dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
tumblr mobile can eat my entire fucking colon
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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I'm not 100% sure what's happening in this picture other than a lot of "small angy protecc big beef" and I'm not even sure about that LMAO I am pleased with it, though
If only one of them could save me from the looming monster that is college homework TwT
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
College just started this week for me, so I'm officially making my blogs LOW ACTIVITY. I haven't exactly been the most active person to begin with, I know, but college and homework + a full-time job and general life will be taking up most of my time now more than ever. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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Got a new tablet and decided to try and draw Derek! I think it turned out fairly decent.
Now to just...complete his profile xjsnxnsnxn
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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@codebestowed sent in a meme! || “No, stop! Stay away! I said, STAY AWAY!” ( this can be from Obscura Data if you want, totally up to you OvO )
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» — † — » A forgotten village, covered in snow. Alex stared down at it, and he felt Xael coil and writhe within his prison at the sight.
His home. The place in Alex's dreams. The demon hissed, scraping and clawing with a fervor to make his host turn back, but Alex firmly planted his feet and hissed a prayer under his breath. It had taken every last penny and favor he could scrabble together to get here, and he wasn't about to turn back just because of an anxious demon. Even if Alex wanted to, turning back would be nigh impossible anyway--the pass he'd cut through to get to this valley was buried under several feet of snow. A white fog had settled in, too, dense like cotton, and looking back, he could barely see the forest just beyond the village bounds anymore.
Something told him turning back now would mean wandering that mist forever.
Alex unwrapped one of the energy bars he'd brought with him, biting into the cheap, chalky brick and chewing it slowly as he took in the sights. The village was old, incredibly so, and could hardly be described as a village at all anymore save for a few rotted posts and weathered cornerstones, indicating where houses had once stood. Trees had sprouted up in the time since its abandoning, sparse, but clustered close enough together to somewhat shield the ground beneath from snowfall. No grass grew. No lichens, either. There were no signs of wildlife, either--no tracks, no cries, no marks, nothing.
It was just Alex, the moon, the snow, and the village--and whatever else lay in waiting in the old ruins. And he was just fine with that. Shoving the wrapper into his pocket as he finished the last of his energy bar, Alex stepped into the empty grounds, snow crunching beneath his boots. His breath rose in frosted mist before him, blending in with the fog that loosely clung to the surrounding air. But aside from that? It was utterly silent.
Even Xael was silent, something that Alex couldn't help but feel just a bit unnerved by. Granted, he hadn't exactly been favorable this whole trip. If anything, he had seemed more determined than ever to convince his host that this was a bad idea.
But now that they were here. . . .
Alex's foot bumped into something solid, and he looked down to see a snapped over trunk--or at least, that's what he thought it was. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was part of an old building. The lumber had long since rotted away beyond recognition, woodrot and weathering reducing it to little more than splintered bone, with stone inset strategically around it to anchor it.
Something lay discarded among the ruins, and Alex stooped down to pick up the glinting object. His fingers touched something cold and sharp, and lightning shot through his veins. Ice stabbed into his temples, chilling visions wracking his brain, and Alex cried out in pain as images invaded his mind.
A woman stood here, basket under her arm, her hips cocked to balance the load. Furs layer over a warm, woolly dress, her blonde hair braided up and away from her tattooed face. A little distance away, two children--a boy and a girl--bearing her heavy eyes and crooked nose run past, laughing as they chased each other through the square.
Another was watching them, hidden amongst the people milling about in the background, but Alex could feel his eyes. Dark, watchful, haunting--his manufactured boots and synthetic fabrics keeping him warm as snow goggles shielded his eyes set him apart from the villagers passing by and through him. In his hands was a strange device. A camera? It, too, belonged to a different time and place.
A boy appeared at the man's side, and the noise of the village became steadily louder, the people moving faster. Something was wrong. Alex covered his ears as screams and shouts in a forgotten language echoed all around him, fire scorching his bare skin where the deceased scrambled past in screeching blurs of panic. Pain cut across his back, and he stumbled forward as the man out of time and his companion turned their backs.
Another slash, followed by a cry that shook Alex to his bones, and he realized that the village was under attack. Something shot through him, driving back the source of the agony, and he stumbled after the stranger with his camera. Xael hissed in pain, low growls of discontent rumbling through Alex's core where the demon squirmed.
More spirits fled through him, more visions stabbing into his brain. The children, the children--! A little boy cried in his mother's arms as her body shielded him from the hail of arrows descending upon them. A warrior let out a vicious cry, his face a contorted vision of anger and ferocity as he charged.
Alex stumbled through the chaos assailing his senses, trying to pick out one ghostly pair of footsteps amongst many. But amidst the chaos and blurred spirits attacking from all sides, it was impossible to see anything. Where had they gone? Why wasn't it stopping? Damn it, if everything would just stop, for just a moment--!!
"No, stop! Stay away! I said, STAY AWAY!"
The voice cut through the turmoil, and for a second, the vision seemed to freeze in time. Splitting pain shot up Alex's foot, the ground hurtled up to meet him, and he shouted in pain as he hit the dirt face first. His hands went flailing wildly in front of him as he tried to break his fall, but all he managed was to further disorient himself.
His hand landed on something strangely shaped and ice cold, too smooth and curved to be a tool, with ridges and an odd shape. What the . . . ? Alex raised his head and shook it, squinting at his find. An old camera lay on the ground beneath his hand, covered in a thin layer of frost. It looked . . . ancient. Relatively, anyway. Wasn't this the same camera that guy had been holding . . . ?
It took a moment to register that the onslaught of visions and spirits had stopped--but now stood before him was a boy. Alex jumped, sitting upright with a sharp inhale. What was a kid doing out here of all places? And dressed like that in this cold? And his eyes. . . . Alex's own unnatural blues widened at the sight of those red eyes, taking in the black scrawling over part of the youth's face. Another spirit. And yet . . . somehow he didn't seem entirely malevolent, unlike the ones Alex was used to.
Clutching the old camera in his hands, Alex stood up slowly and stared down at the strange boy. "Who are you?"
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
Sorry for the inactivity--been dealing with work and depression, plus school's starting soon. I'm gradually working through my drafts so those replies and answers are steadily on their way <3
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
ruby : what is their biggest regret?
sapphire : what is their favorite place?
peridot : what is their biggest accomplishment?
opal : who is their closest friend?
amethyst : what is their favorite song?
lapis lazuli : what is their favorite memory?
diamond : who do they trust the most?
rose quartz : who do they love?
pearl : do they care about money?
garnet : what do they think about death?
bismuth : how strong are they?
carnelian : do they like being alone?
agate : is there anyone they miss?
jasper : what’s their worst fear?
jade : what makes them laugh?
emerald : what are their pet peeves?
calcite : what’s their favorite joke?
citrine : do they like themself?
aquamarine : do they want a family?
amber : have they lied?
howlite : what motivates them?
onyx : have they lost someone?
topaz : do they have any allergies?
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
(  +  reverse  )  to  reverse  roles
for  when  they’re  feeling  violent  
[  BELT  ]  for  your  muse  to  use  their  belt  as  a  weapon
[  BETRAY  ]  for  your  muse  to  reveal  to  my  muse  they’re  not  who  they  think  they  are
[  BLEED  ]  for  your  muse  to  make  mine  bleed
[  BOOT  ]  for  your  muse  to  press  their  boot  against  my  muse’s  mouth  
[  BRUISE  ]  for  your  muse  to  purposely  hold  my  muse  hard  enough  to  bruise
[  CHOKE  ]  for  your  muse  to  hold  mine  by  the  throat,  either  with  the  hand  or  forearm
[  DENIAL  ]  for  your  muse  to  angrily  deny  something  my  muse  is  calling  them  out  on  
[  FIRE  ]  for  your  muse  to  threaten  my  muse  with  fire
[  GRAPPLE  ]  for  your  muse  to  wrestle  mine  down  to  the  floor  or  against  the  wall
[  HAIR  ]  for  your  muse  to  pull  my  muse’s  hair  
[  KICK  ]  for  your  muse  to  kick  my  muse  (  can  specify  where  )
[  KNEE  ]  for  your  muse  to  knee  mine  in  the  stomach  or  groin  
[  KNIFE  ]  for  your  muse  to  hold  a  knife  to  my  muse’s  throat
[  LAUGH  ]  for  your  muse  to  laugh  at  my  muse  for  being  pathetic  
[  LIAR  ]  for  your  muse  to  call  mine  a  liar
[  MOUTH  ]  for  your  muse  to  put  their  hand  over  my  muse’s  mouth  
[  PANIC  ]  for  your  muse  to  find  my  muse  panicking  after  they’ve  done  impulsive  or  dangerous
[  REGRET  ]  for  your  muse  to  immediately  regret  hurting  my  muse
[  SLAP  ]  for  your  muse  to  slap  my  muse  in  the  face
[  SLEEP  ]  for  your  muse  to  approach  my  muse  while  they’re  sleeping  
[  SPIT  ]  for  your  muse  to  spit  at  my  muse
[  STAB  ]  for  your  muse  to  stab  my  muse  (  specify  where  )
[  STEP  ]  for  your  muse  to  step  on  my  muse  while  they’re  down  
[  SHOOT  ]  for  your  muse  to  shoot  at  my  muse  (  specify  where  )
[  STRONGARM  ]  for  your  muse  to  use  force  to  make  my  muse  do  something  
[  TANTRUM  ]  for  your  muse  to  throw  a  temper  tantrum  that  my  muse  gets  caught  /  hurt  in
[  TEAR  ]  for  your  muse  to  tear  clothing  off  of  my  muse
[  TEETH  ]  for  your  muse  to  bite  my  muse  (  specify  where  )
[  THREAT  ]  for  your  muse  to  threaten  my  muse  /  specify  threat    
for  when  they’re  feeling  soft  
[  BOOP  ]  for  your  muse  to  bump  their  nose  against  my  muse’s  nose  
[  BREAK  ]  for  your  muse  to  know  that  my  muse  is  about  to  break  up  with  them  
[  CALM  ]  for  your  muse  to  calm  my  muse  down  from  a  moment  of  anger
[  COUCH  ]  for  our  muses  to  cuddle  on  the  couch  
[  DANCE  ]  for  your  muse  to  take  my  muse’s  hand  and  start  dancing  with  them  
[  EYES  ]  for  your  muse  to  send  bedroom  eyes  at  my  muse  
[  FEED  ]  for  your  muse  to  feed  my  muse  something  (  can  specify  what  )
[  HAND  ]  for  your  muse  to  slip  their  hand  into  my  muse’s  hand
[  HICKEY  ]  for  you  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  hickey  (  specify  where  )
[  HUG  ]  for  your  muse  to  hug  my  muse
[  INTERRUPT  ]  for  your  muse  to  interrupt  my  muse  talking  by  kissing  them  
[  KISS  ]  for  your  muse  to  kiss  my  muse  
[  LICK  ]  for  you  muse  to  lick  my  muse  
[  PATTER  ]  for  our  muses  to  have  a  conversation  in  the  car  while  the  rain  patters  down  around  them  
[  PLAY  ]  for  your  muse  to  play  a  musical  instrument  for  my  muse
[  PICNIC  ]  for  our  muses  to  go  on  a  picnic
[  RAIN  ]  for  our  muses  to  dance  in  the  rain  /  kiss  in  the  rain
[  RIVER  ]  for  our  muses  to  jump  in  the  river  together  /  or  for  one  to  push  the  other  in  
[  SING  ]  for  your  muse  to  sing  to  my  muse  /  song  or  lullaby  
[  SNEAK  ]  for  your  muse  to  sneak  a  touch  under  my  muse’s  clothing  
[  SPOON  ]  for  your  muse  to  big  spoon  my  muse  
[  STARE  ]  for  your  muse  to  be  caught  staring  affectionately  at  mine
[  STROKE  ]  for  your  muse  to  play  with  my  muse’s  hair
[  SWEATER  ]  for  your  muse  to  be  found  in  my  muse’s  sweater  or  hoodie
[  TOUCH  ]  for  your  muse  to  softly  touch  my  muse  (  specify  where  )
[  WARM  ]  for  your  muse  to  put  their  jacket  around  my  muse’s  shoulders
[  WATCH  ]  for  your  muse  to  watch  my  muse  sleep  
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
happier headcanon q’s! 
1. what gives your muse hope? 
2. what is your muse’s favorite joke?
3. what is your muse’s favorite hobby?
4. what is your muse’s happiest memory?
5. what does self-care look like to your muse?
6. what is your muse’s favorite kind of weather?
7. what would your muse consider a perfect day?
8. what does your muse love doing with other people?
9. what does your muse consider their biggest success?
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
11. does your muse think people deserve second chances? 
12. what is something that will always make your muse laugh?
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
14. what was the best/funniest dream your muse has ever had?
15. what is something that’s made your muse so happy they’ve cried?
16. has your muse ever laughed so hard they’ve cried? what caused it?
17. what was the best/most thoughtful gift your muse has ever received?
18. what kind of hugs does your muse give? gentle? tight? pick and spin?
19. what would be the best way to cheer up your muse when they’re sad?
20. what is a way that your muse shows love and affection without words?
21. what is something good that your muse carries with them from childhood?
22. what does your muse consider the most beautiful place they’ve ever been?
23. does your muse like receiving gifts? what would be the best gift to get them?
24. what is your muse’s favorite animal? have they ever gotten to see one in person?
25. during difficult times, what is something your muse holds onto to get them through?
26. if your muse could go on vacation anywhere, what would be their dream destination?
27. when it comes to gift giving, does your muse tend to lean funny, practical, thoughtful? 
28. after a fight, how does your muse go about apologizing/making it up to the other person?
29. what is something that was difficult at the time, but taught them a valuable lesson they still hold onto?
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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The middle of the night, and Alex can't sleep, as usual. He consults the cards, but if anything, they remind him why he's afraid to dream.
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» — † — » "Would you like to know your future?" The voice called out, raspy, deep, and seductive. A man younger than his pitch evoked looked up, all mysterious smiles under a curtain of long, dark hair, and hooded eyes smeared with black grease paint. Tattoos of various symbols decorated his knuckles, thick, heavy rings of steel and silver wrapped around his fingers as he passed a deck between them.
The cards flowed as easily as water as they were shuffled, and the man held Alex with his heavy, dark stare. Charming. Mysterious. Right at home on Bourbon Street, peddling hexes and hoodoo--or in some garage, pounding away on a well-loved drum kit. Alex's type to a 'T'. But even so, the bright-eyed brunet merely quirked the corner of his mouth and shook his head.
"No, thanks," he said. The fortune-teller regarded him a moment longer, probably about to lean into his sales pitch, but Alex was already gone. His chest felt tight as he walked, and a chill touched his shoulders as he hurried away. A dark chuckle followed, his reflection in a passing window grinning with sharp teeth and black eyes as he fled.
Alex hated fortune-tellers. Frauds at best, new-age idiots at worst, it made his nose itch to watch them work. Most of the time, their craft was harmless enough. Entertain, swindle, pocket a bit of that sweet tourist cash--hell, Alex had done it a few times himself when pressed. The difference was he knew doing it invited that unwanted thing if he wasn't careful. Not always. Not inherently. But eventually. It was one of the unfortunate side effects of having a demon bound to you.
Fortune-tellers, frauds and fools alike, had no idea what their tricks might invite. Most of the time a mischievous spirit or two might get involved, but Alex had no desire to see those hellish eyes smile back at him from across a table again.
No. Better to do it himself.
An aluminum tin rattled as Alex pulled it from his pocket, just barely big enough to cover his palm and decorated with stylized birds and wings. Scarlet paint framed a golden sunset (or perhaps it was a sunrise) with black birds, hazy clouds, and an angelic figure surrounded by leaves and thorns. Alex exhaled as he popped it open and withdrew a deck of his own, setting it on the vanity.
Eerie, arcane motifs blessed in red blurred in his hands as he shuffled the deck, his eyes closed as he concentrated on the question he needed answer. What's next?
One . . . two . . . three. . . . Thirteen times, the deck passed between Alex's hands. His chest tightened the more he shuffled, the pulsing of his heart speeding up as the question built up in his mind. Where did he go from here? What was different? Had anything changed?
Was he any closer to an answer?
The dark voice that haunted Alex snickered as he cut the deck, and he placed his palm on the cards, glaring into the mirror of the old-fashioned vanity. An otherwise empty room sat behind him, dark save for the lamp beside the bed, cracks and peeling wallpaper the only distinguishing characteristics. But it was his reflection that drew his eyes most.
Thin, lean, a bit grizzled, and definitely in need of a good meal and sleep, with pronounced cheekbones and cat-like eyes. But the image was paler, the unnaturally bright blue eyes aglow, the color pronounced against their black sclera. The scar marring his lip and left cheek were blackened with taint that spread in veins across his face, matching the creeping corruption up his neck from beneath his collar. His nose, his lips, and fingers were black with necrosis, and a tinge of frost dusted his hair and the deck beneath his clawed hand.
Xael stared back, his fingers drumming over the desk with Alex's. Alex swallowed.
"Fuck off, Xael," he hissed at the reflection. "You're not needed here."
'Are you sure about that?' Xael's voice was almost a croon, uncomfortably close to Alex's ear yet not there all at once. 'I know the answers you seek, you know--you don't need--'
"I said, fuck off," Alex spat, hurling all the hatred and venom he could haul up from deep within himself. Spittle hit the mirror, and like smoke, the apparition vanished. Alex sat alone in the room now, staring at himself as he was. Exhausted. Tired. But determined.
He inhaled, and drew the first card.
The Tower sat upright, surrounded by war and calamity on its painted face. A pang hit Alex's heart.
The second card. The Wheel of Fortune glimmered with beautiful omens, but upside-down the light made those symbols seem ominous. Fate was determined on its course--whether or not Alex liked it.
Alex's hand shook, and he grit his teeth as he drew the third. He didn't even have to look to know the Devil stared at him upright, it's sinful smile full of wretched glee.
"I told you to fuck off, Xael!" Alex snapped, and he angrily scooped the cards back up and began shuffling them again. Surely, it had to be a fluke. He was strong enough to hold Xael back from his own readings. Again, he focused on his question, trying to force down the rising frustration and fear as he shuffled the deck another thirteen times.
Xael didn't appear in the mirror this time as Alex cut the deck, and once more he drew those three hated cards. The Tower, upright. The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Devil, upright.
Shuffle. Cut. Draw. The Tower. The Wheel of Fortune. The Devil.
"Stop it, Xael!" Alex shouted. This had to be some kind of trick! Xael shouldn't be able to work around the rosary or collar if Alex didn't want him to.
The demon was silent. Alex's reflection remained unchanged.
Shuffle. Cut. Draw. The Tower. The Wheel of Fortune. The Devil.
Alex shivered, hands clenching as he stood and screamed at the mirror. "ENOUGH!!" His heart raced, and his head throbbed as the cards suddenly scattered. Wood creaked under his fingers as he gripped the edge of the table, and a sound like a gunshot echoed in the room as the mirror cracked.
And just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. Alex gasped for air, splinters digging into his whitened knuckles, his body shaking like the room had been mere moments ago. No . . . ! Calm. He needed to calm down. He needed to just breathe. Get a grip. Stop and step back. They were just cards. Just . . . stupid little pieces of paper and dye. Meaningless in the end. No need to get so worked up.
'But that's not what you really believe,' Xael's voice crept through the crevices of Alex's psyche, despite his host's attempts to push him down. 'Not what you really KNOW. You know the spirits see your fate. Fear it, even.'
Alex's reflection shifted again, and Xael picked up the mirrored Devil card still lying on the table. He smiled, a playful twist of his mouth as he held the tarot card up to his face, and in the reflection Alex could see the room was darker. A shadow, vaguely humanoid in shape, stretched to fill the whole room. Long, gangling limbs at all sharp and strange angles stretched over the room, something like hair hanging loosely off its body, like a sickened tree.
It was then Alex noticed the shapes moving behind the demon. Humanoid, close to his height and size. One wandered through the now misty reflection as if dazed, its staggered steps dragging through invisible drifts. A second scrambled away from the dark shadow looming over it, hampered by obstacles not yet visible. Alex's twisted reflection sat calm and poised, hands steepled under his chin with the card still between his fingers, and Alex froze as he watched one monstrous limb snatch at the lumbering soul in the mirror.
The shadow dragged the soul towards it, and Alex could hear it scream as he watched it be pulled to its inevitable fate. Even though the shapes were formless, even though he'd seen this a hundred times already, he squeezed his eyes closed and looked away as he 'heard' those baleful cries cut off with a sickening crunch--just before he felt a small surge that dispelled the headache still bothering him. Xael chuckled, and Alex felt his stomach churn.
'You should be glad, you know. You won't suffer such an ignoble fate.'
A second cry, a second nausea-inducing crunch, a second wave of rejuvenation, and Alex trembled, fiddling with his rosary as he pointedly looked away from the mirror. Yet he could still feel those eyes boring into his back, icicles pricking along his spine. What warmth he had left in his blood seemed to drain away as the seconds lazed by.
No. His fate would be worse.
How much of himself had he already lost to Xael? How many times had he used those god-forsaken abilities? How many times had he been possessed by the demon? How many times had he been made to do things he couldn't remember until he woke up in the bloody aftermath . . . ? And if this kept up, if Alex didn't find a way to break the curse. . . .
There'd be nothing of him left before much longer.
Alex grit his teeth and stubbornly set about picking up the tarot cards from where his small outburst had scattered them, and he heard Xael laugh from the mirror. Whatever. Alex wouldn't be fooled by his tricks, and he wouldn't give in to despair. He'd keep searching as long as it took, until either he found a cure, or there was nothing of him left. Every stone, every hole, every nook and cranny and crevice--he'd search every damned corner of this life and the next. And if nothing else, he'd delay Xael's resurrection as long as he possibly could.
But as he gathered the cards, one in particular caught his eye, and Alex squinted at it and paused. Sitting upright, far apart from the rest of the deck, was the Star. It had landed face-up on the bed, and the way the lamplight caught it, it almost seemed to shimmer. Was he imagining things . . . ?
Alex reached tentatively for the stray card, plucking it from the sheets as he stared at it for a long moment. Maybe it was just coincidence. He'd scattered the cards with his powers by accident, and pretty forcefully at that--any one of them could've wound up in the exact same place. It was just . . . chance.
Just like the other three cards he managed to draw over and over again.
Maybe it wasn't just chance it landed there, almost twinkling and as if trying to catch his eye. The Star represented hope, glimmering brightest in the deepest dark, a promise the sun would rise, and came after the Tower's destruction in numerical order. After being broken down to one's barest essence, the Star was a sign of renewal.
Alex pursed his lips, staring at it a moment longer before carefully placing it back into the deck. The tin shut with a soft click as he recovered the last of the cards, and he placed it back into his jacket pocket before standing again. Xael was gone from the mirror, the ruined room all that was visible in its cracked surface, and Alex splayed a hand over the breaks in his reflection.
"I'm not going to become you," he hissed. "I'll find a way, just you wait."
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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once again i am considering timothee chalamet as alex's faceclaim
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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A random assortment because I keep forgetting to post these
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Alex has a difficult time with book learning at times, and has never been officially diagnosed by a professional for any mental illnesses he may have.
He avoids doctors and medical professionals in general as he is not fully human--his guts will be falling out before he'll consider maybe calling a cab to the ER.
Alex was raised Catholic, but his experiences with demons, ghosts, the paranormal, and more have left him jaded and questioning. Part of him believes his lack of faith is directly responsible for the trouble he has keeping Xael at bay.
He holds the occult in contempt to a degree, despite using many 'forbidden' practices himself. His mother was a witch and she's the root of all his problems, after all.
Alex has no idea what happened to Cassandra, although according to Maria and what few glimpses of memory he can dredge up, he's pretty sure she's dead.
Alex has no idea who his father is, and has never been interested in looking as he got older. He suspects there's a good chance his biological father is dead, but if he's out there alive somewhere, Alex would rather avoid dragging him into his problems.
Alex's favorite sweets are snow cones and spicy mango pops, and his favorite food is sopa de lima topped with eggs sunny side up.
The Diego family attempted to hold a Mass and take Communion with Alex present once. He doesn't remember much of it except being violently sick afterwards for a few days, and they never attempted it again.
He really dislikes most breads and yogurt.
While he knows a fair bit about gardening and subsistence farming, Alex really sucks at growing anything. He's convinced it's another side effect of his curse that plants seem to just die when he messes with them.
Most animals avoid him, and while he loves dogs, he's developed a fear of them after being attacked on more than one occasion. Animals seem to be especially sensitive to his aura and even good-natured dogs tend to exhibit aggression or fear if he gets too close.
Alex really adores cats thanks to his mom's big, fat, fluffy black Maine Coon, Mayo. A lot of nights were spent with 28 pounds of massive fluff on his chest as he slept.
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
argumentative, confrontational dialogue … sentence starters
“Just open up. For once.”
“Oh my god, just grow up!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!”
“Stop it, you’re being childish!”
“I told you I’m fine, stop asking.”
“Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Don’t you owe me an explanation?”
“Why don’t you ever listen to anyone?”
“I’m so tired of listening to you lie, lie lie!”
“Stop, I don’t want to argue. Just let it go.”
“Stop talking down to me. I’ve had enough.”
“Why are you sneaking around here like that?”
“What made you think that any of this was ok?”
“Why… why would you say something like that?”
“Don’t tell me you’re happy. I can see you’re not.”
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Start talking.”
“You’re not perfect! Stop pretending that you are!”
“Why does everything have to be a fight with you?”
“Have you ever told the truth about anything, ever?”
“Talk to me. That’s all I want. Just talk to me, please!”
“Just keep your mouth shut for one second. Just one.”
“Why are you acting like this? What’s gotten into you?”
“You expect me to believe you? After all you’ve done?”
“Can’t you just give it to me straight, for once in your life?”
“Tell me what’s been going on. I deserve that much from you.”
“Why are you always trying to stick your nose in my business?”
“You can’t keep secrets from everyone and expect them to trust you.”
“Something’s up with you, and I’m not letting you go until you tell me what it is.”
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dealingwithdemonsrp · 2 years
@dealingwithdemonsrp​ asked:
❝  i like your soul.  it’s beautiful.  ❞ (( *coUGHHAVEACREEPERDEMONCOUgh* ))
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❝ That’s weird. You messin’ with me? ❞ She gives way to a peal of laughter. ❝ But I guess it’s also… kind of sweet! No one’s ever told me something like that. ❞ It was always her heart that interested others, after all. 
❝ Hey, how do you know what a soul is like, anyway? Can I see yours? ❞
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» — † — » A ▓ è̴̷̢͞  X-- X A E L smiled at the girl, black locks falling to one side as he rested his head against his hand to peer at her better. She was vibrant, like sun through stained glass, colorful and young and full of life. Resilient, too, if the solidity of the outline shining around her was any indicator--the opposite of himself in all his dim, nearly dark blizzard hues. It wasn’t only beautiful, but enticing. Such a soul could feed him well and strengthen him for quite some time.
But it wouldn’t be any fun to just snatch that life force away from her. No, something like this should be savored.
Her questions drew a chuckle, and Xael shook his head. “I’m not messing with you--it’s true!“ Those blue eyes gleamed almost with mischief as he flashed the redhead a boyish and exuberant grin. “Yours is really vibrant--I bet you’re pretty tough, huh? Souls are kind of like indicators of a person’s life force. If you get really good at reading them, you can even guess how long a person’s natural lifespan is. But I’ve never known anyone who learned how to see them--I just . . . do. Call it a gift, I guess.”
Xael held out a hand, warm and inviting despite the chill of his touch. “Alex. Sorry for the weird comment--I don’t see someone like you very often so it just kinda . . . slipped out.” His smile turned sheepish, and he tugged at a stray lock of hair. “It actually kinda reminded me of someone I’m looking for.”
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