dividedconfess · 7 years
if you had to cast the people at this school as the breakfast club who would you pick?
The Princess: Zoe Rivas, because let’s be real she’s the poster child for bitchy little rich girl.
The Basketcase: Grace Cardinal, I mean doesn’t she remind you of Allison?
The Athlete: KC Guthrie, because he has the typical asshole athlete thing going on that we just can’t get enough of.
The Brain: Hunter Hollingsworth, the cool gene clearly skipped him and went straight for his siblings, but as much time as the kid spends pent up in his room with his computer I figure he’d know a thing or two.
The Criminal: Drew Torres, enough said.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
zig overdosed
yikes, hopefully that takes him out of the running for pres. 
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dividedconfess · 7 years
hunter and miles fought
honestly boys, pull it together. all of this over a girl that’s not with either of you? pathetic.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
esme had a breakdown
and let me guess...it was over jonah. or wait, miles? tiny? i can barely keep up these days.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
I hear a lot went down at your little party last night. Well, what are you waiting for? Spill. And don’t leave out any of the grimy details.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
thoughts on rasha never knowing when to stop it with her crush on zoe?
i think her advances are borderline embarrasing at this point. the girl is in way over her head. but some people can’t be told, they have to learn the hard way.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
thoughts on alli's death?
As fucked up as these students are, I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if one of her arch enemies was behind it.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
thoughts on tiny breaking miles hand?
Richy rich definitely had it coming.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
jonah & grace. thoughts?
Wasn’t he just voted the biggest fuckboy at this school? Enough said.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
what do you think of the perverts who came up with the boob list? do you agree with their list?
I think they clearly have entirely too much time on their hands. But if I had to grade the list on accuracy, on a scale of 1-10 I’d say it’s about an 8.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
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dividedconfess · 7 years
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dividedconfess · 7 years
Maybe Grace got that STI from that rando dude she left a rave with, heard she went to the rave with Esme.
This is why you don’t hook up with randoms, ladies. Boundaries.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
so i guess besides kissing each other, tori and esme's relationship involves sharing boys too
Those two are much too close for comfort.
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dividedconfess · 7 years
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dividedconfess · 7 years
mass text ✉️ degrassi students
gossip: ever wondered what degrassi's very own prom queen does in her spare time? well thanks to miss zoe rivas we get a glimpse. and HINT: it's not necessarily MODEL behavior
gossip: tsk, tsk. shouldn't we be able to revoke her crown for this?
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dividedconfess · 7 years
drew licked esme til the kitty couldn't take anymore
Sounds like this Wild One reunion got a little wilder than expected.
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