delopsias · 11 months
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some warm n cozy bob floyds cuz i adore him
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delopsias · 1 year
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the bunny and the bull rider | rhett abbott
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description: in which absence makes the heart grow fonder
warnings: no sexual content but still 18+ only, brief mention of sex (rhett and reader do practice a dom/sub relationship outside of their cg dynamic but that relationship is NOT shown here) caregiver!rhett, age regression, slight angst with a happy ending, perry abbott (because he’s a warning in and of itself)
curious about what age regression is? go here
pairing: rhett abbott x afab!reader
notes: big thank you to @lovinglyeternal for putting me onto the rhett calling you ‘pumpkin seed’ agenda. also to @bradshawsbitch for helping me brainstorm for this piece. luh you babies 💓
Rhett had never known true peace until he met you. 
Peace was just something he never thought he’d find. Nor was it something he’d ever really experienced. The Abbott household was not a place of serenity. He had never felt at ease within those four walls a day in his life. 
He felt like he didn’t belong, like he didn’t have a purpose. His mother had her religion. His father had the land. Perry had his family. But Rhett? All Rhett had was bull riding. He had no identity or purpose outside of that. 
That is, until you walked into his life. 
It started gradually, at first. The realization that he was interested in you, and that you shared that interest. Asking you on your first date. Kissing you on your doorstep as he dropped you off for the night. But as time went on, his feelings for you grew. 
The fondness he had soon turned into love. And the realization that he loved you hit him like a ton of bricks to the chest. It sucked the breath out of his lungs and made his head spin. It nearly drove him to his knees. 
But that wasn’t what brought him to a place of peace. Of course, loving you did provide that for him. But there was something else. Something so special, so sacred, that only he was privy to. 
When you had initially brought up the concept of your age regression, you had been terrified. Not because Rhett scared you, because he didn’t. You felt so very safe around him. No, you were scared because you loved him so much and you were afraid he wouldn’t understand. Afraid he wouldn’t want to be with you any longer once he learned about this part of you. 
He had taken everything else well. When it came to your sexual escapades, he’d been on board with everything you’d thrown at him. You had begun developing a solid dominant and submissive relationship, and it was flourishing. 
But this was different. There was nothing sexual about your regression. It was pure and innocent. A way for you to let go of any and all stressors and reconnect with that childish part of yourself that you had repressed for far too long. Being forced to grow up too fast did that to a person. 
You had kept it hidden from Rhett. Not to keep secrets from him, but to protect yourself, because you knew your heart couldn’t handle losing him if he didn’t want to deal with your regression. 
However, you knew that you had to tell him. It was such a big part of who you were, and not being able to share it with him was doing more harm than good. So, one day you finally gathered up the courage to sit him down and talk it through. 
He didn’t react as you were explaining it. He simply listened very intently, his blue gaze trained on you, unwavering. And once you were finished with your explanation, he nodded thoughtfully. 
“And this is somethin’ that…helps you?” He asked, reiterating what you’d said. 
You nodded. “Yes. It’s a huge stress reliever,” you replied. “If…if this is a deal breaker for you, I understand. It’s a lot to take in.”
Rhett shook his head. “It ain’t a deal breaker. Far from it. I’ve never heard of regression before. But if it helps you then I’m willing to do whatever you need me to do. I’ll give it a shot, I don’t see what it could hurt. ‘sides, I already know I love takin’ care of you. I don’t see how this could be much different.” 
Just the fact that he was willing to try filled you with so much joy. All that anxiety you’d had about telling him melted away, replaced with a comforting warmth that blossomed in your chest. 
And that was how it began. Rhett assumed the role of your caregiver. It was rather adorable to witness. He was so concerned about doing the very best job he could. He had many questions, and even went as far as to write your answers down in a little composition pad he kept in the front pocket of his shirt. 
You explained everything in detail, and remained open and honest about what you needed from him. He pledged to take good care of you, and you had no doubt that he would. 
The first time you regressed with him was a wonderful, serene moment. You felt safe and at ease, and had no problem slipping into that little mindset. Rhett watched in awe, finding himself enamored. 
It was through becoming your caregiver that he found that long sought after peace. He realized that this was his purpose in life. Looking after you was what he was always meant to do. And once he came to that conclusion, everything else clicked into place. 
You developed a very deep, unshakable bond. A dynamic so full of love and care. You had never felt so safe and protected before. You could fully be yourself with Rhett and he never judged you. He allowed you to be as small as you needed, and he was always there to look out for you. 
He became the best caregiver you ever could’ve asked for. You were able to flourish as a little under his watchful eye. Gone were the days of hiding your regression. You allowed yourself to fully relax and trust in his tender, loving care. 
Along with that came a fierce protectiveness that Rhett felt toward you. He cherished your special dynamic, and he would move mountains just to make sure that you could safely regress. 
You knew you could call for him at any time, and he would rush to your aid. You tried your best to leave him be while he was working. But sometimes, there were days when you needed him. After you’d tried everything to soothe yourself, you would send him a text asking when he would be home. 
He always knew you were feeling little based on the amount of emojis you used. 
hiya daddy! i know you’re busy working but do you know when you’ll be home, perhaps? 🥺💓😚💞☺️💕
It didn’t matter what he was doing. When he got that notification, he would stop everything to answer. Rhett was not one to use emojis, but for you, he always made an exception. 
I’ll be home soon, pumpkin seed 😘❤️
And you would try your best to let it be. But if you knew you were slipping in a bad way, and you needed him to come and look after you, you would press him further. 
how soon? feeling real little in a bad way 🥺💓
That was all you had to say. If he was able to drop whatever he was doing in an instant, he would, assuring you he was on his way. To him, there was nothing more important than taking care of you. 
He would return to you and guide you through what you were feeling. And as you tearfully apologized for pulling him away from work, he would tell you not to “worry your pretty little head about it”, because he never wanted you to feel like a burden for needing his care. He had pledged to you that he would be the best caregiver he could be, and he intended to fulfill that promise. 
Up until this point, he had always been close by. Even when he was working, whether it be on your own property or on his parents’, he was always a text or a phone call away. You could access him whenever you needed him. 
But there soon came a moment in time when he had to be away from you. It was an unavoidable circumstance. There was an issue with a shipment of livestock, and he needed to head across state lines with his father to take care of it. 
Rhett wasn’t sure how long he would be gone. Since entering into this special relationship, you had never been apart for more than a day. The thought of leaving you made anxiety twist in his chest. 
It wasn’t that he thought you were incapable of taking care of yourself. He knew that when you needed to, you were more than able to make adult decisions and look after yourself. You were not an invalid. However, you had come to find such comfort in his care, and he was worried about leaving you all alone.  
He very gently brought it up to you when he got home that night. “Bunny…I need t’ talk to you,” he spoke up after you’d finished dinner. You were snuggled up on the couch with him, your feet resting in his lap, his large hand placed delicately over your ankles. 
Your eyes flickered to his, and you saw his serious expression. It made your stomach drop. “About what?” You softly asked. 
“I, uh, I found out I’ve gotta leave town for a bit. Dad’s got a new cattle shipment comin’ in and there’s a problem. He wants me to go with him tomorrow to deal with it.”
Your brow furrowed. “Okay. How long?” 
“I dunno. Could be a day or two. Could be a whole week. Just depends on how quickly we can resolve the issue. I really, really don’t wanna leave you. But I’ve got no choice.”
You nodded, chewing at your bottom lip thoughtfully. “It’s okay. I know you’ll be back as soon as you can.”
“I will. I just don’t like the thought of leavin’ you all alone. And I’d have ya stay with my ma and Amy, but somebody needs to be here to look after the property. Can you handle it? I don’t want you gettin’ overwhelmed and spiraling while I’m gone.” He knew you all too well. 
“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll just make a to do list so I can keep track of everything,” you replied with a hopeful smile. He could see that you were trying to remain positive for him. Truthfully, the idea of being all alone in this big house for days at a time was a little scary. You had your work, training horses, to occupy you, but there would still be those moments in which you were alone in your silence. It was daunting. 
But you didn’t want Rhett to worry. You could already see the concern in his eyes. He hated that he had to do this. If he could bring you along, he would. But he didn’t want you getting pulled into the mess. And he also knew that Royal would likely be pissed at Rhett for bringing his girlfriend on such a trip. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with his father’s irritation. Besides, he knew you felt most comfortable at home. He didn’t want to pull you away from it unless it was absolutely necessary. 
“Y’ sure?” 
“I’m sure. I’ll miss you lots, but I’ll be fine,” you assured him. And you would be. 
He hummed, nodding his head. “I’ll have Perry check on you while I’m gone. Y’ know how he is, but he at least cares about your well-being. And if I put Amy onto it then she won’t leave her dad alone and he’ll have no choice but to bring her over here so she can say hi.”
You smiled at that. Rhett’s niece had grown quite fond of you, and you, her. She was always up for a trip to Uncle Rhett’s, mainly so she could see you and go on trail rides with you and Rhett. 
“Okay. I’ll be leavin’ tomorrow morning. I’ll get your breakfast ready and then I’ll be on my way. I’ll make sure everything’s in order before I do, though.”
You smiled, leaning in closer to him. “It’ll just be a few days, right? I can be a big girl for that long. I’ll make you so proud, Daddy.”
He mirrored your smile, lifting his hand to cup your cheek. “I know you will, punkin’ seed.” The nickname made you smile. His pronunciation of pumpkin was the cutest thing you’d ever heard, and you loved it when he called you that. 
It was settled then. Rhett would be leaving the next morning. In the meantime, he spent the evening getting everything ready. Packing a duffel of things he’d need, making a list of things for you to take care of so you wouldn’t get overwhelmed and forget what you needed to do, even going as far as to make you a couple jars of overnight oats so you’d have breakfast for the next few days and wouldn’t have to worry about making it. 
While he was downstairs getting everything ready, you took the time to secretly slip one of your rabbit stuffies into his bag, with a little note that said “bunny is always with you :)”. Bunny was another nickname he’d dubbed you, which he called you when you were feeling particularly little. You knew finding the bunny in his bag would bring a smile to his face. 
By the time he was finished getting everything situated, you’d already climbed into bed, and you were waiting for him, snuggled up in bed. That night, he held you close and whispered a made up story to you to help you drift off to sleep. And it seemed that all was well. You were prepared for him to leave the following day, and you were convinced that you could handle his absence. 
That is, until you woke up that morning, and it all spiraled out of control. 
You knew it was going to be difficult from the moment you opened your eyes. Rhett was already up and about, leaving you feeling particularly alone and small in the large bed you shared. For a frightening moment, you thought he’d already left without saying goodbye, and it set the tone for how the entire morning was going to go. 
You didn’t mean to panic. Really, you knew you were being irrational. But it hit you out of the blue, and you immediately sprang from the bed, rushing out of the bedroom and down the stairs. 
“Daddy?!” You called out, your tone slightly panicked. You stopped in the kitchen. He wasn’t there. You looked in the living room. It was empty. “Daddy!” Your voice was louder and more frantic now. 
Tears welled in your eyes, and a terrible sadness creeped into your chest. He’d really left without saying goodbye? The thought hurt more than you could describe, and in an instant, you began to cry. Hot tears burned their way down your cheeks, and soft sobs that caused your shoulders to tremble left your mouth. 
Little did you know that Rhett had only stepped outside for a moment to toss his bag in the truck. He was heading back to the house, planning to wake you up gently and sit with you while you ate your breakfast. However, when he stepped through the front door, he was met with the sound of crying. 
He was instantly on high alert, his feet carrying him right to the sound. He found you standing in the middle of the living room, sniffling and whimpering. 
“Hey, hey. What’s the matter, little bun?” He softly called. 
You gasped, whirling around to find him standing there. “D-Daddy,” you squeaked before you threw yourself into his arms. Through your sobs, he was able to make out the words, “I-I thought yo-you left without saying goodbye!” 
His arms tightened around you, and he hummed lowly. “Oh, baby. I’d never do that to you. Never, ever.” He pulled you back to look at your tearful face. “I’ll always say goodbye. No matter if I’m leavin’ for fifteen minutes, or fifteen days. Alright?”
Sniffling, you nodded. “Al-alright.”
He lovingly wiped your tears away. “I’m sorry I scared’ya. I didn’t think you’d wake up. Next time I’ll make sure you know where I am.”
You tearfully thanked him, and he pulled you back in to press a kiss to the top of your head. “C’mon, let’s get some food in you before I have to leave.”
He led you back to the kitchen, making sure you were seated at the table as he got your breakfast ready. You tried to remain upbeat, but after your initial moment of panic, you were feeling all wrong. 
You could feel yourself beginning to slip. All you wanted was to be little and have Daddy take care of you, but you knew he couldn’t. You needed to be a big girl and let him leave. But in this state of mind, you were only growing more upset. He was leaving and you were scared. Scared to be alone, in this great big house. Scared to sleep by yourself in the bed, and listen to the creeping nightlife outside. 
It came out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. “Don’t leave me, Daddy! Please, I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever you wan’ me to!”
He was just setting down your plate in front of you when you said it. You gasped and placed your hand over your mouth. “Oh! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said that,” you exclaimed. More tears welled in your eyes. 
Rhett took a breath before he knelt in front of you. “Sweet baby, you know I’d drop everything and stay with you instead if I could. It kills me to leave you, but I have to. I understand that you’re feelin’ scared and sad, but I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that?” 
Tearfully, you nodded. “I can. I can be a big girl. I’m sorry I said that. I know you’ve gotta leave, Daddy. I’m just really gonna miss you.”
He brushed a stray tear away from your cheek. You noticed his own eyes had grown misty. “You can be a big girl. How do I know that? Because you do it all the time. You show me everyday how brave you are by training those horses the way you do. So I just need you to keep bein’ brave like that until Daddy gets back.” 
You forced a smile. “I’ll be brave for you.”
“Atta bunny.” He tapped your nose. “Now eat your breakfast.”
You managed to pull yourself together long enough to eat your food, even though you weren’t particularly hungry. And by the time you were finished, it was time for Rhett to leave. 
He held you in his arms, standing in the entryway of your home, knowing that once he stepped over that threshold and headed down the porch steps, it would make the goodbye final. 
It wasn’t as if he was leaving for a long period of time, but because he’d never left you before, it was particularly hard. Especially because you were upset and he couldn’t fix it. He was always the one who kissed your tears away. Now he was the one inadvertently causing them, and it hurt like hell. 
“I’ll see you soon, punkin’ seed. I’ll text you when I’m on the road. And I’ll call you when I can.” He kissed your head before leaning in to kiss your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you replied in earnest. 
Then, with one more kiss to your forehead, Rhett was gone, slipping away and heading out the door. You stood in the doorway and waved until his truck disappeared down the lane. And then, you cried. 
But life had to go on. There were things to take care of. Horses to exercise. So, you dried your tears and threw yourself into your work. 
Ultimately, it was the only thing that got you through his absence. As it would turn out, Rhett ended up being gone for an entire week. His absence weighed heavily on you both, but you put on a brave face. 
You went about your normal chores, such as feeding the animals, tending to your flower garden, and working with the horses. Perry came over a few times during the week to tend to the landscape. Of course, he had Amy in tow. Her bubbly demeanor lifted your spirits, and you were happy for the distraction. 
She was the only good thing that had come out of Perry and Rebecca’s marriage. She was also the main reason Rhett chose to remain civil with his brother. His relationship with Perry was rocky at best, and had only grown more so in the last few years after Rebecca had disappeared. 
Rhett didn’t fully trust his brother. In fact, he’d even gone so far as to keep him at arm’s length around you specifically. He had his reasons for doing that. One of them being that he suspected that Perry was jealous. He’d lost Rebecca, and not long after, Rhett had found you. Perry would never admit it, but he deeply envied Rhett’s happiness, and almost resented him for it. Rhett knew what Perry was capable of. He was known for his blackout temper, which Rhett had been on the receiving end of many times growing up. And although the elder Abbott had never once directed any of that temper toward you, Rhett was still protective, and wanted to see to it that you never witnessed that rage. 
However, despite all of that, Rhett had entrusted him with checking in on you, or rather, the homestead, while he was gone. He figured his brother could at least handle that, because no matter what, he did know how to look after a ranch, thanks to his upbringing. 
Even so, Rhett knew Perry wouldn’t look after you the way he could. No one else could do that job. You had deemed only Rhett worthy of it, because he was the only man in the entire world that you felt truly, deeply safe with. 
And every second he was gone, you missed that safety more and more. You had grown so accustomed to his presence that being without him felt foreign, as if a very important part of yourself was missing. An entire limb. Half of your heart. Part of your soul. 
He texted you every morning and every night. He called you when he could. He was exhausted, you could tell. What should have been a quick trip had turned into an entire ordeal. It was a problem on the shipping company’s part, and Rhett and his father were shouldering the headache they’d caused. 
“I miss you so much, punkin’ seed,” he confessed to you one night, weariness evident in his voice. “Feel terrible that I’ve gotta be away from you for so long. Just wanna…just wanna hold you in my arms.”
You knew what he needed. He needed reassurance. There was a part of himself that was afraid. Afraid he’d lose you. And maybe it was indeed an irrational fear, but he couldn’t help it. Everyone before you had walked away from him. He knew you wouldn’t do such a thing, but he still carried that fear around from having his heart ripped out of his chest one too many times. 
He had never experienced a love like yours and the thought of losing that was unfathomable. It was a good thing you knew exactly how to soothe him. 
“I miss you too, Daddy. I’m here waiting for you to get back. I can’t wait to snuggle up with you and listen to you tell me all about your trip.”
He hummed lowly. “An’ I can’t wait to hear you tell me about all your big girl adventures. You been gettin’ along alright?”
“I have been. But it isn’t the same without you. The house feels empty. And I can’t be little because I don’t wanna do it without you here to look after me. So I’ve just been…hanging out.”
Rhett’s chest ached. He knew how much regressing helped you calm down when you were feeling anxious. The fact that you were unable to do it made him wish all the more that he could be there to help. “I’m hoping it’ll just be another day or two. Then I’ll be back home.”
“And I can’t wait. I miss my daddy.”
He hesitated for a moment before he said, “I know you can’t be little right now, but…would you like me to tell you a bedtime story to help you fall asleep?”
He knew all too well how uneasy you were at night, and the thought of his soothing voice detailing one of his notorious made up stories sounded wonderfully appealing. “Yes please.”
And so he did. You drifted off into a peaceful sleep to the sound of a love story about a horse trainer and a bull rider. 
The next few days were difficult. You missed Rhett terribly, and he was so busy that he barely had time to text you throughout the day. He was unable to call you one night, because by the time he had a free moment, it was much too late, and he knew you would already be asleep. Little did he know that you’d cried yourself to sleep because you missed him so. 
However, luckily for you, by the week’s end, he was finally coming home. You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face when you received his text that he’d be home the very next morning. You were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Soon, everything would be as it should be. Your Rhett was returning home, where he belonged. 
In your excitement, you decided to clean the house and make everything sparkle so that he would have a clean house to come back to. He didn’t expect you to do that, of course, but you wanted to welcome him into a calming atmosphere after the tough week he’d had. 
You knew that once he returned, you would likely end up going into little space. So, while you were still feeling capable and big, you took the liberty of making his favorite for dinner ahead of time. 
By the time you tended to all your chores, visited the horses, made dinner, and cleaned the house, it was evening. And it was while you were setting the table that you saw the flash of headlights in the window, and you knew he was finally home. 
With a gasp, you dropped the fork you were holding, letting it clatter to the table as you made a dash for the front door. You flung it open and threw yourself outside, just as Rhett was climbing out of the truck. You ran at him at full speed, and he instantly dropped his duffel bag in the dirt before he met you halfway, catching you as you launched yourself into his arms. 
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” You exclaimed, giggling musically as he spun you around. 
He mirrored your laugh, squeezing you tightly to him. “Ohh, there’s my little punkin’ seed. Missed y’ so much,” he gushed.
You leaned back, reaching up to hold his face in your hands. “Missed you too!” You echoed. You let him bend to pick up his bag before you linked your arm with his and began to lead him up to the house. “I did so much while you were gone! Had so many big girl adventures! I fed all the chickens and got the eggs and I fed the cows and I taught some new things to the horses, and I planted new flowers! You have to see them, they’re so pretty!”
You babbled on and on about everything you had done as you led him into the house. Rhett just listened with a smile on his face, enamored with your enthusiasm. 
But as you made it into the house, you finally took a breath. “Oh! Here I am talking all about myself. How was the drive home?! Did you get all the issues sorted out with the shipment? Are you tired? You probably are and here I am just babbling on!”
When you looked at Rhett, he was grinning. He pulled you in close and kissed you on the top of the head. “God, I really did miss you, little bun.” 
You happily nuzzled into him. “I missed you too, Daddy. A whole lot.” Your voice wavered, and suddenly, you were overcome with emotion. 
When he saw the tears glimmering in your eyes, he hummed and pulled you in close, enveloping you in his strong arms. “You’re okay, little’n. Daddy’s here.”
Little’n. Yet another nickname of his for you. One that was so special and sweet. It made your heart sing. 
When you pulled back, he kissed your tears away, large hands holding your face. He smiled down at you, and you managed to return that smile. 
“I made dinner for you. Thought you might be hungry when you got back,” you murmured. 
“Really? You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to. You always take such good care of me. I figured I could return the favor.”
Another kiss was pressed to the top of your head. “How’d I get so lucky to have ya?” He hugged you close again before he continued. “I’m gon’ go take a shower and wash all the grime off. I’ll be right back, punkin’ seed. Okay?”
“Okay,” you replied with a hum. 
He slipped away to head upstairs, and while he was in the shower, you got dinner on the table. You were so happy he was home that you had a smile on your face the entire time you got things prepped. 
By the time he was coming down the stairs, hair damp, dressed in sweats and an old rodeo t-shirt, you had everything ready. You beamed at him as he stepped into the kitchen, waiting eagerly at the table as he approached. 
He leaned down to kiss you before he took a seat across from you. “Looks real good, little’n. I’m starvin’. Haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
You gasped softly. “Oh! Well let’s eat before you waste away to nothing!” You exclaimed. 
So your dinner commenced. As you ate, Rhett filled you in on all that had taken place while he was away. You could tell how relieved he was to be home. The trip had been one headache after another, and the entire time he spoke, he kept reiterating how much he’d missed you and your tenderness. 
He held your hand across the table and told you how much he loved you. There was a sincerity burning brightly in his eyes, and it was so intense you had to fight the urge to avert your gaze. It hit you hard just how much he cared for you. You loved him equally as deep. 
“I’m sorry you had such a rough trip,” you sympathized. “But I’m happy you’re home safe.”
“Me too,” he replied. “Seems like you got in alright while I was gone.”
You shrugged. “I survived. But it wasn’t the same without my daddy.”
He lifted your hand to his mouth, kissing your knuckles. “I’m so proud of you, punkin’ seed.”
His praise warmed you from the inside out, like a sip of a hot drink on a cold day. You hummed and melted on the spot, and Rhett smiled fondly at you. 
“Tell you what. I’m exhausted, and you’ve had a long week takin’ care of things on your own. What d’ya say we save cleaning up the kitchen for tomorrow and just spend the night with each other?”
You nodded happily. “And…I can be little?”
His eyes twinkled. “You can, if you wanna. Or, if you wanna be big, that’s okay too. Just as long as I get to spend time with my favorite gal, I’m all good.”
A strong sense of all-consuming relief began to wash over you. You felt tears welling in your eyes, and you nodded at him. “Wan’…wan’ be little.”
Watching Rhett morph into what you liked to call Daddy Mode was a sight to behold. It was as if he was slipping into a comfortable shirt that fit him like a glove. It was who he was always meant to be. 
“Alright then, little bun. I’ll put the dishes in the sink. Go get your jammies out and I’ll come up and help you get changed in a minute. 
You happily nodded. “Okay! And then can we color pictures? And watch Little Bear?”
“We can do anything you want.”
You gasped in delight, already beginning to feel as little as could be. “Thank you Daddy!” You stood from the table and stepped around it to plant a kiss on his cheek before you scurried off to go get ready for bed. 
You knew exactly what you wanted to wear. Rhett’s shirt always brought you comfort, and they were what you wore to bed more often than not. So you grabbed a clean one from the drawer, tossing it onto the bed before you grabbed a pair of underwear from your own drawer. Then you sat on the edge of the bed to patiently wait for him. 
You much preferred Rhett to help you get ready for bed. Especially after he’d been gone all week and you’d had to do it yourself. His presence was welcome. 
Moments later, he was stepping into the room, and he smiled at the sight of you patiently waiting. “Ready, bun?” He asked, and you eagerly nodded. 
He proceeded to help you change out of your clothes and into his shirt and your underwear. Once you were all set, he gently guided you to the bathroom, where you moved to sit upon the counter as he helped you brush your teeth. He stood before you and lovingly held your jaw in his big hand as he ran the toothbrush over your teeth. 
The action made you feel especially small, and by the time he was finished, you were in a state of complete relaxation, entirely floating in your moment of little space. “Atta bunny,” he praised with a kiss to your nose. “Ready to head back downstairs?”
“Yep!” You happily replied. 
He held out his hand and you placed yours in it, letting him help guide you off the counter before you happily followed him back downstairs. 
“Go get your coloring stuff, I’ll set up Little Bear on the TV,” Rhett instructed, his heart warming at your soft ‘okay Daddy!’ as you went. 
You quickly gathered your coloring supplies and then set them down on the coffee table as you plopped down right on the floor beside the table. But all of the sudden, you let out a gasp. 
“Oh no! I forgot to bring a stuffie down with me!” You exclaimed. 
Rhett glanced at you from where he’d been selecting the proper program on the TV. His face softened. “Don’t you worry about that, punkin’ seed. I got ya a little something while I was away that I think you’re gon’ love. Just gimme a minute to grab it.”
He pressed play on an episode of Little Bear before he quickly stepped over to the coat tree in the hallway, where he’d hung his jacket. He reached into his pocket and then pulled out a little stuffed horse. 
He his the stuffie behind his back as he strolled back into the living room. You’d already begun coloring a picture, which you looked up from at the sound of his footsteps. 
“Here you go, bunny.” He presented the small brown horse to you. It had a little white mark on its forehead, and white socks decorating its feet. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, rushing to stand. You gently took it from Rhett’s hands and admired it before hugging the soft animal to your chest. “It’s perfect, Daddy.”
“I’m glad,” he said with a smile. His heart ached with love for you. Your happiness made the entire hellish week worth it. 
Then you launched yourself into his arms and whispered, “thank you, I luh you.” 
“I luh you too, little’n.”
Then you grabbed his hand and guided him to the sofa, where he sat as you got settled on the floor at his feet to resume your coloring. Little Bear played softly i the background as you colored a picture, with the intention of giving it to Rhett when you were finished. 
For the first time all week, you finally felt at ease. And so did he. He was able to slip right back into the role of being your caregiver, and it felt so good. He’d hated being away from you. It felt unnatural, almost, to be apart. 
For Rhett, it was a relief to be back in your presence. He would never speak it out loud, but that fear is abandonment had eaten at him all week, and even though he knew that you would be here to greet him when he returned, the irrational part of his brain still tried to suggest what if? What if he lost you? The thought was unfathomable. But thankfully, he didn’t have to fathom it. Because you were right here at his feet, coloring peacefully, so content to have him back with you. 
“Wan’ color with me, Daddy?” You suddenly asked, pulling him from his reverie. 
He hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt dampness in his own cheeks. He tried to wipe them away before you saw them and grew concerned, but you saw them anyway, and your face contorted into a look of concern. 
“Oh no! You’re crying!” You gasped. As Rhett slid down to sit beside you, you reached a hand out to wipe at his tears. “What’s wrong? Are you sad?”
You said it with such concern and reverence that it caused his heart to clench within his chest. “No, I’m not sad, little bun. Just…so happy to be back with you that it kinda got me cryin’ happy tears.”
Your own eyes began to shimmer. “Oh, Daddy,” you whispered. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and held him close. “I’m happy too. Everything feels like it’s the way it’s supposed to be again.”
You left little kisses along his jaw and cheeks, soon causing his handsome face to break into a smile. “I love you more than words can say. You know that, right?”
“Mhm! I love you too! More than the moon and all the stars in the sky!” You kissed the side of his head as you hugged him close. “You’re the best daddy in the whole wide world!”
His arms tightened around you, and he let out a contented hum. Your love made his heart sing. “And you’re the best baby I ever could’ve asked for,” he echoed, leaning back to look into your face. 
Happily, you kissed his nose. “Now let’s color,” you urged. He couldn’t help but smile at your eagerness. 
You settled beside him and eagerly handed him a coloring book and placed your box of crayons between you both so he could use them too. You spent the rest of the evening coloring, happily showing Rhett your picture once you were finished, and announcing that you’d made it for him. 
“I love it, little bun,” he praised, admiring your work. “I’m gon’ put it on the fridge so I can look at it everyday.” 
Once you were tired of coloring, you climbed onto the couch, sleepily mumbling that you wanted to snuggle. Rhett gladly joined you on the couch and wrapped his arms around you as you rested your head on his chest. 
“I’m so happy you’re home, Daddy,” you murmured. 
He squeezed you a little tighter. “I’m happy to be home, punkin’ seed.”
You felt yourself relax fully against him, safe and content in his arms. Now that he was home, all was right with the world. You felt whole, as if the half that had been missing from your heart was finally back where it belonged. 
As you slipped off into dreamland in his arms, you heard him softly say, “I love you more than life itself, little bun. Don’t you ever forget that.”
He didn’t ever want to leave you again. However, he knew full well that there would come times that leaving you was unavoidable. But he knew behind a shadow of a doubt that it would only make each reunion that much sweeter. And he also knew that no matter what, you would always be waiting for him when he returned. 
@damrlova @briseisgone @cosmic-psychickitty @laluneveillesureux @uhmellamoanna @imjustchristina @rhettabbotts @gohnspants @sebsxphia @emofairyprincessofarkansas
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delopsias · 1 year
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delopsias · 1 year
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SEVIKA in ARCANE (2021—)
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delopsias · 2 years
𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 - 𝐟𝐞𝐛
here is a list of all of the fics I read, loved and reblogged in february for the daggers reblog challenge, please read each individual warning for these fics as some of these are 18+ (you shouldn’t be following me if you’re not over 18…. but still….)
this month it is evident from my color coding that I went on bradley renaissance! love my warm himbo husband 🫶🏻 thank you all for writing amazing fics 🥹💕
arts and crafts - bob x little!reader - @sebsxphia
like I can (pt 1) (p3)- bradley x reader - @sometimesanalice
hello, i love you - bradley x reader - @roosterforme
savor - bradley x reader - @dameronscopilot
morning person - goose x reader - @jupitercomet
remember you even when i don't (5) (6) - bradley x reader - @beyondthesefourwalls
a love you don't find every day 3 - bradley x reader - @/roosterforme
old habits die hard 10 + 13- bradley x reader - @/roosterforme
flowers in november (all 4 parts) - rhett x reader - @delopsia
sanctuary - rhett x reader - @ghxst-heart
the best me has his arms around you - jake x reader - @theharddeck
hotel el royale - miles miller x reader - @astraldelights
alice down the rabbit hole - bob x reader - @/jupitercomet
ptolemaea. | god knows i tried. - rhett x reader - @/sebsxphia
talk with my hands, maybe take it real slow - jake x reader - @/theharddeck
the kind of girl i could love - bob x reader - @/roosterforme
wayfaring stranger 0.2 - rhett x reader - @sunlightmurdock
someone to love me - rhett x reader - @callsign-cacti
dona nobis pacem - rhett x reader - @lt-bradshaw
better girls - goose x reader - @/jupitercomet
living with ghosts - bradley x reader - @/jupitercomet
voulez-vous 1 + 2 - bradley x reader - @roosterbruiser
call it what you want - rhett x reader - @rhettabbotts
what we express - bob x reader - @mothdruid
corrupt preacher!rhett - rhett x reader - @hangmanapologist
26. do i wanna know? - bradley x reader - @topguncortez
27. take it - rhett x reader - @/rhettabbotts
28. how to train your cowboy - rhett x reader - @/delopsia
29. bad habit - jake x reader - @villainvindicator
30. airplane mode 1 - bradley x reader - @/roosterforme
31. love you for real - goose x reader - @/jupitercomet
32. batting practice part 1 - bradley x reader - @/roosterforme
33. selfish - rhett x reader - @/dameronscopilot
34. before the devil comes for you 3 - bob x reader - @/lt-bradshaw
35. when the lies catch up - bob x reader - @/jupitercomet
36. the nightlight - bradley x reader - @/jupitercomet
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 17
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 16
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 15
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 14
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 13
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 12
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 11
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 10
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 9
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 8
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 7
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett Abbott Icons | Set 6
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You're always welcome to use these, but please don't take and repost them on Pinterest 💕
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