?
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
"Aphrodite loves terfs" do you really think a goddess of love formed from a literal penis and the mother of Hermaphroditus, an intersex god who was associated with androgyny and feminine men, fucks around with transphobia?
she is a literal trans icon and to deny that will get you smited by all the gods
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
If you're not from Argentina, please read this carefully
I have no words to describe the pain I feel. after 40 years of democracy, my country elected a party whose only goal is to be a colony once again, to sell the country to Elon Musk, to the USA and the UK, to have our sovereignty impugned and erased.
I remember the video of USAmerican congressists calling Argentina an "important asset for the United States". I remember when we told all of you to be vigilant because this was gonna turn into a genocide.
Tomorrow, the Mega DNU (Decree of Necessity and Urgency) is going to overrule most of our constitutional rights, and yesterday the Omnibus Law was presented to congress, including measures that make it illegal to gather in public without permission (state of siege), and make it so that protest is a crime. We will have to pay for the bullets that kill us, and cops will have absolute legal immunity to hunt us.
Word for word, a dictatorship. Fascism.
We've already gone through this many times, but I want to see worldwide protests about this. I want the UN to intervene. I want the world to make noise.
What worries me is this is not an isolated case. With many genocides going on worldwide, if the world fails Argentina, this will be the blueprint for all of the world.
Make no mistake, what happens here will happen everywhere there's natural resources and sovereignty. If not through overt genocide, through an extremely libertarian far right that wins elections by manipulating people, funded by Elon Musk. A second Operation Cóndor.
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
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oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
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They live in my head rent free
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
It’s a while before Scar reappears on Hermitcraft, after his victory.
When he does, Pearl is doing one last sweep over the server. Things are starting to slow down a little as the server is shut down, colours muting and mobs stumbling to a stop, but it’s nothing half so violent as it was last time.
Xisuma has backups of backups of backups, and Pearl has been repeatedly assured that last time was the exception, not the rule.
Still. She checks things over.
She is flying over Scarland when she sees Scar, sitting there at the end of Main Street and staring pensively out across the server.
She hasn’t seen him since he killed her, almost a week ago.
She flies down and alights softly beside him. “Hey Scar,” she says.
His eyes flicker to meet hers. He gives her his signature half-smile. It looks a little strained. “Well hello there, Pearl!” he says. “You know, I forgot about this place!”
Pearl looks at him for a moment, and heaves a sigh. So, they’re talking about this, are they? She sits down on the bench beside him.
To be fair, she isn’t sure who else he would talk to about it. If not her, it would probably be Grian. Grian, who just this morning had snapped at her to make sure she didn’t miss out Scarland in her final loop, in that way he had of transforming a remarkable amount of the worry he felt into irritation as soon as it left his mouth.
“Yeah,” says Pearl. “Me too. Nice to be back, right?”
“It’s ending,” says Scar, and Pearl winces. He isn’t wrong. The timing on this isn’t brilliant, but they couldn’t really wait much longer. “Why do things keep ending?”
“What, just sort of things in general?”
“Everything always ends,” says Scar, staring at her intently. “It ends and ends and ends. How in the world do you not go mad with it?”
Pearl chuckles ruefully. “You're asking the wrong person, mate.”
A villain, but not a demon. Forced into wickedness, but not made with it inside him.
No. No, he wouldn't understand. Not really.
“I don’t think it’s the going mad that’s the problem, really,” she says. “I think it’s the keeping going afterwards.”
“Oh.” He sighs. Then he narrows his eyes in suspicion, glancing up at the sky. “What about the moon, Pearl?” he asks. “How’s that been looking? If that’s gone all funny again as well, I don't know what I’ll do.”
Pearl looks up at the sky.
She looks up at the sky for a while.
It’s been more than a year, now.
“I reckon the moon’s still worn out after last time, mate,” says Pearlescentmoon, still staring at the sky. It’s the easiest place to look, at the moment. “You can’t do that kind of ending twice, you know? It would be too much to do it twice.”
The sun is bright, but she feels a chill, deep in her bones.
“Well,” says Scar. “Well! That’s good to know. But still, it’s very nice of you all to wait for me for so long.”
Pearl shrugs. “I mean, we didn’t really wait. It’s only been a week.”
Scar blinks. Blinks again. “Huh,” he says. “A week. Interesting!”
“Interesting?” Pearl squints at him. “How so?”
He stares at her for a moment before he speaks again. “I thought that was it,” he says. His eyes look far away. “I thought that was all there was, Pearl. I thought there was nothing, after.”
Pearl opens her mouth, but he keeps going.
“I thought that was all there was,” he says again. “So I wasn’t going to just give up. You know? That would be absurd! I was going to keep going. I did keep going!”
“You did,” says Pearl. It’s halfway to a question, but not quite there.
She doesn’t know if she would have kept going, if she had been given the choice, and not handed victory and death in one fell swoop. That’s one of the few things about her victory that she hasn’t wondered about much. She hadn’t even considered it before, to be honest.
She thinks, probably, that she would have kept going.
She’s less sure that it would have been pretty.
“I did,” says Scar. “You have to, don’t you?”
Pearl thinks of Grian. “I don’t know,” she says. “I think it’s a choice, sometimes. I think that makes it mean more, actually.”
“Well. Maybe,” says Scar. “It just- I couldn’t waste it, you know? It was a whole world.”
The weight of that settles over her. A whole world.
A whole world, and refusing to give it up, until you are made to.
“How did you die?” asks Pearl. “In the end.”
“My elytra broke,” says Scar.
“…Huh.” says Pearl, taking a moment to consider the implications of that statement.
“I was trying to get more shulker boxes,” says Scar. “Do you know how annoying it is trying to get stuff done without shulkers, Pearl?”
“Yeah,” says Pearl. “I have an idea.”
“Well,” says Scar, “I was trying to get more but my elytra broke. Did you know, the void kills you no matter how many hearts you have.”
“Oh,” says Pearl. “Yeah, I guess it would. You see Lizzie down there?”
Scar snorts. “No. Everyone falls alone, Pearl, don’t you know that? Martyn, and Lizzie. And me too.”
Pearl looks around at the world, slowing down around them. “Well,” she says matter-of-factly. “You’re not falling now. You’re here now.”
“…Yeah,” says Scar softly. “Would you look at that? I sure am.”
They sit in the quiet for a while.
“Why would you not kill me?” asks Pearl abruptly.
Now is not the time to ask. She knows this. But it’s been burning at the back of her mind for the past week, and there will never be a time to ask.
Scar blinks at her for a moment, but recovers without missing a beat. “But Pearl!” he says, all wide-eyed innocence. “I did kill you!”
She gives him a look. “When I asked, Scar.”
“I-” he stops, and sighs, serious again. “Look. I know that was what you wanted. But- it wouldn’t have been fair.”
“Why?” asks Pearl.
“It wouldn’t have been fair,” says Scar again. “You can’t talk about it, first. You can’t volunteer, you can’t plan it out, you can’t draw a line in the sand. It ruins everything, if you do that.”
He looks at her, eyes intense.
“If you do that, that makes it a choice, not a reaction. That's what it is, I think. That must be what it is. You said it yourself—if it’s a choice, it means more.”
“That was my choice, Scar.”
He shrugs, unrepentant. “And I made mine, too.” He frowns for a second. “Think of it like this: I was fighting Gem. And when she died, I just kept fighting.” He shifts slightly, looking almost uncomfortable. “It doesn’t have the weight it would’ve had if we stopped and decided to make it matter more.”
“You’re saying it doesn’t matter?” asks Pearl flatly.
“No!” exclaims Scar. “No, that’s not what I was trying to say at all! But- I wasn’t given your life. I didn’t just accept it. I fought for it. And you didn’t have to give it away. It’s worth more than that, Pearl. Someone should have to fight for it.”
The look he gives her then… she has to look away.
“That’s what I think,” says Scar firmly. “That’s what I wanted to say.”
Pearl stares down at her hands for a while. “I don’t know if I totally agree with how you chose to do things,” she says. “But… thank you, Scar.”
They are, again, quiet for a while.
“What do you think I did, while I was still there?” asks Scar eventually. “You know, if someone was making you guess.”
Pearl leans back and looks at him intently, considering. “I reckon you caused chaos, and made something beautiful.” She shrugs. “That’s what you always do, yeah?”
“Oh,” says Scar, looking genuinely touched. “Why thank you, Pearl. I certainly try.”
“You sure do. You know, whatever else you do, I have to give you that,” says Pearl wryly.
Scar looks at her for a moment, then tilts his head slightly to the side. “You know, Pearl,” he says, serious, then pauses.
“I left a whole pile of shulker boxes in the Mounders’ base.” His voice stays serious even as his typical sly smirk creeps across his face.
Pearl takes a few seconds to register what he’s just said. “I- you- Scar!”
“Completely unsorted,” he says airily. “It was just a real mess, honestly.”
“Why would you tell me that!”
He snickers at her. “I can’t believe you would leave such a mess, Pearl! I mean, who else could it have been? It’s in your base, after all!”
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” Pearl narrows her eyes at him, laughter bleeding though the mock-annoyance in her voice.
He shakes his head. “And you call yourself a cleaning lady!”
“Right, that’s it!” says Pearl. “I’m finding this server and tidying it up whether you like it or not.”
Scar jerks back slightly, humor suddenly shaken.
…Right. She’d almost forgotten.
He looks away. His expression, though, is thoughtful rather than pained.
“I don’t think you need to do that, really,” he says.
Pearl watches him. “Why not?” she asks. “Are you the only one who’s allowed to keep trying?”
He sighs.
“There’s always going to be some things you can’t clean up,” he says. “But you can’t always be going backwards to get them.”
They look out at the world around them gently, carefully slowing down to a stop.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re not wrong,” says Pearl. “I guess it’s a balance. What you can fix, and what you need to let go.”
Scar nods. “I think so.”
He gives her a warm look. He looks up at the sky, where the normal sized moon is just beginning to rise. He glances around him at the remarkable things he has made, that this time will be left just as they are.
“And there’s always a new sunrise,” he says.
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
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Boat Bois are on the up and up!
Was just vibing the whole time makin this, lovin the contasting colour palettes i went with
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
percy jackson and the olympians has done it. disney, has done it. rick riordan has DONE IT!
the show is so good. i honestly so far can’t fault it, there is nothing i didn’t enjoy. it’s almost perfectly book accurate, the vibe is just right and i absolutely love all the casting. i know there will be people who disagree with me, but i do not give a monkeys. i actually love it.
percy jackson is extremely special to me. it was the first proper full blown autistic special interest i have ever had. i picked up the books when i was 11 (i am now 22) and they have got me through some rough times (including rn with chronic illness) i have a literal trident tattoo on my arm ffs i’m a die hard fan forever.
so to have something i am so incredibly fond of, redeemed from the awful movies, and made into a visually stunning , well thought out, book accurate adaptation, is literally one of the highlights of my life.
so here are some of my more specific thoughts on the first two episodes:
•PERCY! let’s start here. my gods, walker is PERFECT! he has absolutely made this show for me. you can tell how much work he put into understanding percy and making him EVEN BETTER in my opinion than book percy (no shade to book percy, still love him) it’s the moments of vulnerability that he’s worked into it, the genuine anguish, the grief. but also he’s got the humour DOWN! the little comments and one liners were so well delivered, along with his expressions and the way we can see how percy is going to develop. i will never get over his little dancing, and stroking the gecko. that was top tier for me. absolute perfection.
•ANNABETH MY BABE MY LOVE MY WISE GIRL. oh my, leah absolutely EMBODIES her. it’s the little eyebrow quirks, the slightly harsh but kind intonation, it’s so so annabeth. there was so much unnecessary backlash over this casting (cough cough, you can guess why) and it’s total bull, because it doesn’t matter and leah knows that character inside out and it shows. we didn’t get lots of annabeth yet, but i am BEYOND excited to see more and see how percy and annabeths relationship develops!
•GROVER GROVER GROVER what an absolute cutie! absolutely loved his delivery, especially the “i’m 24” line like that ENDED ME. aryan has this in the bag, and i love how he’s kinda sheepish, but still brave, and brings a softness to the character. his comedic timing is everything.
•casting in general i love. Mr D was great, especially with the whole “son” thing. that was illegally funny. love chiron, love luke, and love clarisse. the vibes are all there.
•the writing felt good too! nothing felt too scripted to me, it felt like it flowed and they included a lot of book lines which i loved!
•the visuals were awesome! i loved the CGi, especially for the minotaur and chiron! it wasn’t jarring and you can tell they put the work in to not make it look tacky! i loved how the camp was designed, ESPECIALLY THE CABINS! i always struggled to picture the cabins, so i was actually so impressed with them!
you can tell rick and becky had such a big part in this, it’s really really beautiful and my heart is so full rn. i cannot wait for the rest of this season, i am overjoyed and i hope so much that we get more seasons because this deserves it.
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
i was watching him say Annabeth is like my little sister, and all I could think about is "family luke, you promised."
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
the percy jackson show end credits look similar to the spine designs on the us second edition version of the books!!!!!!
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
“are u stalking me annabeth?🤔”
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crookedfanpeach · 9 months
Luke not only being the only one to comfort but also befriend Percy and tries making him feel welcomed at camp
"Who's side are you on?"
"Oh, hers, always. She's my little sister."
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