Their favorite part of your body - NSFW (Inarizaki)
Hello? I was recently absent because I am studying for exams and I hate study. I’m glad you enjoyed my last post, I didn't expect so much appreciation.
Anyway, this is my first post "NSFW". Actually it’s not very explicit, there are only a few references. If you are underage or not comfortable, ignore this post, thank you. I tried my best and hope you enjoy it.
Daily reminder: I apologize for the mistakes, feel free to report them to me, so I can correct them.
Characters: - Suna Rintarou; - Miya Atsumu ; - Miya Osamu (female body!); - Kita Shinsuke.
Suna Rintarou
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I will be direct as I said here: his face is between your legs;
Suna’s pleasure is put in the background, he cares that you feel pleasure;
With you lying on the bed, he will keep your legs above his shoulders and he will eat you completely from that position;
His eyes are open, fixed on you, to observe your expression change according to what he is doing with his tongue;
He knows your weaknesses and exploits them all;
Sometimes he will willingly deny you pleasure and deny you orgasm, just to see you pray him;
This boy LOVES to be prayed;
Sometimes your reaction will make him laugh, making you shake your whole body from pleasure, because his mouth will not move away from you while laughing;
With the mouth, he almost always uses also the hands, even if he prefers to treat you only with the mouth.
Miya Atsumu
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Pretend to be surprised, but this guy loves your ass;
He loves to insert his face and kiss it at every opportunity;
He really likes to make you sit on him, so he can feel your ass in contact with his body, sitting right on his hips, so he can touch it, pretending it’s something involuntary;
And, if you’re comfortable, in public he will often put his hand on it or slap it directly;
Atsumu loves to play with it, loves to take your ass in his hands and massage it, squeeze it, cuddle it, slap it, anything to see it move under his attention;
Needless to say that his favorite positions during sex, are all those that include the possibility of having your ass naked in front of him, to squeeze it and see his body sink in;
Another thing he loves during sex is facesitting, literally your ass on his face. To be able to dip his face in your red skin because of his bites and his hands, is like paradise to him.
Miya Osamu (Female body)
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This guy is obsessed with your boobs;
He doesn't matter if you want to feel it inside, let him play with your breasts, then maybe he will pay attention to something else;
He loves their shape and how he manages to hold them in his hands, they seem made exactly for him;
Like Atsumu for the ass, Osamu caresses them, plays with them, kisses them, does anything and has fun in every way with your body;
If you are lying on your back, he surrounds your body with his arms and brings you closer to it, so that he can crush his face in your breast and feel it pressing on his face as it kisses it;
If you are lying on your belly, he will massage them with his hands, while he kisses your neck and back, touching them, caressing them and playing with them;
There are no cuddles with Osamu that do not include some more or less sexual caress on your breasts, you can not escape them, it is an obsession for him;
Needless to say, it’s his favorite place to sleep or rest. He rests his face on your breasts, closes his eyes and falls asleep quickly, only having good dreams.
Kita Shinsuke
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Kita is in love with your belly;
He loves kissing it at all times during sex;
Kita will definitely always do it during foreplay;
If he cannot kiss it because of the position in which he is, then you can be sure that he will caress it or, in any case, his hands will be where he can touch it;
He’ll squeeze your hips just to make sure he’s close to your belly;
He also likes to see how your belly swells up when he is inside you and he probably has a breeding kink also thanks to this love for your belly;
During the cuddles, he will make drawings on your belly and then will pass over these drawings with his lips, making you tickle;
In the evening, before sleeping, it is very likely that he will spend several minutes caressing your belly. He can not do anything about it: it is his weakness.
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Bakugo and the girls (headcanon)
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I have this sweet headcanon where Bakugo is homoromantic and hates the idea of being in a relationship with a girl.
But despite that, he’s like every girl’s best friend in class 1A. He’s prepared to defend them in his own way, give them advice about boys, in case they’re not homosexuals, and he supports them in what they do.
Mina aside, Bakugo is a close friend of Jiro (she often asks him advice for Denki) and, above all, of Momo. The two of them are great friends, despite the fact that they are opposites.
Bakugo helps her to have courage, not to be afraid to speak and to overcome her limits, even verbally teaches her to be more violent and fearless, able to defend herself from Mineta.
She, in return, helps him to calm down more easily, to control anger and to vent verbally with someone when he feels the need.
I can imagine they also do gym and training together.
Finally, I have this personal headcanon (since I appreciate both TodoMomo and, above all, Todobaku) where Momo and Shoto are ex, remained friends, and Momo, even knowing that Bakugo does not want, helped him to understand his feelings and not to deny them to himself.
Be clear, Bakugo is ok with being homoromantic. The problem was to make him accept that he was in love with a bastard like Shoto. Momo helped him a lot with that.
That’s all, I really want Horikoshi to deepen Bakugo’s relationship with girls, but I fear he will never do it and this makes me sad, forcing me to just invent headcanon.
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«Eravamo unici. Facevamo ciò che volevamo. Stavamo svegli fino a notte fonda e ci vestivamo come più ci piaceva. Percorrevo Sunset Boulevard sulla mia Kissell decappottabile con parecchi Chow Chow rossi che si abbinavano al colore dei miei capelli. Al giorno d’ oggi si sta molto più attenti allo stile di vita e si salvaguarda la salute. Ma noi ci divertivamo decisamente di più.»
- Clara Bow
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Haikyuu characters and their toxic traits
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Daily reminder: I apologize for the mistakes, feel free to report them to me, so I can correct them.
Short headcanon, because I want some angst. I love angst YAY
Characters: - Tetsurō Kuroo; - Wakatoshi Ushijima; - Kentarō Kyōtani; - Rintarō Suna; - Satori Tendō.
Tetsurō Kuroo
According to my headcanon, this guy is not capable of having a relationship, so, yes, that’s his toxic side;
He can have relationships, but he can’t handle them;
He gets bored very quickly, flirts voluntarily or not with everyone and is always everywhere, but rarely with the person with whom he has a relationship;
Kuroo loves the person he’s with, but at the same time he wants other people, he can’t stay always on the same person, for him it’s not funny, it’s not useful to grow up;
If you decide to have a relationship with this guy, well, there’s a risk that you’ll get less attention than others.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
This boy is "ancient", he follows many ideologies of many years ago and is not interested in changing them, he does not understand why he should;
So, sometimes you might get male chauvinists commentary from him (in particular if you’re a woman), volunteer or not;
In any case he thinks in a very old-fashioned way: for him the woman must work in the house and the man must go out and work, make money;
He can listen to your rejection of his ideology, but that doesn’t mean that he will change it;
You can think that way, but he thinks it’s more right the way he sees it, so he won’t impose it, but he will continue to follow it alone.
Kentarō Kyōtani
Anger issues aside, this guy’s violent;
Not in the physical sense, I don’t mean that he beats you, but he does everything with violence: he closes the doors with violence, he throws the dishes in the sink with violence, he dresses with violence;
He thinks very fast and acts on impulse, always in a violent way;
Simply, often and willingly, it is unmanageable;
It is impossible to talk to him, try to calm him down, tell him to be more careful;
No, he’s gonna turn around and keep doing what he wants;
Besides, he’s not very calm, so if you’re going to step in, chances are you’re going to end up fighting and he always wants the last word, or he’s going to leave the house for hours to try and calm down.
Rintarō Suna
Suna is simply Suna;
His rarely talking is a big problem in a relationship;
It will always seem like he doesn’t care about anything;
He never chooses anything, he makes you decide everything and, if something goes wrong, he will make you understand, making you weigh this choice further;
Besides, when you fight, he never wants to argue, so he’ll just give you a reason to stop yelling and pretend it’s all okey when it’s not;
He wants to avoid fighting, not just because of the relationship, but because he doesn’t want to fight with anyone, he doesn't have time for this;
Finally, his sarcastic sentences, sometimes they’ll be so off-topic that it hurts you, but he doesn’t realize it, he’ll laugh further and continue, telling you that you’re used to much worse than some provocation.
Satori Tendō
(Oh, this will hurt a lot, because Satori is my favorite person currently, but let's go...)
Satori is simply possessive;
Not possessive like, "You can’t go out with people," but possessive like, "I want to know where you are, why can’t I go with you? Are you ashamed of me? Are they better than me?";
And other unfounded concerns that will make you doubt and remain with him, in his arms, close to his heart;
He doesn’t do it with malice or too much awareness, he knows it’s wrong, but his insecurities blind him;
He NEEDS you to stay close to him and assure him that he is not a monster, even if it could ruin your friendships;
But you still love him, even though he’s so insecure, right?;
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Haikyuu characters as single parents (pt. 1)
I’ll do more parts. Next time I’d do the members of Inarizaki (specifically Atsumu, Osamu, Kita and Suna), but I’m open to requests ✨
Daily reminder: I apologize for the mistakes, feel free to report them to me, so I can correct them.
Characters: - Hinata Shoyo; - Kageyama Tobio; - Tsukishima Kei; - Yamaguchi Tadashi (tw: mention of death); - Tanaka Ryunosuke.
Hinata Shoyo
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Everything was fine until the day before, they were a nice united family, all happy, and then, all of a sudden, he found himself alone, having to raise his son/daughter;
Hinata is good with kids and that’s for sure;
He’s just a little scared at first;
He’s afraid he’s incapable of understanding how his son/daughter is, of not knowing how to calm him/her down, of failing to feed him/her, of not giving him/her enough happiness;
He asks for advice from all his friends who have children or who, according to him, would is a responsible parent (like Sakusa or his former captain Daichi, but also Sugawara or Iwaizumi, through Oikawa);
Hinata just wants what’s best for his son/daughter, so he’s always ready to listen him/her;
Shoyo gives a lot of gifts, but he gives more importance to the affection, to the time spent together and to the experiences lived with the parent;
He’s a good listener and always good advice, so he’ll be like the best friend to his daughter/son;
This guy LOVES to play ball, so he will teach his son/daughter to play volleyball, remaining sorry when it comes the love of his son/daughter for football and not for volleyball, but he’ll accept it and sign him/her up for a soccer club right away;
He is very open-minded, so he will accept his son/daughter whatever his orientation and whatever gender he/she feels belongs to him/her;
He’s not very protective, but he’s still curious to meet his son/daughter’s friends.
Moral of the story: he does not need another person. He is a very good parent and able to do it alone!
Kageyama Tobio
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Jesus Christ;
Tobio is not very good with children;
But he probably sees in his son a kind of little Hinata, so everything will be fine, right?
But Hinata doesn’t throw up at random, doesn’t scream at night, doesn’t always cry, so what do he has to do?
"SON, tell me what the hell you need? I can’t speak your fucking language!"
His ex-girlfriend, mother of the child, will help him in some things, since, fortunately, they remained on good terms;
But it will take Tobio MONTHS to learn the basics;
After this difficult part, he must learn to be VERY patient and give all his support to his son;
He must avoid shouting too much, he must not be afraid to get excited and he must always be careful what his son does behind his back;
He’s not the kind of parent who plays with his kid, he thinks it’s weird. But if the son offers him a plate of fake pizza or a small empty cup, you can be sure he’ll play along;
In addition, he is very good at matching clothes and likes to help his son to dress, to put the scarf so that he does not feel cold, to tie his shoes, to close his jacket when he keeps it too open;
The child is likely to learn some bad words or insults (you can be sure that he will scream: "Hinata boke!" when he sees his uncle), but Tobio will always be ready to correct him, telling him that he is not yet the moment, that he is too small.
Extra: this child doesn't like and will mock the daughter of Tsukishima, but there is no need for the two fathers to intervene, the son of Tobio will come back to him crying after the daughter of Kei has insulted him with the subtle irony inherited from his father.
Tsukishima Kei
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I know what you expect: "Kei is not a good parent";
And in part it is true, he is not very patient and doesn't like children;
But believe me, he fell in love with his daughter as soon as she was born, and as soon as that asshole of his ex-girlfriend didn’t want her anymore, he took full responsibility, even though he was very young;
He’s willing to find a boyfriend or girlfriend to raise his daughter with, but anyone, to him, is secondary to the child, so it’s not his priority to get engaged;
He will teach her daughter how not to be commanded by anyone and inherit from her father his annoying and mischievous irony, laughing at her own jokes, making Kei proud;
His daughter, however, will teach him how nice it is to love someone who is not himself, involve him in his games, watch cartoons together and dress up matched very often;
He doesn’t look like it, but he is a very protective parent: when his daughter likes a child, he MUST know her him, he doesn’t want his precious daughter to suffer;
One thing he’ll never admit is how much he likes to hold his daughter’s hand when they walk down the street or how much he likes to hear her cheer him from the bleachers next to his brother;
Hearing her scream "Go daddy, you’re the best!" fills him with joy and gives his best in that game, collecting many wins;
If he loses, he can be sure that his precious child will go to him with her favorite stuffed animal and hug him saying that both she and her stuffed animal are very proud of him.
Extra: he instructed his daughter to make fun of Hinata’s son/daughter and Kageyama’s son, but deep down he is happy when he sees her making friends with them;
Yamaguchi Tadashi (tw: mention of death)
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After the death of his companion, there was a brief period of strong sadness for Yamaguchi;
He spent a long night crying and apologizing to his girlfriend for not protecting her and not being a good parent, because he’ll never be good enough for her;
His son/daughter will come into his parents' room one of these nights, get into bed and stand next to him/her father who just finished crying. Tadashi will ask worried if something happened and he/she will tell him he/she had a nightmare and he/she missed his beloved dad;
From now on, Tadashi KNOWS that he had to get up and be the father that his son/daughter deserves;
He’s very scared of that single parent reality, but he’s trying his best; Always afraid of making mistakes, so Kei will often come to his rescue to explain what is best to do;
Your son/daughter will be very empathetic and sensitive, like him, and will definitely make friends with Kei’s daughter;
Their favorite pastime will be drawing together and playing with barbie and stuffed animals;
They also play the prince and princess, and Tadashi often finds himself with a crown on his head, sometimes as a princess to be saved, sometimes as a prince who saves his princess;
Yamaguchi will teaches his son/daughter not to be afraid to dress as he wants. If they want the skirt, they can wear the skirt, if they want the pants, the pants are fine. If they prefer a dress, they will still be handsome/beautiful;
Tadashi takes a long time to feel like a good parent, he is always afraid of being less good than others, but that bright smile of his son/daughter will assure him that he is doing well and that his girlfriend would be very proud of him.
Extra: Tadashi sings many lullabies about the angels and, only as she grows up, her son/daughter will realize that they were dedicated to her mother.
Tanaka Ryunosuke
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Needless to say, he’s the best dad;
This man is simply a grown-up child who now lives his life serenely as a single father;
He remained on good terms with the mother, so the son spends a few days with him and others with her, so Tanaka has time to think about new things to do;
Every day with him is an adventure;
One day they visit an aquarium, another day an amusement park, then they spend an afternoon at the park and then on Sunday to cheer for Kageyama or Hinata at their volleyball matches;
You know what? Their son’s gonna be friends with Uncle Yamamoto, he looks just like his dad, so he'll loves him a lot. And so he also knows all of Nekoma’s old line-up, and Tanaka is just proud of how sociable his son is;
His son will grow up with great respect for women and will love Aunt Saeko who will take him on other adventures more dangerous than those of Tanaka;
Tanaka trusts his parenting skills a lot, and he’s actually right, because he’s very capable, just as he needs to learn to teach his son to be quiet, especially when it makes Tadashi’s son/daughter cry because too spontaneous for such a shy person;
Tanaka and his son often fall asleep on the couch in front of a good movie or on the carpet of games, between a lego construction and some strange cup and cutley that the father will find the next morning in one eye;
But it’s okay, they’ll sort it all out together, and then a new day full of adventure and lots of fun will begin.
Extra: Tanaka and Kiyoko will often go out with their son and he LOVES to see his parents being together, he finds them so cute, even knowing that they don’t live together, but he’s fine with it. He just needs to see Mom and Dad happy.
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Suna Rintarou As Your Boyfriend ~♡
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I don’t think he has much love experience and his previous relationships have been quite disastrous, because of his character;
He’s a quiet guy, who lets his partner speak, so he may seem detached and not interested in the relationship;
But he is. And he’s very interested. He cares very much;
His first kiss with you happens very casually. You are alone, he takes the opportunity, kisses you and walks away as if nothing had happened;
He’s not gonna say he likes you by words. He doesn’t care about being an official couple, he just wants you to be happy, so you want to tell everyone that you’re engaged? Okay. Do you prefer to wait to be safer? It's okay;
He just needs to know that you’re there with him and everything is alright;
He’s not a PDA lover. He won’t hug you in public or show you off. But he likes to hold your hand when he has the opportunity or make you lean on him or him on you when you want;
His favorite place to stay is between your legs (not in that sense, these are SFW headcanon don’t forget) to use the phone, while you caress his hair;
He doesn't talk much, but he likes to listen to you and hear what you have to say, so you'll be the one to start the most conversation;
He may seem distracted, but he remembers all important dates, anniversaries and your birthday, and his gifts are very random, nothing complicated, but always so beautiful;
His first "I love you" will be very random. Maybe you’re lying one night on the couch and, between a comment to the movie and another, he’d come up with a "Anyway, I love you" or during a quiet fight, he’d make fun of you and be like, "You know I love you? Do not treat me like this", if this man does not have the right opportunity, simply creates it;
Discussions arise mainly because of his silence. He wants to avoid arguments, so he could probably ignore your whining, but then he’d come back to you, hug you from behind and tell you that he’s sorry that he’s not like the other guys, that he’s so quiet, to not be able to express themselves and will ask you to apologize for not being up to you;
You’ll also have to get used to the fact that this guy has SO many black clothes, so many nail polishes and knows how to make up better than you (if you usually wear makeup), so it’s likely that sometimes he will lend you clothes, put on your nail polish or he will make up you. He doesn’t particularly enjoy it, but he likes to make you even more beautiful;
Yeah, this guy’s a little jealous and protective, but nothing toxic. If he sees someone too close to you, he’ll come in there, hold you with one arm and threaten the other person with his eyes, until you introduce him or he make sure she/he’s a safe person;
Overall, this guy is a great boyfriend, he just has to improve on his silence and his never making decisions, but he won’t refuse your help to improve, he wants to be a better guy for the person he loves the most in the world.
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“Fai attenzione ai bisognosi d'affetto se scoprono che hai un cuore lo faranno a pezzi.”
— Lucrezia Beha (via lucreziabeha)
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È da tanto che non scrivo su questo blog. Si dice così? Blog? Non ho mai capito né imparato, quindi scusate. La vita si è fatta più difficile in questo ultimo anno. Negli ultimi due anni ho finito le superiori e ora faccio l'università. Ne ho cambiata una a causa dei soldi, della distanza, delle pressioni familiari che mi hanno schiacciato e soffocato al punto da farmi pentire e dubitare di qualsiasi cosa io abbia fatto fino ad ora. Io che ho sempre cercato di fregarmene e di andare dritta per la mia strada, ho messo in discussione tutto. Attualmente non sto cercando di riprendere in mano la mia vita, penso sia una cosa impossibile, sono mentalmente a pezzi, la mia saluta mentale è messa a dura prova e ho avuto a lungo brutti pensieri che tutt'ora continuano. Brutti pensieri che non si sono avverati perché ho pensato a quante cose belle esistano al mondo. Quanto sia bello scrivere alle tre di notte, quando tutto tace e le idee abbondano. Quanto sia bello aspettare per l'album del cantante preferito, atteso da mesi, anni infiniti che sono andati sovrapponendosi, mentre io crescevo con loro. Quanto sia bello il mare che, finalmente, ho visto sul serio, dopo anni passati a non vederlo e uno a vivermelo male. Quest'anno ho organizzato con un'amica, abbiamo fatto tutto da sole, abbiamo preso il treno, prenotato hotel, sdraio e ombrellone, fatto le nostre spese e ho vissuto la settimana più bella dell'anno. Lontano dai miei pensieri, solo io, lei e il mare. Ho pensato anche a quanto siano belle e infinite le stelle, quanto ci sentiamo protetti sotto di loro, quanto quelle che vediamo cadere, siano, in realtà, morte anni, secoli fa e ciò mi affascina ancora di più. Non mi sono innamorata in quest'ultimo anno, ma ho fatto chiarezza sul mio orientamento e ora me la vivo meglio. Spero a giugno di andare al pride. Il pride del 2021 l'ho saltato perché mia mamma non voleva mandarmici. Con lei il coming out non lo farò mai, sono terrorizzata. Mentre mi piacerebbe farlo con le mie amiche, ma si vedrà. Poi cos'altro ho fatto? Non ne ho idea. Scritto? Sì, ho scritto qualche storiella qua e là, alcune One Shot incomplete, alcuni pensieri campati in aria, ho tentato di finire una long, ma è ancora lì in attesa, ho iniziato una storia più breve, ma non mi sta prendendo. Insomma, sto facendo del mio meglio, ma non è così facile. Tristezza a parte che mi è successo? Mi è successo che ho conosciuto nuove persone, che ho guardato più anime (Haikyuu è tra i miei preferiti ora), che sono stata troppo con i miei brutti pensieri e spesso hanno vinto, che ho conosciuto nuove canzoni, che amo fare le headcanon e che su Twitter sono a quasi 1100 followers, anche se faccio amicizia con poche persone. Ah, poi a breve vorrei farmi un tatuaggio e tingermi i capelli rossi, ma prima devo convincere me stessa, spero di farcela. I cambiamenti fanno bene in fondo, non volevo tagliarmi i capelli corti e ora li ho corti e mi piacciono un sacco. Quindi perché no? Perché scrivo questo? Scrivo questo per farvi sapere che sono ancora viva, che sono ancora una "disagiata socialmente" e questa cosa non è cambiata, che ho una maturità diversa, molti pensieri sono simili, solo cresciuti con me. Volevo dirvi che alcune sere mi manca ancora il mio (ex) migliore amico, che l'ho rivisto l'anno scorso ed era ancora se stesso, ma non mi pare di avergli parlato, non ricordo. Ricordo solo quanto mi sentissi bene con il vestito che indossavo in una magica sera di luglio. E va bene così. I dettagli degli altri non li ricordo mai, voglio essere io protagonista della mia storia. A volte mi manca mio padre, ma quello di rado, anche se ora sta iniziando ad essere assente mia madre e mi sento molto sola e mi piacerebbe sfogarmi con qualcuno, ma nessuno vuole sentirmi, quindi mi tengo tutto dentro ferendomi, ma va bene così, immagino. Infine vorrei dirvi che, per alcuni versi, questa vita mi ha demolita e cambiata al punto da non riconoscermi, al punto da augurarmi che la me 15enne non mi veda mai (ora ho 20 anni), al punto da sperare che esista un'altra vita per riprovarci. Dall'altra mi sento in grado di continuare questo combattimento da sola, dove ci sono solo io contro lo schifo che ho attorno, annullando i miei sentimenti e privandomi del dolore della perdita degli altri. Posso farcela, spero di farvi sapere in futuro. Se entro qualche mese o un anno, facciamo, giusto per sicurezza, non dovessi tornare, beh, forse questa guerra l'ho persa. Spero stiate tutti bene, vi amo e prendetevi cura di voi stessi.
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Ci sto riuscendo. Non ti penso più la mattina. Né dopo mangiato. Né la sera. Non ti sogno più. Qualche volta ritorni, ma concedimelo. Qualche volta si, mi manchi. Ma mi sto abituando. E sto combattendo. Qualche volta annego nei ricordi, ma sto imparando a nuotare. Qualche volta voglio vederti. Qualche volta mi faccio filmini mentali, penso a come sarebbe stato, a cosa è stato. Ma ho capito che devo guardare avanti. Cazzo è difficile, sai? Però ci sto riuscendo. Forse ti dimentico.
(via lapiccolasperanza)
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Theory on Matchablossom (and Adam) (?)
I have this idea that Kaoru had a love at first sight for Adam, while Adam was attracted, but only for fun. Kaoru always seemed like a very good guy and, at times, naive, but smart to understand certain things.
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So he knew that Adam wasn’t really interested in him, but he mistakenly deluded himself that everything could change over time. The love he felt was not only physical, but was also connected to the emotions felt by skateboarding. It was a strong and particular love, linked to a common passion.
But one-way.
As I said, Adam was not interested in him. Joe I guess he understood, warning Kaoru, but being ignored, or maybe even Kaoru was aware of it, I can not say.
I think Adam used him in the worst way that you could use a person in love: deluding her and creating a false world around him, leaving him convinced that his feeling is reciprocated.
Adam, moreover, does not know the actual love, he has a distorted vision, so this has contributed to hurt Kaoru and the love he felt. It was therefore an extremely toxic relationship and, at a certain point, Kaoru became aware of it, but he continued because it is difficult to get out. In addition to that, I think he was still very young to understand its actual gravity. I have always loved the difference between his "adolescent" look and the current one as a "conscious adult".
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Adam’s departure must have hurt him, and his awareness of being used must have been so sudden that it hurt him so much. This must have hurt him to the point of having little faith in love, because he was so easily fooled.
I don’t think he ever talked to Joe about this pain.
He and Joe have a great relationship, ship or not, the kind of best relationship that you can have with a person: joke, tease, insult, but always be there when you need. And we know that Kaoru leaves the hospital to go to Joe and Joe immediately worries about him as soon as his name is drawn. I can’t explain, they’re little moments that emphasize how deep their relationship is.
Joe noticed Kaoru’s change and, without needing any explanation, decided to stay by his side at all times, because if he left him alone, they would both risk becoming like Adam.
We always joke about a lot of their moments and how these make them a married couple for twenty years, but I can not often think of the post episode scene, when Kaoru, although wounded, escapes from the hospital to go to Joe.
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Kaoru can not sleep without a lullaby, and yet with Joe does not need it, with him he feels safe, at home, free of negative thoughts and anxiety. He’s just a safe place for him.
When Joe says to him, "We’re not alone, right Kaoru?" I hear it as such an important phrase. And it has a double meaning. It may refer to the two of them, confirming that Joe will never abandon Kaoru to the pain and darkness caused by Adam.
But also to all the others they have known. They seem to be very much on their own at the "S", fans apart, do not seem to interact with anyone, they arrive, insult each other, compete, but they are always together, always the two of them and that’s it.
In the end only the two of them really know about Adam. Anyone would seem out of place with them.
But then Reki and Langa arrived, then Miya and Shadow, and their group expanded, someone entered their balance, their solitude, their world made of them.
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And the four of them were not out of place and it was time for Joe and Kaoru to tear down the wall between them and the outside world and allow them to enter. So, no, they’re not and will never be alone. Joe would never get bored with Kaoru, but the world is unpredictable and one of them could risk being alone, but now, with the formed group, they will never be again. Kaoru will never relive such an experience like which he had with Adam, because he is surrounded by healthy people who love him.
And Joe can relax and be serene, because even he won’t be alone anymore to help Kaoru. Kaoru is ready to love again, to trust people outside of Joe and start living without having to always count everything for fear of making mistakes.
Last precious thing: you can really see the satisfaction and pride in Joe when Kaoru laughs spontaneously and tastefully. He knows that everything is going back to normal and Kaoru is fine and is REALLY happy to be there with him and with them.
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Caro 2021, don’t be cruel...
Ti prometto che un giorno tutto tornerà normale. Ricominceremo a prendere i pullman senza doverci sedere in posti diversi, senza dover considerarne la capienza, senza avere il terrore di toccare i sedili o di essere troppo vicini agli sconosciuti. Andremo ogni weekend al cinema, prenderemo quanti popcorn vorrai e la Coca Cola che preferisci e, se lo chiederai, acquisteremo anche tre sacchetti di caramelle, oppure introdurremo cibo esterno, fregandocene delle regole. E ci siederemo al centro, perché lì si sente molto meglio e l'ho imparato a forza di non poterci più andare. Torneremo a rientrare agli orari che vorremo, senza coprifuoco, senza doverci fermare a casa di uno o dell'altra a seconda della sera e della situazione. Usciremo e staremo insieme fino alla una, alle due, alle cinque, andremo dal fornaio e prenderemo le brioche calde e morbide che, a quell'ora, hanno sempre quel qualcosa in più: sanno dei nostri anni migliori, di cui uno ci è stato violentemente tolto senza poterci ribellare. Cambieremo ristorante, pizzeria, bar ogni giorno, ogni pranzo e cena, mangeremo in riva al lago o nel centro della città, ci siederemo fuori o in mezzo alle persone, e saremo due, cinque, dieci amici di fronte ad un piatto caldo e una bibita fredda. Riempiremo i camerini per ore, provandoci vestiti diversi e facendo tante foto ricordo che poi si perderanno insieme alle altre, ma abbiamo un anno da recuperare e non ne faremo un problema. Mi sentirai lamentarmi dei ragazzi che ci proveranno con me e che mi annoieranno dopo la seconda uscita, perché parlano di loro, perché non mi fanno esprimere, perché non mi sento a mio agio. E tu sarai lì, a consolarmi dopo aver ordinato un panino, patatine e coca cola, ascoltandomi piangere, per poi abbracciarmi. Sì, mi mancano anche i tuoi abbracci. Mi manca non poterti stringere a me quelle poche volte, perché non mi piace abbracciare nessuno e lo sai, ma tu mi manchi. Mi manchi anche se durante questa pandemia ci siamo viste parecchie volte, non ci siamo mai scritte così tanto, non ho mai avuto bisogno di te come in questo momento. Con te ho violato il coprifuoco rientrando e facendoti rientrare a mezzanotte, pur essendo nella casa dell'altra. E non mi pento di niente. Ci hanno rubato un anno della nostra vita, ci hanno fatto finire in anticipo la scuola, privandoci dell'ultimo saluto, di una maturità fatta regolarmente, dei 100 giorni all'esame tutti in pigiama e insieme. Ci hanno fatto indossare mascherine e guanti, ci hanno applicato il distanziamento sociale e, di colpo, non poterti avere vicina mi ha stretto il cuore, mi sono sentita così vuota. Quando tutto questo finirà (chissà tra quanto), ti prometto che ti porterò in macchina tutte le volte che vorrai, con la musica alta e le nostre voci che si uniscono a cantare i nostri cantanti preferiti. Ti porterò al lago e prenderemo il sole, parlando di classiche e quotidiane cose che ricominceremo a vivere e a fare. Studieremo insieme per gli esami, anche se le nostre materie non combaceranno. Guarderemo qualche altro reality stupido insieme, giudicando ogni persona per i suoi comportamenti e trovando i nostri preferiti, seguendoli sui social e parlando di loro per mesi, fino a quando non ne troveremo di migliori. Ti racconterò di come tu mi sia mancata, seppur ci siamo viste e sentite tanto, e di come questo periodo sia talmente surreale per me che ho il terrore di non uscirne. Guarderemo l'alba, sdraiate sulla spiaggia, perché al mare ti voglio portare. Andremo al nostro primo concerto e batteremo le mani, alzando le braccia al cielo e urlando non appena la luce si spegnerà, perché lo spettacolo inizia. E poi mangeremo insieme il gelato, la pizza, le caramelle. Guarderemo tutti i tramonti che ci siamo perse e ascolteremo tutta la musica uscita. Recupereremo le foto non fatte e i video non girati. Ti racconterò di quanti sogni mi si sono infranti davanti agli occhi e quanti ne ho ricostruiti con attenzione. E tireremo le due, le tre, le quattro a parlare della nostra vita e dei nostri futuri più grandi di noi. Sotto le stelle infinite e quelle cadenti, alle quali esprimeremo i nostri desideri di essere felici e realizzate. E tu le fotograferai e io fotograferò te, perché sei ancora tra le mie persone e creature preferite da immortalare per sempre nella mia memoria mentale e del telefono. Ti prometto che presto torneremo alla normalità. Che le mascherine le dimenticheremo e il distanziamento non esisterà più, che gli assembramenti non ci faranno così paura e un raffreddore sarà sintomo di freddo e di nient'altro, com'è sempre stato. Torneremo a sorridere, a vivere, ad abbracciarci. Ti prometto che quando questo incubo tramonterà, sarò lì a vivere la prima alba di un nuovo giorno assieme a te.
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“Si produce arte quando si soffre si diventa arte quando si è davvero felici.”
— Cit.
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Un brindisi va a me, e me soltanto, che ho retto questo anno e questa vita fino a ora, senza abbassare la testa, senza arrendermi. Sempre più forte, sempre più vera, sempre più me stessa
(via disagiatasocialmente)
2021 mi fai paura. Brindo a me stessa anche stasera, nella solitudine delle mie mura di casa e mentali, speriamo in una nuova partenza.
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Chi è cresciuto senza padre sarà un buon padre ugualmente.
(via disagiatasocialmente)
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"A te che sei il particolare più bello della mia vita. A te che mi hai presa per quello che sono e non mi hai più lasciata andare. A te che oggi compi 17 anni. E a te che sei il particolare che da un senso a tutta questa confusione. Non vedo l'ora di riaddormentarmi riabbracciata a te. E di vedere l'alba insieme perdendoci in discorsi più grandi di noi. Non mi stancherò mai di fotografarti. E di ricordarti che ti amo con tutto il mio cuore. Ci vediamo presto meloune." - Sofia C. a Ylenia G. per il suo compleanno
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Per molti di noi figli, il ruolo del padre c'entra con il modo in cui amiamo quando diventiamo adulti, perché a volte è il primo uomo che ci rifiuta da bambini. Così alcuni vengono educati a inseguire chi fugge e non dà amore, mentre altri ripetono il distacco, quasi per vendetta.
Pierpaolo Mandetta
(via maledettadaunangelo)
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50 Things To Remember In Life Dear Friend, There are 365 days in a year And you and I both know from many unfortunate personal experiences, That not all of those days will be good. For some, the majority of those days will be a breeze For others, each day will be a trial. The world is a difficult place. The world is an interesting place. I am here to give you a few reminders To keep up with this trying world we live in. 1. Follow your own heart and dreams. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you what you can or can’t do. 2. If you want something enough, you will find a way to make it happen. 3. You will meet people who hate you, and you will meet people who love you, and you will meet people who you think love you. Don’t be fooled. Some people are just passing by in your story called life. They’re there to teach you something, so always be aware. 4. Always remember that bad things and situations you don’t like will end. It may take minutes, hours, days, or years, but never forget that they will end eventually. You can get through anything. 5. You are your own person, not anyone else’s. Don’t let people take control of you and change your beautiful self. 6. The people in your life who make you giggle and smile in the darkest of times are ones you need to keep with you forever. There is always the potential for hard times, and you’ll need someone to cheer you on. 7. You do not have to live up to any standards or expectations. Family and peers and society are constantly telling us that we have to be a certain way, or else we aren’t good enough. Tune out of that thinking and just be yourself. That’s the best thing you can be. 8. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Being out of the box can bring on so many amazing new opportunities you never even thought existed. 9. A lot is going to happen to you during your lifetime, so let yourself feel anything and everything. Always feel as much as you can. It makes you experience things at a higher level and you can say, “Yes I know this feeling. I’ve been here before.” 10. A good cry cleanses the heart and mind and soul. 11. Appreciate the small things. They can teach you to love and be at peace with everything around you. 12. It’s okay to take a break from everyday duties once in a while. 13. Travel whenever possible, it opens the mind. Go on adventures in new places and learn about the world. You will come back a new person. 14. Get up the courage to talk to strangers. That’s how you meet people. Who knows, the next person you meet could end up being your new best friend. 15. Stand in the rain and breathe in the wide open air and absorb everything you can about the earth. 16. Long walks are something that can clear the mind and resolve many issues. 17. It’s okay to lay in bed with a book all day. 18. Look out the window and watch the snow silently fall. It’s one of the most peaceful and relaxing things you can do. 19. Remember that everyone is living their very own life with their own problems, so always be kind and respect others. 20. Keep and open mind and listen to people’s thoughts. You might discover more than you think. 21. You are not defined by your weight or skin color or career or the number of friends you have or your grades in school or your decisions. You are so much more than that. 22. Everyone makes mistakes in life, so don’t judge a person based on their decisions. 23. Keep your own limits and morals. Don’t give them up for anyone. 24. Live a little. Be spontaneous and experience all that you possibly can. 25. Aim to live a life that you will be proud of and content with when you’re 90 years old. 26. Things in life will tear you down, but time heals everything. 27. Rumors don’t help anyone. Don’t start or spread them. 28. Your soulmate is out there in the world searching for you too. Don’t lose hope. You’ll find each other one day. 29. Treat yourself once in a while. 30. Random acts of kindness can make someone’s day and it can make you feel good too. 31. You’re going to have to work if you want to live a truly happy life. Don’t cheat or make someone else do the work for you. That will only make an unfulfilled and empty life for you in the end. 32. Be proud of everything you do. 33. Self love never hurt anyone. 34. Find things to look forward to. It will keep you excited and more hopeful for the bright future. 35. Leave a piece of you in every place you go and with every person you meet. 36. Always listen to people. Everyone just wants to be heard and understood and feel like they matter to someone. 37. Do what is best for you in the long run, even if it hurts at first. 38. Love with all your heart and soul at every opportunity. 39. Never settle for less. You deserve the best and whatever makes you truly happy. 40. Don’t feel bad if someone doesn’t like you. It’s their loss because they won’t get to experience your magnificent presence. 41. Never fear love. Love can make you grow and blossom and teach you so much. Don’t fear it, but proceed with caution. Broken hearts will heal with time, but they are never fun. 42. Dancing silly to your favorite songs will guarantee some giggles and smiles. 43. Always sing in the shower, and when you’re home alone, sing as loud as you can. 44. Put effort into everything you do. It makes it all worthwhile and you feel better about it in the end. You can reflect and say “Look at this. I’m proud.” 45. Exercise makes you feel good and you’ll feel accomplished too. Try it sometime. 46. You are beautiful exactly how you are. Don’t deny yourself of your own loveliness. 47. You may not be perfect, because no one is, but you’re hella radiant, which is near perfection. 48. To grow as a person and expand your mind and soul, learn at least one new thing everyday. 49. Don’t beat yourself up about things you have no control over. 50. Happiness is not a goal or a point on a map. It is a state of being that everyone deserves. Now my friend, I hope you can carry these things with you in your heart Because every time you are down You can always get back up. Every time you are afraid The fear won’t last forever. This world and the people in it may knock you down But you need to keep getting back up. You have to. Live, live, live. Live your dream life. Make things happen. It will be hard and it may seem hopeless and pointless sometimes, But just remember that things really do get better. The world is a difficult place. The world is a beautiful place. But only if you believe it to be. Don’t lose hope. I love you. Sincerely, Me.
s.h. (via evanescentbeings )
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