deathstrange · 6 years
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“ ----- save the showing off for your exam, “ he says, voice dry, slight annoyance slipping through. papers shuffle in front of him, and he fishes a quill from the pocket of his lime green coat. he scribbles something down on the chart in his hands before looking up to meet her gaze. “ as a trainee, you have something to prove, i get that. it just isn’t to me. “ 
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deathstrange · 6 years
“Calm down, I’ll see you guys in a few days…” Dominic tried to reason as his sister continued to reprimand him over the phone. 
“Nearly five months in Bulgaria and we aren’t the first people you see? Honestly, Dominic!” He held the phone away from his ear, wincing at the volume. “Again, I still have unfinished business that needs attending to so just drop it. I’ll call you later, bye.” Without even waiting for a response, Dominic hung up, grunting in irritation. 
“You know what, just make it a double…” He grumbled, leaning heavily against the bar counter. 
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“ i’ll have what he’s having, “ rabastan says, a hand waving towards the bartender. as if rabastan hasn’t already had enough. whiskey glass is almost empty before him, and he swings the rest of the liquid down, his face remaining expressionless. “ trouble in paradise, flint? my god. i thought you were perfect. “ at that, lips draw into a smile, and fingers trace the edge of his glass. “nice to see that yer mortal like the rest of us.”
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deathstrange · 6 years
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" so how many victims of today’s massacre can i thank you for? “ he asks, his voice dry, but he’s sure that she knows him well enough by now to hear the hint of amusement that’s bubbling underneath. they are family, after all. just not through blood. not that rabastan has ever cared much for his relatives - his brother really is the only one that makes the cut, the only one that he doesn’t put up an act around, that he genuinely loves. so for him, he can tolerate one BELLATRIX LESTRANGE, however batshit fucking crazy she may be. “ send some warning, next time. you almost shut down my ER. “ he pauses, drags a hand through sandy locks and gives her a long look. “ not that i would ever accuse you of anything. “ somehow, his words become even drier, almost sarcastic. definitively poking the bear. 
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deathstrange · 6 years
facilis descensus averno. the descent is easy, but maybe the gates of heaven were never open to you in the first place. we are all faded. I see this city. I see its streets. I see its fallen angels leaning up against brick walls in the daylight. I see the chalice on the shelves behind a bar. I think I know this place. it looks like hell’s come to earth. pulvis et umbra sumus. we are but dust and shadows. from dust we came, and to dust we will return. we will burn. ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
HEAVENLY FIRE, Venetta O. (via medeae)
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deathstrange · 6 years
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the lime green robe hangs off his shoulders like a prince’s mantle, and it sways softly as he walks through the corridors of the hospital, his eyes focused on the notepad in his hands, reading through the charts of the latest intakes to the emergency ward. it’s only when he hears a familiar sound of shoes clicking against the floor that he looks up, and his eyes fall on her. “ narcissa, “ he acknowledges, a quick nod following his words. it doesn’t take more than a few seconds until he breaks into one of his warmest smiles, the kind that he uses when he wants to light the world on fucking fire. “ you’re not hurt, are you?“ he asks, and his voice falls somewhere in between the realm of caring, and the much more familiar sense of indifference. once upon a time, he would have cared. properly, too. “ you look well. “ considering.
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deathstrange · 6 years
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                                         RABASTAN LESTRANGE.                                               twenty five. death eater. hufflepuff.                                                 charming. persuasive. creative.                                                  two faced. passive. sadistic.                                                        healer. chameleon.
                                   i will not be atlas with arms so bruised they are blue.                                                                  PINTEREST BOARD.
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name: rabastan emory lestrange. occupation: healer. nicknames: rab or rabbie.
+ charming, persuasive, creative, patient, clever. - two faced, sadistic, passive, entitled, superficial.
age: 25. date of birth: october 23, 1993. zodiac: scorpio. hometown: somewhere in england!!! to be determined!!!! current location: lives in a penthouse apartment in london. gender: cis male. pronouns: he/him. orientation: bisexual. spoken languages: english, french and german fluently. moral alignment: neutral evil / true neutral. element: earth / air. house: hufflepuff.
character insp: peeta mellark ( the hunger games ), achilles ( mythology ), finnick odair ( the hunger games ), lucifer ( mythology ), will halstead ( chicago med ).
child neglect cw.
Rabastan grew up as the youngest of two brothers, the second in line to the throne. The second Lestrange. The backup. The extra, in case the first one broke.
Being the forgotten Lestrange had its perks, though. Rabastan became a golden boy in his own right, growing up in the shadows, with the same access to the riches, the luxury and the reputation that a proper Lestrange deserved. But none of the attention... or the burden of the Lestrange legacy. He was mostly seen as the baby Lestrange, the sweet, sweet boy who behaved like an angel, but wasn’t... all there. Thank god that he’s pretty, right? At least he’ll marry nice.
So maybe Rabastan grew a bit resentful against his parents. Decided that fuck them, I’ll do whatever I want.
But he still remained The Good Son, dutifully attending all his tutor sessions and all his classes. Smiled pretty at his parents’ parties. Was painfully polite to all their guests. Managed to charm the most rugged of dark wizards, weaseled his way in, with that slight smile and those big blue eyes and that weird talent of being scary good at guessing exactly what people wanted to hear. Probably stemmed from him always listening in, ya feel.
Def partly raised by house elves and maids. Was left wondering where his parents were at most of his childhood.
But 100% grew up idolizing his brother!!!!!! Thought he was the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread.
So homeboy shows up at Hogwarts, and he’s absolutely fucking bursting with rebellion and a wish to do absolutely ANYTHING to fuck with his parents. Maybe.... idk.... to make them notice him for once.....
So what does he do? He pulls a Harry Potter !!!!!!! Asks the sorting hat to place him in any house but Slytherin, which it reluctantly agrees to do. And suddenly he’s sitting at the Hufflepuff table. 
Okay so, he started out as a pretty good Hufflepuff. Really hard working ( eager to prove himself ), very loyal, very modest ( he would get over that one, later. lmao ), so so sweet ( that one too, would not be permanent ) and overall just a good kid!!! 
Arrived at Hogwarts with the good ol’ “Rodolphus Lestrange’s baby brother” label already firmly slapped on him. All teachers compared him to his brother, which was a bitter pill to swallow. Was that all he’d ever be? For how long would he have to chase his older brother’s shadow? Never quite keeping up.
ANYWAYS. His parents weren’t exactly charmed by the fact that Rabastan didn’t follow the Family Tradition™ of ending up in Slytherin. Made for an awkward Christmas dinner, that year. 
Luckily ( or, perhaps, unluckily, for him ), he was quickly forgiven for his faults. The poor boy can’t help that no other house will take him, can he? 
But Rabastan made a life for himself in Hufflepuff. He went home every summer with grades that were almost flawless ( which rewarded him with a quick pat on the shoulder, some brief acceptance, before the family’s attention returned to work and far more important things than the non-heir ). He made friends. Moved in different social circles, quickly becoming a social chameleon, blending in just as well with the Hufflepuff kids as the Slytherin kids. In Hufflepuff, his actions spoke louder for him than his name did. In Slytherin, his name spoke louder for him than his house.
Was a bit of a party boy. Has definitively been found black out drunk in the prefect bathrooms more than once ( how did he get in there, u ask? his dazzling smile : ~ ) what else ! ).
Watched as the Dark Lord slowly rose to power, but never directly involved himself, and was very careful to not mention his own thoughts, instead always steering the conversation towards something else, or back towards the person he spoke to. 
Silently, Rabastan supported Voldemort, though. His agenda was appealing to him, sounded about right. And then there was the influence of his older brother, of course. Everything Rodolphus touched turned to gold, after all.
alcoholism cw / murder cw / torture cw ( it’s going downhill from here ig)
Rabastan graduated Hogwarts with good grades, plenty of friends and a growing addiction to alcohol. 
Immediate decision after school was to go into emergency medicine, and he thus became a healer for St Mungos hospital. It was the glory he was after, the status. Helping people? Not really his primary concern.
Has sworn to do no harm wHICH HE DOESN’T!!!! WHILE AT WORK !!!!! What he does outside of work is a different story though. We all have our hobbies, guys!!!!
Started getting kinda tired of being known as the Idiot Lestrange after a while. Especially now that he was a healer. Slowly began dropping the dumb act, it rarely benefited him anymore anyways.
Slowly also became more involved with the Death Eaters, and eventually rose to a high enough position that he could be seen as someone to Count On. Which was all he really wanted, really. Homeboy is attention starved and wants recognition!!!! The Death Eaters fed into that, a lot. 
But anyways, he’s very lowkey about it. Even though his name is kinda sus, I guess? But other than that - Stealth mode.
Currently drinking himself into oblivion, when he’s not working :/
Not super into the whole torturing people thing, but has been assigned a lot of That Kind Of Work anyways (within the Death Eaters), because of his medical background : ~) He will slowly get more into it though, becomes a little bit darker the longer the war goes on. More willing to push past his limits, cross the lines he normally wouldn’t cross. We all know how far he’ll go, in the end.
Has lowkey developed two distinctive personalities over the years - two sides of the same coin that can be flipped as easily as you turn on/off the lights. There’s the good guy, the healer, the smiling pretty boy that knows exactly what to say to get you to take a step closer to the edge, and then there’s the very bad man, who’s drunk, trying to kill you and has forgotten who he is. Which one is the real Rabastan !!!! We don’t know !!!!
Deadass reverts straight back to his Hogwarts self whenever he’s at a family gathering. 
REALLY loves his job !!!! Is good at it too and works really hard !!! Loves the kick of the adrenaline rush when he saves someone, or when someone acknowledges his work.
alcoholism cw.
Bit of a disaster, really.
Probably trying to charm u out of ur life savings right now
Typical Bad Influence, tbh
Never shows his anger and ends up burying it deep down instead until he eventually snaps.
Responsibility? Not his thing. Taking responsibility for his actions? Also not his thing.
He’s really out there repping the whole irresponsible younger brother stereotype!!!
Still a bit of a party boy, tbh.
Kinda vain. Knows that he’s good looking and doesn’t rly understand 100% why other people wouldn’t think that he’s god’s greatest gift to mankind. 
Has deep rooted commitment issues and can’t commit to anything, except work & his brother, to save his life
Also has deep rooted trust issues probably.
Likes plants a lot but keeps killing them :(
Very good at reading people!!!! 
Surprisingly good cook!!!! But can only follow like five recipes. :/
Can go from being a tall dark stranger to a golden retriever puppy within seconds.
There is so much hate in him, but he’s not sure what for. Somewhere deep down, he hates his parents, he hates himself, he hates his family line and what they’ve forged him into. But that’s a little too painful to bear ( and Rabastan has always been the type to run away from his problems, refuse to shoulder the burden of anything that might bruise his arms / his heart !!! ), so he channels all that hatred into something else.
Has Opinions™ about muggle technology but still uses an iPhone. Hypocrite.
Constantly craving attention and will do anything to get it. He’s looking for acknowledgement and praise, tbh? Can def be a textbook people pleaser, too.
Can be so so so cruel and cold, it’s a bit scary really. 
Somehow also the best listener? Gifts from his childhood, I guess!
More of an emotional torturer, than anything. Likes playing with people’s feelings and their heart strings. Favorite hex is the imperius curse.
How to break someone down emotionally 101 by Rabastan Lestrange.
Used to have a heart !!!!!! Lost it a long time ago though. It’s rotting, now.
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deathstrange · 6 years
i. he bites your lower lip hard enough to draw blood and it comes out, dark and primal. everything is agonisingly slow and still - sometimes you forget he’s a warrior and he can go like this all day long. ii. you’re in the cocoon of his wings and nowhere was it written that they were soft. they’re stiff and unyielding, they’re marble, and the edges of them are so sharp sometimes you get cut. you don’t tell him.  iii. is this what it’s like to fall? three fingers deep and you’re at the edge. you want to be pushed over, want to see the blinding light, want to walk towards it with him.  iv. you think of how, sometimes, he thrusts into you like feral, like animal, like redemption. you don’t have the heart to tell him he won’t find it here, don’t have the heart to tell him he’s damning you too.
FALLEN ANGEL, Venetta O. (via medeae)
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deathstrange · 6 years
sunlight glinting off your skin, the trick is to be hollow, really, nothing inside, just empty. I remind you not to fall like icarus, but I forget you already have. flashback a few thousand years. golden boy, song in your step, you shouldn’t have started to scream. so many hearts broken that day, including your own. you thought that was your punishment, burning till the end of time, but even the fallen have wings, darling. your greatest curse is being able to fly, but never high enough to go back home.
TAKE ME BACK TO THE START, Venetta O. (prompt by asterrias and puns-n-buns)
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