dandeliononfire · 3 years
Deconstructing unhealthy ideas of Love with Adora
Hey everyone. I just saw a post about Spop’s season 5 finale and how beautiful it was that Adora saw different versions of Catra, and how it showed that she loved Catra always and now I have thoughts.
This little moment is honestly one of my favorite scenes in the show. Because it’s true. Adora always loved Catra, even when they were enemies. Even when it hurt, when it broke her heart. She loved Catra still. And I think this scene is so powerful because Adora is so desperately clinging to the idea that love means sacrifice. But instead of having it validated like when she was little, she’s shown love is just love. It’s a simpler, gentler thing.
And how can Adora keep convincing herself that it has to be sacrifice when Catra is looking at her like that? When Catra has always looked at her with that same smile.
She can’t. And for once she’s learning to be okay with that.
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dandeliononfire · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering when you'll be finishing all of your Everlark WIPs. I am really enjoying them and wish to read the entire thing. Please?
Um, it's not terribly likely. Especially with work and 2020/Covid issues having sucked my mental health down the toliet; I haven't been able to write at all. Geometry's last chapter was essentially my attempt to flesh into it a type of ending in case I don't get back to it. For PWR Christmas.... Well, I'd written the next two chapters in draft form around the time I'd posted the most current chapter, and the course of it had been veering away from Everlark into Joniss, but then I started getting anon mail telling me I didn't know my own story or characters and it would be wrong to move the story the way of Joniss, to be honest, it pissed me off. And hurt. Probably because at the time I was dealing with my family already making me feel like I was turning my back on God because they disapproved of me being bi/gay. We all write fan fic for free, and I realize maybe there could be feelings of 'bait and switch,' but that's the way the drafts were going ORGANICALLY behind the scenes, and the hints of it, retrospectively, were there all along. So, I don't know if I'll just leave it because I'm still honestly a little tender about that, even though AGES have passed, or if I'll pick it back up for Christmas and make it as gay as I can because, *I* personally, would like some more Joniss content in this fandom. And, if you haven't read it, everyone needs to get the F over to Ao3 and read my very dear friend @johannas-motivational-insults 's Joniss fic Lifeblood, which takes Mockingjay text and interlineates it with an entirely new story that definitely still fits between the canon texts, and ends up with a better ending for everyone than the book did. (Warning: E content) https://archiveofourown.org/works/2478074/chapters/5496878 All that being said, I am so definitely flattered by this ask. Thank you so much. I started writing some in other fandoms before Covid hit, and if I get back into it, I will post here. However, as many of you know, I've written quiet a few original novels in the past, and I self-published a novel previously, and if I end up finding time to dig deep back in to writing, it's more likely I'll be going back to more originals.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
in the wake of the Atlanta shooting, i just have some things to say as an asian (vietnamese).
this monster, this sick, twisted monster killed 8 people, 6 of which are asian americans, and all that the officer in charge of the case had to say was “he had a bad day”? when i have a bad day, i take a nap and treat myself to boba and fried chicken, i don’t murder people. since when are the lives of minorities become dependent on white men having bad or good days. “having a bad day” and a sex addiction is not an excuse for killing 8 people.
we have to stop the trope where we call white TERRORISTS “lone wolves” and “troubled kids”, call them what they are, and they are TERRORISTS, they are racist murderers who committed hate crimes.
the reason the officer tried to excuse this terrorist’s actions is because he saw himself in this monster, he saw himself in this racist murderer, he saw himself in the one responsible for the death of 8 people and a hate crime. he, the officer himself, is a racist.
this is not a stand alone incident, since the pandemic started, hate crimes against asian americans have increased by 149%. through the past year alone, there have been more than 3800 documented incidents where women and the elderly were more than twice as likely to be targeted as men.
asian people are being harassed, beaten and shot in the streets. they are being blamed for something they did not cause and they are being killed for it. yet this is so normalised and always played off as a joke. hate against asians needs to stop.
people who are not asians, time when we need all the help we can get so this is the time when you have to stand with us. this is the time when you have to fight for and with us.
love us like you love our food.
listen to us like you listen to our music.
stop appropriating our culture and fetishising us. start appreciating our culture. start appreciating us.
protect central asian lives.
protect east asian lives.
protect south asian lives.
protect south east asian lives.
protect western asian lives.
protect brown asian lives.
protect yellow asian lives.
protect all asian lives.
stop asian hate.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
Demons, chapter 36: Destiny
CONTENT WARNING for panic attacks, an autistic meltdown, and both external and internalized ableism.
“Well, it’s great to see you,” says Spinnerella, not even a touch of irony in her voice or smile. Are these two seriously married? “How are things in Dryl?”
“Um… fine?” Adora fidgets, somehow shrinking further. “My old squad joined us, so we’ve been getting them settled in.”
”We heard,” remarks Netossa. Adora must not be imagining the slight edge in her tone, because Spinnerella gives her a look and she sighs, rephrasing her comment. “It must be nice, having everyone back together.”
“It is,” Adora says flatly, arms crossing as she stares her down. That’s closer to the welcome she was expecting from Netossa, though why she’s even trying to be nice is beyond Adora.
“Hey!” Swift Wind’s cheery voice breaks the tension as he bounds up to them. Adora can’t help but smile as he leans in to nuzzle her cheek, prompting her to wrap her arms around his neck. “There’s my sacred partner in crime-bashing!” he greets her overenthusiastically, even for him. “How you been?”
“Uh, fine?” she says, pulling back and eyeing him warily.
Keep reading
The Alliance is nice to Adora and it’s weird. Entrapta has a dream come true. A devastating truth sends Adora into a tailspin.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
This is an amazing young talent who deserves support. I’m not even joking.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
Demons, chapter 35: Moral Support
CONTENT WARNING for blood and mentions of self harm/attempted suicide
It’s only on Catra’s third afternoon in the infirmary that Adora is finally pulled away for a significant period of time. Their post-lunch Go Fish battle is interrupted by the ringing of her tablet, a call from Bow to help drive the Horde out of Thaymor again. Why anyone still lives in that doomed border town, Catra has no idea.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” Adora asks Catra as she tidies up the cards, eyes full of earnest concern.
“Adora, I’ll be fine,” Catra groans, exasperated. “I can handle being alone for a few hours.”
“No, I know you’re fine,” clarifies Adora, holding her gaze and lifting a placating hand. “I meant is it okay that I’m leaving you to go help Bow and Glimmer? I don’t want you to take this the wrong way.”
Catra’s gut tightens, but she ignores it. “It’s part of the deal,” she deflects, waving this off. “They protect us, we protect them. Tit for tat.”
Keep reading
Catra’s attempts to hide her vulnerabilities falter under stress. A healer urges her to try therapy. Scorpia hovers, Lonnie plays guard dog, and Catra makes a discovery.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
I alone can set my moral compass
Stop trying to tell me
Who I should hate
Who I should worship
Which stories are worthy of compassion
I look and see only humans
Flawed, selfish, all of us
If you can’t see the humanity of others
That is your problem
Not mine
Stop trying to tell me
What I should think
What I should believe
What I should say in public
(And whisper in private)
What is right today
(And wrong tomorrow)
What treacherous thoughts must be ground into dust
If you can’t listen and learn
And consider how your views
Your words
Your actions
Hurt other vulnerable people
That is your problem
Not mine
My ship is untethered to any fleet
Sails open and listening to the whispers of the winds
The fearful
The hurting
The castaways
Shouting fruitlessly into the storm
But I am not hopelessly adrift
I man the helm
Conscientious, alert, proud
I take it all in
The pain, the tears, the fear
And I steer
With the waves
Or against
They used to say
Being open-minded was a good thing
Having compassion was a good thing
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
catra(+adora); what you wanted (x5x13)
I’ve never spent so much time on a video. Then nearly lost the files when my computer broke down. Here’s a catradora with a heavy catra-focus, spoilers for the entire show.
Captions (dialogue and sfx) available. I used a lot of sfx intentionally so I knew I had to write them in the captions but I’ve never done that before so let me know how they read.
(do not remove caption)
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
Fic Update
@johannas-motivational-insults just updated their She Ra fic, Demons. Woot woot! Some great Catra and Lonnie friend growth here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/18026990/chapters/73118751
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
From the mouth of a One Percenter -
Abigail Disney
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
Hunger Games ish moments from other movies part 6
Again sorry if some are repeated from other parts.
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Johanna Masons tree costume
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Peeta literally walking through a war zone to get Katniss out who's on fire...
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Katniss in the tree like...
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Katniss acting in the Cave like...
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Haymitch be like... to Katniss.
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Katniss trying to convince everyone it's not an act like
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Katniss and that Chocolate fondue
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Peeta's speeches be like.
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Haymitch and Effie talking to Katniss like.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
I think it’s very telling how much fanboys loved Harley Quinn when she was a ‘fun, quirky psycho’ and thought of her as one of the sexiest female comic characters while she was stuck in a toxic relationship where she was abused constantly but still loved and defended her abuser, but now that she’s away from the Joker and no longer loves him, and is making important relationships with other women, she’s been ‘ruined’.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
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Always cry at this quote
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
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steven universe
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
Love letters exchanged between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville West in the 1920's.
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dandeliononfire · 4 years
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