crxentxs · 10 years
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crxentxs · 10 years
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         “None taken, don’t worry. When I meet people who like          doctors and hospitals I’m worried, not liking it is normal.          Have you been working with any toxic chemicals lately?”
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                  “ That’s an upside to this. No offense to you or                      what you do,  but  I hate hospitals & doctors.                      Anytime  I’ve  gone,  it’s  always  been  really                      unpleasant. ”
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crxentxs · 10 years
“You’ve got that right. Look at yourself Rebekah,  I think you’ve got an infection. I’ll go as quick as  I can, take off your shirt so I can check the bandages.”
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“You’re not going to let up until I agree   are you? I’ll sit, but be quick about it.”
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crxentxs · 10 years
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Nails scratching against the door sent shivers down Aurora’s spine. Each time she shouted to the stranger outside she could swear the walkers go more active. Of course they would, it only made sense. She was giving them a constant reminder of where their meal was. “Four, maybe five. I didn’t count I just ran. They’re all trapped behind a door…for now.” Not that she wanted to sound too desperate. Even though it was likely she had already crossed that line in to desperate territory the moment she went and got herself stuck. When she finally got to see a face Aurora let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It looked like she was going to be getting help. “Yeah I-it’s a skill.” One she would love to give up. “Thank you.” Most people would have walked away and she knew that. “I’ve check, I can look again. I’ll see if I can find anything I can toss up!” Turning back to the boxes in the cellar she started tossing objects to the side, looking for anything. A string of Christmas lights was all she could find, but it was better than nothing. “What about these?”
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"Walkers?!" She groaned, the mention of them tempting her to spin around on her heel and head back in the direction she came from. Pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers, she sighed loudly. "D’ya know how many? Are they gonna run us over?" Us. Was she still considering helping this stranger? As much crap as she knew she would catch from the group for not only straying as far as she had but risking her safety for someone she didn’t know from Adam, Radley slung her crossbow over her shoulder and hurried over toward the sound of the woman’s voice. She craned her neck out as she leaned over the hole in the ground and peered into it, her brows furrowing as her eyes landed on the blonde. “Jeeze, ya really are stuck aintcha? Okay, okay, lemme see if I can find summat ‘ta pull ya out with. Ya got anything down there that might help?”
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crxentxs · 10 years
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All of the lingering worry that had been feeling instantly vanished after the compliment. It could be said that she trusted far too easily and someone who paid her a complement wasn’t likely to turn around and stab her in the back, or shoot her in the head. Whichever was the preferred killing method of psychopathic killers. “Thank you.”
Mari’s reminder that walkers could find them at any moment pulled Aurora back to reality. Yes, she had found one nice person. But their lives were still in danger, that hadn’t changed.
“Right, you’re completely right. I shouldn’t have yelled, we should go…do you have somewhere to go to?”
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"Aurora? That’s a real beautiful name."  Mari grinned at the other woman.  "And same here. It’s hard to find nice people nowadays."
She glanced around, keeping an eye out for any walkers that may have heard Aurora yelling.  None had shown up, but that didn’t mean they weren’t on their way.
"Maybe we should get movin’, in case walkers show up."
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crxentxs · 10 years
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      "You should rest, you need it. We don't have to move yet."
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crxentxs · 10 years
A comment that Callie wouldn’t find anything was on the tip of Aurora’s tongue, but she bit it back. Telling the blonde that wasn’t going to get them out of the store, she’d seen Callie in moods like this and saying that would only stop them from leaving. That is until she heard the moans of the walkers outside and knew they needed to leave immediately if they wanted any chance of getting to the car “Callie! We have to go, walkers!”
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"Yeah, I guess we could," Callie muttered as she rounded another isle. She would hate to have to admit that she had been wrong, so she stubbornly continued to scan her surroundings for something, anything that could be useful. So zoned in that she didn’t hear the walkers outside, Callie squatted down to dig through a basket of the ugliest shirts she’d ever seen. 
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crxentxs · 10 years
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crxentxs · 10 years
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Aurora threw a worried glance back at the house, expecting the trapped walkers to break through the door at any minute. What had seemed like a perfect escape route had turned out to be another poor decision. The stairs leading up from the cellar were destroyed. If she tried to go back the way she had came all of the walkers now pounding on the door would be given a meal. Climbing out was her only way, but there wasn’t enough left in the cellar to pile up so she could reach the top and pull herself out. At least the door had been torn off and no stray walkers had fallen in. “I’m in the cellar and there’s no way to get out. I’m alone, I promise. The house is filled with walkers, I can’t go back up the stairs.”
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Turning to look at the small weathered home to her right, Radley stopped herself from breaking out into a sprint. It would be incredibly stupid of her to play hero when she didn’t know who was calling out for her or what their intentions were      for all she knew, it could have been a trap. In this world, you were n e v e r safe, not even when the odds were stacked in your favor. “What’s wrong with ya?” She called out, approaching the house cautiously. “Are ya alone?”
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crxentxs · 10 years
 "Oh my god! Why did you come see me  sooner? Sit down, right now. I need to get  your fever under control."
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“I don’t need a bloody checkup,   — I’m fine. Can I go now?”
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crxentxs · 10 years
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             "It's still an injury from the field and I               have to make sure it's healing properly."
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"But… It’s just a minor sprain. It’s not that serious…”
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crxentxs · 10 years
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          "Rules are rules, everyone needs their check-up.            It won't take long, I promise. And I won't ask the            annoying questions like the shrink."
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                  “ But the  worse  that can happen                      to me is carpal tunnel syndrome.                      This is a big waste of your time. ”
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crxentxs · 10 years
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                                          It’s gonna end bloody for all of us
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crxentxs · 10 years
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       "You know, when I say come see me for a     check-up I'm not just doing it because I'm lonely."
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crxentxs · 10 years
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C O R E  C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 
Name: Aurora Kennedy Age: 23 Parents: Leon and Mary [Both Deceased] Siblings: Jensen [Deceased], Blake and Juliet  Hometown: New Haven, Connecticut 
About Aurora
Working for Core was never a life Aurora envisioned for herself. Growing up her life was normal, free of tragedy unlike many of the other Core members. From a young age Aurora wanted to be a doctor. Working for the Government or having a job that normally would have attracted the attention of Core was never meant for her. What Aurora didn’t know is that both of her parents were agents for Core. And she never would have found out if one of the missions they went on hadn’t followed them back home.
The summer after Aurora’s first year of university her home was attacked. Aurora and her siblings were kidnapped. They were used as bait to draw on their parents, their attackers hoping to gain more information on the organization that was targeting them. In the end the kidnappers failed and were killed, but so were Aurora’s parents and her older brother. The truth about Core had been exposed to the children. Aurora, Juliet and Blake were given the choice to move on and forget what they had been told. Shocking both of her siblings Aurora decided to join Core. Hearing about all of the horrible things happening, seeing them first hand, she wanted to help. After all the work that her parents had done for Core and the years of service they had dedicated it was decided that she could join the organization, entering as a trainee. So she continued her medical studies at Core to become both and Agent and a Medic. 
Specialty: Medical Treatment. Weapon of Choice: Colt M1911 Aliases:      - Elena Anderson      - Laura Michaels
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crxentxs · 10 years
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☇ Bitten season 2 teaser x
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crxentxs · 10 years
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"It's fine. I shouldn't have called out like that." In hindsight that had been a terrible idea. Walkers from all around would have heard her. Aurora  wasn't upset she had done it though, it had meant finding another person.
"Aurora." With a smile she reached out to take Mari's hand and give it a shake. "It's nice to meet someone who doesn't want to kill me."
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She realized that she still had a death grip on her pistol and tucked the weapon into her waistband.  “Shit, sorry. I’m kinda jumpy, I guess.”
Mari held out a hand.  “My name’s Marigold. What’s yours?”
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