dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
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“Dimitri breathes in the damp air of the catacombs and grumbles.
This is where the whole war began, where his bitch of a step-sister brought her sinister plans to fruition. If he were there at the horrid betrayal, Dimitri would have skewered her head like an apple on his dullest blade.” - She Wanted Storms, Chapter 1 by @dreamingvenus
Will be posting some solo pages I’m fond of from my comic on Vee’s fic for the @dimilethbigbang! Really happy with how this page turned out, red’s always been something that’s fun to work with personally ❤️
Please go check out Vee’s fic and the others on the collection!  HERE’S THE LINK TO THE FULL COMIC
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
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“At ease, I mean you no harm,” Dimitri says as he brings his hands in the air, “I am King Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Allow me to free you and I will take you to safety.”
Her shoulders relax a bit as she scrutinizes him. “Dimitri… Is it really you?” She whispers as if they know each other. But that’s impossible, he would never have forgotten a vision like her. Least of all let her rot in this hellhole. - She Wanted Storms, Chapter 1 by @dreamingvenus for @dimilethbigbang 
Please go check out Vee’s fic and the others on the collection 💕
Last solo page I’m posting! Happy to have experienced this event and for giving me another opportunity to go back to comic making. The mods and my partners, Vee and Pseu, have been wonderful to work with and incredibly patient! Thank you so much ✨
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
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“A woman is curled on the goddess’ throne, so deep in sleep that Dimitri is almost sure she’s dead. Her shackled limbs dangle off the stone seat like she was a marionette cut from her strings. Her navy dress mirrors the one Sothis is often wearing in holy art. Her hair, tangled in ribbons and knots, has a familiar hue. To be quite honest, many things about this poor woman feel familiar. Dimitri just didn’t understand why.“  - She Wanted Storms, Chapter 1 by @dreamingvenus for @dimilethbigbang 
Please go check out Vee’s fic and the others on the collection 💕
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
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“…at the top of the staircase, Dimitri finds the weapon who would bring Fódlan to its knees.“  She Wanted Storms, Chapter 1 by @dreamingvenus
Another page from my comic for @dimilethbigbang ✨ Kinda late for the Brave Byleth celebration but the theme really fit 💚 
Please go check out Vee’s fic and the others on the collection 💕
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
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My main piece for “Emotional Entanglement” written by @theuncannyallie for the @dimilethbigbang ! A heart-wretching VW au where M! Byleth decides to save Dimitri’s life.
You can read the story here:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/39516693/chapters/98909574
I do have more doodles planned for future chapters so I hope you stay tuned!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 1 year
The fic cover I drew for @witchyhylian (on twt)’s fic Chamomile Kisses!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
Will there be an event this year?
Hello! Thank you for your interest!
Unfortunately, the mod team has put off hosting any additional events at the moment due to real life busyness. However, you are more than welcome to check out the Dimileth Big Bang collection over on AO3!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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“She Wanted Storms” by @dreamingvenus
Together, the Kingdom and Alliance take Garreg Mach from the grasp of the Empire and waste no time unveiling the secrets left behind.
There are whispers of plans and weapons that will run rivers red, but none greater than that which was locked in the Holy Tombs.
In that very place, King Dimitri finds a woman with bright teal hair chained to the ground. His heart aches when he sees the pain in her eyes; one he knows well.
He decides if he can only save one person in this war, it shall be her. Smitten with this lost soul, Dimitri is quick to free the woman and bring her to Castle Blaiddyd. There he can give her the life of comfort and luxury she deserves. As their love slowly grows, Dimitri and Byleth find the will to seek life after the war… But not before well-deserved revenge.
Here’s my comic in companion with Vee’s fic for the @dimilethbigbang 💙💚 Really missed making comics and I’m happy to have been able to make one for this lovely event! Please check out her awesome fic linked above ✨
Many thanks, too, to @theizzypeasy for helping a lot with the comic flow + the text placements!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
[FE3H Fic] Thunder Without Rain, Epilogue
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Summary:  Several months have passed since the end of the war, and Dimitri and Byleth are happily married. They are getting used to their duties as King and Archbishop and expecting their first child. Their relationship will be tested when negotiations with the people of Duscur do not go well, Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Byleth is riddled with a sudden and mysterious sickness. Warnings/Tags: Explicit, Pregnancy, Blue Lions/Azure Moon spoilers.
The conclusion. Annette reflects the happiness of her friends. Dimitri and Byleth enjoy their first moments of parenthood.  (With final art piece by GirlInterrupted36!) For @dimilethbigbang​! Can read  the final chapter over at AO3!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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No more teasers! My full piece for Insomnikat’s story for the @dimilethbigbang (as well as the chapter it’s featured in) is out. Link to story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39604773?view_full_work=true
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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The dragon and the cursed prince by insomnikat
He turns in the bed to face Dimitri properly, and Dimitri smiles. It’s a beautiful, completely disarming smile, and in the morning light it’s not fair how radiant it makes Dimitri look, so soon after bringing Byleth to ruin. 
Brows rise over honest blue eyes. To the silent question they pose, Byleth gives a single nod and laces their fingers. “Yes,” he says again.
He wants this.
He wants Dimitri.
And this time, when they meet each other for another kiss, Byleth forgets why he ever dreaded a mortal existence.
Read more on Ao3 and see the gorgeous piece made by DahliaWilder 💕💜💙
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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The dragon and the cursed prince by insomnikat
Chapter V: Salt on my wound, grit on my teeth
[T]he air around Byleth suddenly turns cold. A sensation of melting ice slithers down his spine, and he visibly shivers. 
His weapon drops from his hand as he falls to one knee. 
The last time he’d felt like this… his heart had been carved out. “Dimitri,” he hisses, voice sharpened by fear. “She knows we’re here.”
Continue reading on AO3
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
[FE3H Fic] Thunder Without Rain, Ch 11
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Several months have passed since the end of the war, and Dimitri and Byleth are happily married. They are getting used to their duties as King and Archbishop and expecting their first child. Their relationship will be tested when negotiations with the people of Duscur do not go well, Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Byleth is riddled with a sudden and mysterious sickness. Warnings/Tags: Explicit, Pregnancy, Blue Lions/Azure Moon spoilers.
Time to celebrate Felix and Annette’s wedding!  For @dimilethbigbang​! Can read Chapter Eleven over at AO3!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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She Wanted Storms
@dreamingvenus gives us a CF Dimileth AU where the professor defects from the Black Eagles... and his twin sister Byleth is discovered mysteriously chained to Sothis's throne. Don't miss @yanumii's jaw-dropping 12-page comic!
Story Link
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
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Emotional Entanglement
In @theuncannyallie's Dimileth VW AU, Byleth rescues Dimitri from his rampage at Gronder, but the wounds under the surface are still life-threatening—and could bring all of Fódlan down with Dimitri. Featuring @sinha-ri's beautiful art!
Story Link
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
[FE3H Fic] Thunder Without Rain, Ch 7
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Summary:  Several months have passed since the end of the war, and Dimitri and Byleth are happily married. They are getting used to their duties as King and Archbishop and expecting their first child. Their relationship will be tested when negotiations with the people of Duscur do not go well, Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Byleth is riddled with a sudden and mysterious sickness. Warnings/Tags: Explicit, Pregnancy, Blue Lions/Azure Moon spoilers.
Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Constance and Hapi make an appearance. (Also a subtle 3 Hopes reference?!)  For @dimilethbigbang​! Can read Chapter Seven over at AO3!
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dimilethbigbang ¡ 2 years
[FE3H Fic] Thunder Without Rain, Ch 6
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Summary:  Several months have passed since the end of the war, and Dimitri and Byleth are happily married. They are getting used to their duties as King and Archbishop and expecting their first child. Their relationship will be tested when negotiations with the people of Duscur do not go well, Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Byleth is riddled with a sudden and mysterious sickness. Warnings/Tags: Explicit, Pregnancy, Blue Lions/Azure Moon spoilers. CW Animal Death this chapter
Felix and Annette go hunting with Gilbert and spend some time with Annette’s mother. For @dimilethbigbang​! Can read Chapter Six over at AO3!
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