daisywus · 6 months
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daisywus · 7 months
Fun Lucky Cap Scouts fact: the cat in the preview pages is actually based on my (super mean but very cute) childhood cat!
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He was around from first grade-ish aaaall the way to college so he means a whole lot to me
He was a pretty grumpy guys but I was OBSESSED with him as a kid (first cat) and drew pages and pages of him. It felt right to include him here!
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daisywus · 7 months
Fujoshis are the female equivalent of those neckbeards that have very bad hygiene, feel entitled towards women, and who have an extremely creepy obsession towards lolis
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daisywus · 7 months
I need more cat content from their royal majesty :0
That can be arranged! Here are some pics of Goose and Mouse :)
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daisywus · 7 months
Call for attention! The Street Cat Stream is now target of animal abuse groups on the darkweb!!!
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Please spread this out, don't let these innocent cats get harmed!
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daisywus · 7 months
Call for attention! The Street Cat Stream is now target of animal abuse groups on the darkweb!!!
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Please spread this out, don't let these innocent cats get harmed!
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daisywus · 7 months
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daisywus · 7 months
“don’t like don’t read” is meant for things like, “if you don’t like coffee shops, don’t read this coffee shop AU,” not, “i can be as racist as i want and you have to deal with it because i used a disclaimer.”
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daisywus · 7 months
Rant about fujoshis
I'm so done with fujoshis treating gnc man like their uke uwu. I'm not your fucking fetish
Just because I'm gnc I don't need to be an skinny pale bottom who need a strong masculine man to fulfill your sick idea of mlm couples
Being gnc and trans is hard, is being misgender all the time and not being taking seriously and plus I have to tolerate a buch of straight girls calling me an uke or an femboy or shit like that
I'm going to show you how cute I'm when I punch you 💕🍃🧚‍♂️
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daisywus · 7 months
What zero cock does to a bitch
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daisywus · 7 months
are you ever just doing something and then your hit with the realization that
Fujoshis would absolutely out a real life gay man against his will and see nothing wrong with it
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daisywus · 7 months
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                                        ★   DNI + BYF !   ★
DNI: basic dni (homophobic, racist, misogynist, etc), anti neos/xenos, MAPs, dsmp stans, anti shifters, anti kpop, sasaengs, lgbtq/poc fetishizers, fujoshi, comship/proship, terfs, anti furry/therian, anti cosplayers, anti alt fashion, dislikes any religion (antisemetic, islamiphobic etc), anti zodiac signs, supports j.k rowling ++ (u get it)
BYF: i have autism, please use tone tags for me (i use them too!), i make kys/kms jokes, i say slurs i can reclaim, i use neos + xenos, i dont use tw unless rly necessary, ia sometimes (cuz of school + family). i dont have a proper religion but i follow Islam. this is a safe place! send me an ask if ur uncomfy with any of this/want to ask questions :)
+ for pls interact & fandoms
Keep reading
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daisywus · 7 months
Sometimes I can spend hours thinking about how a lot of gay stereotypes (fast walking, weird sitting, struggling with numbers, weird fashion, etc.) are just symptoms of neurodivergence, because neurodivergent people are more likely to be open about their sexualities due to not giving a fuck about social norms and have accidentally shaped straight people’s perception of gay people by just being rad as fuck.
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daisywus · 7 months
I respect gays
But I fucking HATE those crazy yaoi fans, seriously calm the hell down. Hectrosexuals are NOT homophobic, Bisexuals are STILL bisexual despite who they end up with, asexuals exist and have god damn rights! Trans men (FTM) are STILL men! Quit hating on other sexualities and saying all men are gay just to suit your sexual fantasies! There is more than just one or two sexualities damn it! Also wanting it to the point you are willing to ship inc*st and underaged characters?! COME ON! Hating on girls like me who like to self ship with a male character (who does not have any confirmed sexuality at all to begin with) is bad too! (Seriously I almost took my own life with what you yaoi girls called me, calling me homophobic because I have god damn tits and self ship with a character who uses he him pronouns when you just want to ship him with some other man for your own fetish.) I have the right to be a bisexual girl who self ships, I have the right to be self shipping with a man because bisexual means you are attracted to more than just one gender and those are facts! I have the right to have feelings for a man because he has the personality traits I find attractive ok?! I have the right to self ship with a fictional character who is of age! I am not hurting anyone, you’re all hurting me for hating on me for it. Just because I was born with a vagina my ship isn’t “sexy” enough for you and you have this stupid belief I’m taking away your fun and call me homophobic. But who is really LGBTQ phobic? The person hating on the bisexual who happens to be in a fictional M/F relationship or the person who is casually self shipping with a male character with no confirmed sexuality of any kind? I have head canoned a male character as pan sexual, they act like it’s a sin. Like he doesn’t have any sexuality confirmed at ALL. I see him as pan and I self ship with him, someone who goes with she/they pronouns. “Oh you’re so homophobic!” I’m literally self shipping and you’re freaking out that I have a different head canon to you- A HEAD canon not CANON. I used to get so suicidal thinking what if I am homophobic without even knowing it, but I know that’s a load of crap. I support all sexualities and when I spoke of this to my sister and even some psychologists they claimed they are being panphobic for harassing people who see a character as pansexual, I am being open minded and sticking to my own head canons and am just trying to do what makes me happy, they’re the ones in the wrong. I know now my sister and doctors are right, I’m just trying to do me and they are taking away my rights just because of their own personal opinion, head canon and just because of their crazy obsession and fetish. They bring up a much more serious and sensitive topic (homophobia) to use against me to try and get what they want. I am not homophobic, you are all panphobic. Also they are acephobic as I’ve seen people head canon this character as ace and the people who want him to be gay harassed those people as well. SMH.
Fetishising gay people and harassing anyone else who is not gay or harassing bisexuals in a M/F relationship is not ok! Bisexual doesn’t mean gay or hectrosexual as well so stop acting like we bisexuals are saying we are gay but then are lying, THAT IS NOT THE CASE! Also trans men are MEN! “Oh he doesn’t have a dick, so it’s not sexy for you?” Transgender men (Female to male) are MEN. So stop hating on trans men paired with other men. And stop hating on non binary people as well! “Just say his, it’s so much sexier” NO IT AINT! If someone wants to be a they/them so be it! Stop acting like it’s ruining things just because of your weird fetish! I feel like yaoi fetishes are more homophobic than supporting of gays because of the unrealistic and somewhat toxic expectations. Not to mention how crazy the fans are.
But people, there is a major difference between supporting gay rights and just be a twisted yaoi fan who love making death threats at anyone who is not gay or anyone who so happens to ship a M/F ship or anyone who wasn’t born with a penis. A MAJOR difference. This type of behaviour is not ok.
I support the gay men but I am heavily against yaoi. Toxic Yaoi behaviour and gay rights are not the same.
Yaoi doesn’t support LGBTQ+, it’s a fetish about two men having sex, not about love just sexual fantasies that has spiralled into an out of control obsession to the point the fans harass others over it.
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daisywus · 7 months
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That is fucking enough.
This was posted on my post about how Shonen authors can't be fucked to properly characterize women, and as a result end up writing extremely lackluster hetero ships which makes the male friendships look romantic by contrast.
People are deciding to take it and twist it to imply that I think men can't have friendships (I am a man, I have very close friendships with other men), and that I'm somehow fetishizing gay relationships (I am literally gay).
I cannot stress this enough. I am disgusted by yaoi and I am disgusted by fujos, and I am disgusted to be compared to either. Let's not go around calling literal actual gay men fujos because they dared to express that gay coded friendships are gay coded.
Piss off.
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daisywus · 7 months
“don’t like don’t read” is meant for things like, “if you don’t like coffee shops, don’t read this coffee shop AU,” not, “i can be as racist as i want and you have to deal with it because i used a disclaimer.”
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daisywus · 7 months
Fiction is not harmless. It has an impact on the real world. We cannot ignore the consequences of what we create or consume.
ok. i dont… i dont UNDERSTAND how people ship pedophilia because its fiction. its!!!!!!!!!!!!! still pedophilia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some random person i barely know ranted at me for no reason since i told her that i think pedophilia in shows is still pedophilia and still not ok???? seriously… its still pedophilia and its still wrong?? 
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