dazzle02 · 17 hours
Athena will make sure there's no evidence pointing towards them and cover with the police if needed.
Bobby will find out everything long after they've done it and just pretend to know nothing.
Buck will do it and ask Tommy to help with the body
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Chim, Hen, Eddie, Buck and Tommy are gonna make a plan that kills Gerrard without any evidence leading to them and because no one will miss that asshole, no one will look deeper into whatever happened to him
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dazzle02 · 2 days
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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dazzle02 · 3 days
Yes! Eddie definitely cares about Buck, that’s not a question. But their friendship definitely hasn’t been very equal.
Something else I noticed is that while Buck is often the person Eddie goes to first when he’s having a problem, Eddie is rarely the person Buck goes to first. That’s usually Maddie, Bobby or Hen. The one time I can think of Buck going to Eddie first is after the lightning strike when Maddie had set up the schedule for people to check on him. But even then, he’d opened up a little to Hen already. Eddie has kinda grown to rely on Buck. And I wouldn’t say that’s entirely his fault. Buck DOES consistently show up for him and I doubt it’s something Eddie has ever really thought about. And I think it’s quite interesting for each of their characters. Buck has built this support system over the years. He has grown to allow himself to let people help him. Eddie has not done that. Yes, the 118 are there for him and would be happy to help him out, but Eddie hasn’t gotten there yet. I think it was probably pretty hard for him to just let Buck in to see the mess he really is. I mean, we were introduced to Eddie as this competent ex soldier single dad. He was almost introduced as this perfect superhero. And I think that’s a mask for him. He doesn’t want people to see what a mess he really is. But Buck has seen it. He saw how much he was struggling with Christopher pretty much immediately and quickly offered a solution. And I think from then on, Buck kinda became the one person he felt almost comfortable knowing he’s not as perfect as he first came off. And they all know it. Bobby has obviously seen it too with when he lashed out in S5. And they all know why he left in S5. They all KNOW, but only Buck and Bobby SAW, and only Buck was consistently there through it all. So yeah, I think that has something to do with it, the fact that Buck saw pretty early on that he was struggling and he almost single-handedly became his support system. Also helped by the fact that Buck hasn’t ever really had much outside the 118. He’s had girlfriends, and now a boyfriend, but he’s not married and doesn’t have kids and so that kinda freed him up to be there for Eddie and Chris at any time they needed. TBH, I don’t think either of them have noticed how unbalanced their friendship truly is. And I think a big reason for that is that Buck does get a lot out of just being around them and helping people always made Buck feel good about himself. But it would be so good for them to finally notice it and work on it. Obviously Eddie HAS been there for Buck. He’s not a BAD friend, he has definitely had moments where he’s told him exactly what he needed to hear. But it’s still just not equal. Right now may not be the best time for him to truly work on that as his priority has to be Chris, but it also might be the perfect time because it’s a way of working on himself and that’s what’ll help get Chris home. He obviously needs space, but he also probably wants Eddie to truly work on himself and show some improvement before he comes home.
sorry for the ramble. Turns out I have a lot of feelings on this topic.
I am begging the 911 gods (Tim Minear) to give Buck a storyline this season that doesn't revolve around patching up Eddie's messes.
You've gotten him off one hamster wheel (his relationship patterns) now get him off this one too.
(and before anyone gets mad over this: you can actually be friends with people without constantly fixing their messes and solving their problems, and this is a lesson that Buck was starting to learn in s7, so let's keep that energy ok? I don't want them to stop being friends, I just don't want Buck's purpose in that friendship to be damage control.)
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dazzle02 · 12 days
It’s over for everyone that tried to use his military and flying training to guess Tommy’s age
He could have learned at 11 like anyone
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dazzle02 · 1 month
Same! Someone write thissss! 🤣
I was thinking about the scene where Buck comes out to Eddie and the latter’s ‘Wait, Tommy’s gay?’ And Buck’s answer to the effect of ‘he doesn’t advertise it but he doesn’t hide it either’ and then I was like… When did Buck learn about Tommy’s sexuality? Before or after the kiss?
Episode 4 is clearly framed in a way to surprise the viewer with a twist, but nothing indicates that Buck wasn’t aware that Tommy was queer. I think he knew before the kitchen scene. Possibly from the start of the episode. It doesn’t change much, but it makes it so much more relatable imo as a bisexual. Gravitating towards a person you know is queer when you yourself aren’t out… It speaks to me
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dazzle02 · 1 month
”Oooh! Pride post! But wait- maybe I DONT have a shot! Maybe he’s just an ally like me!” Definitely a thought Buck would have… 🤣😭
I was thinking about the scene where Buck comes out to Eddie and the latter’s ‘Wait, Tommy’s gay?’ And Buck’s answer to the effect of ‘he doesn’t advertise it but he doesn’t hide it either’ and then I was like… When did Buck learn about Tommy’s sexuality? Before or after the kiss?
Episode 4 is clearly framed in a way to surprise the viewer with a twist, but nothing indicates that Buck wasn’t aware that Tommy was queer. I think he knew before the kitchen scene. Possibly from the start of the episode. It doesn’t change much, but it makes it so much more relatable imo as a bisexual. Gravitating towards a person you know is queer when you yourself aren’t out… It speaks to me
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dazzle02 · 1 month
I hope you don’t mind me answering but I think people would be more receptive and less nasty if it wasn’t Tommy. As much as I enjoy bucktommy there’s always a part of me that also wishes they had picked someone less controversial for his LI. I would think overt homophobia and the wishes for him to die wouldn’t happen on a grand scale bc I think people feel comfortable saying it bc they’re wishing death on someone they consider problematic so it’s ok in their eyes. I do think they would still be subjected to an insane amount of scrutiny and you would still see the bad faith takes about thier relationship but it would be hidden behind them wanting his LI to be “better” to him. If Albert made the daddy joke they’d still say he’s making fun of his trauma, they’d say he’s a bad person for leaving the date and overall just a bad person for Buck but with less of the hostility that comes with Tommy bc people think Tommy’s past justifies how they act towards him now.
yeah. I think it’s likely there would still be a lot of hate, but possibly not as much. I kinda agree on the choosing someone a bit less controversial, but at the same time I always enjoy redemptions and definitely enjoy just how well it all worked out, and it wouldn’t have worked in that same way with anyone else.
btw, this is my first ever ask… so thank you… 🤣
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dazzle02 · 1 month
Ya know, I'd be genuinely interested in what the reaction would've been if Buck had got with another male character on the show other than Eddie. Like, one that the fans already loved. Someone like Ravi or Albert. A character who people already love and were wanting more of, but ISN'T Eddie. And like, have pretty much the same exact story of Buck not really understanding why he wants this persons attention, maiming Eddie and all that. All the "controversial" moments still happen. But here, Buck is the older one. In fact, with Albert they've got about the same age gap as Buck and Tommy, only Buck is the older one. Albert was 20 when he first appeared in the show in S3 and Buck would've been 28/29ish. So it would've been a similar age difference. But we would never have them calling Buck a predator or anything. Because they're very aware that they're all adults. But it does make me wonder what the reaction would've been.
Having Buck realise he's bisexual and start dating a guy, and it's not Eddie, but it IS a character they claim to love. And there's no sign of it not lasting. No actual sign of Bvdd!e happening. All signs point towards this relationship lasting a while.
Would they start hating on this character they've always loved beforehand? Because we all know that the main reason so many of them hate Tommy is because they see him as a threat to their ship.
But like, imagine Buck and Albert for some reason started dating (which I could never actually see but I do know some people have shipped this...) and BUCK said the things that made people decide they wanted Tommy to be killed. They'd have a completely different reaction.
This is just something I was thinking about last night while I was trying to go to sleep... 🤣
#bucktommy#911 abc#it would all be different if it was a character they already liked#i mean we've said it before#but if EDDIE said any of these things to Buck they'd be jumping on it as this absolutely amazing moment#tbh i don't really wanna think about the bullshit we'd have to deal with if buck had got with albert or ravi#they already send racist bs to bucktommy fans#so i don't wanna imagine what would be happening if buck had a LI they were genuinely threatened by who was also a POC#i wasn't in the fandom when he was dating natalia#but i have heard there was a lot of racism thrown around about her then#ya know something i just thought of actually...#they claim we're racist due to liking buck with a white man over eddie...#yet they all want eddie with a white man over the WOC he's dated#hypocritical don't we think?#and they actually make it a whole thing too!#like how he dated these nice pretty latina women because he thinks that's what his parents would like (especially with Ana)#but really he wants to date a white man!#WHAT?!#sorry#I'm getting into other topics now#but that thought just came to my mind and I had to say it#because it just makes their comments so much more hypocritical than they already were#and they were already hypocritical#due to the racism they have been known to send to people#this is just another layer to it all...#sorry for the excess of tags#i got carried away#i think we're all probably a little extra sensitive at the minute due to everything that's been going on
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dazzle02 · 1 month
Waking up to another fic by that anonymous freak was amazing actually. Not. It's already been reported but do not read Young and Free. They also tagged Bathena, Henren, and Madney too to reach a wider audience apparently.
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dazzle02 · 1 month
hey guys, heads up if you have anon on, the person who runs the Tommy hate account / wrote the Tommy bashing fic is sending people more of it via ask. If you don't have anon on, they send it from @ bigtrashphantom, so I recommend blocking that account. You can also turn off asks altogether if you want to make sure you don't receive one, make sure you don't have submissions on, and can turn on the feature that only people who you follow can message you.
If you see an ask starting with "tommy answers his phone and its Evan" delete it. I also suggest turning anon off if receiving that content would upset you.
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dazzle02 · 1 month
Holy psycho Batman!
They reposted that fic under a different fucking title and tags 😭😭
My favorite thing is done with you
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dazzle02 · 2 months
psa: there is a fic in the bucktommy ao3 tag called “babysitting jee” in which tommy kills jee. it is not tagged with any warnings. please take care of yourselves out there.
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dazzle02 · 2 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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dazzle02 · 2 months
It was on TV earlier. Me and my Dad were just immediately like "HELL NO!" So glad none of my family want anything to do with that transphobic POS... It's kinda insane to me that they still put it on TV...
"controversial" take but I absolutely get angry and uncomfortable every time I see something HP related. it's not the series itself it's just the fact it's literally inseparable from jkr who herself is a massive fucking transphobe/transmisognist and made herself the head of that movement. I get wanting to "reclaim it" but is it worth hurting our trans sisters over a generic wizard series.
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dazzle02 · 2 months
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bobby's list <3
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dazzle02 · 2 months
If Buck hadn't gone through the growth he went through in S1 then he wouldn't have been in a place where he was able to help Eddie out with his struggles with Chris. He went through that growth in order to be there for Abby, with Bobby's help and advice.
Maybe without that growth in S1 he would've still WANTED to help Eddie because he was already a good person he just still had growing to do. But at the end of the day, his motivation to grow in S1 was that he liked Abby romantically and wanted to be there for her and spend time with her. Of course he did want to change and grow too, but his motivation for figuring out how to be there for her through everything with her Mum was his attraction to her. That wasn't going to happen with Eddie, no matter what people believe. By the time he met Eddie he had learned how to be there for someone who was struggling, he now had the resources to help Eddie out. And because he liked Eddie and they were friends, he wanted to help out any way he could. I'm not certain that Buck from the beginning of S1 would've done that for a friend. Hi growth in S1 is vital to the fact that he became the person who was willing and able to give Eddie the support he needed.
And Eddie has definitely helped him grow. Having someone trust you so easily with their child is going to help someone grow as a person for sure. But Buck was already on his journey of growth.
Honestly, that growth likely started when he left home. All those different jobs and all that travelling. Yes, he was still immature in S1, but he was an adult with life experience. He was definitely more confident in S1 than in the flashbacks from when he was first leaving home. That itself is growth.
And every single character has helped with his growth. Just as he's helped them with theirs. They all effect each other.
when people say buck develops purely because of eddie diaz’s introduction in season 2, they very clearly miss how buck’s storyline in season 1 is buck deciding he doesn’t like the guy he is and wanting to do better and be better. they miss how every single time since then that buck himself is the one that’s decided to seek out and enlighten himself to become a better person.
buck’s development is the result of buck choosing to better himself, and it’s such a disservice to both characters and takes away the autonomy buck has as a character to say that buck’s growth is the sole result of eddie’s presence.
buck’s grown because of buck. maybe take those goggles off and rewatch the entire series if you think otherwise.
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dazzle02 · 2 months
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