My best friend will be going to a different school next year. Shes the only one I am comfortable With talking to about problems, and stuff like that. And shes always there.
But im scared.
We've been growing apart recently anyways since I was in a not so nice relationship and she has a gf as well.
So im scared, because if I have to Deal with my problems on my own, theyre Real and im not good at "Real".
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Found this gem at my school
Want to make your school better?
Come to the SMV (Student with responsibility(like class president))
Write us over Schoolcloud
Our courses:
-Healthy eating/Green Recess
-SMV Image
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Been talking to a discord friend in english (im German/Italian hes Scottish/Turkish) And he told me: "why do you Sound American?"
That hurt.
Very strangely...
But it hurt.
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UwU wanna play awogus with me? Waybe well both be engeweers and we can hang out in the wents. Haha jk, unless馃槼
I simply cannot comprehend the fact that in the new among us trailer, they introduced the new roles like smash bros characters.
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They are vetter then urs
Man I hebe the best friend im the World.
*this is q jigh rant btw*
I was at afriends house ang we were trying to high on shrooms. But begore we did her brother came home (we were alreqdy high from wefd at tht point) so I ran off.
But u couldnt go home, becuse teccnically im ground.
So I cakked anotther friend nd asked them if I could stay qt thier plqce, I stayed, ate abit qnd am now on my wax to ma aunt house.
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I've been having way to much fun with this.
Its become an Obsession.
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Tried to use this bitch myself heres what I got.
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(The one without any description Was my first)
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I see people online that use their depression to make jokes, and I try to do the same.
But instead I just get more miserable.
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I like to see myself as someone who doesnt get involved in Drama.
*proceeds to push people out of my life to avoid drama.
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One time I procrastinated on an arts project So much that my mom threw it away, had to start over, used the wrong measurements.
Got a D
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