dianatriformis · 7 months
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dianatriformis · 3 years
✨Asteroid Pallas (2)✨
Hello everyone! This post is about Pallas and her influence in the natal chart! Her asteroid number on astro.com is 2. Hope you enjoy reading this post :)
✨Asteroid Pallas✨
Pallas is the second asteroid to have been discovered, after Ceres. It is the third-largest asteroid in the Solar System by both volume and mass. When Pallas was discovered by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers on 28 March 1802, it was counted as a planet, as were other asteroids in the early 19th century. The discovery of many more asteroids after 1845 eventually led to the separate listing of 'minor' planets from 'major' planets, and the realization in the 1950s that such small bodies did not form in the same way as (other) planets led to the gradual abandonment of the term 'minor planet' in favor of 'asteroid' (or, for larger bodies such as Pallas, 'planetoid'). Pallas itself has never been visited by spacecraft. Proposals have been made in the past though none have come to fruition. Pallas orbits the sun every 4.63 years, so she stays in each sign for about four months. This celestial body got its name after the Greek goddess of wisdom and justice, Pallas Athena.
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✨Pallas in Mythology✨
In mythology, Athena or Athene, often given the epithet Pallas, was the ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, handicraft, art and warfare.
Athena was worshipped throughout Ancient Greece. She was the patron goddess of several places, including Athens.
According to the stories, Athena never had a lover, consort, or husband and she was highly respected for her sense of modesty. She is, therefore, referred to as ‘Athena Parthenos‘ or ‘Virgin Athena‘.
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She was worshipped at her temple in Athens, Parthenon, which is her most famous temple, which is still standing today. She had her own birthday festival, the Panathenaea, which was celebrated every June (somewhere it says that it‘s actually every July or August, but in general, every source says that it‘s during the summer). The Lesser Panathenaea was an annual event, while the Greater was held every four years. There was also another major festival in honor of Athena called the Pamboeotia, which was also celebrated anually.
Most of the times, Athena is portrayed in two main ways. She is either seen wearing a full-length gown, called a chiton, or as wearing a full suit of armor with a shield. There is also a popular sculpture, called ‘Mourning Athena‘, where she is depicted weary from battle and resting on her staff. She is usually seen carrying a spear, her shield and in the company of an owl, which became a symbol for wisdom.
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In Homer‘s Iliad, Athena, as a war goddess, inspires and fights alongside the Greek heroes. Also in the Iliad, Zeus specifically assigns the sphere of war to Ares, the god of war, and Athena.
It might seem contradictory that the goddess of art and wisdom was also the goddess of war, but if you look into it, it makes sense. Her brother Ares was also the god of war, but the main difference between these two was their approach to war. If Ares was offense, Athena was defense. If Ares was pure force and bloodlust, Athena was controlled strength and strategy. Ares was the god of chaotic battle, bloodlust, ferocity, courage and violence. On the other hand, Athena was the goddess of strategy, organized fighting, advanced weaponry, and skilled manipulation on the battlefield.
In other mythologies, she is equivalent, or has rather similar qualities to the Roman goddess Minerva, Norse goddess Vör, and Egyptian goddess Neith.
There are a lot of prominent myths regarding Athena, as she was one of the more famous gods & goddesses of Ancient Greece, so I choose three prominent myths revolving around Athena. The first one is regarding her origins, the second is how she became the patron of the city of Athens, and the third one is how she got the epithet Pallas.
As far as goddesses go, Athena is said to have been Zeus’s favorite and many think it is because of how she was born.
As things usually go this way with Zeus, he came to lust after Metis, the goddess (or titan in some versions) of counsel & wisdom, and chased her in his direct way. Metis tried to escape, going so far as to change her form many times; she changed into various creatures such as hawks, fish, and serpents. However, Zeus was both determined and equally proficient at changing form. He continued his pursuit until she relented.
An oracle of Gaea then had a Prophecy that Metis‘ first child would be a girl and that her second child would be a boy that would overthrow Zeus, similarly to what had happened to his father and grandfather. Zeus took this warning to heart, and when he next saw Metis, he initally flattered her and put her at ease. Then, with Metis‘ guards down, Zeus opened his mouth and swallowed her and her unborn child. This was the end of Metis, but also the beginning of Zeus‘ wisdom.
After a time, Zeus developed an unbearable headache, which made him scream out of pain so loudly it could be heard through the earth. The other gods came to see what the problem was. Hermes realised what needed to be done and directed Hephaestus to take a wedge and split open Zeus‘ skull. Out of the skull sprang Athena, fully grown and in a full set of armor.
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✨Patron of Athens✨
There once came a time in Ancient Greece when the first king of Athens, Cecrops, who was half man and half serpent, had to find a patron deity for the city-state of Athens. The two gods who were particularly interested in patronage were Poseidon and Athena. They presented themselves before Cecrops, and Cecrops required them to offer a gift of real value to Athens.
Poseidon came first: he struck the earth powerfully and created a fountain with his trident. Immediately, water gushed forth, but the water proved to be salty and not very useful for the people.
Next it was Athena‘s turn. Athena stepped forward, jammed her spear into the ground, knelt down, and planted an olive branch inside. In this way, she created an olive tree that symbolised peace and prosperity on earth.
Cecrops was very impressed by Athena‘s gift. So he chose Athena to be the patron of the city of Athens and the city was named after her. However, Poseidon was not pleased with Cecrops‘ decision and cursed the city of Athens to never have enough water from then on. After that, it is said a great problem of water shortage began in Athens, which continues to this day.
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✨Pallas Athena✨
There are actually a lot of versions of how Athena got her epither Pallas, but there is one that is more prominent and frequent than the others.
There was once a nymph named Pallas, which was most often described as the daughter of the sea god Triton. She was said to have lived in the Libyan Lake Tritonis, which was named after her father.
When Athena was born from the head of her father, Zeus, she was fostered by her cousin Triton. During her youth, she and Pallas became inseparable friends and playmates. One thing the two young goddesses shared was a love of martial arts. Unlike many of the other female deities, Pallas and Athena trained together in the use of spears and shields.
According to some legends, the two were practicing with spears when Athena stabbed Pallas by accident. Athena, having accidentally killed her dearest friend, mourned the loss forever.
Another legend claimed that the two were arguing and, rather than having a friendly practice match, had begun to fight. Fearing for his favorite daughter‘s life, Zeus flashed his aegies (which would later become one of Athena‘s symbols) to distract the nymph, allowing Athena to win the fight. Athena had no intention to land a killing blow and was stricken with grief and guilt over the death of her friend.
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Athena vowed that her friend would never be forgotten.
First, she fashioned an enormous wooden statue in the likeness of Pallas. It was erected in her temple on the Trojan Acropolis, where it was said to have stood until at least the end of the Trojan War. The statue was named Palladium, and as long as it stood, Athena ensured the protection of the city.
Athena wished for her friend‘s name to be remembered beyond her temple. Therefore, she took the name Pallas as her own. And thus, she was frequently referred to as Pallas Athena.
✨Pallas' Glyph✨
Pallas‘ glyph represents a spear over the cross of matter. Athena being the goddess of war strategy and warfare, the spear symbolises her sharpness in these fields. The cross represent physical reality, and the four elements of matter: air, fire, earth, and water.
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✨Pallas in Astrology✨
Astrologically, Pallas provokes us to examine our beliefs and makes us balance our intuition with our logic. It also shows us how to notice patterns and too see the bigger picture. Pallas is also linked to warfare, strategy, skill, wisdom, courage and creative intelligence. As the daughter of Zeus, she also symbolizes our relationship with our fathers as well as all the men we come across in our lives, as opposed to Ceres, which exposes our relationships with our mothers and other women.
Having Pallas Retrograde would represent these energies being internalized and not expressed as easily, or focusing these energies on yourself, rather than the outside world.
✨Pallas through the Signs✨
Pallas in Aries is a rather assertive & competetive position to have. When solving problems, these natives tend to charge in and try to find the fastest solution possible. They have a strong energy and passion which drives them to achieve what they want. Through physical excercise they can connect with their body and their mind, as well as their intuition. These natives have an urge to be pioneers in their own field. They get a surge of adrenaline whenever they finish a task. They are usually leaders, as they don‘t like blending into the background. They are highly intelligent and would often engage in any competition where they can use their mind.
On the downside, Pallas in Aries individual believe that they can do everything on their own and that they don‘t need others support. Sure, it is good to be comfortable with doing things on your own, but these individuals should learn that someone else‘s help doesn‘t make them weak, it gives them strength.
Celebrities with Pallas in Aries: Angelina Jolie, Albert Einstein, Kim Kardashian, Kurt Cobain, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling, Jim Morrison, Jake Gyllenhaal, Charlize Theron
Pallas in Taurus have a strong will to learn more about everything related to finances, as well as the luxurious side of life. These individuals express their inteligence through skills they believe could be used in everyday life. They get endless ideas about making more money, how to improve their financial stability etc. So if a Pallas in Taurus person offers you advice in regards to money, you should probably listen to them. Stubborness is also a key to aquiring knowledge to these individuals. They take their time analysing a problem, and don‘t like to be rushed while doing so. These individuals also have a knack for art, in whichever form. Could be painting, singing, playing instruments etc.
On the downside, they can be quite one-sided. They look at things in two ways, the right way and the wrong way, and guess which way is the right one? You guessed it, their way. It would be good for these individuals to understand that their way isn‘t always the only way, and shouldn‘t push their way of doing things onto others.
Celebrities with Pallas in Taurus: Lana Del Rey, Tom Cruise, Elvis Presley, Emma Watson, Sharon Stone, Brigitte Bardot, Kristen Stewart, Elon Musk, Paris Hilton, Tupac Shakur
Pallas in Gemini express themselves through words. These people use their words, in a quite intelligent way I must say, to get what they want to get. They solve problems easily, and can spin any situation in their favor by only talking to the other person. Don‘t get into debates with these people, since this position could be rather precise and unique in the way they formulate their words. They talk like politicians, and also answer questions like politicians (so basically avoiding the question in the first place). Good placement for multitasking, as their minds are capable of balancing simultaneously multiple information. Absorb information through books and conversations. Because of their natural way with words, these individuals would make a great career of anything related to communication. In the art department, poetry comes to mind.
On the downside, these people dislike being told they are wrong and believe that they have all the answers. They have a tendency to have an inflated ego because of this, so it‘s good for these individuals to ground themselves!
Celebrities with Pallas in Gemini: Nicole Kidman, Nikola Tesla, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jessica Alba, Charlie Chaplin, Gigi Hadid, Winona Ryder, Michelle Pfeiffer, Clint Eastwood, Snoop Dogg
Pallas in Cancer believes that the way to solve anything is with a little empathy. They have a brilliant gift of actually putting themselves in others shoes, and understanding the way that others function emotionally. Highly value empathy, as they themselves are highly emphathetic. Any strategies that these individuals muster up are based highly on intuition, as they trust their gut instinct through most things in their life. They want to be the knight in shining armor to people in need, as they feel the need to help them. They are pacifists, trying to avoid violence as much as possible, but if you in any way offend their family, be ready for a totally different person to come at you.
On the downside, these individuals can let their emotions get the better of them, and thus, like a crab, they will withdraw into their shell, feeling that they are maybe too sensitive. These individuals need to realise that their sensitivity and emphathy are their biggest strengths, not weaknesses.
Celebrities with Pallas in Cancer: Adolf Hitler, Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Jodie Foster, Chris Evans, Natalie Portman, Prince, Jennifer Lawrence, Elizabeth II
Pallas in Leo are highly creative individuals and express this side of themselves in everything that they do. They don‘t leave things unfinished, as they like to put everything into their work. As with Pallas in Aries, these individuals don‘t like blending into the background, rather they take the center stage and own it in their own creative way. These individuals wear their heart on their sleeve, and are extremely passionate about everything that they do. They lend their hand toward social justice issues and know how to get the right attention to them. They aren‘t very strategic in their way of thinking, instead, their creative mind is what takes the lead of the way they think. These individuals have great artistic talent, and would excell at anything relating to these fields.
On the downside, it may seem that these individuals do things only for attention. They should learn to do things for themselves, and nobody else, because the only person that they need to impress is themselves baby.
Celebrities with Pallas in Leo: Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Shakira, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Napoleon I, Al Pacino
Pallas in Virgo posses a rather calculated way of thinking and strategising. They might appear cool and down-to-earth on the outside, but their minds are always working. These individuals pay attention to the smallest of details and use this perfections attitude to solve most of their problems. They don‘t like surprises, so they like to prepare for anything. The type of individual to think about how to survive on a plane, without actually planning on going on a plane in the first place (not the best example, but you get the idea). They don‘t allow emotions to cloud their judgement, as they like to work with their mind. Can be quite creative and artistic, and they have a great sense of fashion. They are quite opposite to Pallas in Aries and Leo, as they don‘t like to take center stage because they work better behind the scenes.
On the downside, these individuals put too much focus on their intellectual side, oftentimes ignoring their emotions. These individuals should learn to take their emotions into account more, as they tend to neglect them. They are not your weakness, they are your strength, and would actually help you in the long run.
Celebrities with Pallas in Virgo: Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Céline Dion, Ben Affleck, James Dean, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kylie Minogue, Angela Merkel
Pallas in Libra have a talent for finding balance. They love to help others find what works for them, and they are usually happy to help dissolve a conflict. These individuals can be all about justice, but even it it‘s not like that, they have their own principles and they stick to them. They are passionate about equality and are firmly invested in it. They have a need for peace and will go to extreme lengths to make that happen. They can be disappointed in themselves if their solution doesn‘t satisfy both sides. I can definitely see these individuals working as diplomats and counselors. They also have a knack for art and appreciating it. They have an eye for beauty and would love to express their artistic side in any area in their lives.
On the downside, these individuals might become indecisive in their pursuit to make everyone happy. They need to understand that not everyone will be happy with whatever solution they come up with, and that doesn‘t have anything to do with them. The most important thing is that they did their best.
Celebrities with Pallas in Libra: Britney Spears, Eminem, John Lennon, Drake, Kendall Jenner, Prince William, Duchess Catherine, Timothée Chalamet, Will Smith, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Pallas in Scorpio have an instinctual ability to see and feel what others cannot. They will find out if you are hiding something from them, and they will not be happy about it! They are extremely perceptive and have a gut feeling about what the other person is thinking. The key word here is intuition, as these individuals guide themselves with it. They read between the lines and nothing escapes their attention, which gives them an edge during a conversation. They might isolate themselves during their search for the solution of the problem. These individuals are rather passionate & determined. They rarely give up easily and are always ready to reach the solution that they want.
On the downside, these individuals don‘t like to lose and be proven wrong. They will pull all the cards that they have just so that they can prove that they are right. They need to learn that it‘s alright to be wrong at times, and that sometimes being wrong is better than hurting the feelings of others.
Celebrities with Pallas in Scorpio: Michelle Obama, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Emmanuel Macron, Bruce Lee, Sandra Bullock, Vincent van Gogh, Zendaya, Blake Lively, Anne Hathaway
Pallas in Sagittarius gives an individual a need to grow. They can be rather ambitious individuals, but they can be rather laidback about it. They know what they want, and they understand that there is enough space for everyone. They love learning and gathering new knowledge. To them, learning is not a chore, but a rather fun activity. Even though they can see the good side of learning, they dislike theory and abstract terms, and rather focus on experiences and practice. Can be quite comfortable about expanding their comfort zone. The key with this placement is to enjoy, explore and grow. They refuse to settle down, and are often categorised as travelers. They love seeing everything that the world has to offer to them. The world is a playground, just waiting for them to explore it. They base their decisions on logic, and they rarely let their hearts lead them.
On the downside, these individuals can be rather impatient and hot-headed, and get triggered rather easily, so the lesson here is to learn to be more patient (but I guess we all can learn that too).
Celebrities with Pallas in Sagittarius: Steve Jobs, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Selena Gomez, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bill Gates, Freddie Mercury, Monica Bellucci, Nicki Minaj, Leonardo da Vinci
Pallas in Capricorn are rather focused individuals. When they have a goal, they stick to it for a long time. They see everything, even though the won‘t say it. They have a rather perceptive mind that helps them structure their daily life the way they want it to be. They have a rather good concentration, but it can easily be disrupted if their workspace is full of distractions. Pallas in Capricorn doesn‘t like to multitask and they would rather focus on one single thing and do it right, even if it takes them a long time to do it, they want it to be perfect. They are vigorous and career-oriented, and usually stick to themselves and what they know. They take their jobs and responsibilities seriously, and you won‘t see them slacking off. These individuals feel a need for professional success as a sign that they are worthy.
On the downside, these individuals can be focused on only their careers, ignoring their relationships with other people, leading to a life in isolation. They need to learn to balance their career with their relationships.
Celebrities with Pallas in Capricorn: Donald Trump, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Kylie Jenner, Amy Winehouse, Mariah Carey, Zayn Malik, Jay-Z
Pallas in Aquarius have a rather imaginative and intelligent mind. These individuals rarely think about mundane things, as they focus more on the bigger picture, rather than the details. They believe that humans should dedicate themselves to exploring their surroundings, be it as small as their neighborhood, or as big as the space! They are big humanitarians, and personally believe that people could get far in technology, and in general, if they put their own cruelty and selfishness aside, thus ending violence and wars. These individuals are affected by any kind of cruelty, and find it unimaginable that people are capable of abuse. They might have a knack for predicting the future, relying on their knowledge, previous experiences and intuition. They are future-oriented and can be rather disinterested in love, but when they find someone, they are loyal individuals.
On the downside, these individuals can get too focused on thinking about how the future is going to be like, and trying to control it to be a better place, that they might become anxious. They need to learn to cool down and live a little bit in the moment, so that they can work to make future they want to live in.
Celebrities with Pallas in Aquarius: Martin Luther King, Hillary Clinton, David Bowie, Heath Ledger, Joe Biden, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Adele, Kourtney Kardashian, Paul McCartney
Pallas in Pisces have a highly spiritual, dreamy and imaginative mind. These individuals fantasize about potential scenarios a lot, and can be quite lost in them. They tend to live in their own little world, sometimes not seeing what is real life and what is their imagination. They avoid responsibilities, as they find them cumbersome. These individuals are in love with, well, love! They are hopeless romantics and would appreciate the world being a little bit more focused on their inner child. They are humanitarians, and love to dream about a world that allows people to be who they want to be, where everyone can do what they want to do. They have a knack for art and creativity, as these areas are in some way important to them. Highly intuitive and emphathetic, they are in touch with their inner-self and their emotions. Their mind is more focused on the imaginative side of our realm, rather than the material one.
On the downside, these individuals tend to get lost in their own little bubble, and can be rather disappointed with the realisation that the real world doesn‘t look like their imaginary one. They need to find a balance between the real world and their imagination, and find a way to implement their ideas to make this world a better place.
Celebrities with Pallas in Pisces: Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, George Clooney, Princess Diana, Harry Styles, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Scarlett Johansson, Sharon Tate
✨Pallas through the Houses✨
Pallas in the 1st house individuals give of the image of Athena herself – intelligent, independent, detached, unemotional etc. They have an ability to see the paterns of actions, or simply put, how one action leads to another.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 1st house: Barack Obama, Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, George Clooney, Britney Spears, David Bowie, Kylie Jenner, Leonardo da Vinci, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ryan Gosling
Pallas in the 2nd house individuals are capable of organizing money and possessions in a good and unique way. Gives the ability to recognize patterns in financial businesses, real-estate, as well as anything related to finances.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 2nd house: Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Julia Roberts, Christina Aguilera, Cameron Diaz, Prince Harry, Drake, Mother Theresa, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jim Morrison
Pallas in the 3rd house individuals have an innate ability to recognize patterns in conversations and have an easier way of understanding how one word leads to another. Might have siblings or neighbors that give of Athena vibes.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 3rd house: Steve Jobs, Princess Diana, Keanu Reeves, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Nicolas Sarkozy, Hillary Clinton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Duchess Catherine, Timothée Chalamet
Pallas in the 4th house individuals have an ability to recognise family patterns and the way other family members function. Have a good sense of how to implement their family into their bigger picture (good examples would be Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton).
Celebrities with Pallas in the 4th house: Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Robert Pattinson, Jay-Z, Paris Hilton, Jim Carrey, Marilyn Manson
Pallas in the 5th house individuals have an ability to see the patterns and trends in creative endeavors. They understand how art, gambling and simple hobbies influence the world in their own respective way.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 5th house: Donald Trump, Harry Styles, Selena Gomez, Shakira, Vladimir Putin, Elvis Presley, Brigitte Bardot, Grace Kelly, Ted Bundy, Demi Lovato
Pallas in the 6th house individuals have a good ability for understanding the patterns of dieting, working conditions and overall the daily routine. They can be good at implementing this understanding into their career and work.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 6th house: Michael Jackson, Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, Kendall Jenner, Elizabeth II, Will Smith, Mark Zuckerberg, Sandra Bullock, Ashton Kutcher
Pallas in the 7th house individuals have an ability to understand patterns in relationships, both personal and business related. They might attract individuals that give off the vibe of Athena.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 7th house: Lana Del Rey, Megan Fox, Tom Cruise, Uma Thurman, Marion Cotillard, Whitney Houston, Robert Downey Jr. Orlando Bloom, Carl Jung, Charlize Theron
Pallas in the 8th house individuals have a strong intuitive ability, even psychic, and can see patterns in emotional lives. They might also see their own patterns considering their sexual partners, as well as for others.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 8th house: Kurt Cobain, Nicole Kidman, Miley Cyrus, Sharon Tate, Jodie Foster, Emma Watson, Chris Evans, Amy Winehouse, Natalie Portman, Prince
Pallas in the 9th house individuals have an ability to see patterns in education, religion, and politics, and might be rebels in these areas. They might also use this to their own advantage, both good and bad.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 9th house: Angelina Jolie, Adolf Hitler, Emmanuel Macron, Sharon Stone, Mariah Carey, Justin Timberlake, Prince William, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Adele, Jake Gyllenhaal
Pallas in the 10th house individuals have an innate understanding of how authority, career and their father figure, influence the world and themselves, in one way or another. They have an ability to see patterns in the business world.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 10th house: Rihanna, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Eminem, Monica Bellucci, Billie Eilish, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Elon Musk, Napoleon I, Jessica Alba
Pallas in the 11th house individuals have an ability to recognise patterns in groups and societal organisations, and they know how to use this to their own advantage. They might give off Athena vibes to their friends, or they might attract Athena like people into their friend group.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 11th house: Brad Pitt, Beyoncé, Heath Ledger, Bruce Lee, Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, David Beckham, Che Guevara, Gordon Ramsay, Margot Robbie
Pallas in the 12th house individuals have an understanding of the spiritual realm. They can see spiritual patterns in other people, as well as themselves, and might excell in jobs regarding spirituality.
Celebrities with Pallas in the 12th house: Marilyn Monroe, Zayn Malik, Kristen Stewart, Al Pacino, Kourtney Kardashian, Mick Jagger, Gwen Stefani, Halle Berry, Henry Cavill, Michael Jordan
I thank you all for reading my post on Pallas, and I would really like to know if any of it resonated with you!
Sending love,
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dianatriformis · 3 years
✨Asteroid Ceres (1)✨
Hello everyone! This post is about Ceres and her influence in the natal chart! Her asteroid number on astro.com is 1. Hope you enjoy reading this post :)
✨Asteroid Ceres✨
First a little bit of facts. Ceres is the largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt, and the first asteroid to be discovered. Even though Ceres is most of the time called an asteroid, it was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006. Ceres was found by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi of the Palermo Observatory on January 1, 1801. Additional observations of the object by Piazzi were cut short by illness, but Ceres was recovered on January 1, 1802, by the German Hungarian astronomer Franz von Zach, using an orbit calculated by the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Ceres revolves around the Sun once in 4.61 Earth years, which would mean that she spends about four months in each astrological sign.
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✨Ceres in Mythology✨
In mythology, Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and motherly love, as well as the patron of farmers and protector of the plebeians. Ceres was a kind and benevolent goddess and because of that, Romans had a common expression fit for Ceres, which meant splendid.
She was worshipped at her temple on the Aventine Hill, one of the Seven Hills of ancient Rome. She had her own festival, the Cerealia, which was celebrated on the 19th of April. Another special time for Ceres was Ambarvalia, a Roman agricultural fertility rite held near the end of May.
Most of the times, Ceres is portrayed holding a scepter or farming tool in one hand and a basket of flowers, grain, or fruits in the other. She may also be wearing a garland made from ears of corn. She also often carried a staff as a symbol of her authority, but would sometimes carry a torch, which could probably represent her search for her daughter Proserpina as well as a symbol of enlightenment.
In other mythologies, she is equivalent, or rather similar to the Greek goddess Demeter, Norse goddess Sif, and Egyptian goddess Isis.
There are two prominent myths in Roman mythology meantioning Ceres. The one regarding her origins, and the other about the abduction of Proserpina.
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Ceres‘ origins go back to the dawn of time, when the first gods and Titans were struggling to impose order upon a chaotic world. In the beginning of time, the cosmos was ruled by a god known as Caelus. Eventually, Caelus‘ son Saturn overthrew him and took control of the universe for himself.
In time, Saturn mated with Ops, goddess of the elemental earth, and had six children. As the children grew within Ops‘ womb, Saturn learned of a prophecy predicting that one of his children would overthrow him as he had overthrown Caelus. Unsure of the usurpers identity, Saturn ate his first five children as soon as they emerged from the womb. In an effort to preserve the lives of her children, Ops tricked Saturn into eating a rock wrapped in swaddling clothes in place of her final child, Jupiter. Unable to digest the rock, Saturn vomited the entire contents of his stomach back into the world. Ceres, along with her siblings Pluto, Neptune, Juno, and Vesta, were now free. Together with their brother Jupiter, the sibling deities brought order to the universe.
✨Ceres and the Abduction of Proserpina✨
As lord of the underworld, Pluto spent his days in solitude and grew lonely. Venus, the goddess of love and sexuality, took pity on Pluto and sent her son Cupid to visit him. Cupid fired his arrows at Pluto, allowing him to feel love and lust that he had so long been denied. On his next trip to the surface world, he spied Proserpina, who was with a group of nymphs on the island of Sicily. Immediately, Pluto seized the young beauty and whisked her away in his chariot bound for the underworld.
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Devastated by the loss of her daughter, and not knowing what really happened, Ceres set off in search of the missing girl. Though she traveled far and wide, and carried a torch to help her see clearly, her search was fruitless. At long last, Ceres made her way to Sicily, where she found Prosperinas belt made from delicate tears of nymphs. In her sorrowful anger, she put a curse on Sicily that blighted the city's crops and left its lands barren:
‘The goddess tore her dishevelled hair, and beat her breast again and again with her hands, as if she at last comprehended the rape. She did not know yet where Prosperine was, but condemned all the lands, and called them thankless and unworthy of her gift of corn.‘
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Watching from on high, the other gods and goddesses realized that Ceres‘ grief must be remedied. Seizing the moment, Jupiter sent Mercury to deliver a message to Pluto: the lord of the underworld was to release Proserpina immediately and return her safely to her mother. Though Pluto consented to Jupiters demands, he stated that he would only return Proserpina if she had not consumed the food of the underworld. As Proserpina had eaten seven pomegranate seeds from the fruit in Plutos subterranean garden, Pluto therefore refused to release the girl.
After much debate, a compromise was reached whereby Proserpina would divide her time between her mother and her abductor. The precise amount of time spent with each was presented differently in different traditions, but the time of the year Proserpina spent with Pluto corresponded to winter, when Ceres was too angry and distraught to allow growing things to flourish. Spring marked the return of Proserpina (and life itself) to the world.
✨Ceres' Glyph✨
Ceres‘ glyph is a sickle and the cross of matter; the sickle represents Ceres' connection with agriculture and her role as the nourisher of mankind. The cross represents physical reality, and the four elements of matter: air, fire, earth, and water.
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✨Ceres in Astrology✨
In astrology, Ceres shows us the way we love and care, it shows us how we nurture. Ceres can also represent a rather vulnerable point in our natal chart, as it can show how we react to having something that we love get taken away from us. It can also show the way you feel about and how you were taken care of and loved by your mother figure.
Having Ceres Retrograde would represent these energies being internalized and not expressed as easily.
✨Ceres through the Signs✨
Ceres in Aries nurtures & cares for others through physical activity. They love doing some kind of physical activity with others, be it sports, or just a casual walk. Through encouragment they support others to be more independent and self-reliant, like a self-motivation coach if you know what I mean. They firmly believe that others should be able to take care of themselves on their own, because if they can‘t take care of themselves, how can they take care of others? Ceres in Aries has a rather fiery temper about losing things that they love. They would feel this pain intensely, and would, literally fight, physically, their way to reclaim it. Their mother figure could have been assertive and independent, and might have tought the native to be more independent in life. On the other hand, she could have been domineering and rather controling of the native‘s life.
Celebrities with Ceres in Aries: George Clooney, Harry Styles, Ariana Grande, Sharon Tate, Uma Thurman, Mother Therese, Mark Zuckerberg, Joseph Stalin, David Beckham, Tom Hanks
Ceres in Taurus nurtures & cares for others through enjoying earthly pleasures and having security, both emotional and material. Expect these people to give you advices regarding real-estate, your diet and generally anything related to money matters. I‘ve found in people around me that have this placement, they are a sucker for good massages. It makes them feel a lot more grounded. With this placement, there is also a possibility to equate self-worth, in both themselves & others, with what they own. Taurus‘ fixed nature makes it hard for these individuals to let things go. They have a rather slow, boiling rage, and it would be a good way to nurture themselves, if they learned how to express that anger in a healthy way, instead of supressing it for too long. Their mother figure could have been a rather stable person in both the material and emotional way, and could have nurtured the native to be more stable and independent in all the things related to money. On the other hand, she could‘ve made this a focal point in the native‘s life, not taking into consideration anything else other than what the native owns.
Celebrities with Ceres in Taurus: Barack Obama, Angelina Jolie, Albert Einstein, Justin Bieber, Princess Diana, Katy Perry, Scarlett Johansson, Hillary Clinton, Prince Harry, Christiano Ronaldo
Ceres in Gemini nurtures & cares for others through talking and writing, in short, through communication. They need to communicate with others. They love having short trips with people they care about, and adore going along on errands with others. A lot of the times, these natives share important information & advice (information & advice they find important atleast) with others. They believe that the best way to nurture someone is to listen to them and to have a healthy communication style with them. Ceres in Gemini, being ruled by Mercury, tend to be focused on getting the object of their affection back with words. They believe that through debate, they can get the thing that they love back. Their mother figure could have focused on having a good communication with the native, and could‘ve been a good listener. On the other hand, she could‘ve been the exact opposite of that, never listening, or rather pretending to be listening, while multitasking 5 other tasks.
Celebrities with Ceres in Gemini: Kurt Cobain, Taylor Swift, Vladimir Putin, Mahatma Gandhi, Grace Kelly, Elon Musk, Tupac Shakur, Charlize Theron, Mick Jagger, Halle Berry
Ceres in Cancer nurtures & cares for others through feelings and their home environment. They make others feel at home. They enjoy mothering others in any way possible. Might be clingy in that way. They absolutely adore hugs. I have a friend whose first instinct when seeing someone sad is to hug them! Very sentimental lot, and will care for others the way themselves want others to care for them. When they lose the object of their affection, be ready to see an emotional rollercoaster. Being ruled by the moon, the planet ruling emotion, expect these placement‘s first reaction to a situation like that to be crying. And crying. You get the idea. They could also be quite passive-aggresive in the way they want to reclaim it. Their mother figure really liked to nurture them and make them feel safe at home. Really liked to kiss and hug the native a lot. A real traditional mother figure if I ever saw one. On the other hand, they could‘ve literally smothered the native giving them little space for breath. Controlling archetype.
Celebrities with Ceres in Cancer: Adolf Hitler, Kim Kardashian, Lana Del Rey, Tom Cruise, Elvis Presley, Christina Aguilera, Emma Watson, Sharon Stone, Justin Timberlake, Briggite Bardot
Ceres in Leo nurtures & cares for others through creativity and pride. They pride themselves in their nurturing skills, and love to infuse others with confidence. They love to nurture through creative outlets, e.g. painting, singing, dancing. Anything related to art. Their nurturing style makes others feel confident and good about themselves. They literally make others shine. As with Ceres in Aries, this placement likes to encourage self-expression of others. Because if something is important to these natives, you guessed it, it‘s self-expression. When these natives lose the object of their affection, the first thing that is hurt is their pride. They will feel rather passionate about reclaiming it, and even though Aries and Taurus are the stereotypical stubborn signs of the zodiac, this placement makes this native really, really passionate about recovering the object of their affection. Their mother figure could‘ve been rather creative and artsy, so to say, and loved to push these ideas onto the native, even though the native wouldn‘t like that sometimes. A rather passionate mother, like the lionness and her cubs.
Celebrities with Ceres in Leo: Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Chris Evans, Natalie Portman, Prince, Jennifer Lawrence, Napoleon I, Elizabeth II, 14th Dalai Lama, Pamela Anderson
Ceres in Virgo nurtures & cares for others in a rather critical and to-the-point way. Even though these individuals seem to be too critical and over-analysing of others, they don‘t mean no harm, they just feel that they are helping others through pointing out the flaws, so that others could improve themselves. These natives believe that there is always room for improvement. They like to be of service to others. They nurture others by showing them how to be their best selves, and by actively trying to be the perfect version of a human being (if something like that even exists). When they lose the object of their affection, these individuals, similar to Ceres in Gemini, will be rather to the point in their approach to reclaiming it. As a mutable sign, they don‘t dwell much on being mad for losing something like this, they would just be irritated. Self-discipline was the key with the mother figure of these natives. She nurtured them through words, but in a rather analytical way. On the other hand, she could‘ve been rather critical of anything the native does, and even though she might have had good intentions, the native was hurt by the way their mother figure was critical of them.
Celebrities with Ceres in Virgo: Madonna, Johnny Depp, Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz
Ceres in Libra nurtures & cares for others through beauty and through noticing the small things. They show others that they care by noticing the subtle things others do, by remembering something someone said a long time ago, stuff like that. They surround others with beauty. They would like for others to feel luxurious when they are with them. Nurtures others through sensitivity to their feelings. When losing their object of affection, these natives will take a stab at fixing the issue as opposed to taking as much time as necessary to deal with it. Their mother figure could have been nurturing them through beautiful things, as well as through skin care routines. Pretty much teaching the native how to feel, and be, beautiful. On the other hand, she could‘ve been rather shallow, and uncaring towards the way the native feels.
Celebrities with Ceres in Libra: Britney Spears, Kanye West, Shakira, Eminem, Kendall Jenner, Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Orlando Bloom, James Dean
Ceres in Scorpio nurtures & cares for others through intimacy, healing & transformation. They nurture others through touch. As with Ceres in Cancer, they love to hug others. They nurture others by teaching them the importance of self-control, and they love helping others through their personal transformations. Expect these placement to be with you through thick and thin. Scorpio, being a possessive sign and all, will literally be extremely passionate about reclaiming their object of affection, they will literally lose sight of anything else and focus only on this goal, because of the extreme agony they feel inside for letting something they love get away from them. Considering their mother figure, she could‘ve been rather possessive towards the native, and might have exposed them, in one way or another, to the occult and mysterious subjects in general.
Celebrities with Ceres in Scorpio: John Lennon, Drake, Prince William, Duchess Catherine, Timothée Chalamet, Will Smith, Bruce Lee, Vincent van Gogh, Céline Dion, Alyssa Milano
Ceres in Sagittarius nurtures & cares for others through adventure, sharing wisdom and knowledge. They show others how to succeed. And even though they wouldn‘t normally take the initiative too nurture someone, they are excellent at giving others advice or teaching. A good part of their nurturing nature is to encourage optimism and the desire to travel in others. They love to show others how things are done, and would love to go with others on big adventures, be it a trip to the woods, or a whole ‘nother country! I have a friend with this placement, and I was moving to another country, and she was literally like: ‘Can I accompany you for a few days? I would love to make sure you made it safe :3‘. They love showing others that there is always something to explore. When they lose the object of their affection, these natives tend to utilize their drive to reclaim it. They will literally travel across the world to get back what they lost. Their mother figure could‘ve been traveling all the time, and might‘ve showed the native to enjoy traveling and exploring. On the other hand, she could‘ve been absent through a good part of the natives life, that being her choice or not.
Celebrities with Ceres in Sagittarius: Michelle Obama, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron, Monica Belluci, Nicki Minaj, Sandra Bullock, Zendaya, Pablo Picasso
Ceres in Capricorn nurtures & cares for others through organization and achieving of goals. As with Ceres in Sagittarius, they show others how to succeed and how to take great comfort in every achievement that they make. They teach and nurture others by showing them how to take responsibility. They show others that goal setting and working hard is the key to success. When they lose the object of their affection, they don‘t lose a second to get it back. Dedicated and responsible, they would be disappointed in themselves for losing their object of affection, but would be back on track in no time. Their mother figure could‘ve been rather organized and self-reliant, and might have showed the native these ways. On the other hand, she could‘ve been rather cold, and only focused on succeeding in the material world.
Celebrities with Ceres in Capricorn: Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Bill Gates, Freddie Mercury, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mariah Carey, Demi Lovato, Elizabeth Taylor, Zac Efron, Marilyn Manson
Ceres in Aquarius nurtures & cares for others by developing a sense of social justice. They show others the importance of fighting for a just cause, and they show others the path to accepting their own uniqueness. They want their close ones to be accepted for who they are. Freedom is a special want for these people, as they feel that everyone should value their own personal freedom. Even though their style of nurturing might seem weird at times, they definetly want the other person to feel welcome and safe, but it‘s done in a way that you can‘t quite place your finger on it. When they lose the object of their affection, they can be quite sad and worked up around it, but they will eventually adapt seriously to the circumstances and start working in their own unique way to reclaim what they lost. Their mother figure could‘ve been a revolutionary in some way, or atleast in the eyes of the native. She might showed the native how to embrace their own uniqueness and the uniqueness of others. On the other hand, she might have prioritised her own freedom, being cold and distant to the native, and the native being unable to realise why they can‘t form a stable connection to her.
Celebrities with Ceres in Aquarius: Donald Trump, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, David Bowie, Billie Eilish, Amy Winehouse, Zayn Malik, Jay-Z
Ceres in Pisces nurtures & cares for others through compassion and reflection. They show others how to reflect on their own emotions, and how to truly feel emotions on a deeper level. Water might be therapeutic, and they can show others the calming benefits of water. The natives show understanding to others and love helping them overcome emotional crises. When they lose the object of their affection, this placement tends to shut down and lose their positive energy for a while. They simply wish for the agony to disappear. Eventually they get up and go towards the goal of reclaiming it. Their mother figure could‘ve been compassionate toward them, and showed them the real meaning of compassion, and that with it, they can overcome any obstacle. She might‘ve showed them that sensitivity is not a weakness, but an inner strength. On the other hand, she could‘ve been distant and lost in her own little world, believing that the native is capable of taking care of themselves.
Celebrities with Ceres in Pisces: Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Luther King, Heath Ledger, Kylie Jenner, Joe Biden, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Adele, Paul McCartney, Marlon Brando
✨Ceres through the Houses✨
Ceres in the 1st house shows that the native nurtures the way they look. The first house is the house of self-image, and with Ceres here, the native might seem like the nurturing type. A lot of emotionally needy people might come to you looking for help, just because you get off that motherly vibe. Might look like their mother.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 1st house: Marilyn Monroe, George Clooney, Britney Spears, David Bowie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kristen Stewart, Elizabeth Taylor, Kourtney Kardashian, Mick Jagger, Gwen Stefani
Ceres in the 2nd house shows that the native nurtures others with material pleasures. The native might also feel nurtured when they are secure and in their comfort zone. Stable material gains are important for this position to feel secure, be it their own or of others.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 2nd house: Johnny Depp, Kylie Jenner, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 14th Dalai Lama, Al Pacino, Audrey Hepburn, Meryl Streep, Mila Kunis, Khloe Kardashian, Halle Berry
Ceres in the 3rd house shows that the native loves to nurture their siblings or even their neighbors. The focus here is on the way the native communicates and their words. They could be rather nurturing to other people. With that in mind, this is a good placement for a therapist or a counselor to have.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 3rd house: Barack Obama, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Drake, Timothée Chalamet, Pamela Anderson, Nikola Tesla, Jimi Hendrix
Ceres in the 4th house shows that the native likes to nurture their familiy or the people that they live with. The native themselves feel best at home with their chosen family. They wouldn‘t trade this feeling for anything in the world.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 4th house: Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs, Princess Diana, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Sarkozy, Prince Harry, Christiano Ronaldo, Mother Theresa, Duchess Catherine, Joe Biden
Ceres in the 5th house nurtures others through creative self-expression and through fun pastimes. They will love to nurture their romantic partners, and would love to be nurtured back by them. Might be an indicator of feeling nurtured by gambling.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 5th house: Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, Robert Pattinson, Jay-Z, Ryan Gosling, Jim Morrison, Vincent van Gogh, Marilyn Manson, Renée Zellweger, Pablo Picasso
Ceres in the 6th house nurtures others through work and by showing them how to work effectively. They could also nurture their co-workers in some way. The native themselves might feel nurtured by working and might feel at home there. These natives could also nurture others by showing them how to lead a healthy life. They could also have a soft spot for nurturing pets.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 6th house: Donald Trump, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez, Shakira, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Christina Aguilera, Ted Bundy, Jim Carrey, Will Smith
Ceres in the 7th house tends to nurture partners, both in the marriage department, as well as the business one. Might also be a good position for lawyers, mediators and counselors, as all of these positions require nurturing in some way.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 7th house: Michael Jackson, Harry Styles, Katy Perry, John Lennon, Brigitte Bardot, Kendall Jenner, Paris Hilton, Elizabeth II, Whitney Houston, Orlando Bloom
Ceres in the 8th house might nurture others through sex, or might feel nurtured by having sex. Might also help others through deep transformations and might nurture others on the verge of dying.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 8th house: Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Lana Del Rey, Vladimir Putin, Megan Fox, Elvis Presley, Mahatma Gandhi, Uma Thurman, Grace Kelly, Mark Zuckerberg
Ceres in the 9th house might nurture others by traveling with them. Might nurture others through religion or philosophy, as these are the subjects ruled by the ninth house. Might feel nurtured by other cultures that are different from their own.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 9th house: Adolf Hitler, Nicole Kidman, Sharon Tate, Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Leonardo da Vinci, Chris Evans, Natalie Portman, Prince, Jennifer Lawrence
Ceres in the 10th house might look like a motherly figure to others and might attract people in need of nurturing, similarly like the first house. Might be good at giving career advices.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 10th house: Angelina Jolie, Kurt Cobain, Miley Cyrus, Emmanuel Macron, Emma Watson, Amy Winehouse, Mariah Carey, Prince William, Napoleon I, Chris Brown
Ceres in the 11th house nurtures friends or might attract nurturing friends. Might have a need to nurture hopes and wishes of others. A great humanitarian position.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 11th house: Beyoncé, Rihanna, Albert EInstein, Martin Luther King, Eminem, Billie Eilish, Sharon Stone, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Justin Timberlake, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ceres in the 12th house might find it a bit hard to nurture others, as the 12th house is the house of hidden things and ‘restrictions‘. Or they themselves might feel like they are not nurtured by their motherly figure.
Celebrities with Ceres in the 12th house: Brad Pitt, Monica Belluci, Heath Ledger, Zayn Malik, Elon Musk, Bruce Lee, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, David Beckham
I thank you all for reading my post on Ceres, and I would really like to know if any of it resonated with you!
Sending love,
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