dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
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Gum bleeding is common and maximum of the time, not very serious. Bleeding gums are inflamed or irritated pink tissue across the mouth which bleeds easily. After brushing or flossing, a person may observe blood, including blood at the toothbrush or in the sink which may aggravate sensitive gums. Plaque or tartar buildup is the most common purpose of bleeding gums. These substances promote the increase of bacteria along the gum line. However, it is essential to observe that sometimes, common bleeding gums can denote an underlying concern.
A few more reasons for frequent bleeding may also include:
Periodontitis (a complicated shape of gum disease)
Leukemia (blood cancer)
Lack of clotting cells (platelets)
Vitamin deficiency
Sign and symptoms of Bleeding Gums:
A pink or red-colored stain in your toothbrush after brushing
Seeing red or pink in chewing gums while you spit out
Blood is seen on teeth or lips
Blood traces may be visible while you spit out your saliva
Mouth Sores
Lump on gums
Loose teeth or tooth appear longer
Receding gums
Excessive pain while chewing or eating crunchy foods
Gum bleeding takes place only at night time
What are the Causes of Bleeding Gums?
Brushing teeth in a harsh or abrasive way
Using a toothbrush with hard bristles
Dentures or retainers which aren’t well-fitted
Bacterial infection withinside the teeth or gums
Use of Blood-thinning medicines
Gum bleeding is also triggered because of poor way of life choices including bad eating habits.
Consuming a variety of sugary foods like sweets, candies and not maintaining the right dental hygiene makes a way for bacteria increase and swollen gums
Cigarette smoking irritates the gums and reasons bleeding
At Dr. Thareja`s Dental Care, we care and understand your fears about your gum disease. We offer excellent bleeding gums Dental treatment in kalyani Nagar through pain-free laser technology.
Treatment for Bleeding Gums – How to prevent bleeding gums?
The major cause for bleeding gums is insufficient oral health care which ends up in bleeding gums and if not taken care of, can cause major oral health concerns. There are methods as a way to help one to enhance oral health care and vanish bleeding gums.
Brushing regularly and Flossing Daily: First and foremost, one wishes to take care of the toothbrush bristles – they need to be soft. Brushing two times a day, at the least for two mins will help stimulate your gums, it’s going to strengthen the tissues and prevent bleeding gums. Flossing helps in getting rid of plaque and meals particles that are caught below the gum line that could otherwise lead to bleeding gums. Improving the flossing methods and changing toothbrushes each month will help to keep gums healthy.
Avoid Tobacco and Smoking: Tobacco and smoking are one of the main causes of gum problems so avoiding them to prevent bleeding gums may be very important. The use of tobacco makes it more difficult for the body to fight plaque-shaped bacteria.
Regular Dental Visits: Regular dental cleansing at a dental clinic is very essential. This is as it cleans the plaque formation and tartar which can’t be carried out at home. By cleansing at a dental clinic, your mouth has a tendency to be more healthy. Professional cleansing by a dentist at least two times a year prevents gum disease at an early age.
Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle: Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet is important. Eat ingredients that might be rich in vitamin C and K like oranges, carrots, spinach, etc. Reducing anxiety and pressure also can resource in the prevention of gum bleeding. Stress has a bad effect on the immune system, which weakens the body to such an extent that the body is not able to combat any gum infection that can cause bleeding gums.
Use of medications: Use antibiotics tablets or antiseptic mouthwash to maintain your oral hygiene. In case the gums have turned out to be a little inflamed but aren’t bleeding, antibacterial mouthwash, toothpaste or oral gel allow you to fight the onset of the infection and prevent bleeding gums. Consult your dental hygienist.
Dr. Thareja`s Dental Care is one of the best bleeding gums dental clinic in Pune. Our dental expert Dr. Amit Thareja, will first examine and take a look at the reason for the bleeding. They will diagnose and locate if the bleeding is because of simple inflammation or if there’s an underlying concern. Based on the findings, our specialists will formulate the treatment and let you know about the further steps to be taken. Our dental experts at Dr. Thareja’s Dental Care will ensure to offer you the best dental treatment in Pune that will help you ease your bleeding gums and inflammation. Do not miss out on dental appointments.
Looking for a top dentist in pune for all your dental needs? We are right here!
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
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Are you experiencing dental pain while sipping on warm or ice-cold beverages? Do you find yourself bleaching while brushing or flossing? You’re affected by dentinal hypersensitivity or teeth sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity is a very common dental problem that impacts children as well as adults. However, the maximum of people who suffer from dental hypersensitive reactions is in the age group of 20-50 years. Certain activities like brushing, eating, or consuming hot or cold meals can reason sharp aches in your tooth when you have sensitive dental problems.
This dental problem develops through the years because of several reasons, with the most common being receding gums and enamel wear. Yes, sensitive enamel is usually the end result of worn teeth enamel or exposed tooth roots (i.e., while the internal part of the teeth referred to as dentin, is exposed). Thousands of microscopic tubules (small hollow tubes or canals) run through the dentine in the direction of the center of the teeth. When your dentin loses its tooth (protecting covering) and turns into exposed, the tubules enable heat and cold foods to stimulate the cells and nerves in the teeth, resulting in the characteristic short, sharp sensation of teeth sensitivity.
However, sometimes teeth sensitivity can be caused by different factors, along with cracked or chipped teeth, acidic foods, a cavity, a worn filling, post certain dental procedures, or gum disease.
If you’re experiencing this kind of dental issue, constantly consult your dentist for advice. Only a dentist can confirm you have dentinal hypersensitivity and the reason for the same.
Let`s now examine some of the most common reasons for sensitive teeth issues or dental hypersensitivity. What reasons sensitive teeth?
1. Tooth Grinding
Grinding your teeth can wear down teeth enamel. As seen above, the worn tooth is one of the primary reasons for sensitive enamel issues. By grinding your teeth, you expose the dentin, which includes the hollow tubes that cause your nerves, causing external triggers to trigger sharp and sensitive pain. Try the use of a mouth-guard which could prevent mouth grinding. Consult your dentist in Kalyani Nagar.
2. Harsh Brushing Technique
Brushing with an excessive amount of force, especially while the use of a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear the protective layers of your tooth and expose the dental nerves. And as we now know, while those nerves are exposed to severe temperatures or cold foods, teeth sensitivity and pain can occur. Switch to a toothbrush with softer bristles and practice gentle and moderate brushing techniques.
3. Frequent use of mouthwash
Some mouthwashes include chemical substances and alcohol. If the teeth have worn away, those chemicals can reason teeth sensitivity. Avoid the usage of mouthwashes frequently, instead, get regular with flossing and brushing and occasional use of mouthwash. Alternatively, try neutral fluoride rinses.
4. Post-Dental Procedure
It`s regular to experience slight sensitivity after a tooth extraction, root canal, or crown placement. However, if those signs and symptoms do not pass after a quick period of time, you must go to your dentist, as it could be a signal of infection.
5. Cracked Tooth
A chipped or cracked tooth exposes the nerves inside a tooth, and you’ll experience elevated teeth sensitivity. Also, extensive cracks can lead to pulp tissue infection, which could then spread to the bone and gums surrounding the enamel.
6. Gum Disease
Receding gums are one of the causes of teeth sensitivity due to the death of supporting ligaments, which expose the root surface. If gum disorder or gingivitis is the problem, your dentist will treat the underlying disease, if you want to eventually repair the teeth sensitivity problem.
7. Acidic foods and drinks
Acidic beverages and foods remove a small amount of teeth enamel with time, exposing the nerve center in the internal layer of your enamel. Acidic foods including lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, and pickles can cause more enamel sensitivity problems. Consuming those within the preferred limits can help keep away from any tooth pain or teeth sensitivity. Besides this, plaque buildup, decay around the fillings can reason teeth sensitivity.
Dr. Thareja’s Dental Care is one of the best dental clinic in pune, having a crew of senior and highly skilled dentist in Kalyani Nagar who offer an extensive variety of dental and teeth sensitivity treatment in Pune.
How are you able to deal with dentin hypersensitivity or Sensitive teeth problems ?
The treatment relies upon the cause. It is very crucial to seek advice from your dentist so that they can offer you the details of the cause of teeth sensitivity and the plan to deal with it. Here is a list of treatments that your dentist could use to treat or cure your sensitive teeth:
Toothpaste for sensitive teeth – Your dentist may also suggest specific toothpaste brands that are designed to desensitize your teeth.
Mouthwash is particularly made for sensitive teeth –These mouthwashes help relieve discomfort from sensitivity and make stronger teeth.
Fluoride treatments – Fluoride is known for its power to strengthen teeth. To help your enamel regrow its protecting layer, your dental doctor may also suggest fluoride dental treatments. Ask us more about Fluoride Dental Treatments.
Restoration replacement – If your crown or filling has been damaged, you’ll be recommended to update it with a new one to guard the root against exposure.
Mouthguards – If you’ve got issues with grinding or clenching, mouthguards are recommended to be worn at night.
Root canal – If the teeth sensitivity is insufferable and all different treatments fail, a root canal treatment could be suggested. However, this treatment absolutely relies upon your dental situation.
Although this kind of treatment assists in treating teeth sensitivity issues, you have to practice correct oral hygiene regularly to save your sensitive teeth from recurring. Brush your teeth two times a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss as soon as a day. Use gentle strokes even as brushing, keep away from vigorous or harsh brushing. Consider taking care while consuming or drinking acidic food and drinks and alcohol, all of which could remove small amounts of tooth enamel over time.
If you have any questions concerning teeth sensitivity, Contact us now – We have the best dentist in pune who will solve all of your queries & provide you with the best dental treatment.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
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There are many dental problems in children, some of which are very common. One of the most common dental problems is having a teeth cavity. A cavity is a hole that forms in the tooth, usually due to decay. Cavities are more common in children than adults. They are also more likely to happen on the top of the mouth than on the bottom. Teeth cavity is a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as it is seen because if not treated on time, it can lead to tooth decay and other serious dental problems.
In the age of smartphones and tablets, kids are spending more time indoors and on devices. This has led to an increase in cavities due to a lack of oral hygiene. There are many problems that can happen to your child’s teeth if they are not taken care of. Some of these problems include tooth decay, tooth erosion, and tooth infection. Some common dental problems in kids are cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Kids are more likely to have these problems because they have a higher risk of developing cavities due to their diet and lifestyle habits. Dental problems are very common in children. They can be caused by many factors, such as genetics, diet, and oral hygiene.
Symptoms :
The most common symptoms of cavities are –
Pain and discomfort when chewing or biting
Tooth sensitivity
Visible holes or pits in your teeth
Brown, black or white staining on teeth
Swollen gums
Cavities can cause toothache and if left untreated, they can lead to tooth loss and infection. They can also cause bad breath because food particles get stuck in the cavity, which causes bacteria to form and produce acids that smell bad. If you feel this, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible.
Teeth cavities are quite common in children and they can be easily prevented. The best way to prevent them is to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and visit the dentist regularly. Children can have cavities because their teeth are still developing and they don’t have the same natural defenses that adults do. Cavities in children tend to be more severe than those in adults because the tooth’s roots haven’t fully developed yet, so there’s less tooth structure to support the tooth and it’s more difficult for a dentist to fill it.
Dental treatment for Cavities
It is important for parents to take their children to the dentist for regular dental check-ups. This will help them understand the dental health of their kids and take necessary action. Dental treatment in Pune is a very important part of the child’s health. Dr. Amit Thareja who is a Pediatric Dentist in Pune will take care of the teeth and make sure that all cavities are removed.
Some dental problems that kids face are tooth decay, gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis, cavities, or toothaches. Treatment for these problems may include extraction of teeth or filling up cavities with dental filling material like composite resin or amalgam.
Dental treatment is an important part of our health care. Kids are more vulnerable to dental problems because their teeth are still developing, and the problems can lead to serious issues in the future.
Dr. Thareja’s Dental Care is a specialized field of Dental Treatment in Pune. It deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and conditions related to teeth, mouth, jaws, and gums. Dental problems in children are becoming more common these days due to unhealthy eating habits, lack of oral hygiene, and exposure to sugary food.
With the increasing awareness about dental care, more people are getting their teeth checked by dentists regularly. This ensures that they don’t have any underlying cavities or other problems that could be quite expensive to treat in the future. Dr. Thareja’s Dental Care has a variety of dental treatments that provide high-quality services at affordable prices, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford them.
The best way to prevent dental problems is to have your child’s teeth cleaned regularly by a dentist. The dentist will also recommend ways you can improve your child’s oral hygiene at home. Consult an appointment at Dr. Thareja’s Dental Care for your Young one’s oral care.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
6 Surprising Benefits of Invisalign That You Didn’t Know
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Have gaps begun to appear in between your teeth ? Are your teeth uneven or crooked? Well, let us inform you that Invisalign treatment may be an appropriate answer for you to enhance your dental structure and encourage you to smile big. Make an appointment with a skilled & experienced dentist at a noted dental clinic in Pune that gives efficient Invisalign treatment, charging fair-priced Invisalign costs in Pune.
1. Improves gum health
Have your teeth become crooked, making it tough in order to brush and floss? Then, meals particles stuck between your teeth can result in the formation of plaque. Plaque can give rise to tartar and inflammation, which in turn can reason gum disorder. So, you need to consider acquiring Invisalign before you increase gum disease to guard your oral health and also prevent the threat of stroke, diabetes, and coronary heart ailments.
2. Minimizes tooth decay
If meals particles collect between the gaps of your tooth, plaque can give start cavity formation, after which you may even lose your teeth. Taking up Invisalign treatment together with daily brushing and flossing let you save your tooth decay.
3. Avoids bruxism
Misaligned teeth can cause you to develop bruxism which takes place when you begin to grind your teeth together. You may then experience sleep discomfort, headaches, jaw pain, etc. Bruxism also can cause the breakdown of your protective teeth layer. Undergoing Invisalign can solve your alignment issues and help you keep away from bruxism, maintaining your enamel intact.
4. Enhances chewing and digestion
Having teeth that aren’t straight can pose problems in chewing specific food that can also disrupt your digestion. Invisalign will straighten your tooth to enable you to chew and digest with ease.
5. Boosts confidence
One of the perks of going through the Invisalign process is that it’s going to increase your confidence. As you`ll achieve straight teeth, you`ll be able to show off your lovely new smile. You`ll feel more comfortable at social events as well as you may now not feel shaky approximately displaying crooked teeth anymore.
6. Prevents injuries
Crooked teeth can increase your threat of being faced with an accident. You may even knock out your tooth. So, straightening your tooth through Invisalign treatment allow you to keep away from accidents.
Orthodontic Treatment in Kalyani Nagar Pune includes the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of discrepancies in the teeth and jaws like crowded teeth, forward placement of the teeth, and mispositioning of teeth and jaws. Consult a skilled dental practitioner of a prestigious dental studio to avail clear aligners in pune treatment. Such a cost-powerful Invisalign treatment will make your teeth shapely, allowing you to resume an even smile.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
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Dental Implant Surgery gets down as a procedure that can effortlessly replace the tooth. It might come up as metal, screw-similar posts, and more. But, it can easily replace missing teeth, artificial teeth, and more.
All these implant surgeries can help one to make a choice with dentures or bridgeworks. It won’t fit well to make up a natural teeth root. It won’t allow one to make a bridge through the tooth replacement process.
Why is dental implant surgery done ?
A dental implant gets surgically placed in a particular jaw bone. now it serves as a bone for missing teeth. All thanks to titanium which smoothly reaches juncture in the jawbone. Thus the implant won’t slip or make noise. Also, it protects against bone damage in fixing bridgework denture games. Dental implants don’t decay like teeth support. Hence a regular ground down gets important.
In general, the Best Dental Implant in Kalyani Nagar Pune would prove perfect for you. It’s suitable in the following scripts and has the following advantages –
If there’s one or further missing teeth.
Make a jawbone that reaches down with full growth.
Make the acceptable bone to make securing with implants or make a bone graft.
It can help to make healthy types of oral tissues.
The person won’t have any trouble wearing dentures after it.
Implants can upgrade speech.
It can make you quit tobacco for the rest of your life.
What are the risks of dental implants ?
Like all other surgeries, dental implants also come up with some threats. All these problems are rare but it exists. But you can minimize all these threats if you choose dental treatment. Tharejas Dental Care is the best dental clinic with the dentist in Kalyani Nagar Pune who does accurate treatment planning which results in successful dental implant treatment.
What can you anticipate from dental implant surgery ?
Dental implant surgery gets as usual outpatient surgery for performance in stages. It would get down with healing time. The process would make a plan with dental implants. It would come up in multiple ways. It includes as follows
Tooth removal if the tooth is infected
Jawbone preparation is called grafting whenever required
Abutment placement
Artificial tooth placement for people
Growth in bone and healing
Dental implant placement
You must consult the best implantologist at Tharejas Dental Care, the best dental clinic in Kalyani Nagar Pune to know what the process would look like for you.
Tharejas Dental Care is known for providing painless dental implant treatments in the whole of Pune. They have the reputation of the best dentists who are super-professional in their job and have vast and ample amounts of experience in doing significantly successful dental implants. Being one of the best dental centers, it assures all its patients a completely personalized dental treatment experience through its internationally sculptured team of dentists, dental experts, world-class dental equipment technology, and patient-centered treatment plans. So, if you’re looking for an ideal place to get your dental implants done in Pune then Tharejas Dental Care is your destination.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
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Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
People have different perceptions of what represents a beautiful smile, both dental professionals and you. For some it involves natural tooth appearance, just whiter; for others, it may involve the creation of evenly aligned and very bright teeth. And for others yet, the alteration of tooth shape by making teeth larger, the edges more balanced, or the teeth and gum line more proportionally balanced — these are but a few of the options available today.
What follows is a review of the many areas and techniques that have been summarized for your convenience. Please review them for further details and what might be right for you.
Basic hygiene: Brushing and flossing will remove dental (bacterial) plaque and together with a fluoride toothpaste will protect your teeth against decay — the most basic everyday cosmetic protection. It doesn’t get more basic than this.
Polish “Em” Spick and Span: A visit to your friendly dental hygienist to remove unwanted scale and stain masking an already natural smile may be all that is necessary to renew your smile. This is good for staining caused by coffee, tea, wine, and other stains “outside” or on the tooth surfaces.
Home Whitening: Includes whitening strips, “paint-on or brush-on” whitening, lozenges, and even whitening gum. The most basic over-the-counter products are available in drugstores. These professionally unsupervised techniques, containing carbamide peroxide, real bleaching agents at low concentration, are the least expensive ways to improve and whiten your teeth. Be careful to follow the manufacturers’ instructions carefully and don’t overdo it.
Professionally Supervised Whitening: You may try this at home under the direction of your dentist who will make you professionally fitted clear plastic trays designed to fit over your own teeth. With the appropriate whitening “gels,” generally carbamide peroxide 10% solutions applied for 30 minutes twice a day you can achieve a cosmetic difference for yourself. Slow but sure, this may take about six weeks to get the change you want.
Professional Whitening: Performed in your dentist’s office with special precautions to protect your gums and other oral tissues, this one-time technique uses high concentration bleaching agents (35-45%). It might just give your smile the “wow” you want in short order.
Cosmetic Options for Replacing Missing Teeth
There is nothing more devastating to a smile than lost or missing teeth. There are multiple ways today to replace missing teeth both functionally (biting, chewing, speaking, and laughing) as well as cosmetically.
Dental Implants are perhaps today’s ultimate tooth replacement systems providing “stand-alone” teeth, unconnected to other teeth. While a dental implant replaces the root of a tooth, the crown atop the implant (the tooth you see in your mouth) is an exact replica of a natural tooth. Therefore implants provide for cosmetic tooth replacements, emerging through the gum tissues just like natural teeth, and can be made to match the neighboring teeth exactly. You’d never know they’re not your own, then again — they are.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 2 years
5 Things To Keep In Mind When Considering Braces
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Braces are usually associated with children but ultramodern options have made them a treatment for people of every age. Still, take a moment to consider the five points below before embarking on your smile trip, If you’re thinking of straightening your teeth. At Thareja’s Dental care Dr. Priyanka Agarwal is a cosmetic dentistry specialist with more than 12 years of experience in cosmetic dentistry.
1. Time
Treatment Time, depending on factors similar to your bite and current oral health, straightening your teeth may take anywhere between a few months to some years.
The type of braces you conclude for may also impact treatment time as some move your teeth rapidly than others.
Your orthodontist will give you a personified estimate of how long your treatment will take following an examination of your teeth.
2. Age
A common question we hear is “Am I too old to have braces” ? Although we recommend that children see an orthodontist around the age of 8, this doesn’t mean someone aged that won’t profit from orthodontic treatment!
Generally, it’s quicker to move teeth while the teeth and bone are still forming, still, it simply means that the treatment may take a little longer after this. The benefit of having braces when you’re aged allows for a wider variety of treatment options and a lesser sense of confidence when your new smile is revealed. ( Read this article for further information on adult orthodontics)
3. Braces Appearance
Naturally, the first image that comes to mind when hearing the word “ braces” is metal brackets on teeth (or “ train tracks”); fortunately, orthodontics has evolved to allow for numerous new aesthetic options.
Ceramic braces – These work in the same way as traditional metal braces. Still, the brackets are made from a clear material that blends with your natural tooth color giving a much less prominent appearance.
Lingual braces – These look like the traditional metallic braces but are clicked on behind the teeth rather than on the front. This can look nearly invisible from the outside but may affect speech originally or result in some irritation as the tongue touches these when speaking, still, this still remains a good treatment option.
Invisalign – allow clear retainers, but form-fitted to your teeth so that it nearly seems as though you’re wearing nothing. This option may at first give you a slight lisp, but this doesn’t last veritably long as your mouth adapts to the shape of the aligners.
4. Maintenance of Braces
Witnessing orthodontic treatment to correct your bite and uncurl your smile is a commitment that will bear you to always look after your oral health.
Brushing your teeth doubly a day and flossing with the suggested tools ( frequently a combination of floss and interdental brushes) will be imperative in the success of your treatment. This will also have the added benefit of ingraining proper dental care once your treatment has ended.
Some considerations for specific types of braces:
Ceramic braces – It’s best to avoid staining foods and drinks as this may stain the clear brackets.
Invisalign – Clear retainers need to be worn for 20 – 22 hours a day and bear you to clean your teeth before you replace them each time ( really useful to help you stick to that new diet!).
Your teeth no way stop moving, and so it’s very important that you’re fitted with retainers after your treatment has ended to insure that your teeth stay in their recently plant perfect position.
This will either be a set of removable retainers ( corresponding to the Invisalign braces) that can be worn overnight during your sleep, or a metallic “ bar” placed behind the teeth – or indeed a combination of the two.
5. Orthodontist
Now that you’re primed with further information on dental braces, the coming step will be to seek a dental professional to carry out your treatment. You may find that a lot of general dentists give orthodontic treatment, but we’d suggest consulting with an orthodontist. Dr. Amit Thareja provides Invisible braces in Kalyani Nagar Pune
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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Dentist in Kalyani Nagar - Tharejas Dental Care Pune
A little more effort just to squeeze out that last bit of toothpaste from the tube is so exciting. Isn't it??? Similarly, we at #tharejasdental squeeze in every little effort to make your smile even more precious, wonderful and contagious as ever with our expertise. The joy of seeing our patients smiling with confidence is so gratifying.
If you facing any problem regarding your teeth then visit the Tharejas Dental care Pune. Dr. Amit Thareja is the best dentist in Kalyani Nagar having more than 12 years of experience in the field of dentistry.
Click for booking your appointment- http://www.tharejasdental.com/book-an-appoinment
Phone number: +91-99604 09050 / (020) 66203232 / 26650032
Visit us on - Vitoria 203, Fortaleza, above hdfc bank, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411006
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
Experience / Achievements
·         Dr. Shrirang has been awarded The Prime Time Excellence Awards for the Best Orthopedic Surgeon- Pune at Global Healthcare Summit in New Delhi for the year 2018.
·         Dr. Shrirang Kulkarni is one of the few Pediatric Orthopedics Surgeons in the country with over 7 years of experience in this field
·         He has numerous national and international publications to his credit
·         He has extensive experience in the management of clubfoot by Ponseti method and presented his results in international conferences
·         He has mastered the art of management of Developmental dislocation of the hip by “Orthopaedic reduction”, a non-invasive the technique to reduce the hip joint even in late presentation
·         He is skilled for the treatment of complex Pediatric trauma and aware of all the modern minimally invasive techniques
·         He is well versed with various treatment modalities for Cerebral Palsy like Botulinum toxin injections, soft tissue surgeries and bony osteotomies
If you are facing any joint pain / pediatric issue then book an appointment with the best pediatric orthopedic surgeon in Pune. Click here http://www.ortho.earthandetherclinic.com/make-an-appointment/
call us on the - 020 - 27402030
Visit our clinic - Unit 12, 2nd Floor, Ganesham D Commercial Complex, Pimple Saudagar, Pune. 411027
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
Dr. Sachin Mahajan is the best spine specialist in Pune having more than 12 years experience in this field 
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Best Neurosurgeon in Pune - Dr Sachin Mahajan
Dr Sachin Mahajan is a standout amongst the Best Neurosurgeon in Pune has more than 10 years of experience. He is presently worked on Sr. Consultant of Neuro Surgery at Sahyadri Speciality Hospital Pune, India. Dr Mahajan specializing in neurosurgery are really experienced not only in terms of years of experience but also in terms of intensity of exposure.
Best Neurosurgeon in Pune approaches towards super specialization in focus zones, for example, interventional neuroradiology, skull base medical procedures, pediatric neurosurgery, and so on. Dissimilar to in the past when orthopaedic surgeons used to perform out some spine medical procedures, spine surgeries are currently performed at leading emergency hospitals in Pune only by surgeons specifically trained spine surgery.
The cost of neurosurgery in Pune is among the most minimum on the world. The expense of neurosurgery in Pune is about 20% of the expense in the other city. The minimal effort of neurosurgery in Pune is with no trade-off on quality or success rate.
If you are facing any problem regarding the spine and brain then feel to free to connect on the given address Sahyadri Speciality Hospital, Shastri Nagar Chowk, Near Yerwada Police Station, Pune - 411006
call us on – +91 7350311211
Book your online appointment here -http://www.spinecare.co.in/appointment/
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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Children day Special Tip for Brushing 
Kids and brushing do not go in hand in hand. Ask the parents who have small kids, how challenging it is to make their kids brush.
For the same reason, we at tharejas dental have a dedicated doctor team who teaches parents as well as kids to take care of there precious teeth.
As we have family dinner time, we should also have family brushing time just to make brushing fun for kids till the time it is inculcated as a habit to them. For more info on this kindly contact us.
On this children's day, we have specially released a toothbrushing song for kids to sing while enjoying their brushing time.
Tharejas Dental care at Kalyani Nagar is the best dentist in Viman Nagar 
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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10th Anniversary celebration on 10th October 2019
To our clients, I especially want to thank you for your business throughout the past 10 years. You have been critical to Integral’s growth and success in our first decade, and I look forward to working with you in the coming years.
A million thanks to all of our amazing clients, thank you for your continued support and trust in our firm
We are truly excited to be celebrating our 10-year anniversary. It has been such an honor to serve our community with personalized, health-centered dentistry, and we think this is a great opportunity to thank all of our patients for putting their trust in us. Thareja's Dental care, one of the best dental clinics in Kalyani Nagar, is celebrating the 10th anniversary on the 10th of October 2019.
Thareja's Dental Care was founded in 2009 and its aims always at providing a large number of professional services in Dental treatment like Dental Implant, Root Canal Treatment, Smile Makeover, Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, and Cleaning, etc.
In 2019, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of Thareja's Dental Care. We are working with 2 different locations in the Pune (Kalyani Nagar & Nigdi-Pradhikaran).
We have a clear responsibility to our customers, employees, and shareholders in bringing our purpose to life. That responsibility extends to the communities we serve and the planet we call home.
If you are facing the Dental problem then dont wait for any suggestion just book your appointment with the best dentist in kalyani Nagar
Book an appointment - http://www.tharejasdental.com/book-an-appoinment
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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What is endoscopy?
Endoscopy is a methodology wherein the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is seen through a lit, adaptable cylinder with a camera toward the end (endoscope). Little examples of tissue cells (biopsy) can likewise be gathered and sent for testing.
Dr. Prasad Bhate is working as a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Liver surgeon with Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Pune. He is also the founder of Dr. Bhate’s Gastro Liver Clinic and heads the Department of Gastrology and Liver Transplant
There are two fundamental kinds of endoscopy:
Upper endoscopy – The throat, stomach, and small digestive organs can be seen by a meager adaptable cylinder embedded through the mouth.
Colonoscopy – The coating of the digestive organ, colon, and rectum can be seen by an adaptable cylinder embedded through the rectum.
Blood tests are now and again required.
Prescriptions can be given by vein if necessary.
If you don’t mind mastermind a ride home. You may feel sleepy after the method because of drugs.
Upper endoscopy: No nourishment or drink is taken into consideration six hours before the system. A vacant stomach takes into consideration the best view and most secure test.
Colonoscopy: Drink just clear fluids for in any event 24 hours before the method. A diuretic or exceptional purging arrangement will be requested by the doctor to clear the entrail of stool with the goal that the rectum/digestive organs can be seen. (See beneath for explicit directions)
What occurs after an endoscopy?
You will be watched intently until the greater part of the impacts of the medicine has worn off. Your throat may be somewhat sore, and you may feel briefly enlarged because of the air brought into your stomach during the test. You will have the option to eat after you leave except if your PCP educates you generally.
Your PCP by and large can disclose to you your test results upon the arrival of the system; be that as it may, the consequences of certain tests may take a few days.
In the event that you got narcotics, you won’t be permitted to drive after the strategy despite the fact that you probably won’t feel tired. You ought to mastermind somebody to go with your home on the grounds that the narcotics may influence your judgment and reflexes for the remainder of the day.
What occurs after a colonoscopy?
Your doctor will clarify the consequences of the assessment to you, in spite of the fact that you’ll need to sit tight for the aftereffects of any biopsies performed. In the event that you were given narcotics during the strategy, somebody must drive you home and remain with you. Regardless of whether you feel alert after the technique, your judgment and reflexes could be delayed for the remainder of the day. You may make them spasm or swelling due to the air brought into the colon during the assessment. This ought to vanish immediately when you pass gas.
Dr. Prasad Bhate is the is the best gastroenterologist in Pune having more than 15 years of experience in the field of gastrology and liver specialist. They are also treating the hepatology related problem.
Book your appointment - http://www.gastropune.com/book-an-appointment/
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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Right Way to Clean your Teeth
any people dread teeth cleanings. Between the prodding, strange noises, and occasional jaw discomfort, it’s easy to understand their apprehension. But for most, a teeth cleaning is simple and painless.
Knowing exactly what is going on during the process can help ease your stress and allow you to better enjoy the minty-fresh results. Brushing your enamel is an important part of your dental care routine. For a healthful mouth and smile the ADA recommends you:
Brush your teeth twice an afternoon with a gentle bristled brush. The size and form of your brush should healthy your mouth allowing you to reach all areas easily. Replace your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months, or quicker if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won’t do a great process of cleaning your teeth. Make certain to apply ADA-conventional fluoride toothpaste.
The proper brushing approach is to:
-Place your toothbrush at a forty-five-degree attitude to the gums. -Gently circulate the brush back and forth in short (enamel-wide) strokes. -Brush the outer surfaces, the internal surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the tooth. -To easy the internal surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make numerous up-and-down strokes.
If you having a dental problem get the appointment with the Best Dentist in Kalyani Nagar. Dr.Amit Thareja Providing best dental Treatment at the Tharejas Dental Care at Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar & Nigdi Location.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
Dental treatment in Kalyani Nagar
If you are looking for the best dental treatment clinic in Kalyani Nagar / Viman Nagar then Tharejas Dental care is the best place of dental treatment.
Dr. Amit Thareja is the best dentist in Kalyani Nagar and has more than 10 years experience in the dentist.
Book your appointment with http://www.tharejasdental.com/book-an-appoinment
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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Dental Crowns are a tooth-shaped cap which is placed on the tooth to restore the shape, size, and appearance of the tooth. It also enhances the strength of the tooth. If the major part of the tooth is missing, then the crown is the best solution for it. By placing the crown, a tooth can function normally again.
Dental crowns are used as caps on missing, Root canal treated the tooth, fractured tooth to increase the longevity of your teeth. Dental Crowns are needed to:
Protect or restore a tooth from fracturing due to accident or trauma Replace a tooth which is too large for a filling Restore the tooth on which RCT is performed Cover discolored, misshaped or badly formed tooth
Dr. Amit Tharejas is the best dentist in Kalyani Nagar and provided the best dental treatment in Pune. If you want to make your smile is beutiful then book your appointment with the best dentist in Kalyani Nagar / dentist in Viman Nagar.
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dentistkalyaninagar · 5 years
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Dental Implant Surgery
Dental implants are easily the most popular and also the ideal solution, for replacing your missing tooth/teeth. They have certainly changed the course of dentistry in the last quarter of a century or so. A dental implant is basically a titanium post which is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line to work as a tooth root. Post insertion, an implantologist will attach a crown on top of the implant to ensure the appearance of a natural tooth.
ADVANTAGES OF DENTAL IMPLANTS Dental Implants help restore the lost tooth and become the next best thing to your natural teeth Implants are a durable solution with the potential to even outlive the patient Dental Implants help maintain the shape and contour of face & smile which can go wrong due to missing teeth making the facial muscles sag Implants don’t harm the adjacent tooth structure in any manner and protect healthy bone Implants ensure superior appearance and comfort with no speech issue to deal Implants boost your self-esteem for being a perfect solution to the missing tooth Implants give the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods without any worry
If you are suffering from the dental problem then don't wait for the big dental issue.
Dr. Amit Thareja is the Best Dentist in Kalyani Nagar. Book your appointment with the best dentist. We provide the best dental treatment services at the Kalyani Nagar/ Viman Nagar and Nigdi location.
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