dominiqucweasley · 5 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
it takes millions of us
to make the world soft
— Domenica Martinelle, “Sand,” All Day I Dream About Sirens
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
hc + wardrobe
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. ( OPEN )
she never thought she had much of a defined style, until her friends started seeing clothes and pointing them out to her, telling dominique that they reminded them of her. then she realized she had always leaned towards light earthy tones, mostly beiges. beiges and white and necklaces. she also liked thrift shopping, and liked pieces that she wouldn’t see on everyone else. 
her wardrobe, in and of itself, is a disaster. dominique is disorganized as can be, and it shows. there’s no rhyme or reason as to why her clothes are arranged the way they are, and even less so for the clothes that have spent the last few months on her apartment floor.
i don’t think dominique ever realized how much her style and personal fashion meant to her until it didn’t mean anything anymore. now, all she’s trying to do is survive, and she doesn’t have time to waste on those things. and truly, she misses it. she misses being able to waste time thinking about what she’d wear for a date, or for an interview, or just for a regular day at work. she misses going shopping and finding items she’d never seen before, and that automatically caught her eye. really, it wasn’t until she arrived at hogwarts in march that dominique realized just how much her clothes meant to her.
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
when: october 13, 2028, 11:43pm
where: hospital wing
who: rose & open
the makeshift “intake” desk the healing division had set up at the entryway of the hospital wing was empty at this hour, save for rose, who was sitting with a mug of lukewarm tea and a bottle of midnight blue nail varnish. they enjoyed nighttime shifts — it was quiet, with only three recent arrivals to hogwarts and one injured guard sleeping at the far end of the medical hall. the other folks staffing the hospital wing at this hour (a healer, one muggle doctor, and another young trainee) were playing cards with a salvaged deck in what used to be the matron’s quarters and now served as a break room/healing space for the more seriously injured folks. ro had opted not to join them — not only to keep a watchful eye on their current patients, but also because they weren’t feeling up for idle chatter. 
they never were up for it, nowadays. 
the heavy doors to the hospital wing creaked open. ro paused the steady, repetitive strokes of nail polish to greet the visitor. they smiled, a hollow, practised action that had served them well over the last few months. “hi. do you need medical attention? if not, i’m also offering manicures.” 
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Dominique had a green thumb, sure, but that didn’t mean they never had issues with plants, just like they had that day. They had been working on a mix between two plants, still working on their so-called “hopeless” project of a plant that could help with what was going on, when it had just started attacking them. Luckily, it was a pretty tiny plant and they had been alone at the time, and so they had been neither seriously hurt or humiliated. Still, they couldn’t take the chance to let an injury get worse, not with the situation they were all stuck in, and so they made their way to the hospital wing, sleeves unrolled over the scratches on their arms; they weren’t proud of having gotten hurt the way they had. 
Seeing Ro as they opened the doors, they smiled and slightly rolled their eyes. That smile was so fake, and Dominique wasn’t about to be fooled by it. Grabbing a chair from up beside the wall and bringing it over and closer to their cousin, the brunette sat down and kept on smiling. “You know I’m up for both,” they said in lieu of a greeting, grinning as they rolled up their sleeves.
They may not have wanted too many people to see their injuries, but they truly didn’t mind Ro being one of the few who found out about what had happened. Plus, getting hurt might have its advantages if it meant Dom had an excuse to spend time with their cousin. 
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
Send me a ♪ and I'll write a drabble for our characters based on whatever song comes up on shuffle
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
“Grow sweetly wild,”
— Mary Oliver, from Truro Bear & Other Adventures; “The Other Kingdoms,” (via mortuarybees)
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
idk why wearing someone else’s shirt or sweater or jacket is so satisfying and comforting but it is
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
older siblings b like i hate u because mom made me do things before u were born and also because u are taller. younger siblings b like u are oppressing me by giving me a task. only children b like what the fuck is compromise, fuck you
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
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❝ You thought we could be controlled like pretty flowers in a hothouse garden. You thought we were roses and daisies and shrinking violets, but we are wild things. ❞
DOMINIQUE EMMANUELLE WEASLEY really is the spitting image of CIERRA RAMIREZ, right? For someone only 23 years old, DOMINIQUE has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that HALF-BLOOD (1/8TH VEELA) has been scraping by at the sanctuary since MARCH, 2028, working as a HERBOLOGIST in the DIVISION OF RESEARCH. SHE/THEY is GENDERFLUID and is known to be GULLIBLE and DISORGANIZED but also WARM-HEARTED and ATTENTIVE. Best of luck surviving through this. ⊰ SAM, 24, EST, THEY/THEM ⊱ ( NOTE: Dominique is adopted. )
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Sandy Olsen ( Grease ) + Rory Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) + Neville Longbottom ( Harry Potter ) + Sookie Stackhouse ( True Blood ) + Belle ( Once Upon a Time ) + Kara Danvers ( Supergirl ) + Mia Thermopolis ( The Princess Diaries ) !! 
LIL FACTS AND WHAT NOT ( TWs: Adoption, Alcohol, Childbirth, Death, Drugs, Parental Death. )
ADOPTION TW, CHILDBIRTH TW, DEATH TW, PARENTAL DEATH TW. Her biological mother moved from the States to England when she was pregnant with Dominique. Her boyfriend was an auror back there who had died in the midst of action, and she couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. In England, she started feeling more and more awful, and after giving birth, she simply couldn’t bring herself look at the child. Long story short, she was still young, she was depressed, and she went back to her family in Mexico after making sure her child had been adopted by a good family. It hurt too much, the reminder of her late boyfriend, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to raise the baby with all the love it needed, and so she felt like she made the right decision.
ADOPTION TW. I’m imagining it being somewhat difficult for not fully human babies to get adopted, and so I picture the Delacour-Weasleys not necessarily like, actively looking for part-veelas, but rather be willing to adopt them, unlike some other people. That has to be discussed with the other Delacour-Weasley’s muns though, so!!!! This could possibly change!
ADOPTION TW. Dominique can’t remember how old she was when she found out she had been adopted, but she figured she must have been quite young, as she couldn’t recall a time when she didn’t know that fact about herself. Maybe it was because she found out so young, or maybe it was for another reason altogether, but to Dominique, being adopted didn’t mean being any less part of a family. To her, family didn’t mean blood. It was the people you grew up with, the people you saw grow up, the people you cared for and who cared for you. It was everything she had with the rest of the Delacours, the Weasleys and the Potters. Family was exactly what her family was, and it was that simple.
Dominique was never especially good at anything. She was kind, caring and generally fun to be around, but she didn’t have very specific interests or talents. She did end up getting quite passionate about herbology, but didn’t realize so until she had to discuss future career options with her head of house. Even then, she liked it a lot, and did want to do it for the rest of her life, but she didn’t necessarily feel the need to make her entire life surround that particular interest. 
Dominique has a tendency to believe the best of people, and unless someone shows her time and time again that they can’t be trusted, she’ll find a way to believe in them. They’re quite gullible, really, and that led to quite a few embarrassing situations for them in the past. Teenagers can be quite cruel, after all. Nowadays, Dominique tries to be more careful when it comes to others and who they truly are, but she still gets caught off guard too often to her liking.
Disorganization queen, to be honest. It was quite a problem when she still went to school, and got her into trouble way too often. She never did her homework on time, and, most of the time, when she actually did it, she ended up losing it. She still looses things way too easily, has difficulty remembering things she’s meant to do, and tends to be quite messy when it comes to her personal space.
Is so!!!!! Full of love!!!!! Legit just wants the world to be happy and well and comfortable. There’s truly no limit to the amount of people she’ll let into her heart!!!!! Gosh, she’s just such a sweetheart, and I’m EMO!!!!!
Dominique pays attention. Which is ironic considering the fact that she keeps on forgetting things, but that is how things are sometimes! She notices things, especially about people, and is a very attentive listener. Dominique will notice things about you that other people probably never would, and though they wouldn’t be annoying about it, they’re likely to be more careful around you when it comes to whatever it is they noticed. 
Gender-wise, Dominique’s been questioning it ever since she was fourteen, and it’s only recently that she settled on the “genderfluid” term. She currently only uses “she/her” and “they/them” as pronouns, but don’t be too surprised if, in the future, they have days where they’re more in a “he/him” kind of state. Right now, that kind of scares them, but they do feel like those pronouns fit them better than others sometimes, and so it’s definitely a possibility. I have a headcanon that her siblings were the first people Dominique talked to about their gender, but that could possibly change depending on things!
ALCOHOL TW, DRUGS TW. Is kind of quiet and keeps to herself, but loves getting drunk/high and then coming out of her shell. She feels truly free when she’s drunk and/or high, and she knows it’s not healthy, but sometimes she needs those things to let off some steam. I don’t know what the partying situation is at Hogwarts right now, but I’m imagining that, if it’s not active enough, or Dominique doesn’t have a chance to let loose far away enough from her family, she might start to feel frustrated/cooped up. 
I’m going to write a bio eventually, but yes! That’s what I have so far!
pinterest board !!
about page !!
connections page !! (it’s only wanted connections atm, but as i plot more, i’ll add more taken ones!)
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
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I’m Gandalf.
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
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tag dump !!
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