datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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live beautifully for the upcoming years
happy 8th!
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datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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between us
(hyyh au, inspired by 'don't' by eaeon ft. rm)
for @noctiluka
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datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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how many dreams i dream about you
(the 1970 scene from avengers:endgame)
for @noctiluka
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datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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the moon looks brighter in space.
(an infinity war au.)
for @datetheplants
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datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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the moon looks brighter in space.
(an infinity war au.)
for @datetheplants
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datetheplants ¡ 3 years
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
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“sweetheart, you left your shoes again.”
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
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have the gentlest of hugs for your birthday and the coming days, min yoongi.
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
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to @noctiluka and that universe
(i’m sorry if this is weird)
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
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to @noctiluka and that universe
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
I remember mainly listening to 'Black Swan' by BTS and 'Miss You' by Gabrielle Aplin while writing this back then. 'Burn It' by Agust D ft. MAX also because there was that one specific line that hit.
I actually also remember listening to BTS a lot when I wrote this other fic (On the subject of sea turtles) back in December 2018 because that was also the time when I found them and fell in love with their music.
movement memory / ralbert
movement memory
Albert used to feel sick at the thought of dancing again, like it would lock his joints but he would keep on moving anyway. Then, he’ll be back to the beginning and maybe he will never get to the end anymore because there wasn’t a straight finite line to begin with. Maybe life for him has always gone in circles and he wasn’t brave enough to break them.
Happy Pride!
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
Stay safe and look out for one another. 👋
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
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Letting pieces of a ralbert fic see the light of day because it's been buried for 2 years, unfinished, and was supposed to be my last.
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
Ralbert fighting over the names of their baby turtles because Race clearly wants to name them after the Ninja Turtles but Albert thinks it's too unoriginal. Race wins the debate anyway because of "How are you going to adopt turtles and not name them Raphael and Donatello?" like it makes perfect sense. Albert relented. He's actually being contrary to tease Race and his face is hurting from just smiling too much.
They're happy.
in a headspace / a ralbert daydream
after on the subject of sea turtles:
(This is on the subject of sea turtles if you want to read it.)
Keep reading
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
stories from commute
It’s a list of works from here and my ao3 account. I realized that almost all of them were created from my hours-long commutes from home to university and vice versa. 
Series: However We Know 
(Series Begun: 2018)
Stories of finding one another.
1. When the sun calls us deeper inside (2043) / JoJo De La Guerra
Some days he longed for something. Or was it someone? Or was it someplace?
2. Face to face with the sky (2201) / Albert DaSilva
He was nine when he tried to run away, trying to get to a place that’s long forgotten him, to where people no longer knew him because so much time has passed.
3. Into which the others fall (3374) / Racetrack Higgins
No one called him by his other name because they knew how much it made him flinch.
4. Carry me along (3495) / Spot Conlon
He makes a lot of bad decisions. He commits many mistakes. Really, this shouldn’t be any different.
5. I can see you still (2567) / Jack Kelly
It felt like a piece of home.
6. Your soul echoes (2801) / Crutchie Morris
They talked as if one of them wouldn’t be gone by tomorrow.
7. Where the light shines on us (2776) / Davey Jacobs
He never told them how the boy pointed out the small cracks in their ceiling and walls and made up stories about vines crawling out of them.
8. Keep me in your world (2800) / Katherine Plumber
She had grown so tired she couldn’t pick up a pen anymore. She had been broken enough that she let herself soak in the sun, hoping the light would fill in her cracks.
MORE ON: Albert DaSilva & Racetrack Higgins
You’re one heck of a problem (6394)
Math was fine, alright. He got it. It was Albert DaSilva he didn’t get.
All these walls I’ll break (2511)
That was what he asked the Sorting Hat.
“I want to be who I am.”
On the subject of sea turtles (5337)
And Albert knew. He always knew.
** In a headspace (a scenario after the fic above)
He remembers the video he posted and the top comment in it was:
Movement memory (11190)
Albert used to feel sick at the thought of dancing again, like it would lock his joints but he would keep on moving anyway.
Warm (3229)
Race’s expression had softened and Albert saw the most of it in his eyes because it was where he was looking at. It’s just blue, blue, blue, and blue.
MORE ON: Marauders’ Era
We’ll have tomorrow / James Potter & Lily Evans
Granted, a near death experience can make you do spontaneous decisions but his mind was already made up long ago. So, he asked her.
Heaven help a fool (1932) / James Potter & Lily Evans
Lily would walk away just like James has let her so many times.
Soft landings (1003) / James Potter & Lily Evans
“Can we live on the moon?”
Viva la Pluto (1978) / James Potter & Lily Evans
Or the one where James and Sirius offer their couch and tequila to their neighbor
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
in a headspace / a ralbert daydream
after on the subject of sea turtles:
(This is on the subject of sea turtles if you want to read it.)
Albert is accepted into a university and he takes up Marine Biology.
Race continues to make videos and his latest project is with Romeo and it’s a short psychological thriller film.
He has been cooped up for so long in his apartment – well, except for when he has to do grocery runs – that he begins to feel stuffy in his own space.
Albert knows because he just does. So, one night, he calls Race to meet him outside of the building.
“I’m finished with my classes. Do you want to eat?” he asks.
“You’re tricking me so that I would experience face-to-face interactions with real humans,” is what comes from the other line.
“Oh no, you caught me.  I guess I’ll just eat alone.”
“Fine then.”
“Just come out here.”
And Race does within five minutes and he sees Albert waiting for him.
It should be old news by now and he should get used to it but his heart still does a stupid thing. It’s worse today because they haven’t seen each other for a while now with them being busy with their own schedules.
So, Race hugs Albert and he hears him laugh lightly in his ear as he is pulled closer.
“Missed you.” It’s muffled and silent but they hear it all the same.
They go to Jacobi’s because why not? JoJo is not working but he is there in a booth, hunched low and typing in his laptop. They greet him briefly and JoJo says something incoherently in return. They take it anyway and give him his space.
They order and Jacobi even serves them their food and talks with them for a while because they haven’t seen each other for so long.
They eat. Albert talks about his classes, Race talks about his work in progress. They eat some more. They talk some more.
They smile some more and Race lets his shoe bump into Albert’s.
“It’s terrible how much I miss you,” he says.
Albert scoffs at him. “I’m going to say bye to Jacobi in the back.”
He leaves but Race catches him smiling.
Race is waiting in their booth when he looks outside and across the street. He sees a pet store. He squints and there is a little girl carrying her cat.
He remembers that video he posted.
The top comment in it was: you should adopt turtles together
After they left the diner, they stroll around for a while and look through stores. Race takes out his phone, films Albert between the shelves and he gets the middle finger in return.
“Want to see how little progress I made?” asks Race as he tugs on Albert’s jacket. It’s Race’s, actually. Albert never got around to returning it. Race is not in a hurry to ask for it back. 
“Fine,” Albert sighs, shrugging off Race only so he could hold on to his hand properly. “You’re lucky I even give you my time.”
They get to the apartment and settle in Race’s bed with his laptop in front of them. Race explains everything and Albert listens from behind with his chin on Race’s shoulder.
After watching the draft, they fall back into the bed and it’s one of their many nights where they don’t run out of conversations and they don’t feel uncomfortable either way with the silence.
Race was going to convince Albert to stay but when he glances at him, the other is already asleep.
He sets aside his laptop, turns off the light and pulls the blanket on both of them. He takes out his phone and researches on baby turtles.
He falls asleep much later but he is roused up quite earlier than expected when he felt movement from beside him.
Race reaches for Albert and they sigh in unison.
“No class today?” Race manages to mumble.
“None,” Albert answers sleepily.
“Love you.”
Race wasn’t even aware that he said it or if Albert heard it because they are still in that headspace where they are half-dreaming and half-conscious.
Race remembers it much later, though. He had just finished a call and the draft is waiting for it to not be a draft and he remembers the words he had said so he lets himself faceplant on his couch with a groan.
He moves on because what else can he do? (He calls Jack and tells him. Jack hums like he expected it to happen.)
Albert and Race meet several more times. The moment with the ‘love’ thing wasn’t mentioned once.
Until it was.
Race made sure to call Albert on his vacant time.
“Come to the apartment after class,” he said.
“Who’s this again?” asked Albert from the other line.
“Your landlord. You forgot to pay your rent.”
“Oh no, I guess I won’t show up.”
“I will tell Elmer you broke the coffee machine.”
“… please, don’t.”
Fast forward to Albert knocking on the door, Race opens it and tells him to close his eyes.
“Come on, it’s a surprise.”
“Is surprise another word for ‘sacrifice’?”
“Don’t be dramatic. I will sacrifice you on our fifth year.”
“You’re pretty confident with those five years. You think we’ll be together for that long?”
“Longer. I’m pretty lovable.”
“You’re tolerable.”
“And lovable. Did I mention that already? Now, close your eyes.”
Albert does and Race leads him inside carefully. There’s a lot of maneuvering around because Race has boxes everywhere. He leads him to a corner and stands beside him.
“And now.”
There’s an aquarium in front of them.
There’s two baby turtles swimming in it.
“Oh no,” Albert says.
It should be alarming but then Albert is inching closer to the aquarium, almost pressed up against the glass and Race joins him.
Baby turtles. They have baby turtles. Race knows they will settle for the names of the Ninja Turtles.
They sit there for a moment, just watching.
Race glances at Albert after a while and it’s never going to be old news and he’s never going to get used to it. His heart does the stupid thing again and he’s worried he’ll open his mouth and say –
“Love you.”
It doesn’t come from him.
Albert turns to him. “I really love you, Tonio.”
It takes a moment before the silence is broken.
“It’s terrible how much I love you, too.”
Instead of scoffing or pushing his face away, Albert smiles and he leans forward to kiss him.
Race kisses him back but he pulls away shortly to say, “No public display of affection in front of Raphael and Donatello.”
“Shut up, Race.”
Somewhere down the line, Race posts a video about their turtles and their new home. 
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datetheplants ¡ 4 years
warm / ralbert
Race's expression had softened and Albert saw the most of it in his eyes because it was where he was looking at. It's just blue, blue, blue, and blue.
(Or the one where Finch is a ghost, Race can see him, and Albert learns how to knit.)
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