rewatching Avatar again. once again reminded of how much the Avatar comics butchered Ursa’s character. smh.
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Did you read the avatar comics? If so, what is your opinion on them?
I haven't read all the comics because I decided to keep my peace of mind, haha. But I managed to get to know the Search, I really regret it.There are many reasons for that. The first and foremost reason is what was done to Ursa. In the series, Ursa was a beautiful, sad, quiet and at the same time selfless woman who loves her children immensely and is ready to do anything for them. This is how I love her and keep this in my memory.
In the comic, she turned into a proud fool who does not think for a second about her responsibilities and the consequences of her actions, even if other people suffer from this (first of all, her children). Seriously, I felt sorry for Ozai. It was necessary to marry so unsuccessfully. Even he didn't deserve it. What Ursa does: 1) Destroys her chances, if not for a happy, then at least for a normal marriage. Yes, the marriage was negotiated and no one asked Ursa what she think about it. But no one asked Ozai either. They started on equal terms. If Ursa were wiser, she would try to build at least a friendly relationship with a person with whom she (hypothetically) has to somehow live her entire next life. Writing letters to her lover is not a solution that could help her achieve this goal. 2) SET UP OZAI AGAINST ZUKO. Telling her husband that the first son (and potential heir to the throne, too) is not from him is such a fucking shit on many levels that I don't even know what else to say. And we thought that Ozai did not like Zuko because he was weaker than his sister and generally suspiciously kind. But no. Ozai hates Zuko because Zuko's mom is a complete idiot. Thats all 3) Leaves his children. And it is very hypocritical. There are several lines in the comic where Ursa tells Ikemu how dear her children are to her, how she would like to forget her palace life, but now she is a mother and cannot do it. How she wants to get a new face and return to the capital unrecognized, to at least once look at her children, even if she puts herself at risk. And literally a few pages later, she, almost without thinking, agrees to the offer of the Mother of Faces to forget her life in the palace and her children, because this, you see, hurts her. (Somewhere in the capital , Ozai consistently destroying the psyche of her children, but of course it doesn't matter.) Seriously? SERIOUS ??? * angry obscene screams * Oh, sorry, I'm done. Okay, despite that, there are some pretty good points about the Search that mostly relate to Azula and her interactions with Gaang. But there are also many other things that make me wish this comic wasn't. But I willn’t talk about it now, because I have already written too many words X)
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Aren’t we all!!!!
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Ursa and Ozai …I pretend that there were no comics with Ursa in my life)
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When will Urzai week start in 2020?
Hi! Sadly, I don’t know, I’m not really in the fandom anymore :(
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I moved on from Urzai a good while ago, so I kind of thought I would stop being angry about Ursa’s comic storyline by now.
I was wrong.
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I Feel Called Out :o
(don’t know the third one, though)
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I don’t have a type you have a type
(Validar disclaimer: I have a crap load of headcanons about Validar and his wife. Stuff similar to Vlad/Lisa and Ursa/Ozai)
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“I nie śpię do rana. Zamiast snu: pytania. Kto ja jestem? Po co jestem? A może raczej, przede wszystkim: dlaczego jestem łajdak, świnia, zero moralne, podlec. Mógłbym być, kim chcę, mam wszystko, aby być wielkim, wytresowano mnie do wielkości, mógłbym być wielkim w połowie Europy, w Berlinie i Warszawie, dano mi szanse, których mało komu dano aż tyle, a ja tylko piję, (…). Jestem nikim tym więcej, tym bardziej, im więcej mi dano, im więcej otrzymałem, tym większa podłość moja, łajdactwo moje, nędza moja i klęska moja. Ja, nieja, niktja.”
— Szczepan T w a r d o c h “Morfina” (via przezjedenoddech)
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Mako/Ursa - Warmth, by Aurora Lynne
Finished this one a few days ago, after remembering that we were supposed to meet the fire nation princess (Iroh’s sister) and that she would be Mako’s love interest in Book 4. We could have had it all. 
So here’s my take on this mysterious character :D I decided to go with most of the fandom and named her Ursa as a homage to her great-grandmother. I want to draw more of them in the future <3 Hope you like it!
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when your only contribution to a fandom is to write rarepair fanfic that caters to your own incredibly specific tastes
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The original benders.
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“The Search was amazing”
Oh hell no
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A little cabin in the woods near the palace, surrounded by cherry trees.
It wasn’t quite spring yet so the trees remained barren in the brisk cold, and the only heat came from the setting sun shining through the windows and the doors. Ursa and Ozai would often meet there in their early marriage. The cold cabin was an escape for these two, Ursa from the lessons of the palace, and Ozai from the boring chatter of old war generals. The first thing they’d do is share a very tired, yet loving kiss. Many times it’d lead to the carnal pleasures of marriage, and other times it’d end quickly and allow them the time to speak to each other without prying eyes nor ears.
Everyone knew they were there, but, these two were quite famous for their tempers. No one would dare to incite their rage.
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Royal Family Week Day 2: Ceremony
Ursa and Ozai’s wedding ceremony. 
Real talk, I deeply dislike the comics, and I think that Ursa and Ozai actually genuinely liked one another when they married, or at least had a general respect for one another’s positions in the scheme of things. I think that Ursa was likely as ambitious as Ozai, for a time, but unlike Ozai was not willing to be so at the expense of their children.
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Azula aspired to be beautiful like her father. Zuko provided his mother with flowers and sea shells to decorate his father’s hair, when his family was actually happy. Also TinyZula and Desi Ursa, or well the A:tla/Fire Nation equivalent! Full View for better quality please!
For Royal Family Week 2019 - Family @idonthatemaiko
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it urzai time
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Sometimes I think about @sky-kiss ‘s Royal Protector au, and in a fit of nostalgia I painted Azula and Roku II. 
They chased some spy dude but unfortunately lost the trail. 
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