cryptidhill · 6 years
Night Life
Odis needs to forget about a rough breakup. When he sees a mysterious, pretty girl at a party, he forgets pretty quickly.
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Standing under the intense neon party lights that turned his face blue, Odis’ vision was blurred at the edges. He wasn’t drunk. If you asked him, he’d deny it a thousand times over. He was only slightly intoxicated. It sounded much better. The music was blaring so loudly that to him it felt like a garbled mess of bass boosted beats, but he wasn’t to the point that his head was pounding. It was too early in the night for that.
He was holding a half-empty red solo cup that had once been filled with some type of hard alcohol he just couldn’t remember. He had a bad memory, and it wasn’t like it was important anyway. It wasn’t because he was drunk, because he just wasn’t.
Odis had come tonight to get out of the house for once. His friends were always busy lately, and ever since he broke up with his girlfriend a couple weeks ago things had been hard. It was difficult to get out of bed, and it was difficult to find any enjoyment in things he used to love to do. His friends, knowing of his slump, had forced him to come tonight. It was one night. What could it hurt?
Odis was alone. His friends had gone off with their girlfriends and to go live it up with others who had already shown up. They’d told him to talk to people, but he’d never been good at that kind of thing. He was standing alone under the lights, lost inside of his own mind.
It wasn’t until he was about to absentmindedly take another sip from his drink that someone from across the room caught his eye. She was a pretty, healthy looking girl with eyes that could cut through steel. When they accidentally met eyes, Odis found himself looking away. When he dared himself to look back, she was still there, staring from across the room. It was a stare of intrigue and curiosity. It was one that seemed inviting.
Odis unsteadily started to make his way over to the girl from across the room, his footing wobbly the first couple of steps. Ignoring the few glances he got from other partygoers, he went to set his stale drink on what he thought was a table but was actually a trash can. As if she’d seen him coming, the girl he’d set his sights on turned on her heel and made her way out the back door. Almost like a dog, Odis followed. So, she was going to play hard to get now, was she? Fine. He’d play too.
When he got outside the air felt clearer and easier to breathe, but his nostrils still burned fresh with the stench of alcohol. He’d lost his mystery girl for a hot minute before he located her again by the pool. Though the air was chilly, there were still people swimming and splashing about. The ground around the pool looked slippery and it gleamed forebodingly under the yellow house porch lights and the blue light of the moon. Odis had enough sense to avoid the puddles as he continued his pursuit of the pretty girl he’d seen inside. As he trailed after her she kept walking, and Odis wondered if she even knew he was following her in the first place. He was getting fed up with having to chase this bitch down. Why did she have to make it so damn hard?
“You!” he called from across the yard as his mystery girl started to open the wooden fence gate. “Can you stop running away from me? I think you’re pretty!”
To Odis’ surprise, his attempts at flattery were to no avail. It wasn’t like him to chase something so annoying and difficult this far, but his full stomach and his buzzing head told him he’d be doing himself a major disservice if he stopped now.
He didn’t think she could go much further out front, so he rushed forward and nearly fell sideways into the wooden gate. He didn’t even bother to close it. He didn’t have the time or patience for any of that trivial shit.
Odis looked around to get his bearings. The few street lamps that there were were blurred blobs of yellow amid a dark blue environment. The street itself wasn’t too well lit so it was tough to find where his lady had gone. There were darker blobs along both sides of the road that were probably cars, but it was getting kind of hard to tell. It was just dark out.
Odis heard a car door close from down the street which drew his attention toward its direction. Not too far away from his distraction was a thin, familiar figure making her way down the street. After having followed her this far, Odis knew that figure anywhere and stumbled down the house’s driveway to follow her. “Please wait!” he shouted after her with slurred words. “Don’t go yet, I gotta talk to you.”
The girl on the opposite sidewalk turned around to face him. She was just as beautiful as he’d acknowledged inside, but she was even prettier close up. The dim light from the street lamp brought out her olive complexion and brown eyes. She stared back at him with not much emotion. What the hell was she waiting for? Did she even hear him?
Odis was starting to feel sick from all the running around. He didn’t really care though. Maybe coming to this party was a good idea after all. “Man, I’m sorry for chasing you and all that. I just saw you inside and wanted to tal—“
Odis was interrupted by a loud, garbled, blaring noise that almost sounded like a horn, followed by hard rubber screeching on asphalt. His body didn’t have time to process the combination of the loud sounds and the abrupt force that took him off his feet and sent his head into the ground. His mind had no time to comprehend the split-second image of an empty sidewalk he’d been given, nor to understand that no one had been there in the first place. He was only left with the distant sound of a slamming door, blurry, brightening vision, and a fading sharp pain in his side.
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cryptidhill · 6 years
Life was simple for Arabella Imre, a young witch with the tendency to feed homeless creatures at night. Then it wasn’t.
Check out my Archive of Our Own page!
Keep reading for Chapter One
Chapter One
It was another chilly winter night that left the windows fogged from the inside out, frosty on one end but steamy on the other, and the heat that circulated throughout each room had made its rounds to that of Arabella, a thin girl of small stature who lay in her bed with a decorative looking book in her hands. Propped up on her elbow, her eyes danced along each line of words as her warm, fleshy hands caressed the smooth leather cover of the novel. A bedside lamp on the desk nearby provided a gentle, warm light that enveloped her and illuminated her pale beige bedroom walls. It was a peaceful feeling, almost euphoric, and it kind of reminded her of memories of staying warm by the fireplace downstairs as a young child. She could almost smell the sweet, grassy aroma of her aunt’s renowned herbal tea. Witches from all over their small forested community knew of Aunt Willow’s homemade beverages and potions. Imre’s Elixirs was practically a household name.
Their warm cottage rivaled the brisk, biting coldness of the winter season rearing its ugly head outside. Fresh, powdery white snow covered the frozen ground from the storm that had rolled in and out within an hour or two earlier that day, and though there was something beautifully romantic about the purple sky and silence it brought with it, Arabella always felt something eerily off about the winter storms.
The book she was reading was really starting to strike her fancy. She hadn’t expected to like it so much, seeing as it had been a gift from Aunt Willow after a trip down to Barnaby’s Books and Trinkets, but it was growing on her. It was a story about a young witch on a journey to find herself, and it was written in the language that most witches used when speaking to each other — a formal language often referred to as Scireic that had been developed by one of the first witches many eras ago. Though it wasn’t common for modern witches to interact with creatures outside of their covens, on the occasion that it did happen English was their next go-to. In spite of this, some older generations of witches knew little to no English and chose to keep to their covens with no interest of associating themselves with any foreign creatures. As a kid, Aunt Willow had taught Arabella to leave it be. She’d always been the daring type, to her aunt’s dismay, but if there was one thing she wasn’t ever going to test it was tradition.
Arabella’s dive into witchy fantasy was interrupted by a curt tap on her windowpane. The girl looked up from her book and over at her windowsill. No longer was the bright, blue moon glaring down at her exposed room and lighting up her wooden floor with fluorescent, natural light like it had been only moments earlier, as now there sat a lumpy looking shadow in its path of trajectory. Her porcelain skin that had been blue in the light of the vibrant moon was now only yellow in the light of her bedside lamp. She set down her book of reverie and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Getting to her feet, Arabella felt the cold wood under her toes and brought herself over to the windowsill. Pulling back the curtains of lavender lace, the girl breathed a sigh and twisted the lock to push open the pane of glass. “Come on,” she spoke softly, trying to ignore the icy nip of the winter wind.
As Arabella stepped aside to welcome her nighttime visitor, the figure crawled through his entrance as if he’d done it plenty of times before. He made himself at home on the girl’s bed as she pulled her window shut and drew the curtains. The creature breathed out a frozen cloud. “Whooph. S’rough out there tonight, Belli. You’ve got it pretty easy in here.”
“If you came to bring me another one of your rat heads, I don’t care whether it’s on a string or in a jar — I’m not taking it.”
“You kidding? I’d be lucky if I could find any rats out there tonight. Unfortunately even they’re smart enough to go back home and get warm. Sucks, man. A guy’s gotta eat.”
“Jarv, I don’t really know what you expect me to do,” Arabella huffed. “I can’t exactly sneak downstairs and bring a whole deer platter up for you to gorge on.”
“You have deer? Shoot Belli, there’s no way that’s fresh. How long have you had that for?” the Jarv boy asked.
“Dunno. Not that long. Don’t act like it’s that big of a deal. My aunt got it from the butchery in town. I’m sure you could go down there and get some.”
The boy just cocked a sideways grin. “You’re funny, Bel. Get a load of that one. ‘A vampire walks into a butcher shop...’”
Arabella was getting annoyed. “Jarvis, I’m trying to help you. I know you’re hungry but you can’t always come to me in the middle of the night and expect me to be able to feed you. How often do you come around here when I’m sleeping, anyway?”
Jarvis hesitated and glanced down at Arabella’s desk. “No idea. Hey, what’s this you’re reading?” He picked up the book and flipped open the cover, but before he could get a good look at any of it it flipped shut again in a hurry. Jarvis let out a startled yelp. “Ah! Your weird book just cut me!”
Arabella leaned up against her windowsill. “It’s a witch’s book. It’s not going to let you read it. It’s enchanted, mouse brain.”
Jarvis was sucking the blood from his hand where he’d been struck. “Yeah, well it didn’t need to cut me. Someone should throw that thing in the pond. It’s gotta be like fifty eras old, it’s doing nothing but collecting dust!”
“Oh, stop it. Keep your voice down. Do you want to be thrown out into the snow? Besides, I’m actually reading it, so it’s not collecting dust. It’s kinda good. You wouldn’t be able to understand a word it says anyway. It’s written in Scireic.”
“You mean that fake language I hear the the shopkeepers yelling in? Didn’t know you could fill up a book with that many curse words.”
“Cut it out, Jar. Look, forget the book. Did you only come here looking for food or was there something else you wanted?”
“I mean it was mostly for warmth and food because that snow storm was gnarly. Did you see that stuff coming down? It was heavy as bricks to fly in!”
“Why were you up so early?” Arabella questioned, one eyebrow raised.
“Huh? Oh. I’m an early riser.”
“No, you’re not.”
“As of tonight, I am.”
“Jarvis,” Arabella groaned in growing agitation, “as much as I love having you over when I should be asleep, you’re starting to waste my time. I know this is your afternoon, but this is my midday. You’re making me sleepier the longer you sit here and chat with me.”
“Yikes. You’re in a funk tonight, Bel. I get it, though. You want me gone. I get it. I’ll go.”
“It’s nothing personal, you know? It’s just super late for me. Like, a witch needs her beauty sleep. I’ll tell you what; come back tomorrow night and I’ll have some snacks waiting for you. I’ll go out and buy some meats just for you, okay? Then we can talk forest gossip and all that fun stuff.” Arabella was still sitting on the windowsill awaiting Jarvis’ response. The boy sat staring at her in contemplation.
“Belli,” the boy finally started in reply, “the moonlight really brings out that red hair of yours, you know?” He smiled a toothy grin. “I’ll be back tomorrow night. If I don’t see any rabbit’s feet, I’m gonna be pissed! Remember, keep ‘em as raw as possible!” He got up and eagerly bounced over to sit beside his friend. Jarvis sighed. “It’s getting harder out here for us ‘creatures’, ya know? These witch shops keep popping up faster and faster nowadays. Sooner or later we might not have much land to ourselves. Food is more scarce because of the storms, and the little that there is is being trapped and sold by the shopkeepers. Look, I get it, witches are trying to make a living and all, but us carnivores gotta eat too! Those fauns have it easy. Man. Anyways, I’ll get going. Rest up, Bel. We’re gorging ourselves tomorrow!” He turned and gave the girl a peck on the cheek before he turned halfway and pushed the window open. One minute he was next to Arabella, but the next he was taking a dive head first out the window. It unnerved her every time to watch him take such a risky move, but she knew he was used to it so she had no clue why she always worried so much. As she started to close her window pane and place the lock back where it was, she watched the bat whose fur was black in the moonlight fly off further and grow smaller against the sky.
Drawing her purple curtains, Arabella sat back on her bed and pulled her feet up onto her mattress. Considering her options, she decided it was just best to hit the sack now. The young witch reached over to her bedside table and fixed the book that her friend had tampered with. With a final glance at the blue moon outside of her window, Arabella flicked off her nighttime light and leaned back in her bed. Resting her head on her comfortable pillows, her eyes no longer fought the urge to close.
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cryptidhill · 6 years
(from my personal)
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I’ve been officially accepted into Ringling College of Art and Design as an Illustration Major for the Fall Semester of 2019! I’d dedicated this whole year to self-improvement and pushing myself so that I could prove to myself and everyone else that I could achieve what I wanted to and I can finally say today that I did just that. I didn’t get into Computer Animation, but I’m actually kinda glad it worked out that way. I think it just means that Illustration is the path I should be taking. I also got a couple scholarships out of it too! I’d found out a week or so ago, but I finally got my official acceptance package so here’s my official announcement. I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be going there yet because it’s too early to make decisions, but it’s been my top school this entire application process. Let’s see where life takes me.
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cryptidhill · 6 years
Recent Updates
Hey guys! So, yeah. I’ve been dead for a long time. I’m not, like, actually dead, but you get the point. So I feel bad about saying I plan to finish things and then never getting around to them. I really do want to continue with October 31st because I genuinely enjoy that story, I’ve just run into a bit of a problem. It isn’t that it’s a motivation issue, it’s just that I’ve sort of fallen out from the danganronpa fandom and community, and it’s hard for me to get back into it. Like I don’t want to force myself to do anything because then nobody enjoys it, you know? I’ll try over the summer because summer is Prime Time™️ for writing, but I’ve moved on to other things. I’m actually writing scripts for a couple projects now and I’m working on my own ideas for original stories. I’ve gravitated toward original work and it’s something I’m getting used to doing but I feel like I have so much more I can do in the realm of original content. I hope you guys can understand that. :) I want to get into writing someday, as well as art and voice over work (basically I want to work in the animation field) and I feel like I’ll get further with original work than fanwork right now. I’m finishing my junior year and I’m taking things more seriously. I just hope I can get somewhere with it and garner an audience, just like I’ve done with my fanwork. :) I’m not saying my fanwork is done! But this is why I’ve been taking such an extensive break. I love everybody who’s been following my work and encouraging me to keep going with it. I appreciate every single one of you and I couldn’t be happier. It’s all meant so much. :D
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cryptidhill · 6 years
Resources For Creating Characters
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cryptidhill · 7 years
i’m writing a story where my two main characters despise each other a lot, but they gradually end up loving each other. do you have any tips on how to write about that? thank you :)
Ah, the classic rivals-to-lovers. An all time favorite. 
I find one of the most important things about this trope is to make it seem realistic and genuine. People who hate each other don’t become friends, let alone significant others, overnight. Let your characters let their guard down and slowly, even begrudgingly, begin to get along or work together sometimes.
A couple of tips on writing rivals/enemies to lovers:
-It needs to take time. This can’t and doesn’t happen overnight. They slowly learn that the other isn’t so bad and begin to tolerate them. Tolerance grows into acceptance, which grows into friendship, and from their you build a friendship into a romantic relationship.
-it’s good to have some piece of similarity between the two characters. Take a look at some of the most famous fictional couples that fit under this trope. Indiana Jones and Marion, Han Solo and Leia; you could argue that these couples shared a lot of similarities. Indiana and Marian were both the adventurous, rowdy type and actually got along pretty well despite not getting along initially. Let your characters agree on something, or love the same thing, or act similarly at certain points. 
-Force your characters to work on something together. Put them in a situation where they MUST work together. It’s a little harder to despise someone you’re forced to work with on a project, especially over a long period of time. 
-Don’t have your characters hate each other for morals/beliefs they feel strongly in. Not saying it’s impossible to write characters like that, but if your two characters can’t respect each others’ belief systems or ideals, there’s a slim to none chance they’ll even be able to get along.
-As a friendship grows, so should respect. Yes, your characters may have started out hating each other, but once you get to the point in your story where they begin to get along, they shouldn’t be disrespecting the other at every turn. 
-To add on to that last point, once you begin to build the romantic relationship between the two characters, it’s important to make sure the relationship is healthy (unless you’re purposefully trying to portray their relationship as unhealthy). They should eventually be comfortable around each other, they shouldn’t get jealous or possessive, and they shouldn’t be giving up their goals or dreams just for the other. 
These are two characters who used to hate each other; ask yourself why they would end up in a relationship? What does one character have that would make the other one stick around and get to know xer?Would their relationship be a good one?
I hope some of these tips help!
Mod Carolyn @theories-fans-andwombats
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cryptidhill · 7 years
I’m not dead, I promise! I’ve had a lot to do with school lately and our musical is in a week so I won’t be too active until we’re done. Updates will resume in due time! As for the whole getting help with my depression issues thing, I started therapy in school again and I may start it outside of school as well. The therapist is worried it’s biochemical (truthfully I believe it is because I found out my uncle has it) since it’s been going on so long. I’m working on getting my life in order. I’ve had a long, eventful week and not in the best way. It’s okay though! I’ll channel it all into a new chapter soon enough. :)
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cryptidhill · 7 years
brief life update
i think updates are on hold for now. this week has been wild and pretty terrible for me. im going back to therapy at school after three years for depression. so yeah. let the record show that I /asked/ on my own last night to go back, nobody is making me. I /want/ to get better. You have to have that want and desire if you’re ever gonna get anywhere or make any progress. I’m so sick of laying around all the time and feeling like I shouldn’t exist. I feel like a shell of my former self. It’s not good. so I’ll suffer as many tears and dramatic “I’m depressed and not happy” reveals as it’ll take if it means I can feel better
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cryptidhill · 7 years
How do I write pain? I have read a lot of well-written stories that almost made me physically feel the pain they were describing, but I just can't seem to get to that level. Can you help?
Well, practice makes perfect! An exercise I like to do to practice writing any physical feeling is write the word out e.x. pain, soft, hard, etc. and then write things i associate with it. For pain I’d write tears, hot, sharp, dizzy, etc. That usually gives me a few ways to write the feeling. Imagery and metaphors always do wonders! so I’d write something like; 
As I missed the fruit, I watched the knife dig into my hand, and a sharp searing burn emanated from the cut. Tears crept up into my eyes as the wound pulsed with heat and the blood made my fingers warm and sticky. 
I’m still practicing too, but I feel like the exercise can really do wonders. 
Hope this helps!
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cryptidhill · 7 years
Okay so I'm writing a kind of creepy action story and got stuck on my first fight scene. It is too descriptive but very vague at the same time and only lasts about 3 exchanges with the fighters. I'm not sure what to do next and don't know what to have my characters do until the bad guy shows up next chapter. Like I'm literally considering having them sleep on the couch lol... Help?
Alright, I totally feel this ask, because I used to have a major problem with writing fight scenes! I could never get them good enough; they were always too short, they were never emotional enough, they ended too quick and always felt incomplete. 
What I started doing to improve this, Is well, I added and realized a few things, a bit from personal or secondary experience. 
1. Adrenaline/Emotions: My fight scenes originally sucked, because in them, I always tried to focus on the action. The mechanics of the fighting. I ended up forgetting about the personal side to it. What are they feeling during the fight. Describe that adrenaline they get as they rush into the fight. Talk about the anger of the frustration that caused it. Mention the fear that strikes down on them when the other person fights back. Really talk about the pain that hits them when they’re assaulted. Get those feelings in there! It will really draw out the scene, and add a lot more depth and emotion and imagery to it! 
2. Realize how hard it is to actually take someone down: Unless you actually have a huge advantage over someone in height or strength or experience or something like that, most fights will be pretty even, and last quite a bit. Not everyone can go down with one punch. If you do a bit of research on your characters, you might be able to draw the fight out just a tiny bit more. 
3. After care! : So, the thing is, after a fight, you’ve gotta wind down. After a fight, most of the time, people have to be cared for both physically, and emotionally. There’s probably some wounds that need to be treated. Most fights are gonna come with something like bruising, a busted lip maybe, and most likely some bruised or busted knuckles if they did any punching.  Clean up some cuts, get some  ice on those bruises or cover them up with makeup if you’re characters are in a position where that should be hidden.  
Fights can also be pretty sweaty and dirty or bloody. Showering or taking a bath is always a good option. 
You’ll also want to take some time for your characters to calm down. They need a bit of time to get off that adrenaline, off that anger and frustration or fear or whatever it was that carried them through that fight. Let them think about it, let them go over what happened. A lot of times when people are riding on the moment, they don’t realize whats happened until later. Maybe your character needs to rethink about it.  
Don’t let your characters just come home and go to bed. There are direct consequences for getting into fights, make them deal with  those. 
Hope that helps! 
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cryptidhill · 7 years
Hi, I was wondering how to write a love triangle without it being problematic?
Alrighty! So let’s break this down real quick: 
There are two types of love triangles, essentially. 
There’s : A is in love with B who is in love with C, while C is in love with A. 
and then there is: Both B and C are in love with A, but A is only interested in B. 
Now let me give you a couple things that usually make love triangles look problematic/un-interesting, etc:
1. Expectations: In love triangles, there tends to be this expectation among the characters. Typically, one or more character expects that the character they are in love with, should love them back, for whatever reason. Usually because they knew that character for a long time, or because they’re nicer or whatever. They end up pressuring the character they love, because they have that expectation. Don’t do that. You can’t just expect someone to love you back, no matter the reason. 
2. Competition: Love triangles have a tendency to great this stupid, battle royal like thing where two people are overly competing for one characters love.  People are not prizes. You can’t win peoples love like that. It’s childish. Try to avoid this. 
3. The protagonist is always the one lusted after, and the antagonist is always the odd one out. Not too big a deal, but it is kind of annoying. In love triangles, the protagonist is almost always the one that everyone else is in love with. While the one who gets left out of the picture (in the case of B and C being in love with A, but A only liking B, C would be the odd one out) usually becomes the antagonist, and frames them as unlovable. 
4. ‘Love at first sight”: Now look, there’s nothing wrong with believing in love at first sight, but in love triangles, it kind of sucks. Because you usually get one character (usually the protag) who is absolutely head over heels in love with someone, for no fucking reason. It’s irritating. In a love triangle, you want to see good, solid, in depth reasons for falling in love. 
5. The pressure to pick and choose: in every love triangle, there is always this immense pressure on the object of affection, usually the protag, or our character A here, to choose between the people in love with them. Don’t force your character to make a decision. Don’t make it a game for everyone. 
Some things you could do to spice up that love triangle: 
1. Let it in end in a happy, consenting, polyamourous relationship. Everyone is in love, everyone is happy, all the love is equal, no one’s left out, there is no gross competition for love, and there is no pressure to decide. 
2. Character A (the main object of affection) chooses someone else entirely. Just because people are in love with you, doesnt mean you have to love them back. Let character A explore, let them end up alone, let them end up with a different character, let them make decisions for themselves, not for other people.
3.  Let characters B and C chose someone else entirely, end up happily alone, or let them end up together! You don’t have to fulfill or complete the love triangle! Derail it! Let it end in mutual friendship instead! 
That’s all I’ve really got on this, I am not a fan of love triangles, I don’t focus on them a lot, nor do I read a lot of stories that include them. If anyone has anything they’d like to add, feel free! Hope I could help! 
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cryptidhill · 7 years
this isn’t related to anything but I posted it a while ago and I think it’s important, I enjoy scaring people with it
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cryptidhill · 7 years
Can you write how Vampire Peko and Werewolf Fuyuhiko met? I'm so intrigued by the dynamics of their relationship given how their species is supposed to hate each other. I'm excited for the next chapter already!
Yeeessss!! I’ve been secretly planning things, my friend, and eventually we will find out about how they met! It’s a simple, yet heartwarming little tale. ;3 For now, let’s just say they’ve known each other for a long time. :)
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cryptidhill · 7 years
October 31st Update
Fresh, hot, steamy update on October 31st 😩 And by hot and steamy, I mean freshly cooked French fries, because we’re hitting up the diner, since I keep accidentally blending my attempts to incorporate Japanese and American culture Check out Chapter 13!
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cryptidhill · 7 years
AO3 Work Search Tips: Archive Warnings
If you’re like me, you use the AO3 Work Search form all the time to help zero in on the fics you want to read. But this form has some weird quirks. Take the “warnings” section for example:
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What do I do if I want to search for fics that don’t include Major Character Death? If I just check the MCD tag like so:
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Then my search brings up all fics that DO contain MCD!
I can instead choose “No Archive Warnings Apply” of course, but that will also rule out “Violence”, “Non-Con”, and “Underage” and maybe I’m OK with those. All I want to do is to avoid MCD, that’s all.
I can try adding -“major character death” to the search terms, but doing so will also rule out any fics tagged with benign variations like “temporary major character death”.
What I want to do is specifically avoid fics which use the MCD archive warning. So how do I do that?
You need to make use of the specialized search parameter terms that AO3 actually sends to its servers when you use the work search form. For the archive warnings, these are as follows:
Chose not to use = warning_ids:14
None Apply = warning_ids:16
Violence = warning_ids:17
MCD = warning_ids:18
Rape = warning_ids:19
Underage = warning_ids:20
So, if I want to rule out MCD and only MCD, I search for “-warning_ids:18″ (the hyphen before the search term means “not”) by entering that into the “Any Field” search bar:
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And voila! All fics except those with MCD warnings!
If you want to avoid violence or non-con or underage instead, simply change the warning_ids number to the one you want to rule out. You can also rule out more than one at a time, like so:
Tumblr media
Combine this with your other favorite search terms and happily find the fics you want and avoid those you don’t :)
You can use variations on this trick to more accurately search for specific categories and ratings too. If people are interested, I’ll make a separate post about those.
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cryptidhill · 7 years
tis my day of birth
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cryptidhill · 7 years
Amy likes spiders. That’s why I’m not friends with her.
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