drampas-trainers · 11 months
Laura lost to Ms. Gardenia yesterday. Eterna Citys Gym Leader. And because of that, we have spent today once more exploring Eterna City and also training the Pokémon a little bit.
We met young Barry again, who gave us the very useful insight to... not lose a Pokémon Battle! I'm sorry, i found it too hilarious not to share. The boy's enthusiasm is really something else!
<<Maybe i should city him! He said "The key to Pokémon battles is to not let your opponent land a hit! Ever! Instead, your hits can't miss! That way you're invulnerable! And you win!">>
Haha, thank you Galois!
<<You're welcome Miss Solaria.>>
We also met someone strange who was pondering the Pokémon Statue in Eterna City, and while that is nothing unusual i believe, he thought it neccesary to tell us that the world as we know it is... incomplete? Oh, i don't quite remember what he said.
Oh, and Laura and Schnitzel have decided to not have him battle anymore. He really doesn't like it. Despite that, i want to publicly thank him for his amazing work yesterday! He gave it his all! He will still travel with us of course, but he won't be part of Lauras battle team. Instead, there will be Sauce! The Shellos she caught a while back near the Forest!
We will also maybe train a bit more tomorrow, and then challenge the gym the day after if everything goes well. Ms. Gardenia doesn't seem to have time tomorrow.
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drampas-trainers · 11 months
Now i understand why Galois was so eager to not post his video from yesterday!
<<Thank you for understanding Miss Solaria. I hope you like the surprise!>>
Yes dear, i do like it! I just hope Laura isn't too embarrassed.
[an audio file starts playing, a deep and calm voice with a strong hoennian accent is speaking:
Hello and good day everyone! We are now doing some foreign Gym Challenge Spotlights! You can call me Nakano Masumi, and I will go over a battle from the Sinnohan Gym Challenge now!
Well, let’s get to know our challenger and the baseline for the battle a bit before we start! We are looking at a rather curious trainer here, actually. It is a woman who goes by the name of Laura, and when i say woman, i should maybe say LADY because she is one of the oldest people i have ever seen try a gym challenge! She is originally from Alola and is currently travelling Sinnoh with her Wife and service Drampa while challenging the Gyms in the region!
Now, I SHOULD mention that this analysis was requested by her! So if YOU are a trainer doing a gym challenge, be it in Hoenn, Sinnoh or somewhere else in the world, you can also send us a message per Mail, to our Website or our brand new Rotumblr Blog and i or one of the other moderators will make an analysis of your Gym battles!
That being said, Laura is challenging the Grass Type Gym leader Gardenia of Eterna City today as her SECOND gym. So while i doubt we’ll see insane strategic plays like we see in the Elite 4 battles, i’m sure there will be lots of close calls and interesting decisions! Before we start, i know you can’t wait, i still want to go over the teams real quick: Gardenia is obviously bound to the gym challenge rules, and for the second Gym, she can only use 3 Pokémon! Those being a Turtwig, a Cherrim and one of her beloved Roserade! On Lauras side, we do see a full team of 6 Pokémon, but i have to say i doubt it makes a lot of sense to bring half of these. There are a Prinplup, probably her starter Pokémon from Professor Rowan, there is a Geodude who i REALLY do not expect to do anything in this battle, a Luxio who’s also a suboptimal choice and a Machop. The two promising candidates for this battle are no doubt Zubat and Staravia with their favourable typing.
Now, without further ado, let’s get this battle started! Gardenias first Pokémon is Turtwig, a classic! I should maybe mention that I do like watching battles of the Sinnoh league, big fan here. So i see my fair share of Gardenia battles. On Lauras side, we see Zubat on the field! Like i said, the favourable type is very good here. The Challengers start of strong with a Wing Attack that looks like it did considerable damage to Turtwig, i’m not sure if it could withstand one more of these hits! Zubat is common and often considered weak, but i tell you, do NOT underestimate these little buggers.
Well, Gardenia is going for a more strategic play than simply attacking, Turtwig uses Reflect! With this, it can probably take another Wing Attack, since Reflect acts as a sort of barrier for physical attacks! Laura doesn’t seem to care though and instructs Zubat to do another Wing Attack. Well, like I said Turtwig can take it like a champ and Gardenia uses Sunny Day! This is a very good decision, Tutwig will probably go down after-
WHAT IS THIS? No! No it hangs on by a thread! Turtwig is barely hanging on by the looks of it and fires a desperate Razor Leaf! That is merely tickling Zubat of course, but in the grass-type gym, this chip damage can be important later on! And now- I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! Gardenia uses a Super Potion to help Turtwig withstand the next Wing attack? Okay, a little analysis. I’m not sure if she did that to kind of give the challenger an easier time since it is just the second Gym or if that was a genuine misplay, BUT! If she would have let Turtwig get defeated here, she could have send out Cherrim with a good amount of Sun left and the Reflect would have held for a few more moments as well! This way, Cherrim would have been a dangerous foe! I am going to be honest here, i know this Turtwig and i do NOT see it do ANY work against Zubat AT ALL except to prepare the battlefield for Cherrim or Roserade! But now the Reflect is going to run out and it might be able to set it up again, but then the Sun will probably be faded away, because i can already see it getting dimmer in the room!
Well, maybe Gardenia has some other plans, let’s see what will happen next! Ah, yes Zubat is hitting another Wing Attack, but since the Reflect is still going, it’s not doing much, and Turtwig looks like its ready to put up some more resistance now! And there it goes, preparing a big attack and OH WHAT A HIT! Zubat just swooped in and took the perfect opportunity to strike at Turwigs vulnerable belly! He’s knocked out! What a turn of events! Oh and there fades the Reflect as well. I still think it was wrong of Gardenia to use the potion earlier.
Anyways, here we see Cherrim enter the field! And apparently the Sunny Day from Turtwig is still strong enough to let her bloom! This is potentially dangerous for Zubat because Cherrim in Sunshine form is more energetic and strong than the overcast form! But We simply see Laura repeat her simple strategy of using Wing attack after Wing attack, and while Cherrim is in a type disadvantage here, it takes the blow like a champ! But Gardenia is NOT using the little bit of sun to hit hard with an attacking move, instead she chooses to chip away at Zubat with Leech Seed! I do think this is the right strategy, Zubat is definitely a force to be reckoned with since it is incredibly resistant to the grass type moves that Gardenia is specialising in! Oh but we hate to see it, Cherrim can’t keep up the bloom and folds down its petals, the Sunlight is not strong enough anymore.
Well, Gardenia is still at it, this time she goes for the offensive Magical Leaf! But Zubat takes it like a champ, only a few leaves have hit him in the first place and it doesn’t look like he’s slowing down with the Wing Attacks! Honestly i think the Leech Seed gives Zubat more Trouble than the Magical Leaf! But any chip damage is good here and i think this is Gardenias strategy! wearing Zubat down and then clean the field with Roserade! Aaaah yes, it’s just like i said, two more Wing Attacks and Cherrim is DOWN for the count, and Zubat does look a little worse for wear, but i do think it can keep going a bit!
NOW it’s getting interesting though, Gardenias Ace, Roserade enters the field! OH what is this? Laura changes her strategy! That’s a switch! Zubat is recalled and Staravia comes out! And while it’s at it, Staravias intimidating warcry causes Roserade to WHIFF a stun spore! That would have been very dangerous for Laura, if that Stun Spore had afflicted Staravia, i think it would look very dire!
Now we’re at it, two fresh and energetic Pokémon, ready to fight! Roserade on Gym Leader Gardenias side, and Staravia on Challenger Lauras side!
AH! IT IS ROSERADE WHO IS FASTER! She fire a Magical Leaf and it seems Saravia does NOT like that at all, but it does swoop in to get a Wing Attack in! Roserade looks seriously hurt, Staravia are a force to be reconed with! But Gardenia did have a plan for this, Roserade is holding a Sitrus Berry to give her some much needed energy back! I don’t think she could have taken another hit without it, and even with this little boost it will be close! Staravia looks better though, maybe he can take another Magical leaf!
NO! NO HE CAN NOT! STARAVIA GOES DOWN! BY THE GUARDIAN OF THE SKY HE GOT PICKED CLEAN OUT OF THE SKY! THIS MAGICAL LEAF WAS JUST PERFECT, IT TOOK THE WIND RIGHT OUT OF ITS WINGS AND STARAVIA SIMPLY FELL DOWN TO THE GROUND! WOW! Laura is in some real trouble now! What will she do now? Zubat is tired and i doubt it could pack a punch like Staravia did, and even with the considerable type advantage, i don’t think it could take two of those Magical Leaves!
Aha! Laura has the same doubts as me, she doesn’t send in Zubat, it’s her Machop instead! What is her plan here? Surely it can’t do much against Roserade, but I’m very curious to see what her plan is!
Oh! Oh! This is too tragic! Machop fell to a single Magical Leaf! Well, Roserade is strong, it is very strong! A fully evolved Pokémon, you can’t forget that! Laura seems a little desperate, she’s taking her time thinking about the next Pokémon to send in against this MENACE of a Roserade!
There it is, she settles for Zubat! Will it take a Magical Leaf? It is flapping its wings trying to close the distance, but NO! Roserades Magical Leaf is too strong! Poor little guy, you did such a great job defeating Turtwig and Cherrim!
Well, if you recall Lauras Team, i don’t think there is anything she can do to turn the tides here! Roserade is looking rather healthy after eating that Sitrus Berry, and the Geodude Laura is sending in is not going to do much! No, no no no no, it is not! Roserade uses Grass Knot and Geodude is in such an entangled mess right now, it can’t move at all. I think it’s safe to say Geodude is unable to battle. I find it interesting to see Gardenia use Grass Knot here! She didn’t use it once before despite saying it is her favourite move to use! But she probably anticipated that Magical Leaf from Roserade and Cherrim would be stronger against Zubat and the other Pokémon.
In any case, here comes Prinplup, and i think Laura has accepted to be defeated here. But giving up is not something this Lady will do! Instead, Prinplup eats another Magical Leaf and goes down immediately as well! Ooooh you hate to see it. Here come her last Pokémon! It is Luxio! Will Luxio be able to tank such a devastating Magical Leaf? Yes! Yes i can’t believe it! Luxio hangs on! That’s incredible, i didn’t think it would! But the Tackle it set out for does not do much damage anymore, Luxio comes out of his Pokéball and immediately gets blasted like that! It nearly tripped after that strong attack, and with that the Tackle attack can’t even tickle Roserade. And now she is giving him the last with another Magical Leaf!
That’s it dear listeners, Gym Leader Gardenia won! What a shame for Challenger Laura! Her Zubat did so well, and Staravia too, but Roserade was just too strong to beat!
I do hope you had fun witnessing this battle! Despite it being just second-badge gym battle, i think it was very interesting to see! The skill difference between Laura and Gardenia was certainly noticeable, but the simple preparation on Lauras side to capture a Zubat was enough to nearly get her the victory!
Now, that’s all i have for you right now! My name is Nakano Masumi and thank you for listening!
The recording ends.]
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drampas-trainers · 11 months
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Yes indeed! The underground-man said that Gym Leader Roark from Oreburgh City is working on expanding (and securing) the caves and tunnels! He also said that there are many fossils to be found in the Sinnohan Underground, which sounds incredibly interesting! But alas, i have to respect my trainers wishes in that regard. I would also hate if either of them got hurt, so i do appreciate their caution.>>
<<Also, he does want to be called Underground-Man. I find this a little bit strange, but i will respect his wishes.>>
<<And thank you! I will relay your encouragement to Miss Laura!>>
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening everyone! We have spent the day learning about Eterna City! For example we met an underground-man who told us stories about a vast cave system beneath the whole region of Sinnoh! I would like to explore that, but i don't think Miss Solaria and Miss Laura would like to.>>
<<And then earlier in the evening, Miss Laura has challenged the Local Gym Leader Gardenia!>>
<<I have filmed the battle, but i also contacted some professional Pokémon Battle Moderators through the internet! I hope they might moderate the Battle, that would be very interesting!>>
<<Until i have confirmation i will not say how it went!>>
//just quick ooc: YAAAAYY i found motivation to play again? I also played bit in advance and recorded it so i don't have to start up the game every day, which is hopefully making things easier to post about. And... uh... in universe we literally just ignore the hiatus hehe
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drampas-trainers · 11 months
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening everyone! We have spent the day learning about Eterna City! For example we met an underground-man who told us stories about a vast cave system beneath the whole region of Sinnoh! I would like to explore that, but i don't think Miss Solaria and Miss Laura would like to.>>
<<And then earlier in the evening, Miss Laura has challenged the Local Gym Leader Gardenia!>>
<<I have filmed the battle, but i also contacted some professional Pokémon Battle Moderators through the internet! I hope they might moderate the Battle, that would be very interesting!>>
<<Until i have confirmation i will not say how it went!>>
//just quick ooc: YAAAAYY i found motivation to play again? I also played bit in advance and recorded it so i don't have to start up the game every day, which is hopefully making things easier to post about. And... uh... in universe we literally just ignore the hiatus hehe
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
(Imma reply on each blog individually )
I love them so much as well. I was going to make Laura a 12 year old lass from Kalos (hi Terezi) because i had no better idea and then i saw a picture of the old lady from sun/moon and was like "i need this".
I don't know what else to say about Laura and Sol, except that they are working better than expected. (Also i really need to start posting here again. Oops)
- Cheese
//you want us to be bold?
// alright, gimme your opinions on ALL MY CHARACTERS!!!
(Tix and Olivia @koffing-time) (Laura, Sol, Galois @drampas-trainers) (Musa, Cocos, Kowhai, Agonis @professors-polycule) (Ü, Sableye @team-nightdancer) (i know the ones othe than koffing-time aren't that developed yet, but you know? BOLD!)
// - Mod Cheese
OKEY SO; Tix is one of the loveliest characters I have ever seen. They are genuinely an amazing person that is very compassionate, while Olivia is also generally good, Olivia's personality is kinda the opposite of theirs.. I absolutely ADORE Tix's character and that's why Olivia is so good. They cover each other's shortcomings in an extremely well way and just slot in like a puzzle. It's very great ^^
DRAMPASTRAINERS is genuinely one of the MOST UNIQUE concepts I have ever seen on tumble! Very few people RP as characters that are under or over 20, and you went straight for the old lesbian couple with their drampa! I ADORE their personalities and the vibes coming from the blog! It just feels cozy, you know?
PROFFESORPOLYCULE you already KNOW im a big fan of them XD and you already know how fuckign impressed I am by the way you managed to give all the professors there such distinct personalities while keeping their professionalism! Honestly, it's very impressive XD
TEAMNIGHTDANCER sadly, I didn't really interest with this blog so I don't know much bout it XD but from what I saw, you managed to keep up the quality work you show in your other blogs! Honestly, it's so impressive that you manage to keep this many characters active XD
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good Morning! Sol is still asleep and Galois is pestering me about telling what happened on our trip to Eterna City.
<< My apologies Miss Laura, i did not intend to be annoying.>>
haha, don't worry sweetie, it's all good.
Anyways, we delayed our trip because of the events at the Valley Windworks, i think we posted about this? Anyways, we went along Route 205 until we reached Eterna Forest for the day before yesterday. We were a bit lazy and only got moving in the afternoon, so we didn't get quite that far. But we met another very cute little guy! I have caught a Shellos who's really a bit of a rascal. When we were walking along, he almost tackled Sol into a bunch of berry bushes. I don't think it was malicious though, he's just a bit hot headed. Oh, he's called Sauce by the way.
We then spent the night at the outskirts of the forest. The sinnohan night sky is very beautiful, really.
More interestingly, in the morning, we met another traveller, a very nice young lady who goes by the name of Cheryl! She said she heard rumors about a criminal group called Team Galactic who's apparently roaming the area. I really didn't think they would be so much trouble. So Cheryl and us went together to cross Eterna Forest. We didn't meet any more Galactics though. Instead, there were a ton of regular trainers who wanted to battle! So mucht that both Lemonade and Schnitzel evolved! We now have a Prinplup and a Luxio in our party, isn't that exciting???
Well, now we'll spend a little while in Eterna City i think. I want to challenge the gym, i also want to go back to the forest and see what kinds of Pokémon live there. I don't know why, maybe because there were so many trainers around, but we didn't even see a single Pokémon!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good night everyone! It is very late, but we just arrived in Eterna City! Both Miss Solaria and Miss Laura are very tired and this Poryphone™ has to charge so i will be brief>>
<<During the trip through Eterna Forest, i could not get any reception, which is why there were no posts yesterday>>
<<We will give you an actual update tomorrow, but we plan on staying in Eterna City for a while because we heard it is just beautiful.>>
<<We also want to explore the forest a little bit more, and of course Miss Laura wants to challenge Gym Leader Gardenia for her second gym badge!>>
<<Good night!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening! Yesterday, we spent another day in the wonderful Floaroma Town, watching the Combee and preparing our travels to Eterna City. After some research, i found it it is apparently a two day journey, so we spent the day preparing!>>
<<We did not start out Journey however! We will do this tomorrow!>>
<<We originally wanted to begin our hike today, but when we left Floaroma Town towards Route 205 this morning, we were stopped by a young girl in distress! Apparently, her dad had been kidnapped, or rather held hostage within the Valley Windworks! Of course we could not just let this transpire!>>
<<We found out the Valley Windworks had been taken over by the so called "Team Galactic"! They are the same group that harrassed Professor Rowan and Miss Dawn a few days ago!>>
<<Miss Laura has proved some amazing battle skills against some random Grunts though! She also won a Pokémon battle agains the so-called "Commander Mars" who had a very scary Purugly. I apologize, i could have used the Poryphone™ Videography Module to make a recording, but as i have to admit i was a little bit scared. Tiramisu was very impressive though, dealing the final blow!>>
<<We also have tried reaching out to the Sinnohan Police about this event, but we could not reach anyone from Floaroma Town. Maybe this Team Galactic has sabotaged the network. We will try again once we reach Eterna City.>>
<<The important thing is, that the young girl has been reunited with her father and that the Valley Windworks can resume operations!>>
<<I also have more pleasant news! Miss Laura caught another Pokémon! It is a Buizel, whom she named "Onion". I don't understand how she comes up with these names, but Onions seems to like it!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture, taken outside in a field of flowers. The background shows a Pokécenter. It shows Laura in a green dress in the same style as her usual ones and a secon woman her age, possibly a little bit older. The second woman has much lighter skin, but you wouldn't call her "white". Unlike her hair, which is very much white and is worn in a very old fashioned permanent wave. she also wears a large white sunhat. Her outfit consists of a rather formal looking combination of pants and blouse, both in black. This must be Solaria.
They are playing with a horde of Pokémon, among them the known faces of Lemonade, Schnitzel and the rest of Lauras Team. There are also a few new additions, for example a Psyduck who is being pet by Laura and a Buizel who is very curiously watching a Staravia who is perched on Sols arm. In her lap sits a Budew]
<<For another great event, Marshmalow has evolved into a Staravia! Miss Laura is so proud of her (and i am as well)! She has warmed up to Miss Solaria a lot since the Evolution earlier today. Evolution has changed her personality a little bit, i think. I wonder if that happened to me as well? I do not feel different, but my own evolution has been a while, so maybe i am wrong here.>>
<<In any case, I wish you all a good night! We will hopefully start our hike towards Eterna City without any more holdups tomorrow mornign!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good Evening! We have reached Floaroma Town earlier today. I didn't post anything yesterday becasue frankly nothing of interest happened, we spent another day in Jubilife city.
But today, just as we went on out way towards Floaroma Town, we were harrassed by some very strange looking people. Or rather, they harrassed Professor Rowan, and we got pulled into this mess. They had some kind of Uniform, it looked like, how to describe it, a little bit like space suits? Apparently they wanted to steal some of his research regarding Pokémon Evolution!
Luckily, Miss Dawn was around as well so Laura and her could scare them off with their Pokémon. Does someone know if we should report this event? I'm sure the Professor is contacting someone, but maybe we should get this known as well.
Oh, and do not worry about us, we're perfectly fine!
Well, on our way towards Floaroma Town, Laura also caught a few Pokémon! Please welcome them!
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture of a very very tiny Budew. It is trying to hide behind a cup of tea.]
This is Muffin! He seems very gentle, but sadly we can't spend much time with him right now, because trainers are only allowed to carry 6 Pokémon at one time. We'll make sure to get to know him better when we're back at the Pokécenter though. //i couldn't resist calling the Budew "Muffin". It's too funny
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[a picture of a Psyduck, standing on top of a table, curiously inspecting a piece of rawstberry-cake]
And here is Cress! She is quite the curious one, but i think she doesn't care a lot about other pokémon. But again, we didn't get to know her that well yet. Oh it is more difficult to be a travelling trainer than i thought!
In any case, we will be spending the rest of the day out in the flower fields of Floaroma Town! I can't recommend it enough, it is so incredibly beautiful here! If you ever have the chance, this is the place to visit in Sinnoh!
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[a picture of a Geodude. It is currently walking on its hands over the floor of a Pokécenter, apparently on a mission]
Also, this is Jelly Bean! She has been with us for a few days, she's originally from the Oreburgh Mines! Galois made this photo when she escaped our watchful eyes and went to steal a Poffin from the cafeteria. Of course we paid for it, don't worry.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good morning! Yesterday was a bit slow, and i think it'll be slow for a bit. We had a lovely day just relaxing in Oreburgh.
We'll be returning to Jubilife City today. We know there is another Gym in Eterna City which is just north of Oreburgh, but we want to visit Floaroma town because it's supposedly a very very beautiful place! So we'll be taking this detour before Laura tackles her next Gym!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
I think Sol forgot to tell you about this and she is already asleep. Galois reminded me though!
I've caught another Pokémon in the Mines this afternoon. It's a little Geogal, whom i've called Jelly Bean. I'm sure she'll appear sooner or later.
Also, to anyone who hasn't done a Gym Challenge: Do it! It's really really fun, and you meet so many people and Pokémon are such amazing companions!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Okay! Tiramisu has just made her way through the Gym Trainers! It's very impressive to watch her fight, she's doing so well! Laura is about to face Mr. Roark, the first Gym Leader!
Galois, would you be so kind and record this?
<<Of course Miss Solaria! I read that it can be helpful to take a look at your own previous performances, so maybe this will not only be entertaining to watch, but Miss Laura might also learn something from this!>>
<<Good Luck Miss Laura!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Videography Module>>
[The Video begins with an Empty battlefield in the center of the shot. Laura is standing to the left in a blue dress with white circles that somewhat resemble bubbles. To the right is a young man in workers overalls and a red hardhat. He wears black rimmed glasses. This is Roark, the Oreburgh Gym Leader. "All right! I know a lot of people think i'm a pushover because young trainers challenge my gym early on and it's not difficult to get a type advantage on me, but be sure you won't earn this badge if you don't give it your all! Geodude, you're my first!"
With this, he releases a small Geodude onto the battlefield, which is silently answered by Laura sending out Lemonade. The Piplup is looking very confidently into the camera. "Let's go dear. You can do it." is all Laura says. Lemonade reacts with charging right at Roarks Geodude who already braces for impact, just for the Water type to stop barely a meter in front of it and releasing a stream of bubbles into its face. The Geodude seems taken by surprise so much that it immediately faints. "Well done darling. Don't let your guard down." is heard from offscreen, as the camera zooms in to take a closeup at Lemonade who is waving at it.
"Ah well, no surprise here, to be honest.", Roark says. "But you would be surprised how much trouble my Geodude can prove for people who don't have such a strong Water Type! I can only repeat, don't underestimate us! Onix! Your turn!" He releases his second Pokémon from its ball.
Lemonade stumbles backwards a few steps as the enormous Rock Type hits the field. "GO ON! Stealth Rock!" Roark shouts before Lemonade can regain his posture and the snake like Pokémon releases its mystical energy to summon a few sharp rocks from the ground that make it difficult to traverse the battlefield.
"No time to waste Lemonade! Lets hit him with another Bubble!" Laura seems to finally be caught by the Gym Leaders spirits and Lemonade does as well. He runs up to one of the rocks and sprints up to its peak where he jumps right at the giant snake and blows some Bubbles into its eyes. Onix is taken by surprise not unlike the Geodude before it, but can tank the hit just barely.
In response, Roark fumbles in his pockets and takes out a potion to spray his Pokémon. The camera takes a new angle more towards Roarks side of the battlefield to get a better look at Lemonade. "Another one!" Laura is giving orders. Before Onix can even react, it gets blasted by another bubbles right into the eyes and takes a daring swipe with its upper body, just to be caught at one of its own stealth rocks and trip. It faints.
Roark has seemingly taken a hit to his confidence. "Oh damn, your Piplup hits harder than i expected! I thought the potions would be enought!"
Fired up by this, Lemonade climbs atop one of the stealth rocks again, posing like Superman into the camera.
"No Matter! You won't have an easy time like this against my Cranidos! Go! Go and show them what Rock types are made of! Headbutt, let's go!"
The instant Cranidos is released, it charges at Lemonade, hitting the Stealth Rock under his feet, making him stumble down. "Again, quick!" The Gym leader shouts as the camera pans around the battlefield to get a better look. Cranidos can hit Lemonade again, just before he can regain his footing, bumping him into another rock. Now, Laura takes her chance and gives the order for another Bubble, which hits Cranidos and makes it stumble for just a second. Lemonade is now heavily panting and looking a little wearily over to his trainer, who decides to recall him. Just as she tells Lemonade to come back, Roark comes with another ace up his sleeve. "Not so fast! Cranidos Pursuit! Before it's too late!" The rock type can barely get a scrape with his foot in before Lemonade get's recalled, maybe even knocking him out, but everything happens way too fast to reliably tell.
Laura now seems a little bit worried. "Oh dear. Tira can you deal with this one?" she asks as she calls out the small Machop she just recently caught. Tiramisu takes a look back at her trainer, apparently stepping on a small rock and flinching upon the impact but quickly focusing on the foe before her. "Let's go Tira, show him your Muscles!" Laura gives somewhat vague orders. "Headbutt, let's go Cranidos!" Roark reacts.
The Dinosaur looking Pokémon charges right at the small fighting type who quickly goes into a defensive stance. Just as the impact is about to occur, she can be seen to move her left arm before a large cloud of dust obscures the whole camera. A few moments later as it settles, she is triumphantly standing atop the defeated Cranidos. As the camera comes closer, it becomes apparent that the rock types skull has a small crack.
"Ho- Ho DAMN!" Roark exclaims, quickly recalling his Pokémon. "I was about to say, i kinda showed you not to underestimate us Gym leaders even with a type advantage, but now i think YOU went easy on ME! That Machop of yours looks like she packs some serious muscle! Come here, you officially earned your Coal Badge! Also, here take this TM. Stealth Rock is a good way to improve your tactics, especially if you know what's to come like against Gym Leaders. Well, i should go visit the Pokécenter, make sure these three are okay."
Laura and Tiramisu take their prize and hug in the middle of the battlefield, Laura quietly praising her Pokémon. The Video ends]
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
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<<Good afternoon! Barry has just won his Coal Badge from Gym Leader Roark! An impressive battle, but I think it was quite close.>>
<<Miss Laura wanted to battle right after, but Gym Leader Roark has to tend to an emergency in the Oreburgh Mine first. He said it was not a dangerous emergency though, so we will join him and take a guided tour of the Oreburgh Mine! Once this is finished, Miss Laura hopes to battle Gym Leader Roark for her first badge of the Sinnoh League later today!>>
<<I am very excited!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
We have some more news for you! We have decided to take a little stroll on Route 207 because we couldn't sleep, and just see who we found ther!
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[A photo of Laura in front of some tall grass. Today, her dress is Yellow and has a circle-pattern. She is smiling and waving into the camera. Holding her left hand is a machop, looking up to her like a little child.]
This is Tiramisu! She was out here, punching rocks and pulverising them. I don't quite know what drew her towards us, but she put up quite a fight against Marshmallow! After a few hits given and taken, she sort of just ran up to Laura, and Hugo was about to give her some Dragon Pulse, but she just hugged her. So, well, she just joined up with us! What a surprise.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good Evening! We have successfully reached Oreburgh City after a very long day on Route 203. And honestly, a lot has happened!
Barry has apparently also gone towards Oreburgh City and surprised us just outside Jubilife City where he challenged Laura to a Pokémon fight! I'm impressed by his battle prowess and is absolute resolve to never give up. In the end, he still lost, but he managed to exploit Schnitzels timid nature and his Turtwig snuck in a very strong hit which made Schnitzel faint. I think out little boy was a little bit nervous after Turtwig retreated into his shell more and more and nothing seemed to have any effect, until he suddenly struck back. Well, because of that we had to go back to the Pokémon Center and make sure Schnitzel is okay. Also, yes, he is just fine!
//I wanted to make like video descriptions of major battles like gyms or barry, but this one dragged on for way too long because of Withdraw. Also Turtwig critted Schnitzel two times in a row and Lemonade as well, and i didn't get a single crit. I love RNG.
//Schnitzel also fainted against the last trainer in Oreburgh gate to a crit, so he has one more faint before retiring. I think he'd be totally fine that, timid as he is
Well, we then explored Route 203 for a bit, and Galois spotted an Abra! Laura wanted to catch it, but it kept teleporting away once we got close. At some point Laura made a good throw with a Pokéball, but it got away. We didn't see it again. We spent most of the day on Route 203, actually.
The last thing i want to mention is that we found a new friend when we passed through Oreburgh Gate!
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[A photo of Lemonade the Piplup, sitting on a bed with the typical Pokécenter bedsheets. On his head is a Zubat, it's wings layed down the side of Lemonades head, who is holding both wings with his flippers. They seem very cuddly]
This is Stir-Fry! He is so gentle, he didn't have anything against the nurse inspecting his teeth earlier!
Tomorrow, we will visit the Oreburgh Museum, and hopefully Laura will challenge Roark, the Gym Leader. I'm very excited to see how she will do!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
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<<Miss Laura and Miss Solaria are currently out on a date in Jubilife City! They have left me behind at the Pokémon Center, so i can make a post about todays Events!>>
<<We have spent today in Jubilife City and gone to various interesting sights! We have visited Jubilife TV and taken a tour of their facilities! It was very informative! I am impressed that they don't rely on Rotom-Camera Technology, there are many reporters! They also offer a Lottery for Trainers! Sadly, Laura did not win anything.>>
<<In addition, we have participated in an advertising campaign by a company that develops wrist worn technological gadgets. They call it "Pokétch"! A very interesting piece of Technology. I wonder if it would support my program!>>
<<Anyways, tomorrow we will start out journey to Oreburgh City! I have found out that a Museum is located there and Miss Solaria is very interested in this. Miss Laura also wants to challenge the local Gym leader, Mr. Roark! He supposedly specializes is Rock Type Pokémon, so i think Miss Laura will have no trouble defeating him together with Lemonade! She has shown some serious battle skill during our few days of travelling already! That's what the teachers at the trainerschool said! On the other hand, Mr. Roark is a Gym Leader, so he is already a very strong trainer. In any case, i am very excited to see this battle!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
ooc //
but hii!! i would!!!!!! like to ask u all to do a thing!!
reblog this post if u r!! a pkmnirl blog person!!!! that i can interact w!!!!! i need to get outside of this lil box of people i have rn :fallennnn: /hj
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