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❝ so… this is what it’s like to be KING ❞
                                      ––– indie Gotham AU ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ ᴘᴇɴɢᴜɪɴ // written by 𝔈𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔬𝔱
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Coding Tip — Brought to you by yours truly, and also because I deleted all my resource posts and am having to reupload this because I couldn’t find it:
I have looked at enough page sources and HTML sections, especially when it comes to roleplay and character accounts, and I want to make this tip a little more mainstream for the RPC! It is very useful and convenient. Especially if: you change URLs, your account gets deleted and someone claims your URL, want to transplant HTML from one blog to another and do little editing for your links bc Consistency™ (say, you use the same setup from character to character account). It’ll save you a lot of stress and hassle. Even if you do the find/replace all option. This method eliminates the need to do that.
If what you are linking to is something on your blog (a tag or page), it’s not necessary to link the entire URL. Just use everything that appears after “.tumblr.com/”
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Oswald’s sons
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ᵒᵘᵗᵒᶠᵖᵉⁿᵍᵘᶦⁿˢ.ive reinvented this character to be more up to date for the gotham rpg i am slowly but surely building, but im still trying to decide if it’s worth it to try and update nay here or if i should just completely reboot as an indie for gotham/arrowverse and start fresh....
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i’m kind of annoyed at the communities belief that dropping threads or liking a starter call and not responded is a terrible thing. like that belief of “oh they didn’t reply to that one starter i wrote one time they’ll never reply to anything why should i even bother”
i don’t support that at all.
so basically, if you don’t mind that your partner may drop threads or not reply/maybe forget to reply to a starter, please reblog this? its so unhealthy for someone like myself who gets afraid to drop threads on the chance that my partners may think i don’t want to write with them, or worse BECAUSE i dropped it they won’t want to write with me.
its a bad cycle to end up hoarding drafts because you’re afraid they’ll be mad at you for dropping it. so if you don’t mind at all and will still continue to want to write with them, reblog this and let your followers know that you are okay with them dropping threads, and you won’t hold it against them.
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Hello friends!! Today I want to talk about dialogue tags.
A dialogue tag is the phrase that comes after someone speaks. Basically, it’s the description of the dialogue. Example:
“I don’t understand,” she said.
The “she said” is the dialogue tag. There are different ways to use them and you definitely shouldn’t use them too often because it can ruin the flow of your story, but more specifically, I want to talk about capitalization and punctuation around a dialogue tag.
There are very specific rules surrounding these that fanfiction authors often break. It can be the best story in the world, but if you aren’t using capitalization and punctuation correctly, it’s going to be more difficult to read.
A few common errors that fanfic authors make when using dialogue tags are:
“I wish you wouldn’t do that.” He said.
“You should talk to her.” he suggested.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” She whispered.
All of these are things that break up a sentence awkwardly, and writing isn’t meant to work like this. A period means the end of a sentence and a capitalized pronoun typically means the start of a new sentence. There are certain situations where the rules can be broken, but these sentences need to be fixed.
Instead of: “I wish you wouldn’t do that.” He said.
Try: “I wish you wouldn’t do that,” he said.
Instead of: “You should go talk to her.” he suggested.
Try: “You should go talk to her,” he suggested.
Instead of:  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” She whispered.
Try: “Do you think that’s a good idea?” she whispered.
Yes, this even applies when there’s a question mark and an exclamation point, and that’s actually what I see tripping up people the most.
There are situations where you don’t have to do this, and that is when the dialogue tag involves an action, not a tone of voice. Such as:
“I really don’t care.” She shrugged. “Do what you want.”
In this case, “I really don’t care” is it’s own sentence and “She shrugged” is a new one.
Try reading your favourite book to get a sense of how the author uses dialogue tags, it can actually be very helpful!
I certainly don’t claim to be a writing expert, but I hope this is semi-useful. Thank you for your time.
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Alfred's like
In comic books: *Master Wayne*
In Gotham : *Masta Bruce, yo little shit*
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noun a homesickness for a home you can not return to or a home that never was.
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Idiom Sentence Starters
“A penny for your thoughts?” “Actions speak louder than words.” “That’s the best thing since sliced bread.” “Time to burn the midnight oil.” “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” “Cross that bridge when you come to it.” “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” “Every cloud has a silver lining.” “I feel a bit under the weather.” “Time to hit the sack.” “You hit the nail on the head.” “I’m going to kill two birds with one stone.” “We should let sleeping dogs lie.” “There is a method to my madness.” “That only happens once in a blue moon.” “You can’t keep sitting on the fence.” “You stole my thunder.” “It’s a taste of your own medicine.” “Take everything he says with a grain of salt.” “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that.” “Your guess is as good as mine.”
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✰ * º ❛   that 70′s show sentence starters   ❜
‘  you know what your problem is? i’m too good looking.  ’ ‘  god, what did you have for breakfast this morning? carnation instant bitch?  ’ ‘  oh, is this what we’re gonna do today, we’re gonna fight?  ’ ‘  because you’re breaking up the band, yoko!  ’ ‘  an apple? where’s my candy, you son of a bitch.  ’ ‘  she told me she loves me and then i told her i loved cake…  ’ ‘  how’d you’d like to own a little bit of my foot in your ass?  ’ ‘  look, if i could run across the beach into my own arms, i would.  ’ ‘  you know he never liked phones. he said he could hear voices in ‘em.  ’ ‘  when my time comes, i wanna be buried facedown so that anyone who doesn’t like me can kiss my ass.  ’ ‘  you know what your problem is? you’re really cute… so no one ever told you to shut your pie hole.  ’ ‘  god, we are such the… perfect couple?  ’ ‘  you’re cold? well damn, i can’t control the weather!  ’ ‘  the gym, or as i like to call it, the institute of things i can’t do.  ’ ‘  well, i’d like to help but… not as much as i’d like not to.  ’ ‘  don’t put me in your fantasies. i don’t even like being in your real life.  ’ ‘  i don’t like people. i like rock n’ roll, sex, and pizza – in that order.  ’ ‘  i’m not loving anybody that i’m not legally required to.  ’ ‘  and if somebody doesn’t tell me i’m cute in the next five minutes, i’m gonna scream!  ’ ‘  don’t hate me because i’m beautiful.  ’ ‘  i can’t count on much in this crazy world, but i can always count on you.  ’ ‘  i’m going to go out, meet some boys and crush their hearts one by one.  ’ ‘  where zen ends, ass kicking begins.  ’ ‘  you guys are fighting like cats and whores.  ’ ‘  cake is good, but you cannot have sex with cake.  ’ ‘  well, my head says no, but my heart says no.  ’ ‘  the three true branches of the government are military, corporate, and hollywood.  ’ ‘  hey man, if you don’t get caught, everything’s legal.  ’ ‘  yeah, but god didn’t see that. i was in my van, and he can’t see through lead.  ’ ‘  college is for ugly girls who can’t get modeling contracts.  ’ ‘  college is for women who don’t want to marry the first idiot they meet and squeeze out his bastard moron children.  ’ ‘  i was never happy. i was just less pissed off.  ’ ‘  sometimes when i’m alone, i just love to cuddle.  ’ ‘  i have a definite opinion on this… i don’t care.  ’ ‘  when he’s unhappy, i know our relationship is in good shape.  ’ ‘  all right, sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs put their foot in your ass.  ’ ‘  that’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.  ’ ‘  we have some breaking news: i’m toasted.  ’ ‘  but i don’t want to go outside. there are people out there.  ’ ‘  oh, please. i’m a hot-looking, smooth-talking, frisky-assed son of a bitch.  ’ ‘  no, i’m not pouting. that would upset our routine. god knows i wouldn’t want to move in a new direction and accidentally slip in a puddle of fun or anything.  ’ ‘  i’ve just decided being sad is a waste of my time.  ’ ‘  he called me ugly on the inside and the outside. i’m sorry, but he’s just wrong about the outside part.  ’ ‘  i don’t really cook much. i just plan on getting by on my looks.  ’ ‘  no, no, no, you just don’t move on from me. i’m like alcohol. you need a twelve-step program to break my smell.  ’ ‘  you know, being here under the stars, sitting on the grass makes me really glad i’m not poor.  ’ ‘  the person i love the most is me!  ’ ‘  i was voted most popular, best legs, and now godmother? what can’t i do?  ’ ‘  why am i alone and all of you less attractive people are happy?  ’ ‘  it’s better to have loved and loss than to be butt ugly.  ’ ‘  okay, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: everyone loves me.  ’ ‘  why get out of bed when you can read about people who got out of bed?  ’ ‘  i got a lot of free time. i mainly use it to nap and cry.  ’ ‘  i’ll just curl up in the fetal position and think about pancakes.  ’ ‘  have you been in bed all day?  ’ ‘  last night i only slept like… nine hours.  ’ ‘  i pity you because you’re dumb.  ’ ‘  responsible people don’t go around getting their nipples twisted.  ’ ‘  they want to kill rock n’ roll because they know it makes us horny, man.  ’ ‘  i would love car sex… or just sex… or just a car.  ’ ‘  no, i don’t feel bad. i don’t feel anything.  ’ ‘  man, think about it. we hold information that could crush the very heart and soul of one of our best friends… i live for days like this!  ’ ‘  it’s like we’re too old to trick or treat and too young to die.  ’ ‘  talking isn’t gonna help me, okay? what’s gonna help me is, like, drinking.  ’ ‘  hey, yeah, that’s the worst idea i’ve ever heard!  ’ ‘  i wish i was an octopus.  ’ ‘  thanks, but i’ve gotta go to sleep because i have a big day of misery ahead of me.  ’ ‘  life is too short to spend it with people who annoy you.  ’ ‘  well, for your information, i’m already sorry i was ever born.  ’ ‘  i don’t have a hickey. i was using a curling iron.  ’ ‘  give me a reason why i shouldn’t set you on fire.  ’ ‘  i’m a hottie, you’re a nottie.  ’ ‘  prison is not an option for me, okay? i can’t pee in front of other people.  ’ ‘  man, time really flies when you take two naps a day.  ’ ‘  oh, no. now i have to act normal.  ’ ‘  oh, i just remembered i can’t loan it to you on account of i hate you.  ’ ‘  i’ve been diagnosed with a disease that makes me irresistible to women.  ’ ‘  you know what the best thing god ever did was? boobs.  ’ ‘  i’m like ketchup. i go good on everything!  ’ ‘  when we were about to fool around and i said that i washed my hands, but i really just got done playing with like six dogs.  ’ ‘  there’s a rabbit stuck in a tree and i want to return that rabbit to the wild so it can lay its eggs.  ’ ‘  if this is about maturity then i want nothing to do with it.  ’ ‘  a wedding without a trampoline? that’s crazy talk.  ’ ‘  i don’t wanna blink ‘cause i’m afraid to miss even a second of your cuteness.  ’ ‘  you seem normal around your family, but out in the real world, you’re kinda nuts.  ’ ‘  i could get arrested. i could go to girl prison. this freakin’ rocks!  ’ ‘  my parents are fighting all the time and they want me to choose sides, but i can’t because they’re both idiots.  ’ ‘  why would sally sell seashells down by the seashore? i mean, that’s a terrible location for a seashell stand.  ’ ‘  i’m not strong, but i know a lot of ways to destroy men emotionally.  ’ ‘  i don’t have feelings for him. i just hate that bitch for making him happy.  ’ ‘  i’m not jealous, i just want to pop that inflatable bitch and watch her fly around the room.  ’ ‘  hello, it is me, the object of your desire.  ’ ‘  i’m a beautiful girl with a shrill, demanding voice. i’m pretty hard to ignore.  ’ ‘  a gold digger is what these idiots call a woman who knows that love eventually wears off, but money is forever.  ’ ‘  you see, a more productive use of my time is revenge.  ’ ‘  i cannot be held responsible for the things that come out of my mouth.  ’ ‘  i don’t answer stupid questions.  ’
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hey your links aren't working
// Really? Huh, that’s weird I just updated a couple of them so they should be mostly working.
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If you don’t mind me asking, Mousie, which links in particular were you trying to use? Bc some of the ones in the navigation popup are not linked to anything yet so that might also be why you are having difficulties.
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   ᵂʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦʳᵒⁿ ᵐᵉᵉᵗˢ ᶠˡᵉˢʰ                     ᵂᵉ'ˡˡ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ
                                                            ––– indie ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ ᴘᴇɴɢᴜɪɴ // written by ᴇʟʟɪᴏᴛ
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name:  elliot fargo nickname:  ely, catty, alf gender:  male pronouns:  he / him zodiac:  sagittarius  birthday:  december 12th sexuality:  panromantic bisexual country:  america religion:  christian hogwarts house:  ravenclaw MBTI:  enfp
about me.
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‘ Gordon Ramsay ’ Quotes Starters
Warning!! A lot of cursing.
❝ It’s fucking RRAAAWWWWW! ❞ ❝ Fucking idiot. ❞ ❝ You best be jokin’. ❞ ❝ Don’t billshit me! ❞ ❝ Donkey! ❞ ❝ I wouldn’t feed that to my dog. ❞ ❝ I wouldn’t serve that on DEATH ROW! ❞ ❝ Come the fuck on! ❞ ❝ FUCK OFF! ❞ ❝ Tastes like it’s been microwaved. ❞ ❝ ITS FROZEN AND RRAAAWWWWW! ❞ ❝ YOU CAN’T STORE COOK MEAT AND RAW MEAT TOGETHER YOU FUCKING IDIOT! ❞ ❝ THOSE POOR BASTARDS! ❞ ❝ Disgusting! ❞ ❝ In fifteen minutes, I will clear all that furniture and put it back in my van. And this shit here, I’ll put it back in there. ❞ ❝ How the fuck did you burn ice-cream?! ❞ ❝ I’ll get you more pumpkin, and I’ll ram it right up your fucking ass. Would you like it whole, or diced? ❞ ❝ There is more olive oil on this than Popeye’s dick! ❞ ❝ You put so much ginger in this, it’s a Weasley. ❞ ❝ ____, You’re a first class cunt. ❞ ❝ Hey! Excuse me, Madam! Fuck me?! How about fuck you! ❞ ❝ I swear to god, this is the kind of shit you expect Tiger Woods to T-off with. ❞ ❝ If I tell you to get out there I don’t give a fuck if you got a thong up your fat crack. GET OUT THERE! ❞ ❝ Don’t whistle at me I’m not your fucking dog, you look more like a dog than I do. ❞ ❝ You’re cooking in a burned pan you fucking dick! ❞ ❝ I’m watching you like a fucking hawk, you know why? *Whispers in ear* I want you out. ❞ ❝ You seriously surprised me…. Of how shit you are. ❞ ❝ You act like the female version of Hannibal Lecter. ❞ ❝ I’m done standing here with a bunch of idiots. Fuck you all. ❞ ❝ What we are waiting on? I’M ON SOME FUCKING TALENT!! ❞ ❝ I’m calling out orders, and you’re confused! And you’re confused! And you’re at the end of your dick! ❞ ❝ It’s like a bison’s penis! What is that shit?! ❞ ❝ Right now? I rather eat poodle shit than put that in my mouth. ❞ ❝ Where’s the lamb SAUCE!? ❞ ❝ Fuck off you useless sack of fucking Yankee Danky Doodle shit. ❞ ❝ Fucking sue me. ❞
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