darrenbabs · 4 years
Entrepreneur mind
Hi I'm Darren B. Absuelo☺️
Do things that don't scale
When building or creating startups thta would take off. You should do things that don't scale. Market don't exist when things don't scale. In order for a startup to scale, founders must push the startups to grow. A good metaphor is turning on an engine like cranking it up. There are quite few things in cranking up a startup. First is to "recruit". You need to be aggressive iin geeting users to use your product. Erase shyness and lazyness in your system and recruit users. Second is "fragile". Well, all startups are fragile initially. Investors tend to judge tge initial stage of the startup by the standards of stablish one. But inverstors will change their mind if they will see growth.
The third one is "delight". Founders must take extraordinary measures not just to acquire users but also to make them satisfied and happy. "Experience" is the fourth one. One should focus on quality of execution to a degree that in everyday in life is considered pathological. The experience of being the user must be great. The product may not be perfect but the experience can make up for that through being attentive. Fire is next (Monopoly in a small market). The key to building a better startup is to form a monopoly fast in a small enough place where there is no meaningful competitors. Next is "consult". It is the caronical example of work that don't scale. Second to the last is "manual". Perform software functions manually first tgen automatr. Lastly is "big". Startups don't need to be launched with sufficient initial velocity to be big.
Pitching is an opportunity to introduce your business idea in a limited amount of time. It could be from few seconds to few minutes. You can present your presentation to underline your speech or just do it orally. The main goal of a pitch is tp gain new costumers, investors or statements ad support tp your business.
Update to our Startup
There is no change in our startup. We didn't move a single word because honestly speaking, we are not going to pursue our startup. But later today or tomorrow, we are going to create our startup pitch. Eventhough we are not going to pursue it, still we are going to do our best to create a good pitching.
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darrenbabs · 4 years
An Entrepreneur mind
Hi, I'm Darren B. Absuelo🤗
The Learnings I learned.
How do you assume the future and formulate for it? If you can't even forsee the clients traits and contribute chain challenges . How will you maintain an enterprise functioning?
Over 50% of all startups go wrong within the first one or two years upon starting. With the leading reasons of being low in understanding and absence of skills, wisdom or background needed in building a startup. Establishing a startup is terrfying. You spend time and even pour your heart, soul and your mind to it without assurance of becoming succesful. If you are thinking that making a startup plan is a piece of cake,then you are wrong.
To construct a startup plan is never easy. It needs more than just the mind or knowledge. Startup is the early stage of a business and has a level of uncertainty behind it. Not all startups are lucky, most of it fails. And because making a startup is prone to failure. One must have a strong heart, to accept failures and strong and wide mind to create ideas again and again. According to Mr. Constantino Brasileno, everyone can start or build a startup, as long as you are willing to face and accept failure. Cause failures is always there. Failure might even be more dominant than success. Mr. Lawrence, one of the founder of "EHATID" an online grocery store App, he said that he often encounter failures. They were rejected a lot of times due to lack of communication but eventually, they are slowly overcoming it.
As I was saying that, " You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encouter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out."
-Maya Angelou
The business we Team Delta want to establish is a delivery app called "Orderista", why? It is because, online selling/buying is dominating each of us. It is hassle free cause you are just going to click and click on your device and then you will have the product in no time. We want to establish a more trusted, accomodating and easy to use delivery app. As of now November 21, 2020, we can say that we didn't make that much progress or we didn't make any progress at all. I can say that our progress is just close to 1%. Why? Aside from having no capital, our sole problem. Me and my co-founder are having difficulties in contacting each other since we live far from each other. Due to this pandemic, we can't meet face to face to discuss our plan. Though we are trying to spread the startup that we made to our friends and family. Honestly, they can't support us financially but they are supporting as morally.
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darrenbabs · 4 years
Hypothesis Definition
The conduct of the survey was to scrutinized the hypothesis we formulate for the scammed online buyers. The hypothesis is that online buyers who were a victim of scam will stop buying online due to failure of trust.
Hypothesis testing and results
Our hypothesis was validated through the conduct of interview from our 8 respondents through messenger. We ask them 4 sets of questions. First is where you scammed before? Second is how many times were you scammed before? next is, will you order again online even if you were once scammed? And lastly is, why?
Majority of the respondents answered yes to the first question. Out of the said 8 respondents, 6 answered yes. And 1 of the 6 respondents answered no to the third questions. While the other 5 answered yes. The respondent reason why she does not want to order again via online is that she might get scammed again. While the other 5 answered yes, they will still order online again for online buying is convenient, less hassle, cheap price, and there are more instances that the thing they order have high quality.
The team came up to 3 options in addressing the respondents that become scared buying online.
a. Make sure that the shop is trustworthy. If ever you will buy an item worth expensive, always pay cash on delivery. Do not let your guard down.
b. Once you were scum scam, never generalize that all online sellers are scammers. There are still online sellers that are trustworthy.
c. If you are scum, let it serve as your lesson.
Teams Decision
Since this scammer is everywhere. The team decided to choose all the three options we created to avoid being scammed. Making sure that the company is legit is a must.
Be alert to the fact that scams exist. Always check and know who you are dealing with. Scammers do not choose who to scan. They will pretend that they are someone you can trust. Consider how you pay. But once you become a victim of scam on online selling don't generalize for not all online sellers were scammers.
Attach below are the proof of legitimation of survey.
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darrenbabs · 4 years
Hypothesis Definition
The survey was to observe whethee online selling is a good business. The hypothesis is that online selling helps pay for the family's bills. And all of there responds says that online selling indeed helos pay familys bill
Hypothesis Testing and Results
We test our hypothesis by conducting an interview to eight repspondents from different places. We created four questions to ask our respondents. Tge benefits, problem, gain, and if online selling help the family.
The result was going according to our plan. All of our respondents answers are "online selling helps cover tge familys need. Though there are problems like bugos buying, rejection, and is prone to scam, but as long as you know the pros and cons. There are benefits to gain too.
In conclusion, online selling is a good business for those who are willing to invest in selling online. Online sellingis convenient. As people from different ages can shop online. Online sellers are increasing for they know that online selling helps them cover their financial needs.
Teams option
Team Delta has come up to 2 options.
A. Anyone is allowed to open up an online shop, be it small or big.
B. Online selling are only for those who have the courage to sell online.
Teams Decision
Since the teams proposed hypothesis was accepted. We have come up to a decision that anyone is allowed to open an online shop, be it small or big. As long as he/she knows the pros and cons of selling online.
Online selling may sound easy but the truth is it is not. Rejection is always present. You will be facing difficulties in facing rejection at first but eventually you will overcome it. Scam is just right around the corner waiting for its opportunity to attack. Thereful, if you are not careful in chosing your buyer/seller, then you'll face problems. Online selling is a great business. It is convenient and easy to purchase.
Here is the link to our video survey🙂
Thank you👍♥️🙂
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darrenbabs · 4 years
Hi🤗 I am Darren B. Absuelo, and this is my first ever blog.
So today, I am going to share what I learned about entrepreneurship o "pagnenegosyo" sa Filipino.
We all want to grow rich, right? 💰But the question is how?🤷
So, When we ask how to get rich, the solution we constantly hear is to construct your own business. But how do you start a business? Did you know that constructing your own business isn't always easy? There are many things we should consider before we begin. Doing business is a serious matter and not a joke. You must be prepared for the good and bad things that can happen when you set up your own business.
Here are few Advantages and Disadvantages to constructing your own conventional business.
Advantages of getting your own conventional business.
1) You can improve in life 👍
This is the beauty when we have our own business, it can be the reason for us to get rich or improve in life. You can provide all your family needs, you can go to the places you want to go and you can buy everything you want to buy. In other words, you will finally realize your dreams.
2) You are the "boss" of your very own business 🧒
If you are tired of the day by day grind and repeated traffic jams when you go to work and see your rude boss, just build your own businesse! Because if you have your own business, you are the "boss" of your own company. There is no rude boss who will tell you what to do, when to eat and when to go home.
3) You can help others 👼
It is also one of the beauties of having your own business, as you earn money you also help others in need. Doesn't it feel good to be able to help others? It also means that you are uplifting in life. In return for the blessings we receive from God, we should return it to him by helping the needy or sharing our knowledge with others.
4) You can help in the promotion of the people☺️
One of the great delights in doing business is your contribution to the advancement of your community. Because of your business, you can create a job for your fellow man, you can create a product that is available and useful to the people or you solve the problem of people who need a solution because of the service you offer. Your business has value or significance because you are one of the reasons for the country's economic growth. 🤗
Disadvantages of building your own business
1) There is no certainty in the business, you may go bankrupt as well.🧐
Entrepreneurship is not magic, which when you build your own business, you will earn. There is no guarantee of doing business, you can earn and you can even go bankrupt! It is up to you whether your business succeeds or vanishes like a bubble.
Possible reasons for losing your business:
✔Your product can be bought today, but tomorrow… not anymore!
✔Your price may be too high or it may be too low, you lose!
✔Your location may be too hidden, inaccessible or invisible to customers.
✔ Can be too far, hard to get to.
✔You can neglect your companions or yourself!
2) You may not be giving your business enough time. 🤔
Building your own business is not easy, it takes a long time. If you do not have enough time for it, it will probably just fall apart. Everyone can do business, but not everyone can last. So if you want your business to last, you must devote your time to it. Analyze and learn the things you need to do for the success of your business.
3) You may not be ready or you may not be able to handle the responsibilities.🤨
Entrepreneurship is not a game, which when you start, then you get tired or you get bored, you just stop! It just means one thing..You are not ready or you can not handle a big responsibility. Before you start a business, ask yourself .. "Am I doing business?" Do you have the qualities of a good businessman?
‌✔ Hardworking
‌ ✔ Patient
‌✔ Dedicated and Caring not only to your business but also to your business colleagues especially your customers.
‌ ✔ You must continuously improve your service and product.
‌✔ Must have strategy and good planning. When planning, you must take the right action.
‌ ✔ Credibility must be taken care of, Able to keep the conversation and trustworthy. When you have these qualities, you can say business
Now, let's talk about how to plan a business. Planning a business
Step 1. Find an opportunity to meet the needs of others.
✔ There are things that your customer needs. If you are an entrepreneur, you will find a way for you to give it to them. For example, in the rainy season today, you need an umbrella and a raincoat at this time, you can make selling it a business.
Step 2. Know your interest that you can make a business.
✔ When you want to start a business, it is important that you are interested or that you want the business you enter to succeed in it. You already make money, you still enjoy it! because this is really what you want to do.
Step 3. Find out if you know anything about the incoming business.
✔ It is also good that you have enough knowledge or skills in the business to enter so that it is easy for you to manage it.
Step 4. Find out how much capital you need to start a business.
✔ You cannot start a business without investment. Find out how much it will cost you to get your business started.
Step 5. Find out the location where you will place your business.
✔ The business is like a plant, you have to put it where it grows. A great location for your business is where customers can easily find or go.
Step 6. Find out who your competitors are in your business.
✔ It is good to know the competition. Who are the people like you who have the same service or product offered. Learn how to promote your business to others. Plan and think of things you can offer your customers that no other competitor can do.
May we all succeed in reaching Time and Financial Freedom! If you learned something from my article today, share it with others!
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