crycaster-rp-zone · 2 years
Sith Obi-Wan!
Dying for a Sith Obi wan for my Cody. He's in bad condition in this prompt, suffered torture at who knows whose hands. That's where Obi comes in. I've left a lot of background information out of this because there are a few different ways this could go!
They could be on the same side, where when the General fell, his Commander and the 212th went with him. He could have finally located him and this is a rescue mission. They could be on opposite sides of the war, Cody still with the Republic and fighting against the Separatists and Obi wan could have been Dooku's apprentice. Obi could be the next one sent in to get information from the man, deciding to go at it in a different direction. The original captors could have found him too much to deal with and have taken to selling him to the highest bidder, who happens to be the Sith. Hell the man could be there to wipe out the original captors and Cody could be a particularly interesting treat he decides to keep.
Prompt under the cut. Drop me a message if you want to rp this. Either through Tumblr messages or Discord.
The creak of the cage door sets Cody's teeth on edge. No. It's been too soon. They can't be back already. The cycle-
Who was he kidding. He lost track of cycles a long time ago. That's what happens when you're repeatedly tortured and beaten for information for hours upon hours and locked back up in the same four walled box with no light or way to tell time. Based purely on when they elect to give him food, he'd guess he's been here a few weeks. The ache in his side swears it's longer.
CC-2224. That's all they've been able to get out of him no matter what they bruise, what they break. His last particular round of personal hell resulted in what he can only describe as a fractured shoulder and a broken ankle. With the attention one of his captors likes paying to his face, he's certain his nose is going to have to be rebroke when he finally gets back to his Vod. Well If.
He doesn't have the energy to push himself up or scramble back. Lying on the floor of this dingy cell, forehead against the steel and every inch of his body hurt. Footsteps approach him slowly and all he can do is clench his fist and prepare for the worst. They don't often meander unless they're planning something particularly sinister. Boots stop in front of him, shiny and polished to a ridiculous degree.
Cody's forced to lift his head, a gloved hand holding his chain like a leash causing the metal collar to dig into his neck. Harsh breaths are all he can manage as he drags his eyes up, one of them stuck shut with dried blood he hadn't managed to wipe off. He's met with a pair of eyes of liquid gold. Sith eyes. The sith in question tilts his head and flashes his teeth.
"Hello there."
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crycaster-rp-zone · 4 years
Witcher RP Call Come One come All!
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Immortal God! Jaskier prompt
Recently been reading the Witcher book series and devouring the AO3 tag for Jaskier/Dandelion and one thing I absolutely love is the headcannon that he’s somehow immortal. This comes from anything from elf or siren heritage to secretly a god and I wanna play with that last bit. I want to play a Jaskier whose a minor Deity or one that doesn’t really have to be available for him to do his job. I also would love it if he didn’t exactly know it. He fucked something up when transforming and he has no memories of being this all powerful god. He’s essentially human and if he came down to spread happiness and joy only to forget that entirely and be strangely attracted towards the Witchers who definitely were sources that needed it before he lost his memories, he wouldn’t know that. He doesn’t leak power enough that a mage or even a witcher medallion could pick up, he can’t consciously call it to help him out, however. Around certain holidays that they would take time to worship the god, he has a healthier glow, he might subtly leak magic but has never really paid close enough attention to figure it out. He just feel better it must be he’s sleeping well, must be eating better, the muse must be looking upon him!
I am looking for a Geralt because he’s my absolute fav, but I would give my left arm to anyone willing to multi-muse with Eskel and Lambert as well cuz witchersexual polyJaskier is <3 . I have a couple ideas for this and feel free to suggest some of your own. I like the idea that the reason Geralt hasn’t figured out this yet is due to the fact he separates with Jaskier every winter for Kaer Morhen and doesn't see him again until the spring which happen to miss the two peak worshipping seasons at the end of fall/beginning of winter and the first of spring. Maybe one of the Witcher’s were running late on their trek to the mountain and happens to run into the bard when he’s leaking power enough that they worry he’s been cursed and take him up to see Vessemir. Maybe Jaskier figures it out by himself through something huge at a point where Geralt and him are travelling separate and hides away in one of his temples, too nervous to confront his travelling companion on this. Perhaps followers decide he requires a sacrifice and through some prophetic mage or priestess or something they divine Witchers would please their god greatest and they go about catching one of them for him, much to both the witcher and the god’s dismay, but Jaskier accepts this gift and uses it as an excuse to put the Witcher under his protection—maybe even ends up collecting a witcher every couple years.
I’m willing to play any of the necessary background characters needed to keep the storyline moving and while the prompt is safe for work, I am also willing to go nsfw if desired but that is by no means necessary (18+ option only!!!). I can play Jaskier as cis or trans, either way he identifies as male. Also appearance wise if you have a preference please let me know cuz in the books he’s blonde—which I very much enjoy him looking like a buttercup or dandelion that he was named after—, and the video game and Netflix series he’s very different in appearance but still very adorable.
If interested Message me and we can either do it on here or DM for Discord deets.
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crycaster-rp-zone · 4 years
Hello. This is my RP zone.
Since I have been having trouble finding rp sites that spark joy, I’m gonna try something else. This is gonna be a place I’m gonna put my rp ideas and starters. So here’s a handy guide in how to navigate/how this is all gonna be organised. 
First of all they’re gonna be tagged by the fandom they belong in. If it has multiple iterations such as book vs TV show, it’s just gonna be tagged as the name of the thing. Usually in the body of the prompt itself I’ll have either mentioned whether or not i’m leaning to one or the other.
Popular Fandoms I’ve got prompts for include (may not be up yet and I shall try to add them as I go)
The Witcher 
The Magnus Archives
Star Wars
Second, they’re gonna be tagged via characters. This will include what character I am going to be playing and what characters I am looking for. I will try to do ship names as well but I am terrible at remembering half of them so that might be a hit or miss. Secondary characters might be added as well sans ship name. 
Third, I shall be tagging them starter or No starter depending on whether or not the prompt has a starter attached to it. If a prompt does have a starter however that does not mean to jump in without discussing things beforehand such as where we want this to go/ideas/things to avoid. I’m not asking for much here, just a simple “this is who I want to play and I’m thinking moving in either this or that direction would be fun.” would be enough tbh. 
Thank you for reading. 
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