darrendigitalgenetics · 11 months
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Surge Freelancing Marketplace
Surge is an FVA Business Consultancy company, a tech social empowerment enterprise dedicated to improving the quality of life, commerce, and sustainability. It is the world's first one-stop freelancing marketplace providing online courses, online services, and freelancing solutions.
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What a Virtual Assistant can do for you
Virtual Assistant comprehensive services and skills propel you toward self-empowerment, transforming your objectives into tangible achievements.
SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT - In some businesses, being on social media platforms all day can be a part of the job description. So you don’t feel too badly when much of your time spent on marketing strategy means logging in to social media profiles, updating your LinkedIn page, or sending out tweets.
But it’s also easy to get lost in this way of doing things—so much so that you let your social media manage you rather than the other way around. If you want to get yourself organized and help your business grow, it helps to have a virtual assistant who can help you with everything that comes with being a social media manager.
EMAIL MANAGEMENT - An email ID belonging to a business gets hundreds of emails. Some of them are important, and some are not. Only when you check your emails will you know which is important and which isn’t. Busy executives find it difficult to check through a deluge of emails. But you cannot ignore emails since they may include an important email from a client.
Email management can help you handle your email account effectively. If you find it difficult to do it, take the help of a virtual assistant. The virtual assistant email management can handle all issues related to your email accounts. It takes the pressure off you while ensuring your emails are replied to. Apart from replying to emails, they also clean up your email inbox and take backups of important emails. They can even help you with email marketing.
QUALITY CONTENT CREATION - By using a Content Creation Virtual Assistant, you're able to have high-quality videos and graphics created to accurately portray your brand, persuade your target market to take action, and generate more revenue!
If you want to create your brand’s voice and succeed in getting readers’ attention, you need to focus on content quality. Only high-quality content offers the required brand value boost to any company. When readers find quality content on your blog, they return for more of what you are offering. It is the best way to reach people, generate engagement, and get a conversion.
A virtual assistant in content with a specialization in writing professional articles and blog posts will be able to create quality content to draw readers’ attention. Most content creators come with ample knowledge of digital marketing.
For this reason, they succeed in marketing their blog posts and articles through their own social media platforms. However, hiring content marketing influencers can be expensive because individuals with a significant number of followers charge a lot of money for content creation and marketing. If you want to leverage the expertise of VA content, you must have a decent content marketing budget.
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Stress Management for Virtual Assistant
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Being a Virtual Assistant definitely comes with its share of stress. Even though this specific career choice is aimed at reducing pressure for the clients, the stress still has to go somewhere. Now the question becomes – how to manage stress as a virtual assistant? It’s where the line ends in terms of shifting the pressure, which means virtual assistants need a good structure for coping. Here are some tips on how successful virtual assistants deal with stress.
TEND TO PERSONAL NEEDS — Taking care of yourself is essential for managing stress at work. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Try to incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga into your daily routine.
FIND THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM — If you are stressed about a problem, the best strategy is to look for a way to solve it. This solution will reduce the stress the problem is causing you. Human loves to problem-solve, so it will also give you a sense of satisfaction.
GET MORE ORGANIZED — If your outer world is chaotic, it can create disorder in your mind and make you feel more stressed. Having a clean and tidy home helps maintain mental balance and reduce stress by giving us a sense of control over our lives.
START EXERCISING — Most VAs work remotely or at home. Because of this, some say it’s harder for a VA to find the time or motivation to exercise. But the reality is it’s easier to find time as there are numerous opportunities to exercise since VAs normally work on a flexible schedule. Working from the comfort of your home allows you to take breaks for stretching and breathing exercises. If time permits, you can also do a short walk around the block to freshen up and catch a fresh breeze. Exercise is not only an effective stress reliever; it’s also one way to keep you healthy.
LAUGH MORE — Whether you're guffawing at a sitcom on TV or quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that's no joke. A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can: stimulate many organs, activate and relieve your stress response and soothe tension.
By implementing these strategies, you can take control of your stress at work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remember that it is important to take care of yourself and seek help if you need it.
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Boost your online presence
An online presence for your online business goes far beyond setting up a website that contains the name of your company and contact details. It involves creating a virtual point of business where people can find useful information on your website and interact with you through social media networks. An online presence allows businesses to establish a reputation and a level of trust with customers, helping to drive sales and gain new customers. An online presence creates an easier way for customers to reach out to companies with questions and feedback. Virtual assistants have the creativity and capability you need for your business to reach new milestones. An online presence can help you build an audience, attract potential customers, and allow them to get in touch with you directly. It also helps with building your brand and gaining credibility.
A business with an effective online presence has a clear vision. This includes having the knowledge of what your target market is. Have a clear definition of your target customers/clients so you know how to approach and appeal to them. Along with a clear market definition you need keywords that relate to that market.
Digital Era
Digital dominance has made it necessary for more people to rely on the internet to look for the products and services that they need. Any online business that does not effectively use this platform risks losing new lucrative opportunities.
24 Hour Availability
The internet is always available and can showcase your business all day long. This enables your prospective customers to find your products and services at any time of the day and from any location. If you run a retail business, your online store will be accessible on a 24 hour basis and customers can conveniently make their purchases whenever they need to. This is a key advantage over offline shopping where you have to wait until business hours.
Brand Building
A strong online presence allows you to build your brand and gain the credibility that you need to attract more customers. Along with making your business readily accessible, online presence also gives your customers an easy way to find out more about what you have to offer.
Positive Image
Interacting with your customers and getting feedback from them through online reviews as well as regularly updating your online posts will create a positive image for your business. This type of image increases the likelihood of prospective customers doing business with you and boosting your sales.
Larger Audience
The web gives you access to a much larger audience that includes people within your location and beyond. This exposes your online business to even more opportunities and gives you the chance to operate on an international level.
Positive Reviews
A credible business that values its customers can look forward to positive reviews that will result in customer loyalty and a broader customer base. Customers often use reviews to make their purchasing decision and it’s important to prioritize quality customer service.
Effective Marketing
Online presence makes it easier for you to market your business and sell your products. A properly designed and informative website with well written content enables customers to make informed purchasing choices. The web provides a marketing platform that gives you a cost effective way to reach a wider audience than conventional marketing techniques.
It is essential for both small and large businesses to maximize on the benefits of having a strong web presence. Aspects such as dynamic search algorithms and social networks are influential in the process of making it easier for customers to locate different businesses online. A business that does not have an online business is regarded as non-existent in the modern and competitive business environment.
Customers get information through search engines and the internet is an unrivaled source of data. You have the option of hiring professionals who can help you establish an online presence based on their knowledge of factors ranging from latest algorithms to search engine codes. Marketing your business online constitutes your website, SEO and strategic use of social media.
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7 Virtual Assistant Skills To Have on Your Resume
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7 Virtual Assistant Skills To Have on Your Resume
As companies continue to expand their workforce to include remote talent, the demand for virtual assistants rises. These independent professionals enjoy the flexibility of working from anywhere while gaining experience in different industries and learning a variety of skills like social media management and writing.
Virtual assistants have many different career paths, and can advance to roles like account executive or marketing manager. While you may start out as an assistant, you're learning how the company works and how to thrive in a corporate environment, as well as gaining key insights into the industry. Assisting could turn into managing as you become more experienced and learn new job skills.
If you're looking to become a virtual assistant, you may be asking yourself: What skills does a virtual assistant need? What are the responsibilities of a virtual assistant? As you build out your resume and portfolio, make sure you have these virtual assist skills listed so you can land a great job:
Time management
Self-motivation and concentration
Knowledge of cloud-based apps
1. Communication
One of the top virtual assistant skills is communication, both asynchronous and synchronous. Sometimes, you may be working in real-time with your client during a video conference or a phone call, while other times you're giving updates via email, Slack, or text.
Virtual assistants need to communicate clearly with clients and on behalf of their clients. Companies and individuals engage virtual assistants because they need help completing tasks and want to make their lives easier. As a virtual assistant, your job is to complete these assignments virtually.
Depending on the client, you could book travel plans one day and respond to social media inquiries the next. Virtual assistants often represent their clients when sending out emails, interacting with followers on social media, or making cold calls, and strong professional communication skills are a must.
2. Time management
Successful virtual assistants are experts at managing time—both their own and their clients'. When working as an independent professional, you create your own schedule and decide when to take on projects or say yes to new clients. As a virtual assistant, you need to complete your client's tasks on time, making sure you stay caught up and finish all assignments.
Part of effective time management is knowing your workflow and how much you can realistically complete in a day. As you say yes to new projects, create a personal schedule and to-do list that is manageable. Minimize distractions and block off your time into tasks, so you're working efficiently. The right time management tips can help you become an expert!
Some clients may require personal scheduling and planning, and creating their calendars and arranging meetings will be up to you. Each client and company is different, and learning what works best may take some trial and error. You could also be working in a different time zone than your client and need to double-check times and be flexible for meetings.
3. Detail orientation
Virtual assistants care about the little details. When handling administrative tasks and project management for clients, detail orientation is a critical skill. As a virtual assistant, clients rely on you to send error-free emails and to catch any mistakes in presentations and other content before publishing.
Companies depend on virtual assistants to take on tasks requiring detail orientation, whether scheduling or payroll. Being able to complete a long to-do list without any mistakes is vital. Virtual assistants must stay ahead of deadlines and work on time-sensitive tasks that call for precision.
Tips for being more detail-oriented:
Use programs like Grammarly to check for spelling and grammar mistakes
Focus on one task at a time
Double-check your work
Write deadlines in your calendar
Minimize distractions
Take notes during meetings
Break up bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks
Get the right productivity tools
4. Self-motivation and concentration
People transition into freelancing to work on their terms. Freelancers get to pick and choose their clients and the types of projects they work on. But working remotely and setting your own schedule requires self-motivation and concentration, especially as a virtual assistant.
Business owners depend on virtual assistants to complete tasks, often without much oversight. They engage virtual assistants because they have never-ending to-do lists and need someone to step in and help. The more involved they have to be in micromanaging their people, the more time it takes out of their day. For even a small company, that quickly becomes unsustainable even for the best managers. As a virtual assistant, you build trust with your clients to complete your assignments on time.
Successful virtual assistants know how to self-motivate and work in a concentrated flow on one task at a time. When you love what you do, it's easier to be motivated and not procrastinate.
Tips for improving self-motivation and concentration:
Create a work schedule and stick to it
Find a morning routine that works for you
Designate distraction-free (no non-work notifications) times to work
Give yourself breaks
Write to-do lists and check off items one by one
Work at a coffee shop for a change in scenery
Go for a walk when you're feeling burnt out or overwhelmed
5.Knowledge of Cloud-based Apps
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Today, cloud technology means that companies can scale and adapt at speed and scale, accelerate innovation, drive business agility, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Not only can this help propel companies through the current crisis, it can lead to increased, sustainable growth.
Cloud computing has been around for approximately two decades and despite the data pointing to the business efficiencies, cost-benefits, and competitive advantages it holds, a large portion of the business community continues to operate without it. According to a study by the International Data Group, 69% of businesses are already using cloud technology in one capacity or another, and 18% say they plan to implement cloud-computing solutions at some point. At the same time, Dell reports that companies that invest in big data, cloud, mobility, and security enjoy up to 53% faster revenue growth than their competitors. As this data shows, an increasing number of tech-savvy businesses and industry leaders are recognizing the many benefits of the cloud-computing trend. But more than that, they are using this technology to more efficiently run their organizations, better serve their customers, and dramatically increase their overall profit margins.
12 business advantages of cloud computing.
Cost Savings
Increased Collaboration
Quality Control
Disaster Recovery
Loss Prevention
Automatic Software Updates
Competitive Edge
6. Creativity
Creativity is an essential skill for many aspects of being a virtual assistant, from problem-solving to content creation. Everyone has their own type of creativity. For some it may be writing, while others might lean more toward visual art and graphic design. Embrace your creative abilities to be a better virtual assistant by integrating them into your skillset.
As a virtual assistant, you may have a unique angle and approach to different problems or ideas, making you a valuable asset. Being positive and looking at problems through a lens of creativity can help you overcome on-the-job challenges.
A client could give you a task with minimal direction, and you’ll have to figure out the best way to accomplish it. Being creative could help save you time and impress your clients.
Depending on what your strengths are, you could offer a variety of creative services to your clients, such as:
Social media content
Graphic design
Email marketing
Sales collateral creation
Ad campaigns
7. Reliability
When working as a virtual assistant, especially freelancing, reliability is a soft skill that clients and employers are looking for. Companies want to engage someone they can trust to complete assigned work on time without errors and to be available when they need them.
No matter whether you bill hourly or by project, or are on a retainer, as a virtual assistant setting up "working hours" for your clients and being available to take on new tasks and answer questions is essential.
If you work asynchronously, a client could send you a weekly message with a list of admin tasks to complete. Those on an hourly contract may be available from 9 to 5 for meetings and talk regularly with their client throughout the day, giving updates and getting new assignments.
Reputation matters as a virtual assistant. Companies and clients want to work with someone they can count on.
Tips for being a reliable virtual assistant:
Meet your deadlines
Don't take on more jobs than you can handle
Respond promptly to messages if within your designated working hours
Ask for reviews when a project ends
Ask questions if you're unsure about a job's requirements
Be reasonable about when you can have a task finished
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Outsourcing Virtual Assistants in the Philippines
Filipino VAs have characteristics and skills that make them unique and suitable to outsourced roles. As a result, the Philippines is one of the top VA providers in the outsourcing business. You will benefit from the following attributes if you engage a dedicated VA from the Philippines.
Hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines will change your life.
This may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s not.
Entrepreneurs, startup founders, and small business owners spend countless hours on low-value and no-value activities. Estimates vary, but one business coaching firm studied time management and discovered that more than 30% of a business owner’s time is spent on low-value and no-value activities.
This means that during a typical 40-hour workweek, you spend 2.4 hours per day on tasks that someone else could easily do for you.
What would you do if you had two to three extra hours per day?
Would you spend time perfecting your product or service?
Would you teach your current employees skills to help them be more successful in their roles?
Would you take a yoga class or join a community service organization?
Would you coach your six-year-old’s basketball team?
When you sign up for a virtual assistant service, you can improve your sales, employee satisfaction ratings, health, and personal relationships all at the same time.
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Do I Need a Virtual Assistant From the Philippines?
Feeling overwhelmed? Drowning in busywork? If the answer is yes, you’re like many other workers. Most knowledge workers find most of their day gets eaten up by low-value tasks, including:
Meetings (both important and nonessential)
Administrative tasks
Interruptions for nonessential tasks
Whether you’re the founder of an ecommerce shop or CEO of a consulting firm, outsourcing some of your work to VAs can save you hours and enable you to use that time for higher-value tasks.
VAs from the Philippines are particularly popular with business owners. Google “virtual assistant Philippines” and you will find pages of businesses that provide access to VAs in the country.
What are the Benefits of Hiring Virtual Assistants in the Philippines?
A strong work ethic, advanced English, and high education standards are some of the top benefits of hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines.
If you’re unsure as to why Filipino virtual assistants are so popular, here are five benefits.
1. Filipino virtual assistants are well-educated
In the Philippines, the literacy rate reached 99.27% in 2021.
Even more impressive? Filipinos aren’t just literate but college educated. Since 2017, college has been free to all Filipino students, and much of the population has taken advantage of this opportunity.
2. More than 90% of the Philippine population speaks English
The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world.
There are two official languages in the Philippines, Filipino and English. While the Philippines is very linguistically diverse, English is taught in schools from a young age because it’s used in government and business. As a result, the standard of English is very high.
3. Filipino virtual assistants have experience working with U.S companies
The BPO industry in the Philippines currently employs 1.44 million full-time employees and recorded $29.1 billion in revenue in the first half of 2022. This accounts for at least 7% of the Philippine economy.
4. Executives are impressed by their strong work ethic
One of the main reasons that the Philippines is so popular with BPO companies is because of the Filipino work ethic. A strong work ethic and a dedication to one’s employer are part of the national culture.
Managed virtual assistant companies usually have both full-time and part-time employees available to work in several time zones. Given their strong work ethic, remote work isn’t a problem either –– you can trust them to complete tasks on time.
5. Filipino virtual assistants are a cost-effective solution
VAs from the Philippines usually have much lower hourly rates than virtual assistants from Europe or the US. You won’t need to supply office equipment or desk space as you would with an in-person executive assistant either.
Plus, you can reinvest all the time you save back into your business.
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