Main story of Violet completed - feel free to send in requests!
(Also if anyone wants to freak out over Rika and Larry...?)
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Just to let everyone know, I'm currently playing through Violet and you're welcome to get your requests in (I'll fill them once I'm finished!)
None for Scarlett exclusive characters yet, please, I will hopefully get through that next.
I also do fills for SwSh, DP, and Legends Arceus.
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To update - I have now completed the main story of Legends Arceus and will accept requests - normal rules apply.
I now accept requests for SwSh, BDSP and L:A.
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Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I am now accepting requests for Diamond and Pearl characters, now that I’m (almost) finished BDSP.
And yes, when I say “almost finished”, I mean “Cynthia has KO’d me 14 times so far and it’s doing my head in”.
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Tis been a long time! Can I request some Raihan, Piers, and Leon bring dads with their s/o. How do they each interact with their respective kid?
Kid hcs are my jaaaaaam
He is a totally sappy dad
And the anxious dad
And are any of us surprised? We’ve seen him with Marnie.
He probably has twins first, because he wants to be a dad so badly that he manifests two babies instead of one
And he is that dad
He is totally oversupportive
More than that, though, he is protective
100% will cry when his kids go on their Gym Challenge
Also will take advantage of being friends with all the Gym Leaders
Like, all of them are waiting for him to call and be like “DID MY BABIES WIN”
It’s okay though
Team Yell will be there to... support them
And by that I mean “Marnie’s Gym Challenge turned up to 100″
Piers probably tries to follow them too, but is stopped by his S/O
“Piers you can’t follow our child everywhere.”
“Piers I know that’s you, the mask isn’t that good.”
“Piers get back home this instant you absolute noodle of a man.”
The chill dad
Raihan is pretty willing to let his kid run around like a wild animal if it makes them happy
I think he probably has a boy first, and he is a trademarked Boy Dad
Will let his son borrow his Pokémon and fight his Gym Trainers
Goodra is particularly fond of him
When Goodra eventually has an egg (fathered by none other than Leon’s Charizard), she gifts it to Raihan’s son, and the lil’ Goomy is his first Pokémon
He’s not really one for battling like his dad when he gets older, though, and prefers just wandering around the region and learning more about Pokémon
100% ends up being Hop’s assistant, and Raihan is his biggest fan (and secretly glad he doesn’t have any competition)
That being said he understands exactly 2% of his son’s academic writings
He still reads them though
Phones up Hop at 2am to ask him what random things mean so he can seem smart over dinner
His son knows but doesn’t call him out on it at all
Leon is an absolute s u c k e r for his daughter
Like, just picture a little princess wandering around doing her thing
And Leon’s just running around after her because she is definitely walking in a random direction
They both get lost all the time
His S/O definitely gets calls from random places all across the world because Leon followed their daughter somewhere and they just kind of walked and now they’re in the Crown Tundra
“But it’s okay, really, just a bit nippy!”
Probably has his daughter training Pokémon by age five
I don’t think he’d give her a Charizard, because he doesn’t want people comparing her to him 
As if they ever would she’s a spitfire
But he still gives her a foreign Pokémon, to set her apart
Probably a Torchic or something, he still has a soft spot for Fire types
She sweeps the whole Gym Challenge without flinching
Leon watches from a distance
But he knows the second she beats Raihan
“This isn’t fair your genes should be banned how can she be this good?”
Legit takes him an hour to calm down
Leon’s dramatic best friend eventually gets over it when Leon reminds him that he’s her godfather
Then he’s like “oh my godbaby is amazing, clearly I taught her well”
This little girl wraps everyone around her finger
Honestly what a legend
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Do you do kalos or sinnoh?
Hiya, sorry for the delay!
I haven't played the Kalos games in an age, so I'm giving a tentative 'no' for now. I may play them again at some point, but I'm holding out hope for a remake that might make them a bit more accessible to me and my rapidly deteriorating eyesight (I have glasses now, but even with them the DS screen is teeny).
Sinnoh, yes! Currently playing through BDSP, so I will be holding off on filling those requests until I've finished, as I'd like to refamiliarize myself with the characters and world.
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Do you have a set of rules at all and what you do and don’t write, like x reader hcs or sad things? In the meantime, I’ll request some funny hcs of Piers, Raihan, and Leon’s friendship. These three remind me of me and two of my friends growing up so what kind of shenanigans and tomfoolery do these dorks get into?
Hi there! I’m pretty much open to doing anything - if I see something I don’t want to write, I won’t write it, but I’m happy to take it in my ask box. I only write headcanons, however - I get burned out too easily with full on fics. Happy to do reader, platonic, romantic, ships, anything!
So, for starters, Piers is definitely the ‘mature friend’
Basically Raihan and Leon are Chaotic, and he gets dragged along for the ride
What’s new, it happened to him during the Rose and Sordward and Shielbert debacle too
Basically his whole aesthetic is just ‘why me’
He honestly didn’t hang out that often with Leon when he was Champion - he probably wouldn’t have hung out with Raihan either, but Raihan didn’t give him a choice
Which brings us to Raihan, who is the ‘you WILL be my friend’ friend
Just forces his affection on people until they accept it
Leon was up for the ride, mostly because he is also an extroverted boy, but Piers was totally flustered at first
Piers also almost definitely had a crush on Raihan at one point
Straight up had a ‘oh my God why’ moment because Raihan smiled and his heart exploded
Never acted on it, though. They’re just buds.
Leon is somewhere in the middle
He’ll try to be mature, but then something will catch his eye and he’ll be all ‘ooh, Shiny’ and suddenly Piers is in Hoenn wondering how the fuck he got there - and why he’s friends with those two morons
But he also does have moments where he curbs Raihan’s crazy antics
Probably just because he’s a big brother and Raihan’s an only child - Raihan never had to be mature or set an example
They once went legendary hunting in Sinnoh because Raihan wanted to see Dialga, because Dragon
He and Leon went, Piers refused to go
They didn’t find Dialga, but they did find Darkrai and ended up having nightmares for three days
When they wake up, Piers has caught Darkrai and is chilling with it
Literally says “finally, sleeping beauty” when they finally come back to the waking world
So tired of their shit
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YOU'RE BAAAAACK! I know you did this a while ago on the old blog but I want to see your thoughts now... how do Piers, Raihan and Leon kiss?
Someone remembers me! Hello, yes, I’m back!
Apologies if I’m rusty!
This boy is so sweet with his kisses
Like, he will be holding onto you for dear life, and will probably be one of those people that just builds a kiss up really slowly
Like, don’t expect him to jump right into tongue or anything
Definitely cups your face to start off with, and touches your lips with his thumb before he dives in
Will also nuzzle against your nose every now and then
He doesn’t really have a favourite type of kiss. So long as it involves his mouth and your mouth, he’s pretty happy.
He does like it if you climb onto his lap while you’re kissing though
Honestly just wants you as close as you can possibly get
Also one of those people that will just do forehead touches once you’re finished kissing
Like seriously this lad is just soft
Ho boy, oh no
He is so grabby. Like he’ll grab any part of you he can and make sure you’re right up against him
Also a biter? He will nibble you all over
Loves neck kisses. Honestly doesn’t care where you are, he will kiss your neck
A big fan of burying his hands in your hair
He loves being able to angle your face up to his when he’s kissing you because he is a toll boy
In fact, if you’re a lot shorter than him, he probably straight-up picks you up because he’ll be damned if he’d going to let his neck get strained from leaning really far down to kiss you
But he will also kiss the top of your head a lot
Still not entirely sure if this is an assault on your height or if it’s affectionate
Shy kisser
Like, he will only kiss you in private at first, and even when he gets more comfy with PDA, it’ll be for kisses on the cheek or quick pecks
In private, though, he’s much more keen to kiss you
He’s a messy kisser. Will skip any and all buildup and go straight for the tongue
In contrast to the other two, though, he’s not super grabby or anything
Like, he normally puts a hand on your cheek or at your neck
But he will not be squishing you into a makeout session
Basically, Leon is a Classy Kisser
His favourite type of kiss is when you’re lying down
Either of you can be on top of the other, he just likes being able to relax with it and take it easy
Does he rush into the kisses? Yes.
Does he go infuriatingly slow when he’s actually kissing you? Also yes.
Grab this boy’s hair and he’ll love you forever though, it’s long and pretty and he loves when people touch it
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Hello! I am an old imagines blog breaking back into the Pokémon community (are y'all still around?). I highly doubt any of you will actually remember me, but if you do... a quick explanation will follow of what happened in the run up to me deleting my old blog, and some more reasons behind it that will hopefully make me seem more like a reasonable person and not like the crazy person I made myself out to be in the lead up to the deletion. I'll put it below the cut, so if you don't want to read, feel free to move on, no hard feelings.
To anyone still here: hi. I was previously on Tumblr under 'swordsshieldsimagines', however that blog quickly disappeared into the abyss six or seven months ago. There are many reasons for it, which I am planning to detail for you below.
Both my family and friends had a few crises. I won't go into detail, but long story short, I've had multiple people getting hospitalised for various reasons, operations planned, all that stuff. I'm a pretty private person and not the type to get myself embroiled in my emotions when shit happens, but this also leads to another major issue: I get burned out, upset, and end up with extremely low energy.
While this was happening, I was also back at university for the first time since 2017. When I started the blog back in 2020, during the first lockdown, I hadn't started uni yet and didn't anticipate starting any time soon. But between university, work and family drama, I was reaching the end of my tether. The fact I felt like I was letting down 800+ people by not posting wasn't helping - I was worrying about it constantly. I struggled with anxiety a lot as a teenager, and while I'm better at coping with it these days, I still wasn't coping coping. I was just doing what I could.
Fast forward to the days leading up to the deletion.
I got a fairly innocuous message, which blindsided but didn't upset me really. That being said, after my answer I then proceeded to get quite a few angry anonymous messages. I deleted these, but this was around the time I went on the indefinite hiatus from my blog. A couple of days later, I decided the blog had to go for the sake of my own mental health. Even seeing a notification for the blog was making me tense up and worry. It needed to go.
I put a time limit on it, but I don't know if anyone was actually able to save the posts. Retrospectively, I wish that I'd archived the blog somewhere. Hours of my life were spent on that blog, and I did actually enjoy reading over some of the posts when I was having writer's block. Either way, it's gone now, no need to look back.
Anyway. I've been playing Platinum again whilst waiting for the Sinnoh remakes, and I watched Evolutions earlier on today and remembered how much I loved writing imagines earlier on in the day. My Leon muse perked up a little bit and... so here I am. I'm back. I'm going to be upfront and say I might not post as much as I used to. I really want to avoid burning myself out as much as possible, because that's one of the huge issues I've had in the past. If any of you are back from the days of my old blog: welcome back! If not? Nice to meet you, and sorry for the Sad Backstory™. Requests are open for now. Anything Tumblr doesn't like will henceforth be tagged 'lemons', because I am from the generation that remembers what that meant. If you have any questions for me that you'd like addressed publicly or privately, send them over.
Welcome back.
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