dramahound · 10 years
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dramahound · 10 years
I smoke for my PTSD/anxiety and my best friend smokes for migraines. They legalized medicinal use in MN this year, but only for like 5 conditions, none of which being anxiety/PTSD/migranes. So I still can't get it legally.
Medical marijuana is important and its so fucking annoying that its still an issue :///
it is fucking phenominal that its been proven marijuana helps w 92% of migraines but i still cant get it legally Lmao
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dramahound · 10 years
??? I literally don't even know where these are from?? I sure as shit didn't type them?? i'm self-diagnosed with PTSD too????
where is this from?
Edit: nvm I found it! I told them a while back to feel free to have their users report suspected troll/spam blogs to me since I have a decent kin following so I could warn people in mass to block trolls but I absolutely don't agree with everything on that page :/
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there wasnt ANY other way u couldve explained that
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dramahound · 10 years
Sam Pepper is sorry 🙌
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dramahound · 10 years
when someone says something so wrong that really pisses you off but you don’t wanna start an argument so you just sit there like
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dramahound · 10 years
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everythings okay
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dramahound · 10 years
If you identify as an “anti-feminist” please unfollow me. What are you doing here, are you lost?
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dramahound · 10 years
Today’s Gender of the Day is: The flower shop scene from The Room
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dramahound · 10 years
"what’s the worst that could happen? I’ll be TOO cool?" I say as I strap the rocket blasters to my heelys.
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dramahound · 10 years
I guess my take on the whole serial killer thing is that if someone finds themself physically attracted to a murderer... Well, I definitely don't understand it, but I won't condemn it, because people can't help who they're atracted to. But POSTING about it, esp. in a public format like Tumblr, is super disrespectful and a terible idea. And if "atracted to serial killers" seems to be a reoccurring pattern for someone, that's probably some kind of red flag.
I couldn't have said it better myself, friend. Thank you for this.
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dramahound · 10 years
Raise your hand if you’re straddling the line between crippling anxiety and not giving any fucks about anything
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dramahound · 10 years
Serial Killer fandom? as a group of people who fans of serial killer? or who think they are serial killers? Because I could be classed as a fan, I am very interested in serial killers, in how they work, why they do what they do, and I don't think that I should be penalized for having an interest in something, especially when it's nothing more than interest, I am not actually killing people nor do I condone or justify what they do, I am just very interested in what makes people like that!
I agree with you somewhat, but there is a HUGE difference between being fascinated by the psychology behind serial killers as a whole, and boderline glorifying/fetishizing serial killers as individuals.
And a really really disgusting amount of people do the latter, especially on Tumblr. ((and they’re usually really young too which is TERRIFYING))
As someone who sees an UNCANNY representation of my abuser in one of the most ‘popular’ serial killers, seeing shit like that makes me literally ill.
((If anyone wants to continue this discussion btw please send those asks to my drama blog i’m not talking about it anymore here))
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dramahound · 10 years
This is a survey to learn the views of those using neopronouns based on their kintypes in an effort to educate people on the topic. There are a few data points that request slightly personal information.
The admin of OtherkinAvenger and Drayce-Darisko have created a survey in hopes of getting a more comprehensive understanding of nounself pronouns and their relation to kintype and to gender in an effort to educate others on the matter.
The survey is a quick 5 questions long and should only take a minute or two to complete. All information will be anonymous. Every answer we receive helps us immeasurably.
We thank you for your time and for your answers!
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dramahound · 10 years
Holy shit, Nico. This is the most on-point thing I've ever read.
A problem we deal with as a generation now that no one wants to acknowledge is that society changed drastically AS WE AGED. The society we are forced into is not the same as what our parents had, so no one has advice for how to do things like apply for jobs online or take online college classes. We’re a generation that was promised a great future so we hit the streets at 18 (or 16) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed looking for jobs or college to find out that it’s not as easy as were told it was, and the best advice anyone has is to “keep trying.”
Our moms and dads didn’t teach us how to handle anxiety attacks. They didn’t teach us how to get up and wash your clothes despite when you’re suffering major depression. They didn’t teach us about psychiatry appointments or social phobias or what to do if you’re followed to your car. They didn’t teach us how to handle when you’re faced with discrimination for being a minority and there’s nothing you can do to prove it. They didn’t teach us about making job profiles on websites and hoping one of the fifty places you applied for would call you back.
We’re a generation that’s in the dark because our parents don’t understand how society is nowadays. They don’t understand you can’t walk into a place and demand they hire you, or call back every other day and get hired because they “like your commitment”. Nowadays, you’ll get a restraining order before you’ll get a job with that approach. They don’t know how to handle how our generation because it is nothing like what theirs was, so we are often left in the dark or at the mercy of a swayed guide, one who might want to push you out of your comfort zone for the sake of sending you in the most straight and narrow path choices. Guidance counselors are there to encourage you to go college, get a job and become a functioning member of society. Police are there to protect capitalist interest and hassle minorities to meet quota. There’s nothing in the books about what to do when you deal with our problems because the world is different now.
No one wants to acknowledge that, though, because in their day you could demand a job and get it. You left high school and went to work and had a steady career. They had kids, they got married, they grew up in a world that wasn’t teetering on another world war and another great depression, balancing on the needle to see which side it fell to first. We have reached critical mass and this world is not prepared for it, and no one has any advice other than “just call them back in a few days and ask again” or “just tough it out”. No one has advice for our queer youth, our youth of color, our young girls who can’t go to the fucking gas station without feeling some sort of intimidated. The youth who know, when they look their interviewer in the eyes, are being turned down not due to lack of qualification but because of the color of their skin, or who they choose to love, or because their gender doesn’t match what they were issued by the state.
We live in a crumbling society with no advice to our names. and that’s very scary. So, please, if you know someone in this situation, if you know people in their teens and twenties that are frazzled, emotionally frayed, depressed, anxious, please cut them some slack. We are trying to build our worlds with no guidelines, and we’re a bit stressed and there are days when we can’t even get ourselves out of bed, much less think “what am i going to do when my job closes in April?” “How will i afford food if my check doesn’t clear by tomorrow?” “Where will i live if this place doesn’t call me back for a job?”
We’re just a little lost, is all.
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dramahound · 10 years
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thanks for sending me anon hate so I could block your IP *thumbs up emoji*
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dramahound · 10 years
When I’m dating a man I’m no longer bisexual
Just like when I’m at home, I’m no longer employed
Or when I’m not studying I’m no longer a student.
Mmm object impermanency 
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dramahound · 10 years
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OKAY. OKAY. WHAT THE UNHOLY HELL. OH GOD I’M SO MAD. HANG ON LOOK, KEEP READING THIS AND I PROMISE I’LL BE MORE CALM. In 2012, a 17-year-old boy named T.J. Lane killed three fellow classmates in a school shooting, and was sentenced to life in jail. But wait, that’s not the worst part. This kid pulled a few nasty stunts to really show how much of a pathetic monstrosity he is. In the courtroom during his trial, he took off his more formal clothing to reveal a white undershirt with the word “KILLER” crudely written on it. He was smiling and laughing while the case progressed through the day. And to top it off, when he was finally sentenced [to life in prison], he turned to the families of the victims he killed, and said, “This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F—- all of you,” before flicking them off. As if this sick waste of human life couldn’t get any more disgusting. AND NOW, FOR THE DAMN KICKER: This vile animal has somehow managed to fucking escape prison with a fellow inmate, and is currently on the run. I urge any and all of you to spread this info around and be fully aware of the tragedy this vermin has caused. He must be found and apprehended as soon as possible, and if I’ve made anyone more aware, I’ve helped this cause. I WANT HIM OFF THE STREETS AND AWAY FROM EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW INFURIATED I AM. I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY OBSCENE LANGUAGE BUT I’M PISSED OFF AT THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THIS IS ONLY ANOTHER NAIL IN THE COFFIN.
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