Types of web development offered by software development company Mumbai
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Companies all across the world have realized the importance of websites. Your website will act as an online portal that allows your current and prospective customers to connect with you. Your website is your chance to make an impactful first impression on your customers and stakeholders alike. A great website also results in more conversions. Hence it is advisable to hire an eCommerce website development company in Mumbai to build your website. 
Different Types of Web Development
Development essentially refers to the process of coding and web markup as well as other tasks such as scripting, configuration, and content management. Website development is used as an all encompassing term to refer to these tasks. While you don’t need to know everything about web development as a business owner, knowing about the different types of development will give you a fair idea of what to expect from the software development company Mumbai that you hire. The following are different types of web development that you should know about: 
1.     Front-End Development 
As the name suggests, front-end developers work on the part of the website or the app that will be visible to your clients or users. In other words, this is the client- or user-facing part of the website. They are responsible for designing and developing the visual components such as the layout of the website, its navigation, graphic and other aesthetics related aspects. They primarily build interfaces that allow users to reach their goals. Hiring a web design company in Mumbai will give you access to some of the best front-end developers. 
2.     Back-End Development 
This is the part of the website that is not visible to the users. These developers primarily handle servers, programming and software so that everything works smoothly behind-the-scenes. Back-end developers work with operating systems, databases and APIs. They are also responsible for managing the security and site architecture. Collaboration between front-end and back-end developers is crucial. Given the intricacies of developing a website or an app, hiring a web or an android app development company in Mumbai is advisable. 
3.     Full Stack Development 
As the name suggests, full stack development includes both front-end and back-end development of a website or an app. These developers can create an application, website or a program from scratch. If you need to build something from scratch then hiring a software development company in Navi Mumbai is advisable. Given that full-stack development requires years of experience, these developers are particularly sought after. Hiring a company will ensure that you have access to the best in the industry. 
4.     Mobile Development
Mobile developers build apps for smartphones and/or tablets. Since mobile apps require a much different skill set and knowledge of certain specialized programming languages, if you plan on launching a mobile app then you should hire a custom mobile app development company. 
Apart from this website development, desktop development and game development are some other types of development. Depending on your requirements, you can either create an in-house team or hire a company. However, it is important to remember that if you are just starting out or if you do not already work in the field then outsourcing would be beneficial. 
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Effective UX design steps followed by a UI UX design company
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Irrespective of the digital product you are creating - an app, a website, or an interactive game - it is imperative to pay keen attention to the UX design process. The UX design is crucial for the success of the project. The user experience design essentially helps in solving problems. Taking a human-centered design approach helps design teams in making decisions based on the needs of the users rather than making certain assumptions. Any leading UI UX design company should follow this approach to complete their projects. 
Stages of UX Design Process 
The process of creating a UX design needs to follow a step-by-step method. Having a standardized process for creating a UX design helps companies in ensuring that all their projects meet quality standards and are consistent. It also helps in promoting collaboration between teams as everybody is aware of the steps being followed. Moreover, it allows stakeholders to keep a track of the progress. The following are the steps that a leading website development company in Mumbai would follow when hired to create a UX design: 
1.     Defining the Project 
The very first step of the UX design process is to define the goals of the project as well as its scope. This should be done in collaboration with stakeholders and team members. This discussion should essentially help in identifying the problem that the new product is expected to solve. 
2.     Understand the Problem
Once the goal of the project has been defined it is important to define the problem from the perspective of the user. Various tools are available that can help designers in empathizing with the users. Some tools used by designers are user personas which are essentially a representation of a customer, and user journey maps which help designers in visualizing how they will use the digital product. 
3.     Research 
Once an understanding of the purpose of the project and the problems it needs to solve has been established, designers need to conduct thorough research. This will include researching the user, the market, researching the analytics of a similar product that already exists, and some competitive analysis as well. 
4.     Ideating 
Once the relevant research has been conducted, designers can initiate the ideation process. This phase includes creating a very rough draft of the final product. In fact, many designers even use pen and paper to brainstorm. Sketching, wireframing and low-fidelity prototypes are part of this stage. 
5.     High-Fidelity Mockups
This stage refers to the process of converting wireframes into high-fidelity mockups. These prototypes look like the final product and they also function like one. If a design system exists then interactive prototypes are built. Any leading web development company in Thane should possess this system. 
6.     Testing 
The whole point of creating a high-fidelity prototype is to conduct usability testing. Real users are asked to test the prototypes by validating the idea, identifying any usability issues, testing accessibility, and identifying the business opportunities that exist. Based on the testing, designers then go back to the stages mentioned above and make the necessary changes.
The last step is handing off the design. In this stage, the design team essentially hands everything to the development team. Hence, it is advisable to hire a website design company in Navi Mumbai. These companies ensure that their development and design teams work in cooperation. If you were to hire designers and developers separately, you’d have to mediate between the two increasing your responsibilities manifold. Hiring a company saves a ton of time and effort. 
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CreativeWebo- Website designing and mobile app development company located in Dubai, worked with national & international clients & served quality development services.
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We are one of the best website design company, offers corporate website, CMS website design, UI UX design & ecommerce website development services with digital marketing.
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We are web Development Company in India, proficient in mobile app development, custom application development, android app development & shopify web development etc.
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Ways to Figure out if you are Dealing with the right Shopify Web Development Company
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Present-day businesses simply cannot succeed without an online presence. A decade ago it did not matter whether your store had an online website or an app. However, E-commerce has steadily gained popularity in the last few years. Moreover, with the advent of the global pandemic, the digitalization of businesses was accelerated even further. Most businesses hired a website or a custom application development company so that they can enter the digital realm. 
Indicators of a Worthy Shopify Developer 
One of the most important aspects of launching an eCommerce business is ensuring that your online storefront is aesthetically pleasing and engaging along with being optimally functional. Needless to say, there is an abundance of eCommerce platforms that can be used by businesses. However, one of the topmost is the Shopify store.
While you can set it up yourself, if you have no prior experience in the field then it is advisable to hire a leading shopify web development company. But before you hire one, it is important to ensure that you hire the right company. The following are some indicators that you are dealing with the right company: 
1. Their Website is Exceptional 
This might seem obvious but it needs to be said. The company that you plan on hiring should have a well-designed website or app. If you are not satisfied with their website, chances are that you will also not be satisfied with the final product that they deliver. The website or the app of a great web or android app development company in India should be unique and functional.
It shouldn’t look like a collection of premade templates. Moreover, the site should also include a portfolio showcasing their previous work. The developer’s website should also consist of a list of all the Shopify store development services they provide. 
2. Bug Fixes and Minor Updates are Free 
It is understandable that nobody wants to make major changes for free. After all, it requires a huge amount of time and effort to remake everything you’ve done. However, an experienced and professional company that offers mobile app development India services should include bug fixes as well as minor updates in their offer.
If they don’t do so, it can be indicative of the fact that they aren’t confident that they will finish the project correctly in the first go. Moreover, it is important for you since you shouldn’t have to pay extra money just for minor updates. 
3. Well-aware of Shopify APIs 
Application Programming Interfaces are essential as they help developers in turning an ordinary website into an exceptional one. Hence, it is of utmost importance that the web design company in India that you hire is well aware of all these APIs. There are several different types of APIs such as Storefront API, Marketing Event API, Admin API, etc. A lack of knowledge about these APIs would result in an unsatisfactory final product. 
Also Read:  Features of a Great Custom Application Development Company
Apart from these, make sure that they guarantee support, as well as maintenance even after the website, goes live. They should be capable of providing transparent communications without any delays. These are some important factors that should be kept in mind when hiring a web development company. 
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We offer broad range of it services, web design and development, mobile app development as well as IT consulting services and complete project outsourcing services.
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We are software development company of India, provides software consulting, end-to-end software development, legacy software modernization, ERP, CRM & API Development.
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Things to Bear in Mind When Redesigning a Website
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In this digital age, most businesses have either shifted online completely or partially and rightfully so. Having an online presence and a website that truly represents your company is an excellent way of opening up to new opportunities for your business. 
More often than not, your website acts as a representative and is responsible for making the very first impression on prospective consumers. Hence, your website needs to be user-friendly and well-optimized which can be achieved by hiring a web development company in Toronto.
It is entirely possible that you already have a website but you haven’t seen the growth that you expected or your website simply isn’t the most up-to-date and hence, you are considering a revamp. However, it is important to remember that just focusing on the visual aspects could result in another downfall. 
While changing how your website appears to match the brand’s upgraded version or aesthetic is understandable, it is not the only aspect that will help your business grow. 
Essentials to Consider When Redesigning Your Website
While a visually appealing website might attract users, only a functional and easily navigable site will retain them. A web design company Toronto that understands your business needs will help you in building a website that truly goes beyond the visuals. Here are few aspects that you need to consider when redesigning your website: 
1) Goals
The only way of truly knowing if the website redesigning was successful is knowing that you’ve achieved the goals you expected to accomplish. Having measurable goals is extremely important as it provides a sense of direction. For example, you might want to redesign your website so that it attracts more organic traffic but this continues to be a very broad goal. 
A more specific and measurable goal would be to redesign your website to achieve a 30% increase in organic traffic. Other goals might include an increase in the conversion rate, improved performance or increased visibility. Make sure that the website design agency Toronto that you hire is aware of these goals and is also willing to help you in achieving them.
2) Functionality and Performance
A successful redesign will make improvements in various aspects of the website and not just its appearance. The website should be redesigned keeping in mind the user experience. Incorporating features such as videos with captions and detailed alt text for images would make the website more accessible. 
Building a robust search function, highlighting key information on your homepage, using a pyramidal form of sitemap and making it easier to navigate are some features that should be paid attention to.
3) SEO Strategy
SEO is one aspect that should absolutely not be ignored. Without an SEO strategy, your search engine rank might fall damaging your organic traffic as well as the conversion rate. Before you start the redesigning process, take note of your website’s performance so that you can track the differences after the process has been completed. 
Make note of metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, backlinks, domain rating and ranking keywords. Once the redesigning is complete, you can check if the desired progress has taken place or not.
4) Comprehensive Style Guide
Several websites have pages that make it look like you are visiting altogether different websites. This gives a very disorienting experience to the users and could be quite confusing. In order to avoid this, create a style guide that can provide a direction to the design. The guide can include fonts, color palettes, templates and even the language being used. 
When your pages match, it provides a holistic experience to the users. The website and app development company in Toronto that you hire can assist you in building a style guide.
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Prepare a strategy before you start the redesigning process and improve your website to offer an overall better experience. Make sure that your website is optimized for phones and if you have a mobile app then it is in tandem with the app. It can be upsetting for consumers if there are discrepancies on different platforms. Hiring a company that specializes in not just website designing but is also a mobile app development company in Toronto would help you in managing all your online channels.  
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What are the Steps in the Web Design and Development Phase?
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The practice of developing a site that focuses on artistic characteristics such as design, user interaction, as well as other graphical features is known as website designing creation. An elevated purpose of web designing is to create an incredibly attractive, simple site.
A website development process that is aligned with an ultimate plan is what good design is really all about. Nevertheless, because there are several web and mobile app development companies in Dubai, it's important to pick the right ones. You should examine all the firm's prior projects before deciding on a good option.
While planning and developing a site, the programmer should avoid using a one-size-fits-all strategy. And besides, each site is unique. There are certainly numerous web and app development companies in Dubai that offer excellent offerings and can help you boost your business.
Steps in Web Design and Development Phase
Following are the steps to keep in mind that are involved in the web design and development phase:
Maintain a Basic and Clean Navigational System
The layout on your site must really be clear, concise, and consistent with the customer path you've created. Customers must be able to tell wherein to visit for relevant data. A Web development company Dubai helps you sustain a basic and clear navigation system.
Produce a Variety of Content on a Regular Basis
Website content must be updated regularly. Your website must include useful articles, as well as media content such as photographs, video files, and graphics. Users are more engaged and converted when good content is presented appropriately.
Use Colors that are Consistent with Your Company Image
Your brand's image must be reflected on your site. Choosing the proper colour scheme for the site assures that your company's appearance is consistent.
Use Social Validation to Your Advantage
Customer evaluations and testimonials are indeed the online equivalents of word of mouth. You may develop a feeling of confidence among your customers for your company by strategically displaying the correct social evidence on the website.
Try Including Pop-Ups on Your Website
When used correctly, pop-ups could assist in decreasing bounce rates and boosting interaction. Web designers with expertise would understand where and when to employ pop-ups to provide worth to the site's visitors.
Concentrate on Generating Leads
Your company's site must include a well-designed communication form that may be used to create more prospects or inquiries directly from the site. Employing a web design company Dubai will help you gain more leads and revenue from prospective customers.
If you're not accessible to help potential customers, they'll go to your competition. Establish bots on the site to prevent this. It enables you to be accessible at all times, as well as acquire prospects and contact consumers. 
Business-Specific Integrations
Don't forget to integrate business-specific integrations to the website, whether it's with a payments processing unit, an online appointment scheduling or booking system, or some other.
SEO Should be Taken into Consideration
Search engine optimization (SEO) aids in the discovery of your site on Google. You may fulfil search engines’ ranking criteria and score better in search engines rankings by using the proper keywords, meta titles, meta descriptions, navigation bars, statistics, as well as other technological on and off-page optimization. Improved engine results are also related to increased engagement and sales.
Also Read: What are the Must-Have Features of an Educational App
Now that you know all the steps involved in the web design and development phase, you may go ahead and select the finest website designing in Dubai, as per your needs and requirements. 
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What is the Application Development Process?
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In the digital age of the 21st century, one of the best decisions a business can take is to create an application to perform various tasks and to enable the company to reach its target clients beyond borders. If you are a business head or an individual entrepreneur looking to digitize your business then you can either approach a custom application development company or a freelancer. This not only takes away the daunting task of doing everything yourself but also reduces the time and risks involved in application development.
Alternatively, you can also take assistance from sites that provide commercial tools such as the Shopify web development company to build your online store.
5 Steps of the Application Development Process
Before you begin your search for the best app and web design company in India, it is important to understand what the application development process entails and what will be required of you. Every app development process follows the same 5 steps:
Gathering Requirements
Gathering project related information from various sources such as market research, on-site analysis, supporting documents, user interviews and case studies to understand the requirements of the customer. Clearly tracking the goals and objectives stated by the stakeholders and ensuring that they are accomplished by the last step is of utmost importance.
Designing Prototypes
Any reliable android app development company in India will present a prototype before moving forward in the process. A prototype is essentially a visual representation of how the elements will interact and the functioning of the product. This stage is the key to understanding the final product’s look and feel. This also helps in understanding where improvement is required and what changes can be made to make the experience smooth for the users.
Development and Testing
This stage involves creating the components and the functionalities that are required for the software. Experts start creating the actual code on the basis of the finalized design prototype. Post this the application is tested to ensure that it meets the specified requirements. This stage also involves evaluating if there are any errors or bugs in the software.
This stage involves configuring server backups so that the application can roll back to normal functioning even if third-party systems are unavailable. This stage also includes creating a deployment plan so that it can be defined how the software will go live, and how it will be maintained afterwards. Post this, the application will be delivered to the users while ensuring that it doesn’t hit any hurdles along the way.
Lastly comes the maintenance stage, which is perhaps the most important stage of app development. A maintenance team can be formed that ensures an undisturbed experience for users and constantly improves and updates the application.
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Anyone who is involved in the mobile app development India sector will agree that building an application is an extensive process involving multiple steps – from ideation to rolling out the final product. However, luckily, many up and coming companies are ready to provide digital marketing solutions to businesses. CreativeWebo is one such company. If you are trying to build a user-friendly application for your business, don’t forget to check them out.
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