digital-wxrlda · 3 years
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❛Press of α BUTTON, enter the ɯorld of the MADNESS.❜
Mun's info & Guidelines ┇Muses' list
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
☆ How long has it been since I've been on this blog? Has it been a month?
Just letting y'all know I am completely fine but I might be on an indefinitely hiatus for this blog. I might come back one say. Not any time soon though. If you wish to keep in touch, feel free to poke at me for my Discord or for my Facebook. I am happy to give it to y'all!! Otherwise, please take care of y'all self.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
"You have a lovely smile." (//for majima? lkfdjskdjf i'm sorry about him-)
First Interaction Prompt ─ !
⤷ Muse:  Goɾo Mɑjimɑ
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❝Why thank ya. It’s a lovely smile, isn’t it?❞
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
☆ Hi, I know it's not munday yet but have this. 31 days of cosplay. Not only for fun but to build up confidence for a con I shall attend in November.
Happy October 1st. Follow my tiktok if y'all wanna see more cosplays for each day.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
The Positivity Meme
Send the following to give me a little pick me up
🥇 - I think you’ve done a brilliant job with your muse.
🎯 - Your portrayal is on point!
💡 - The plot ideas you give out are amazing.
🔮 - I can see us rping in the future and I can’t wait to get started.
💛 - You’re a dear friend to me.
📽 - I can see your muse in your portrayal, your writing is so perfect.
🎬 - I wish your canon was actual canon.
🌟 - I love seeing you on the dash!
🍋 - Life might be giving you lemons at the moment, but just remember you’re my lemonade!
🦄 - Your AUs are so much fun and well thought out.
🌞 - You are such a bright and lovely person OOC.
🤣 - You are hilarious!
🤞 - I’m always wishing to spot you online to improve my dash experience.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
Does anyone else have these mutuals you just feel so lucky you’ve gotten the chance to know? Cause there are people on here i just feel so lucky I’ve gotten the chance to know!
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
Send “🧬” to learn about my muse’s family history!
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
💀 for our muses to be strictly enemies for Kitty from Shiki @koikoikisses
Relationship Prompt─!
Tagging: @koikoikisses
💀 for our muses to be strictly enemies.
☆ Oh! That'll be fun! It'll be fun to see how this can unfold, especially given that Kitty will end up being a pain to Shiki more than before. Sometimes doing things that cause a reaction out of him.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
🤫 //*slides this in here.*
Relationship prompt─!
🤫 for one muse to secretly be an enemy/traitor to the other muse
☆ Please?? I can imagine either roles happening! Can you imagine if it's a two way street, but our muses don't know that the other is an enemy/traitor. So, it's like the spiderman meme.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
basically, these prompts are random, short, and many of them are delightfully vague so you can deliver a response that could literally be any context, any verse, any setting! i hope y'all enjoy them, drink some water while you send them and reply to them!
" i think we need to talk. "
" try me. "
" you don't know me. "
" i need you. "
" i'm in. "
" what do you want? "
" please... believe me. "
" trust me. "
" thank you. "
" i'm sorry. "
" i got you. "
" why? "
" no. "
" do it. "
" don't do it. "
" say something... "
" what do you want to do? "
" you could stay. if you wanted. "
" what? "
" let me help you. "
" i promise. "
" it's okay. " / " it's not okay. "
" you're okay. " / " you're not okay. "
" i'm okay. " / " i'm not okay. "
" let me take a look. "
" you idiot. "
" you're an asshole. "
" i like you. "
" i hate you. "
" i'm in love with you. "
" i love you. "
" you're not a bad person. "
" don't listen to them. "
" they're idiots. "
" i want to help you. "
" get out. "
" get down! "
" come here. "
" you came back? "
" go away. "
" what are you doing here? "
" leave me alone! "
" marry me. "
" i / you / we have no choice. "
" are you hurt? "
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
☆ If y’all ever wonder who are the “main” Yakuza OCs I use, who are fleshed out and will be mentioned often:
Kitty, Shido, Danuja, Xiuying, and Mizuki. 
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
1. name: Beck! 
 2. birthday: May 5th  3. zodiac sign: Taurus 4. height: 5′6. I think?? I just know I have freakishly long arms for sure.  5. hobbies: Beside writing, gaming, editing, reading, and dancing. 6. favorite color: Green, blue, and silver. 7. favorite book: It varies?? I think Eon - Alison Goodman 8. last song:  PYRO · Chester Young and Castion 9. last film / show: Boys From County Hell 10. recent reads: Lore by  Alexandra Bracken & The Violent Delights by Chloe Gong 11. inspiration: anything to be honest.  12. story behind the url: Well, I had discovered a song I enjoy (til this day too). It goes along with what everyone perceives my aesthetic as well as my love for hacker characters.  13. fun fact about me: Hm, this is tough. I guess I’m double jointed in all my fingers.
Tagged by: @triggerbigger
Tagging: Y’all!
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
Place one of these in my ask if we've never interacted before
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
a random act of kindness.
an ICEBREAKER meme surrounding random acts of kindness; because we all like to see our muses being nice :)
[ gather ]: the sender rushes to help the receiver pick up dropped belongings before they can get trampled on in the street.
[ open ]: the sender runs to grab a door that is about to shut on the receiver, when the receiver has their arms full of something & can’t grab it themselves.
[ catch ]: the sender spots the receiver swaying as though they are about to faint or fall asleep on their feet, and grabs them before they can hit the floor.
[ rest ]: the sender spots the tired receiver looking for a spare seat on public transport, and volunteers their own.
[ borrow ]: the receiver requires an item (for instance, a hair-tie, a handkerchief, etc)  which they don’t have on them, and the sender offers a spare.
[ share ]: the sender offers some of their food to the receiver, noticing that they seem hungry or otherwise interested.
[ map ]: the receiver is looking for directions in a strange city; the sender offers their assistance to get them to where they need to go.
[ umbrella ]: a sudden downpour catches the coatless receiver off guard, and the sender helpfully offers some shelter.
[ quench ]: the sender offers the receiver some water from their bottle on a hot afternoon, after spotting that they seem thirsty & exhausted.
[ contact ]: the stranded receiver asks for use of a phone, and the sender happily assists.
[ accompany ]: the receiver is nervous to walk alone on a dark night, and the sender offers to walk with them.
[ protect ]: the sender spots the receiver being harassed, bullied, or attacked in the street, and rushes to assist.
[ shoulder ]: the receiver is crying in a public place, and the sender offers comfort.
[ missing ]: the receiver is looking everywhere for a lost item, and the sender offers to help them find it.
[ space ]: the receiver is finding their environment overwhelming and stressful, and the sender offers to help them find somewhere quieter.
[ join ]: the receiver has been stood up in a restaurant, and the sender comes over to offer them some company.
[ care ]: the receiver has experienced a medical episode or an injury in a public place, and the sender accompanies them to a doctor/the hospital so that they aren’t on their own.
[ loan ]: the receiver is a little bit short for something they urgently need to buy, and the sender offers to pay it forward.
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
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vacation time
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digital-wxrlda · 3 years
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A distant memory
(I’m still sad at the fact that we don’t have a proper portrait of Yuko so this is my take on her)
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