dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
I'm on medication, I have counselling, but it doesn't stop the sleepless nights of crying in the dark or the dazzing out constantly. Every night I debate on how much easier it would be for myself and others if I wasn't here, if I did take one too many pills or cut down deeper. I'm so tired, so so tired.
Also self harm isn't just cutting, it can be starving, burning or something. Self harm is bringing harm to yourself physical or emotionally.
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
I got
my first actual follower that was not a bot and I cried I was that happy that someone actually cared x
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
What the actual fuck is JJ playing at? I mean mentioning Adams self harm / depression and Joe's situation? It's September isn't that sucodal awareness month? What happend to love and forgive? I think he should take another long break and just reflect on everything he's said. It's gone on too long now
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
As soon as
KSI made that "I'm leaving the sidemen" and started to hate on Ethan, I disliked him. I use to be a fan but just targetting him on his weight and not even providing a justified reason seems cowardly and I'm not about others trying to bring Ethan down, he's an amazing YouTube and deserves the credit.
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
What the fuck is going on over there?
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
People will accept having a petite body or a plus size body, they say they are all for accepting everyone's different yet people still shame those who wear make up. "Such a shame, natural beauty being hidden by all that slap" or " He/She are totally caked", just because people wear make up does not mean that they are self conscious or hate their beauty. Some may but not all, make up is used to enhance natural features or experiment or even express themselves. Don't be so salty
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
Fear of myself?
In my family having a big family is very common, both my parents grew up in 6 or more children and I'm one of 6. Growing up I played wedding dress up and families. It was the typical girl stuff and my biggest fear is not being able carry or conceive a child. I hate when people are mad or disappointed in me especially my parents. Some may see this as the society gender rolls but humans are animals and one of our most natural prime instinct is to mate and produce off spire. Some may not have this feelings but some do and as much as I dislike children I do want a big family. The disappointment in myself I can't handle
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
Game of Thrones needs to chill
Am I the only one whose realised that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are family? She's his aunt. Daenerys eldest brother secretly married Lyanna Stark and produced Jon.. Where's the chill? Still love the plot though 😉
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
Honestly, Ethan has being my favorite sideman since day 1 and that's because he's such a happy laughing guy even though he was bigger than the others, it seemed as though his weight never bothered him or affected him. That gave me the confidence to laugh, smile and be myself without worrying, my weight shouldn't stop me.
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
It's quite upsetting that some people don't want go to university or continue their education because people decide to share their negative experiences with universe and the debt, I personally can't wait for the challenges and new experiences.
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
Have you ever pictured different scenarios in your head? I constantly do it when I'm depressed and immediately imagine bad ones and get my self worked up and crying.
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dontrunforshit-blog · 7 years
No bye
My parents went away for a 2 weeks and I had do my own laundry, cooking etc... turns out I spent the entire two weeks washing my clothes with fucking fabric conditioner, I'm not ready for that shit
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