dorendoy-blog · 6 years
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                                   THORNS BEHIND STUDENT’S DIMPLOMA
College students in the Philippines are very often in the late adolescent years. As students, they are said to experience a unique clusters of stressors (Garrete, 2011) which may have a significant impact on their ability to cope up with college life (Dusellier et. al. 2005).  The life of a student is riveting and full of unexpected twists. It may be positive or negative ones. Nevertheless, apart from breathtaking and sometimes fascinating events, students face different dilemmas in their lives. They are hooked up to their studies and does not even have a time to engage in other activities It leads to sheer desperation among students community giving rise to student who are unrest. To avoid this, student must know how to balance their lives and handle different problems that they may encounter in their everyday lives. So, here are some of the student’s problems and how to overcome them.
Financially constraint is one of the leading problems of students that had been observed among higher education systems in different parts of the world (Grable, 2008). Not surprisingly, stress related to financial strain and uncertainty has a negative impact on student well-being (Mahmoud, Staten, Hall, & Lennie, 2012). According to Philippine Statistics Authority, financial stress is not new to Filipinos anymore and that it suggest a significant proportion of school-age population to experience financial difficulties. Statistics shows that starting at the basic education level, almost 20% of Filipino children who dropped out of school mentioned insufficient financial resources as the main reason for quitting school. In the higher education, students are juggling with different part time jobs to cover tuition fees, monthly allowance, boarding and school expenses. Rushing back in forth to beat deadlines, pass the exams and finish group activities. It is now the battle between school works or sleep.
Academic stress connotes to the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain future and people’s expectation (Shaikh et al., 2004, p. 347). According to DeDeyn (2008), it is a mental and emotional pressure, tension, or stress that occurs due to the demands of college life. Students are academically bothered by simultaneous submission of paper works, major exams and presentations. According to Stanford, the pressure of earning high grades to exceed people’s expectation leads to stress. Additionally, it stated that academic pressure can be linked to cheating just to prize high grades over values. Hussain, Kumar and Husain (2008) made a conclusion that “academic stress not only impedes academic performance but also adjustment to a greater extent.
According to Swingle (2013), one primary source of both stress and joy for student is family obligations.  A study on stress and its effects on college students show that among the stressors in family factor is, “lack of support from parents” (68%) is considered as the strongest.52% of males consider it as the only reason for stress. Research has suggested that first generation students who are parents are less likely to receive support from their family and less likely to receive accurate factual information about the college experience. Additionally, these students are less likely to have a family that values the student role. This lack of support, lack of accurate information, and a devaluing of the student role can lead to guilt and more strain for students that are already experiencing significant levels of stress (Branscomb, 2006).
 Everyone is struggling with their own problems. Most people never achieve their dreams because they simply give up. When tiredness and bad day strikes, just rest but never stop. Life was never meant to be easy – it’s a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Life will throw curveballs and will attempt to break down one’s goal. Life’s trials are not easy, but in God’s will, each has a purpose. Psalm 46:1-3 says that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” This verse is a reminder of God’s presence during hard times. He’ll give strength and confidence to press forward and energy to fight harder. Offer to God one’s past regrets, present problems, future ambitions, fears, dreams and weaknesses. Students should unwind once in a while to freed unwanted thoughts, rebuild one’s crushed intent and reconnect to Him. Keep going when one feels like quitting, though one may feel lost without compass, God’s love encompasses completely and He will lift everyone in sadness and in despair. So fasten up one’s seat belt, get geared up with a brave heart and be prepared to face college life’s twist and turns to reach the end point where diploma lies within.
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dorendoy-blog · 6 years
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                                   THORNS BEHIND STUDENT’S DIMPLOMA
College students in the Philippines are very often in the late adolescent years. As students, they are said to experience a unique clusters of stressors (Garrete, 2011) which may have a significant impact on their ability to cope up with college life (Dusellier et. al. 2005).  The life of a student is riveting and full of unexpected twists. It may be positive or negative ones. Nevertheless, apart from breathtaking and sometimes fascinating events, students face different dilemmas in their lives. They are hooked up to their studies and does not even have a time to engage in other activities It leads to sheer desperation among students community giving rise to student who are unrest. To avoid this, student must know how to balance their lives and handle different problems that they may encounter in their everyday lives. So, here are some of the student’s problems and how to overcome them.
Financially constraint is one of the leading problems of students that had been observed among higher education systems in different parts of the world (Grable, 2008). Not surprisingly, stress related to financial strain and uncertainty has a negative impact on student well-being (Mahmoud, Staten, Hall, & Lennie, 2012). According to Philippine Statistics Authority, financial stress is not new to Filipinos anymore and that it suggest a significant proportion of school-age population to experience financial difficulties. Statistics shows that starting at the basic education level, almost 20% of Filipino children who dropped out of school mentioned insufficient financial resources as the main reason for quitting school. In the higher education, students are juggling with different part time jobs to cover tuition fees, monthly allowance, boarding and school expenses. Rushing back in forth to beat deadlines, pass the exams and finish group activities. It is now the battle between school works or sleep.
Academic stress connotes to the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain future and people’s expectation (Shaikh et al., 2004, p. 347). According to DeDeyn (2008), it is a mental and emotional pressure, tension, or stress that occurs due to the demands of college life. Students are academically bothered by simultaneous submission of paper works, major exams and presentations. According to Stanford, the pressure of earning high grades to exceed people’s expectation leads to stress. Additionally, it stated that academic pressure can be linked to cheating just to prize high grades over values. Hussain, Kumar and Husain (2008) made a conclusion that “academic stress not only impedes academic performance but also adjustment to a greater extent.
According to Swingle (2013), one primary source of both stress and joy for student is family obligations.  A study on stress and its effects on college students show that among the stressors in family factor is, “lack of support from parents” (68%) is considered as the strongest.52% of males consider it as the only reason for stress. Research has suggested that first generation students who are parents are less likely to receive support from their family and less likely to receive accurate factual information about the college experience. Additionally, these students are less likely to have a family that values the student role. This lack of support, lack of accurate information, and a devaluing of the student role can lead to guilt and more strain for students that are already experiencing significant levels of stress (Branscomb, 2006).
 Everyone is struggling with their own problems. Most people never achieve their dreams because they simply give up. When tiredness and bad day strikes, just rest but never stop. Life was never meant to be easy – it’s a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Life will throw curveballs and will attempt to break down one’s goal. Life’s trials are not easy, but in God’s will, each has a purpose. Psalm 46:1-3 says that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” This verse is a reminder of God’s presence during hard times. He’ll give strength and confidence to press forward and energy to fight harder. Offer to God one’s past regrets, present problems, future ambitions, fears, dreams and weaknesses. Students should unwind once in a while to freed unwanted thoughts, rebuild one’s crushed intent and reconnect to Him. Keep going when one feels like quitting, though one may feel lost without compass, God’s love encompasses completely and He will lift everyone in sadness and in despair. So fasten up one’s seat belt, get geared up with a brave heart and be prepared to face college life’s twist and turns to reach the end point where diploma lies within.
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dorendoy-blog · 6 years
College students in the Philippines are very often in the late adolescent years. As students, they are said to experience a unique clusters of stressors (Garrete, 2011) which may have a significant impact on their ability to cope up with college life (Dusellier et. al. 2005).  The life of a student is riveting and full of unexpected twists. It may be positive or negative ones. Nevertheless, apart from breathtaking and sometimes fascinating events, students face different dilemmas in their lives. They are hooked up to their studies and does not even have a time to engage in other activities It leads to sheer desperation among students community giving rise to student who are unrest. To avoid this, student must know how to balance their lives and handle different problems that they may encounter in their everyday lives. So, here are some of the student’s problems and how to overcome them.
Financially constraint is one of the leading problems of students that had been observed among higher education systems in different parts of the world (Grable, 2008). Not surprisingly, stress related to financial strain and uncertainty has a negative impact on student well-being (Mahmoud, Staten, Hall, & Lennie, 2012). According to Philippine Statistics Authority, financial stress is not new to Filipinos anymore and that it suggest a significant proportion of school-age population to experience financial difficulties. Statistics shows that starting at the basic education level, almost 20% of Filipino children who dropped out of school mentioned insufficient financial resources as the main reason for quitting school. In the higher education, students are juggling with different part time jobs to cover tuition fees, monthly allowance, boarding and school expenses. Rushing back in forth to beat deadlines, pass the exams and finish group activities. It is now the battle between school works or sleep.
Academic stress connotes to the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain future and people’s expectation (Shaikh et al., 2004, p. 347). According to DeDeyn (2008), it is a mental and emotional pressure, tension, or stress that occurs due to the demands of college life. Students are academically bothered by simultaneous submission of paper works, major exams and presentations. According to Stanford, the pressure of earning high grades to exceed people’s expectation leads to stress. Additionally, it stated that academic pressure can be linked to cheating just to prize high grades over values. Hussain, Kumar and Husain (2008) made a conclusion that “academic stress not only impedes academic performance but also adjustment to a greater extent.
According to Swingle (2013), one primary source of both stress and joy for student is family obligations.  A study on stress and its effects on college students show that among the stressors in family factor is, “lack of support from parents” (68%) is considered as the strongest.52% of males consider it as the only reason for stress. Research has suggested that first generation students who are parents are less likely to receive support from their family and less likely to receive accurate factual information about the college experience. Additionally, these students are less likely to have a family that values the student role. This lack of support, lack of accurate information, and a devaluing of the student role can lead to guilt and more strain for students that are already experiencing significant levels of stress (Branscomb, 2006).
 Everyone is struggling with their own problems. Most people never achieve their dreams because they simply give up. When tiredness and bad day strikes, just rest but never stop. Life was never meant to be easy – it’s a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Life will throw curveballs and will attempt to break down one’s goal. Life’s trials are not easy, but in God’s will, each has a purpose. Psalm 46:1-3 says that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” This verse is a reminder of God’s presence during hard times. He’ll give strength and confidence to press forward and energy to fight harder. Offer to God one’s past regrets, present problems, future ambitions, fears, dreams and weaknesses. Students should unwind once in a while to freed unwanted thoughts, rebuild one’s crushed intent and reconnect to Him. Keep going when one feels like quitting, though one may feel lost without compass, God’s love encompasses completely and He will lift everyone in sadness and in despair. So fasten up one’s seat belt, get geared up with a brave heart and be prepared to face college life’s twist and turns to reach the end point where diploma lies within.
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
“Show me the most damaged parts of your soul, and i will show you how it still shines like gold.”
— Nikita Gill
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
I want you to drunk text me. I want you to think about me. Please fucking think about me sometimes because the only thing I do is think about you
(via nakedly)
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dorendoy-blog · 7 years
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Attended a debut with a pastel motif
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
Some things never change
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
i can’t sleep at night, my mind is all over the place.
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
She was very private. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to totally capture her—she seemed so evanescent.
Joseph Mitchell, Diane Arbus: A Biography (via wordsnquotes)
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
A failure is not a loss. It’s a gain. You learn. You change. You grow.
Michael Barata
(via psych-facts)
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
Rest, nature, books, music… such is my idea of happiness.
Leo Tolstoy (via fyp-philosophy)
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dorendoy-blog · 8 years
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@New York Pizza Dept. w/gals last sembreak
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