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Plumas, in the simplest of descriptions, are tall, human-like creatures with wings and posses magic.
In a more complex explanation, they are the nannies of the earth and rule over humans and animals. Each Pluma type has a special kind of magic, but the most powerful ones are the Pluma Albas and the Pluma Nigrum. The Albas have power over light, life, and natural disasters. The Nigrum have power over darkness, death, and viruses/diseases.
The last important type to understand is the Pluma Fulvus. They had power over creativity, curiosity, and adaptability. More on them later.
So, what about these nannies? What is their story? Well, the history is a bit of a sad one, and you may not be all that fond of these winged creatures in a moment.
So, I’m this world, the sun is a sentient being of life and love, and it has had many children. One of the latest was the earth, a child called Parmini. This child was a bit of a runt, so the sun put the Pluma on this world to protect it.
But fighting broke out between the different types. The blue winged ones, with power over the water, argued with the hazel ones, with control of the land. The light purple ones of the sky yelled at both the sea and land. Animal-ruling ones cussed out plant-powered ones. And so it went. Even their young hatchings were brought into the war.
One day, a Pluma Alba egg was the only survivor in a particularly brutal conflict between them and some food related types. That egg was found and brought in by a young Pluma Nigrum boy, Tola. He raised it as his little sister after he had lost both parents as well. Her name was Mari and they lived happily for a while, but they were constantly on the run from the free-for-all war. But they couldn’t hide forever, and their were eventually killed.
When someone found their bodies, other Nigrums, they saw how two types of Pluma, as different as could be, had died protecting each other. They decided that they had enough of this fighting. They reached out to the Pluma Albas. It took a while to make peace, but eventually the two tribes banded together to stop it.
They tried to do it peacefully and kindly at first, but no one else wanted to stop. Eventually, an Alba named Atrox suggested a new plan: wiping everyone else out. He reasoned that perhaps Albas and Nigrums were the only ones capable of being civil. The rest didn’t like that idea, but they couldn’t lose any more people.
So, combining their powers of natural disasters and diseases, they killed everyone else. Well, almost everyone. Plants and animals were spared, mainly, but there was also a much more interesting discovery. A huge clutch of Pluma Fulvus eggs.
They debated for a long time on what to do about them while stalling the hatching with magic spells. These spells had been developed in war times so eggs didn’t hatch while on the run, but it proved useful even now, while trying to decide whether the eggs counted as babies or enemy soldiers-in-training.
Eventually, they reached a decision. They would not kill the eggs and even raise them as their own, but first, they would strip them of all their power. This had never been done successfully to an adult and the records of what it did to eggs were lost in the war, beyond the fact that it worked. So they tried it.
But when the eggs hatched, they were.., different than expected. They were wingless and much smaller than they should’ve been. As time went on and the Fulvus chicks grew up, it was clear that they were never reach normal Pluma height. In our terms, they only reached about 5 or 6 feet (150 to 180 centimeters), whereas a normal Pluma is between 8 to 10 feet tall (245 to 300 centimeters).
But even with these obvious differences, the Fulvus weren’t helpless. Even without the full extent of their abilities, they still were overflowing with curiosity and creativity. They found all sorts of ways to adapt to a society meant for flying.
Time went on and there were more generations of Fulvus. Around the fourth generation, the bones and muscles meant only for wings and were otherwise useless were gone. At the fifth, a Nigrum got to witness one of the first live births in Pluma history.
It appeared that the longer this group was without magic, the more they changed. Another change was, after years and years of trying to be treated equally and have a more accessible world, the Fulvus gave up. They packed their things and declared that they were going to build their own society. And just before they left, they also said that they would no longer be calling themselves Fulvus, as that was a name for a long dead type of Pluma. Instead, these land dwelling sentient creatures were now called the humans.
And this is all that I can write for now, but I will continue to talk about this world and many others.
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I am not really a witch or a pagan or anything like that, so if you believe one of the entities I write about on here reached out to you/wants to work with you, although I can’t provide a ton of information or advice, I could identify if it was really them. Then again, I don’t really know how all of that works so this could be totally useless. Sorry.
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