dogmorph 10 hours
hey guys me and my partner are in a bad spot and trying to move out as quick as we can right now. we are living with his family and the situation has been terrible for us and is only getting worse. we are both disabled and he is currently the only one working right now and on top of this his car is having a lot of problems and needs expensive repairs. we really need out of our current living situation now and if the apartments we're trying to contact work out we would just need the extra money to cover the deposit and extra fees that come with moving in. $500 would cover everything right now but any sharing or donating would be greatly appreciated.
cashapp / $curtiswldr
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dogmorph 14 hours
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Remember Khaliifah Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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dogmorph 2 days
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he looks so sweet and kind id like to feed him some pressed oats and corn meal from my hand
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dogmorph 2 days
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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dogmorph 2 days
God I鈥檓 gonna freak out. Just the thing I need. I think the source of my recent frequent migraines is actually my wisdom tooth. We never had it removed because it was under the gum and not moving and the dentists said it likely wouldn鈥檛 be a problem so it鈥檇 be a waste of money to deal with but now it鈥檚 finally flaring up and feels like it鈥檚 gonna start poking through the gum soon. It鈥檚 also pushing the teeth under it around too
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dogmorph 2 days
The average white person on some level has to be convinced that Black people are people
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dogmorph 2 days
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dogmorph 2 days
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starting a collection
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dogmorph 2 days
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Remaking this post since I鈥檓 pretty sure it got deleted, and a lot of people found it very helpful. This is a medical diagram of before and after bottom surgery for trans femmes.
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dogmorph 2 days
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the obvious.
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dogmorph 3 days
filtering down ao3 results from 14000 to 6 based on a single tag is foul. im sorry none of you are as enlightened as me ig.
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dogmorph 3 days
I know most people on here don't like to go to the gym because you're all gay nerds. I like to go to the gym. For the purpose of understanding this post please try to imagine that you, too, enjoy going to the gym so that you can empathize with my point here.
Anyway, so imagine you are going to the gym. You're pumped about the concept of getting some muscle on you. Plus, the gym has this "lift weights every day!" challenge with a feasible plan to slowly and safely increase the amount of weight you can lift by the end of the month. Cool!
So anyway you go there, and you're having a good time. But then you notice something. Some people are coming in with these guys in shirts that say LIFT FOR HIRE. You're curious, and you notice over time that some people are actually paying these guys to come in and do the lifting challenge for them.
"Huh," you say to your mega hot, muscled gym buddy. "That's so weird. What's in it for the people paying these guys?"
"Dunno," says your friend, mid bicep curl.
"Um, actually!" says the gym owner. "Some people are disabled, so the only way they can lift weights it to pay LIFT FOR HIRE, inc."
"But wait," you say. "They still aren't lifting the weights though? Paying someone else to lift for you doesn't mean you've lifted the weights."
The gym owner gasps. "How could you SAY that?"
"Because... it's true?" you say. "Uh, if you pay guys to lift your weights, that's probably really good for the guys you are paying. But it's not going to develop your ability to lift at all. Your muscles aren't going to grow, you're just going to lose money and get no results."
"That's ABLEIST," they say. "How DARE you! Some people are LITERALLY paralyzed, did you think of that?"
"Well, yeah, some people are, and that means definitionally they can't lift weights," you explain. "And paying someone else doesn't change that. Maybe if they wanted to like, move something in their house it would make total sense to hire these guys! But if you hire them to do your workout you get nothing, because the purpose of a workout is personal development. I'm not morally condemning people who do it, but it seems like a waste of money when this event is, again, about improving one's personal abilities."
"This is absolutely DISGUSTING, CLASSIST rhetoric!" the gym owner roars, and then turns to one of the LIFT FOR HIRE guys, "Pay no attention this disgusting person, dear sponsor, we support your business and we totally want you to keep funding our gym!"
"Sponsor?" says your hot muscled friend who was way too busy actually doing their workout and getting gains to engage in dumb discourse. "Oh, now it makes sense."
"Shut up, you don't understand our love!" says the gym owner, before sloppily making out with a LIFT FOR HIRE guy in front of you.
Anyway, that's what learning about the whole AI nanowrimo controversy was like for me.
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dogmorph 3 days
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Mystery / Koan
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dogmorph 3 days
"contract grading" "only 4 absences or you drop to an F" "in this class we will be teaching about disabilities. attendance is mandatory and i do not accept late work" "please respond to at least two of your peers in this discussion post" "people with autism need time to decompress in a classroom environment. your class is four hours long with a 7 minute break." "we like to let students learn the way THEY want to learn. please buy our 150 dollar textbook."
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dogmorph 3 days
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Well you should鈥檝e named yourself something else then
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dogmorph 3 days
馃檹馃崏Please Help the sabreen Family .
馃尮The cry of an orphan child who wants to survive and escape from stricken Gaza馃尮
馃憢I am Sabreen, a widow and the mother of four young children: Toleen, 10 years old, Obaida, 9 years old, Laith, 7 years old, and Ghaith, 5 years old.
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My children and I have had to flee from one place to another, facing unimaginable hardships as I struggle alone to provide for their needs. Despite this, the occupation army ordered us to move south under the pretext that these areas were safe. My young son was injured in the head, and because of the massive displacement that the occupation army threatened us with, we moved. At least 9 times from one place to another, and I faced many difficulties with my children because I did not find someone to turn my back to after the death of my husband, may God have mercy on him.
All I had was my home and my dear children, then the occupation forces came and completely destroyed our home, leaving us only with each other. Now we are homeless, without shelter, and without anyone to turn to.
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I am in urgent need of immediate medical treatment abroad to prevent my illness from getting worse, and to secure a decent life for my orphaned children. Their education, which was interrupted by the war more than a year ago, needs to be resumed.
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It is expected to carry children away from this never-ending conflict, to a place where they can experience the safety that every child deserves. A life where she could grow up in dignity, away from the Varnes of war, with access to everything necessary that makes life to be lived.
Please save my orphan children from under bombing and destruction with your donation, which can save an entire family via the link.
With the utmost respect and appreciation 貙
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dogmorph 3 days
A very tame confession:
In high school, the group who was most openly queer was also the types who thought anyone who didn't namedrop it constantly or was "normal" (their words) was straight.
The way they learned that I was queer too, was when talking about hot cartoon characters, where I named a couple of monstrous ladies (They did not agree with the monsterfuckery, for the record, or the idea that the Other Mother's true form could get it - and that's a very tame example of being a monsterlover)
When I left, they were apparently much more focused on the "she likes girls"-part than the monsterfuckery, despite disagreeing so vehemently with the concept lol
average group of queer highschoolers
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