Do you ever put a hand on your chest, while lying on your bed, crying, and with your eyes closed, wondering why the beat of it sounds so fake?
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I have no idea why i’m feeling sad.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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‘Is there something you are good at?’
‘Does sarcasm count?’
- A Depressed Slytherin
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Putting on makeup and wearing fancy clothes and nice jewelry makes me feel alive.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I lost the joy I felt while creating. And now there’s only boredom.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I have no qualities and that’s why I still don’t know what I wanna do with my future.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I wanna learn how to sing. I wanna learn how to draw. I wanna learn how to write. I wanna learn Japanese. I wanna learn Norwegian. I wanna learn French. I wanna learn Spanish. I wanna learn how to do screen printing. I wanna learn how to do embroidery. I wanna learn how to cook. I wanna learn.
I have to learn how to want to be alive, first.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I keep falling asleep in class.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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The thing is that if I’m not amazing at something. I don’t bother myself being even just good.
Because ‘good’ is not enough.
Because ‘good’ is not good enough.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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And I don’t know why I bother anymore.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I don’t feel good enough. Or smart enough. Or kind enough. Or pretty enough. I don’t feel enough.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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Choose your friends. Choose your enemies. Or you’ll end up dead.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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Why even trying if you know you won’t succeed?
- A Depressed Slytherin
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I can’t decide if I hate myself or if I hate myself.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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Gryffindor is mad at me and I feel like I’ve lost them forever. I feel like I don’t deserve them and that I’ll never will. I’m not good with friendships, or even with people. It’s all my fault and i get why I won’t be loved.
I lost a piece of my soul.
I’m sorry.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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Today is not gonna be a good day, so why should I even just get out of bed?
- A Depressed Slytherin
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If I can’t bring anything good in this world, if I can’t create something to improve people’s lives, if I can’t find a way to spread happiness and kindness, then my life isn’t worth living.
- A Depressed Slytherin
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