damnrel · 3 years
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damnrel · 3 years
Beware vengeful lenders
Remember well that being a perfect payer for ten years will not save you if you fall into arrears. Lenders show no mercy to miscreant borrowers and will repossess in a heartbeat if it suits them, so you should take care to avoid potential traps.
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damnrel · 3 years
Danger of home ownership
There can be few people on this earth who, given the chance, would not wish to own their homes. While renting is a necessity for many, those that can afford it soon jump on the property owning bandwagon. But, sadly, some jump without watching their step, and pay the price with a loan that proves impossible to sustain in the longer term.
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damnrel · 3 years
Online calculations
A great wonder of the internet is its ability to make life easy when it comes to finding information or doing calculations. To convert US Dollars to Euros, or miles to kilometers is now child’s play, as are the kind of calculations and comparisons made possible with online auto loan calculator programs.
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damnrel · 3 years
Fishing in Florida
Florida’s Emerald Coast is an anglers’ paradise. Fishing enthusiasts can hope to reel in some fine specimens in St. Andrew’s Bay, or the wider ocean. Anglers frequently land large red snappers and other tropical species when fishing in these waters.
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damnrel · 3 years
It is fair to say that obsessive Farmville fans frequently find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, by virtue of the fact that the game’s developer, Zynga, hits faithful users with charges for acquiring the “coins” necessary to buy various items inside the game’s virtual world. If you want to progress in the game, it seems there is no alternative to paying through the nose and lining Zynga’s coffers, or is there?
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damnrel · 3 years
Farmville 2
If you fire up Google and perform a quick-fire search for “Farmville 2 cheats”, you may be surprised at how many results pop up in your browser.
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damnrel · 4 years
Mabel’s Lobster Claw
While the name of this seafood restaurant on Kennebunkport’s Ocean Avenue might be a little distasteful to say the least, you cannot quibble over the quality of the meals the establishment serves up to a legion of satisfied customers.
 Mabel’s has been in business since the 1950s, and the current owners of the restaurant, Bobby and Stephanie Fischer, are certainly doing a good job of work trying to maintain the remarkably high standards set in previous years. The key to the Fischers’ success is sticking to a tried ‘n’ trusted formula based upon the familiar recipes that long ago became Mabel’s signature dishes. Some of the classics on the menu at Mabel’s are things like home-cooked pie, corn muffin, and bread with blueberries. (The latter gets baked to perfection each and every morning at Mabel’s.)
 In addition to sticking to the dishes the public wants, Mabel’s also scores highly by sourcing top quality, fresh ingredients at all times. This applies to all the lobsters, fish, and juicy steaks that get served up daily. To its credit, Mabel’s is never tempted to cut corners and use poor quality foodstuffs in a bid to save big money.
 If there’s one menu selection that sums up what Mabel’s is all about, it has to be the so-called Shore Dinner, which is as good a feast of lobsters and tasty clam chowder as you are likely to find anywhere on the coast of Maine.
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damnrel · 4 years
With regard to detoxing, it is fair to say that this is commonly thought of as being a recent development, whereas in actual fact the habit of fasting in order to garner a raft of health benefits is older than the hills.
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damnrel · 4 years
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damnrel · 4 years
The Benefits of Using an Essay Writing Service
In the internet age, it is easy as pie to go online and find an essay writing service. In fact, there are hundreds if not thousands of such providers, and the best of them offer a very useful service to their customers, although there are things you should be aware of when sourcing essays in this way.
Who needs an essay writing service?
Contrary to what you might think, there is more than one scenario where an essay writing service comes into the frame.
Naturally, the most likely customers for such services are school and college students looking to cut corners and snag good grades without doing the required work. It should be stated from the start that students who use these services are breaking the rules. Therefore, it is a risky business to employ an essay writing service if you are at college, since you could get ejected from the college if the facts of the matter ever came to light.
In addition to students, there are other people for whom an essay writing service could be just what the doctor ordered. In particular, website bosses who wish to get high levels of traffic depend on being able to add fresh content to their sites on a frequent basis. That’s because website visitors want to see something new each and every time they go to the website in question. For webmasters, the challenge is posting new content at a sufficiently fast pace to keep visitors stimulated. The bottom line is that, if you cannot generate the content yourself, you are going to have to source it from somewhere else.
Essay writing service tips
For students, the requirements of an essay writing service are twofold. In the first place, the essay must be well written and of a good enough standard overall to garner good grades.
In the second place, it is vital that the college authorities never get wind of the fact that an essay was not your own work, because the price of being found out would likely be expulsion from the college. In order not to arouse suspicion, essays sourced from online providers need to be well written. They should not appear to be the work of someone for whom English is not their first language. Certain kinds of errors and faulty constructions are likely to ring alarm bells with keen-eyed professors, particularly if they have previous examples of your work with which to compare the suspect essay.
Furthermore, you should only use an essay writing service that supplies custom essays. That means the essay you pay for should be written from scratch, not loaded from an existing file. Submitting pre-written essays is likely to be dangerous as the college authorities may have databases of suspect essays.
For website owners contemplating using an essay writing service, the concerns are slightly different. Here, it is important that the content is interesting and well written, so as to stimulate readers. If the content is poor, it may fill space but readers will simply click away. Furthermore, there are still issues with originality. Using essays that plagiarize content from elsewhere on the web could get you into trouble down the line with copyright holders, so once again it is vital to obtain essays that are both expressly written to order and one hundred percent original.
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damnrel · 4 years
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damnrel · 4 years
Why Free Credit Card Numbers Are Your Best Bet
In this day and age, the free flow of money is a major worry for many people on this great planet. Although debt carries its own set of hazards, it cannot be denied that credit cards and loans have the benefit of allowing people to make substantial purchases when their bank accounts lack the necessary funds to pay for the goods in question. As such, credit cards undoubtedly have their uses. Nevertheless, consumers are advised to look for free credit card numbers, i.e. credit cards that do not require payment of monthly fees on the credit card account.
The benefits of free credit cards
It is sometimes said that shopping is the new religion, in the sense that it has become the activity in people’s day to day lives that carries the most meaning. When shopping for the latest gadgets and brand name fashions, consumers experience considerable excitement and glamour, which in many cases are things sadly missing from their workaday lives. However, shopping on a regular basis for expensive goods requires deep pockets. The rich can afford to pay for their purchases with ready cash, but persons of more meagre means may find themselves stymied towards the end of the month. When one’s salary has been all but blown, what is one to do when a new alluring purchase beckons?
The answer lies in the careful use of credit cards and bank loans. These can be exploited to pay for goods when buyers are temporarily financially embarrassed. Provided card holders do not allow their debit balances to get out of hand, credit cards and loans may be regarded as one hell of a boon to the consumer!
The importance of avoiding card fees
It is fair to say that consumers looking for a credit card have no shortage of options to choose from. However, one pitfall of many of the cards on offer is that the issuer charges hefty fees. These fees are levied each and every month and are added to the balance owed, along with interest. When interest and fees are factored into the equation, some credit cards begin to appear a whole lot less appealing. While these cards offer the convenience of paying for goods on demand, the financial penalties are such that card holders effectively pay through the nose for the “privilege” of using the card.
Consumers are advised that, when searching for a credit card, they should be careful to look for free credit card numbers. These are cards that will enable the holder to make purchases using the card to their heart’s content, but without incurring unwanted fees.
How to find free credit card numbers
As in all things, the internet is your friend when searching for a great deal on a free credit card. There are quite a few websites that specialize in doing comparisons of the terms and conditions of different credit card offers. Such websites are your best bet for tracking down free credit card numbers and for avoiding the financial traps and penalties associated with credit cards that come with too many strings attached.
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damnrel · 4 years
It’s also that time of year again where my hair is just a giant ball of poof and frizz
Curly hair and humidity and heat DO NOT MIX
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damnrel · 4 years
Frizzy hair issues
It is fair to say that everyone, save perhaps for those who are completely bald, should endeavor to take good care of their hair. Rightly or wrongly, one’s hair is sometimes described as one’s “crowning glory”, but to deserve that accolade it needs to be kept in tip top condition. In some cases, this is easier said than done, and a prime example of this is when people suffer from frizzy hair. Without question, frizzy hair presents a raft of problems for those lumbered with it. The good news, however, is that you can make the most of what you’ve got, hair-wise, provided you use the best shampoo for frizzy hair.
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damnrel · 4 years
Adonis Golden Ratio Blasts Fat and Builds Huge Muscles
One of the problems faced by men looking to build up their bodies is the fact that not everyone is dealt the same genetic hand at birth. Thus, some individuals seem to stay lean with ease, while others pile on the pounds despite not having especially bad eating habits or lifestyles.
While this may appear unfair, there is no point beefing about it for ever, because you have to work with what you’ve got. Furthermore, Kyle Leon, a noted fitness and bodybuilding master, says that ANY man can get himself a great body, provided he follows certain principles and methods. But is this really true?
Well, if you look at the reviews of Leon’s Adonis Golden Ratio, it would appear that the man is on to something. Some of the success stories posted on his website are nothing short of astonishing. Not only will you read of a host of former fatties who say that Leon’s digital product turned their lives around, but the photographic evidence is there, too, and there’s no sign of Photoshopping being used to advance bogus claims.
So what is Kyle’s secret? Well, apparently the trick is to use a wide variety of exercise techniques to build up lean muscles in all the right places. By contrast, gym fanatics who exercise the wrong way are at severe risk of taking on an unnatural ‘pumped up’ appearance that many people – especially women – regard as extremely distasteful.
At the same time, Leon says users of his program have to modify their daily lifestyle, especially the food they eat. Out go burgers, fries, and ice cream, and in their place come a raft of healthy foods including lashings of fresh fruits and vegetables at every mealtime.
Not only is Leon’s Adonis very effective but it is reasonably priced, too. For your money, you get several different e-books as well as a number of DVDs containing informative presentations. Basically, Leon has every aspect of fat loss and muscle development covered in his product.
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damnrel · 4 years
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“And you have the damn nerve to judge the size of our hips that have birthed the civilisations of the world like they were made to be admired by you?”
*mic drop*
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