//revised/fixed up bio, scribbled up a new visual reference to replace stigma’s old red army uniform
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//docstigma --> discount-surgeon
//i’ve decided this blog is gonna shift a bit away from eddsworld and further emphasize stigma himself, and i plan on fixing up the blog and updating things (such as the ref sheet, bios, tags, theme, etc)  to convey that
but also i’m lazy as heck though so I don’t know when i’ll actually get around to doing all that
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A little toddler seemed to be in the sleeping quarters, playing with a small pillow-like sack whicch had a poorly-drawn face scribbled on it. It was very odd for an infant to be in an army base.-//resistant-snxke
It was late into the evening, and it was once again time for the doctor to leave the comforts of his office and get some rest. After all, sleepy surgery never ended well for both parties. He could vouch for that personally. After locking up and making his way down the hallway, he was rather surprised to see what appeared to be a child wandering in the sleeping quarters.
“Who the hell brought a toddler in here?! Who’s BABY is this?!” He called out. But there was no answer. It seemed he would be dealing with this little issue himself. He knelt down to the child and squinted a little. “Hey.. Kid? Who do you belong to?”
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@sn0wbro @hellraisins I want you both to consider….
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Stigma replied with an annoyed-sounding groan, but he came to answer the door nonetheless. “Come on, get in here.” He said with a sigh. “I’ll fix you up real quick so I can get out of here.” He gestured her in the direction of the operating table which sat in the center of his room while he assembled some of his things. 
“So, Mis’... er.. You got a name?” 
//starter for @codename-blackrift
There was hardly ever a time where Stigma wasn’t in his office. Sitting in there and filling out paperwork was all he ever seemed to do sometimes. Stigma, however, wasn’t exactly opposed to it. He wasn’t exactly a social butterfly and the solitude gave him time to relax and collect his thoughts.
So naturally, his office was where Stigma would be found this afternoon, doing what he usually did. The day had come and gone in what seemed like a few hours, and it was nearly time for him to lock up and get some rest. He’d be leaving in just a few more minutes, unless someone happened to come in and pester him. But with how quiet things were all day, Stigma highly doubted that would happen.
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It was an awful habit of his to end up running himself into a corner. When he did finally manage to look up from his aimless stuttering, he was somewhat relieved to see that at least someone was enjoying his little speech. He let out a little breath and took a second or two to gather his thoughts before he'd begin to speak again.
"Guess it's kind of a habit, yeah?" Stigma laughed a little sheepishly at Xan's remark. "Ah.. W-well.. fortunately for you, I always have plenty to say. Especially when the topic is you." He started to relax again and he leaned into Xan's embrace, happy to just be in that moment with someone he cared about.
"Well. I know there's nothing i've really wanted more than this in my whole life! So yes, Xanphan. I'm sure." He meant that, and he was certainly enthusiastic about saying it. "I just.. well. Even I know i'm kinda unbearable sometimes, y'know? Heh.." He finished with a somewhat more somber tone. But, as usual, it wouldn't take long for something Xan would say to change his tune. It was rather uncommon for him to find this sort of comfort and solace in a person. This was one of the many reasons he so adored him. "Du bist zu nett für mich. Aber du solltest wissen, dass ich das gleiche fühle! Und mehr!" He would reply, wearing his own endearing little smile.
"Persistence is necessary for any good doctor to have! Y'know, especially for one who makes lots of mistakes!" He said with a little giggle. "But thank you! You'd probably be the first to call it persistence, whereas most would call it 'being stubborn.'" He'd giggle a little more sheepishly this time. "But you definitely aren't short on attractive qualities yourself, Mr. Abbadon.~" And with that, he pressed a small kiss to the other's cheek.
"Well, yes! I've never really been.. out.. before. Y'know. Formally. " Stigma stopped eating to look up, tilting his head a little in confusion. "Suitors? Well, eh.. No. People aren't really lining up to court me or anything." And he was fine with that. All he needed was Xan.
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@hellraisins a good demon doctor gay
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//starter for @codename-blackrift
There was hardly ever a time where Stigma wasn't in his office. Sitting in there and filling out paperwork was all he ever seemed to do sometimes. Stigma, however, wasn't exactly opposed to it. He wasn't exactly a social butterfly and the solitude gave him time to relax and collect his thoughts.
So naturally, his office was where Stigma would be found this afternoon, doing what he usually did. The day had come and gone in what seemed like a few hours, and it was nearly time for him to lock up and get some rest. He'd be leaving in just a few more minutes, unless someone happened to come in and pester him. But with how quiet things were all day, Stigma highly doubted that would happen.
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(( @docstigma pls don’t judge me for spending a long long time on this last night haha. But anyway just some good old Christmas romance with two gay doctors.))
((Sorry for the shameless plug here but if you like my art please considering commissioning me, if you want!))
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Lea sat outside what passed as a gambling hall in the area, to be specific, her gambling hall. She was minding her own buisness until she was approached.-privatelea
The day was hot and Stigma was just about tired of it all. Of course there weren’t many ways to avoid that. The fact that he always walked around in a suit and tie didn’t remedy that much either, but his pride wouldn’t let him wear anything more comfortable instead.
Stigma decided he’d try to unwind a little in one of the establishments that were lined throughout the town, but after just narrowly avoiding a fight in one of the saloons, he thought it better if he visited one of the gambling halls instead. Perhaps there, things would be a little more civilized.
He arrived outside the building and sighed quietly. Before he entered, he’d see the woman sitting outside. She seemed nice enough, and he stood beside her a moment, deciding that he’d see if there was anything she could tell him anything more about the town.
“Afternoon, ma’am! Nice day out, innit?’” 
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"Well. I'd say you enjoyed my pained state a little more than I did. Initially, anyway." Stigma snickered quietly. "Although, i'll admit to being rather content with it. That one time. Hell, I might even be tempted to ask it happen again!~ ..--Er.. Perhaps without the parts where I lose the fight. And we can just.. uh.. y'know." His rambling would get gradually softer and sheepish-sounding until he managed to shut himself up.
"Yeah, I, uh.. Guess you did." He tilted his head a little to expose his neck more, shuddering a little at the little pecks Xanphan would leave near it. "I think it's good souvenir, yeah? Reminds me of you.~" Stigma laughed a little more, settling his head against Xan's for the moment.
"Of course! Just want to make sure that you're.. well.. sure. That it's me you wanna have a life with." His laughing would trail off into a soft sigh, and he'd lift his head to look down at Xan endearingly for a few seconds. He'd shake his head and just smile again. With Xan around, it was a lot harder for him to want to doubt himself. "--But I assure you, i'll sleep just fine. Heh."
"You are aware I was referring to you, right?" He lightly nudged the other, his cheeky grin now a little wider. "Besides, I have a hard enough time fighting you. Why would I go seek out the rest of Hell intentionally?"
"Well, erm. --Yes." Stigma replied, having picked up on his murmuring. "I kind-of haven't gotten to enjoy anything like this. This would probably be the first time i've ever been able to enjoy stuff like this. I mean.. This is pretty much my first DATE too, so.." His laughing would start to sound a little sheepish again, and it would only worsen as Xan reached up to clean off his chin. "Ahah.. Uh. T-Thanks."
Stigma would continue to eat quietly, trying to show a little more restraint this time. In truth, he wanted to be shoveling the rest of his cup down his throat already, but he felt he'd embarrassed himself enough for the moment.
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(Yo, it's privatelea, are you up for doing a saloontics au in an rp? :)))
//ayy, that sounds good! i’d be up for it if you are!
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//remember when i said i was gonna try and be more active then i neglected this blog for a month?
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((I’m using my free time wisely as you can see, but I felt christmasy and Xaphan loves christmas so have this! @docstigma take our gay sons.))
((Sorry for the shameless plug here but if you like my art please considering commissioning me, if you want!))
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That’s gay
@crimson-medic @docstigma
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((Here comes a gay fishman and his equally gay boyfriend))
((So uh this is basically the Red Navy AU, where the Red Army is the Red Navy instead, and Xan just happens to be a siren! @docstigma and I discussed it a bit so I had to draw it!))
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