Startup Names can be a differentiating factor
If you always had a thought that Names does not matter or What’s there in name? It’s high time you get to think about it again. With the increasing competition and all round marketing efforts, the Startup Names can be a differentiating factor.
No matter whether you are looking out for your brand name for the first time or you are planning to re-create your brand, it always has an important role in your brand recognition throughout.
It is always advisable to be sure of the nature of the business, target region, audience, mode of operation and all other factors before finalizing the brand name, as the business name would have a great impact on the startup from all these aspects. For example: In case you wish to operate in a country where the primary language is English, an English name would be easy to understand and might be popular among the people. The nature of the business and understanding the aspects of future expansion are equally important.
The question is why to think about all this in the beginning?
To understand let me ask you, will it be possible for you to re-create a brand every time there is a change in any of these factors?
I am sure No, because creating the brand value and goodwill in the market involves a lot of time, effort and cost at the same time. The cost here, refers to all the marketing and advertising expenses.
So, it’s always necessary to be sure on all these guidelines when it comes to Startup Names’ selection.
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Start your business with a perfect Startup Name
Have a great business thought or idea and want to implement the same, so as to have your dreams come true?
That’s the right path to build your career.
You might have worked upon the possible ways to get the investors and advertising as well but all this needs a great business name to get it going.
So the first step to start working upon your dreams will be to give a name to your business idea. This is where you will start browsing through Startup Names now!
However, Is it as easy as it sounds?
Most of  us reading this question would say Yes it’s easy, however, most of them who have been through this step will agree that it’s not as easy as it sounds.
Is it simply upon your likes and dislikes?
No, it’s not, there are a lot of many other factors and agreement from other stake holders involved in finalizing the startup name.
Your success is directly related to your business name and the below parties are for sure involved in your success
Customers: Customers are the first requirement of any startup and in any case the business does not work without the customers.
Investors: Each business needs some investment in terms of funds for setup and meet the current expenses, this is where investors come in picture.
Advertisers: When you have your startup in the market, how would you work upon marketing, so that the potential customers know about your existence? This is where advertising comes into picture.
In the absence of above mentioned three parties, it is absolutely impossible to execute your startup.
With this we leave you with a thought on all the factors that need to be taken care of when you enter the market. Stay tuned for our coming edition to understand how are all these stake holders related to your business or startup name. Till then keep growing and All the Best :)
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Finalizing Startup Names
Naming your startup is always an exciting and interesting activity, the problem arises when you tend to miss out on aspects that might come into picture when you grow big in the near future.
1. Deciding on business presence - Being sure on the business presence when you plan to start is extremely important. You need to make sure whether you need to focus solely on the Online or Offline channel or do you wish to target both the platforms, no matter now or in future. In most cases the business startups begin with offline mode, however, later on when they have started to do well and wish to expand, they realize the need to opt for the online channel as well. This is when they understand that one of their competitors has acquired the domain name or the social channels which they should have picked at the time of finalizing the Startup Name itself. So, let’s not make this mistake and consider all the future aspects of expansion.
2. Do you agree that the business names should not be too long? - I am sure you have always come through this advise, since the time you have had a thought of working upon a business startup. Did you ever realize the fact behind this advise? I know, the answer you would have is that it is easy to memorize and people or let’s say your current and prospect customers would have least chances of forgetting your brand. Startup Names with max 2 syllables are expected to be the most accurate ones. Although, it is right to some extent, however, I would say that you should always go with the root cause, rather than simply following the technique. What we mean by that is that your name should be relevant and easy to be memorized, no matter, it follows the 2 syllables factor or is quite longer than that.
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How to look out for Perfect Startup Names?
Important tips to choose an ideal Startup Name:
1. Keeping the business name Short: Keeping the Startup Names short and simple are the major attractions for both, the business owners and customers. Most of the famous industry specific brands always have one word names. For example: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Toyota, Samsung. At the same time using acronyms as one word is also a good solution. This also makes it simpler for the consumers to remember the name whenever they wish to return and even for mouth to mouth publicity.
2. Targeting a specific range of products or Industry: Targeting a specific range of products or industry in your startup name can initially be helpful and some of the business name experts might even suggest you to follow this method, however, if you talk about the long run or a broader picture, it might result in hindering your business expansion. For Example: If you are targeting men’s accessories and pick a business name on the same lines, in future if you wish to include women accessories and kid’s accessories in your business horizon, the limited business name might not help.
3. Picking up Unique Business Names: It is always advised to look out for unique and original business names, which are different from your competitors and other business players in the market. Unique and creative business names might also prove to be useful in order to attract attention from your prospect customers. At the same time, there would be no hassles of copyright infringements. But on the other hand, once you are absolutely sure of the startup name, you should get it copyrighted for your own use and get it protected.
4. Securing a business domain: Once you are through with your business name selection, the next step is to reserve the same domain name with the most appropriate extension according to your target or the operational region. For example: If you are targeting US customers or the region, you can go for .com, .net or .org domain name extension. Reserving the domain name similar to your startup name is extremely important as it is going to build up your position in the online market. Almost 60-70% of the prospect customers prefer to opt for the the online channel while looking out for something, as it is a great source to save time and money. At the same time, a direct buyer and the seller contact also help in reducing the cost arising due to middlemen. As a result the online channel cannot be ignored these days, no matter your startup enters the consumer good or the service industry.
5. Look Out for Social Handles: Social Media Platforms are a great source to reach out to your target audience for brand promotion. Once you have finalized the business name, make sure to secure your accounts on all the Social Media Platforms such as Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube etc. In the same name as your brand. It is important to make sure that no one else occupies your brand name on Social Media Platforms, as you might end up loosing all your prospect Social Media traffic to the party who so ever acquires these handles in your name.
6. Restricted Names: Try to avoid Startup names which contain or in any way seem to be related to any Government or public sector holdings. Such names might have a restriction from local authorities.
7. Take the overall feel of your finalized name: Once you have finalized your business name, you should always take a relevant feedback and the overall feel of your chosen name. There are several ways or methods to do so. The most common and easiest method is to conduct a survey among your friend circle and all the stake holders on the grounds that whether the name is relevant, is it easy to be remembered or not and lastly whether or not it is easy to be pronounced - which is very important for word of mouth publicity. The second method to feel your business is to read or speak it aloud. It will help you get a feel of your chosen name yourself.
8. Moving on to Business Logo: After finishing the process of scrolling through the Startup Names, the next immediate step is to set up a rough image for your business logo in your mind. The first appearance of business logo creates an image of your brand in the viewers mind and helps in memorizing the brand. Once you have a rough image for your business logo in your thoughts, you can have one of your graphic designing team members start working on it without wasting anytime. There is always a possibility that being a startup, you might be short of funds at this point of time and in such a scenario you would not want to spend too much on logo designing initially. So, as an alternative you can use some automated free tools for Logo designing, there are hundreds of options available online. Using the automated tools you can get a free alternative for logo designers and work upon it yourself, to start with, at a low cost.
9. Business Branding: Tools and Articles such as Visiting Cards, Letter Heads, Physical and Digital promotional letters play a great role in business branding process. These articles are a great source of advertising and would be your first step in promoting your brand for sure. At times business owners do not give them an importance in the beginning, however, trust me these articles are a low cost and extremely effective mode of your brand promotion. So, try not to ignore them.
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Things not to be done while choosing Startup Names
Avoid long business names: Long business names or Tag Lines can look fancy as your brand, however, can result in a negative impact when it comes to business growth. A simple understanding is that long and complicated Startup Names are no doubt difficult to be remembered and re-called and your prospect customers will end up moving to your competitors. At the same time, long brand names will also make it difficult for your SEO Outsourcing Company to get you rank high.
Avoid hurrying the Name Selection process: Brand name selection is once in a lifetime process and would need quite a few factors to be considered in the finalization. Hurrying up the process might lead to a miss of important factors to be taken care of. Making any change to the business name, might not be possible in future and if you still look at modifying the brand name, it would lead to a great loss in terms of all the previous marketing as well as promotion efforts.
Don’t forget the basic Vision and Mission: Before putting your foot forward, you should always be sure about your business mission. The name that you select for your startup should always be inline with your target. Let me share an example to make it easy for your to understand: If you get into a retailing business, I am sure your goal is simply to get more customers and sales, however, if you get into news or media or publication, initially your primary goal would be to get more readers for your write-ups, no matter they pay for the subscription or not. The understanding is simple, if you have more readers, you can still earn from the advertisements, if not the subscription. So, you should always be clear on the actual goal of your startup.
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Business Name Selection
It is very important to make sure that your startup name does not resemble any other players in the industry, however, getting hold of a creative business name is not as simple as it appears to be.
The first thing that any of your customers or clients would notice is your business name. If it is not easy to be remembered it will be difficult or might not be possible for the customers to remember or recall your brand name, whenever they wish to reach out again in future.
Let’s look at the key aspects to be taken care of while selecting a Unique name: 
Creating a Brand: While choosing Startup Names, you should always remember that you are about to create a brand. You may plan to re-work upon the logo, web designing, advertising, online and offline promotion etc. However, you cannot afford to recreate the brand again, as it would mean starting again from scratch. So, in most cases, it is once and forever.
Originality: It is important to ensure that the brand name you choose is not already in use. At the same time after you have finalized the name, you should immediately secure the domain with the same name, it will help you whenever you plan to use the online channel.
Relevant: The business name should be relevant as per the industry and should convey the nature of your business to the audience. This way it becomes easy to attract relevant people and filter out irrelevant traffic to your store.
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How to create Backlinks?
Backlinks are still one of the major factors to get your website rank better on Search Engines.
In today’s blog we are going to understand 2 very basic and extremely easy ways to get the backlinks.
Irrespective of the fact that how renowned the StartUp Names are or whether you are looking for SEO Outsourcing Services or not, these basic steps are surely going to help you without putting in much effort.
1. Internal Backlinks: Internal Backlinks are the hyperlinks created on your own website. These links help in proper designing of your website and make it easy for the visitors to scroll through the relevant pages according to their choice. On one hand these internal links are helpful for the visitors, at the same time, on the other hand the Search Engines also consider and give weightage to the website for having relevant internal links.
2. Comments on Blogs and Forums: Moving on to External Links, Blogs and Forums are the easiest ways to get a backlink pointing to your website. Either you can work upon building up your own blogs and forums with relevant posts being published regularly or else you can follow the industry specific relevant Blogs and Forums. While sharing your comments on these blogs and forum topics, you can include the backlink easily in your signatures.
The above mentioned two methods do not require any kind of technical knowledge and are very easy to be taken care of by any of your team members.
With this we come to an end for today’s edition, stay tuned for more information :)
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