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“My sweet little love——say no more, I implore you!” He stepped in, shifting near to her, ducking his head so that they were more at level——though, given their marked dissimilarity in height, the attempt was a poor one. Having done this, he lowered his voice, which turned his tone more intimate; then, he gestured with the glass of Madeira that he held towards the throng of people surrounding them.
“Now——which one is your father? Do me the kindness of pointing him out so that I may ask his permission to court you.”
She startled visibly---incredulous, eyes going wide; taking several steps back from him at once. Almost reaching up and shoving his insinuated proximity away with her own hands, checking herself only just in time to abstain from permitting the lapse of conduct. Skin now so deeply flushed that she could feel the color stinging in her features. 
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“I beg your pardon---!? You most certainly may not---!”
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He choked a little on his wine, eyes turning to her abruptly.
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“Good God——! Are you serious——?”
“---!” She glared at him, mouth clipping open, and then closed again; features coloring vividly. Unable, for a split second, to find any words that seemed sufficient to punish him for his repeated insolence towards her. Too insulted and too flustered. 
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“---of course I’m serious! Why would I not be---? Perhaps if you did not make groundless presumptions, you would not find yourself being corrected---! I don’t see why it should be so amusing---or surprising.”
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“Ah, yes; so you did.” He smiled a little absently as he polished off the pastry cake.
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“And where are all the young men to make a fuss of you, eh——? Have you run them off? Ah, well——I expect it’s soon, yet. You’ll have admirers enough in a year or two, old and young; or rather, those in assembly already will have more nerve to show themselves outright!”
She frowned a little more, eyes narrowing as he spoke, mouth opening slightly. 
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“---I beg your pardon, sir, but aren’t you being rather presumptuous---? She bristled at the supposed implication, skin flushing, voice prickling with constraint. “Not that it’s any of your business, or that I have the slightest interest in attracting some sort of---ridiculous, indecent assembly---but I am seventeen years old, and I do not appreciate your pretensions.”
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“Mn——and you, my little love!” He chewed and swallowed, gesturing with the hand out of which he was eating.
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“——though, if memory serves me, you are none too fond.”
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She made a slight face, retracting from him marginally as he gestured, though her small shoes remained in place. “---I simply said that I see no reason for a fuss to be made. That’s all.”
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He turned his attentions to her again.
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“Oh——yes. S'pect I couldn’t stay away, could I?“ He inclined his head a little as he sampled the pastry cake in his other hand, eyes on her. “I’ll say, sweetheart——I hope I’ve not upset you!”
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Her mouth tightened. “---you have not.” She eyed him uncomfortably, expression contained but a little sour; resenting his nonchalance. “---I hope the day has been pleasant for you.”
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MIKA WEEK - Day VII: Favorites - Great good looks/Fashion sense.
Mika is a beautiful person, inside and out ;)
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“Not in the slightest, my love! God’s life; hadn’t I made my remorse transparent?” He paused, eyes averting——blinking once, eyebrows lifting as he made to dust a few crumbs from his sleeve. He did this somewhat precariously, as it was with the hand in which he also held the Madeira.
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She watched his movements, dark lashes flickering, gaze flattening a little. Her hands twisted together, shoulders drawing in. “---well, you’ve still approached me.”
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“Ah——so, you remember me, do you?” His lips curved slyly, and he eyed her from over the rim of his glass, taking a sip. “Yes; yes, I s'pose I’d made something of an impression.”
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She frowned, expression thinning out; skeptical gaze narrowing visibly. “---I sincerely hope you do not consider that something to be proud of.”
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“Well——! Well, well; hello there, my little love.” He sauntered up to her with a pastry cake in one hand, and a glass of Madeira in the other.
She turned, the beginnings of a polite smile forming on her lips---but diminishing promptly upon putting a face to the voice. “---oh.”
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“---it’s you.”
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“What——? Just like that——? Why, you’ve no heart at all, Miss! Though, I s'pose I’ve not afforded myself much right to object!”
“---with all due respect, I don’t see what more you could possibly have to say that I would wish to hear.”
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“I have no time or interest for parlor games, or any relating foolery.”
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“That it does, without a doubt; without a doubt. I shall endeavor to heed your words, in future, Miss. Pity I’ve gone and done away with the luxury, now!”
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“Now, if you would excuse me---I will bid you a good day.”
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“In all seriousness, Miss, I do apologize. I expect I got a little carried away; to my eternal regret, it was at your expense. Is there anything I might do to make amends——? Say the word.”
“...you wish to make amends now?”
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“---I couldn’t say. Have you ever considered thinking before you speak? That tends to be easier than backtracking.”
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“Oh——well, that makes a trifle more sense, doesn’t it? God’s my life, you quite had me there, a moment. Ha! And——no, I s'pose it wasn’t. Hence the apology, eh?”
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“---never mind. Fine. There’s no point to any of this.”
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“——y’don’t see how it was? Blood and bones——! I don’t see how it wasn’t! S'pose I’ve tormented you, haven’t I? You wouldn’t disagree with that, would you?”
“---I meant your behavior, you assuming---!”
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“Can you take nothing as it’s intended---?”
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“Lord——have mercy! Have I overplayed it?”
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“Here——here. It’s all right, my pretty dear; I shall do nothing more to grieve you. I’ve offended you, and I humbly apologize. Does that satisfy——?”
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“I---don’t see how it was ever warranted in the first place. Are you to be taken seriously, now---?”
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“On the contrary, m'dear——you have driven me to repentance, and so, leave me no choice! O'course, it’s a small matter likely I shall look as though I am making an offer of marriage. S'no way around that, though, is there——?”
“Stop it! That’s not funny---! Have you no thought of someone seeing---?”
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“Stop this at once! If you wish to make an apology, do so appropriately---!”
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