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Please reblog this post with a picture of you using your reusable cup outside of the house. Save a plastic cup.
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Someone gave me a Starbucks manual
Now I can successfully make a frappicuno at home. Watch out coworkers.
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Great Coffee Mug for Tolkien fans.
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This is my ultra caramel frappe. I love my reusable cups. Save the earth? Yaaas b**ch. Use less paper cups at work? Yaaas queen. Look cool? Yep.
Honestly, if more people made pretty coffees in reusable cups and posted them, maybe they’d catch on. Personally I’m dying for a reusable mug option in the app so they know I’m coming.
Go out there and have fun coffee in fun cups people!
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In a world where everyone has a sub / Dom classification, spencer Reid is a sub without a dom. He is a _____ in need of a _____, which Derek/rossi/hotch happens to be. Threatened with government assignment to a dom, Derek takes spencer on temporarily so spencer can have time to find the right dom.
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Internally dying
How obscure the Animalia dvds are is driving me nuts. At 15 bucks a disc, I cannot afford to buy all 6. The local library has a ILL option, but they can’t get it since a library in china is the only location with all 6 dvds. Like you can watch the first 4 episodes in america legally. The other 20? Not happening. If a library in america could have these dvds donated to them, then it’d be in the worldcat system and this thirsty american could watch them. 
As a kid, this series was fascinating to watch. Then PBS stopped airing the episodes before I could ever see the end. I feel gipped. I cannot get the discs through the library, and even if I had 90 bucks, the websites selling them are fishy. I don’t want to pirate them, and the youtube version feels like I’m cheating the original creators.
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3 tests, one day
I feel like I forgot the whole semester 
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cybertron au
Sophia lives on cybertron, RIFD/prime verse. Knockout is her roommate, arcee her landlord, ultra magnus saved her life once, and bee is a cop at the station on the corner
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Can only go uphill from here
This weekend, I had no pump supplies. back to pens. I am lending my 3ds to my pal in the hospital. I am dropping off some shit to a shitty ex, so that’s happening. I had to make up a partner to make this happen. 3. tests. monday. 
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