dreaminmemories · 2 years
Never mind, i love this. Take my love for this blog,
Making some changes to the family tree if anyone wants to see that!!! :D ALSO the family list is gonna be updated in a few minutes… so y’all can see what I’ve been up to…
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dreaminmemories · 2 years
Making some changes to the family tree if anyone wants to see that!!! :D ALSO the family list is gonna be updated in a few minutes… so y’all can see what I’ve been up to…
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dreaminmemories · 2 years
Imbalance chp 1.
This is it. 
Wherever you are, tell me the truth
Who are you and how did you find me?
One woman thought as she looked at her friend, who was waiting for her outside of the plane. As she bowed her head to the pilot, she felt the heat crawling on her back. Being next to her friend, their eyes wandered around at the sight of a construction site at the airport. The bright Kalos sun shone overhead, its rays hitting the ground. Sizzling noises could be heard from the bottom of their shoes as waves of heat rose off the pavement like flames above a roof. Even the nearby trees looked around to find shade.
So, was this the effects of Team Flare warth in the region? 
Fixing her askew brown fedora that she wore in her trip in Johto, she felt her eyes landing on the tower in the middle of the city, half-way rebuilt with daylights. Walking down the stairs of the plane, she couldn’t help but listen to her friend inputting their opinion, glancing at hers purple eyes,
“Valerie, With the wreckage of the aftermath of Team Flare assault two years ago, could have affected the economical and sociological societies of the region….” 
 Valerie let out a sigh, as her eyes darted to a flying-type pokemon with red colors. The environment had piqued her interest before the letter arrived addressed to her. Arriving in the region near the end of summer, she feels….it was the right choice. 
Valerie put her hand on her brown bag as she felt a circular item at her fingertips. With her ring from her father prompting her to have something to signify her family,  She smiled to herself.
        'Zelie, your words are hard even for me to understand... but you make…me feel safe when we were younger.'
        Zelie's stomach started to growl. She turned around, embarrassed by the betrayal of her stomach. Valerie chuckled. She opened her mouth to speak... but she was cut off.
        The ground started to shake. Valerie glanced at Zelie before hearing the crowd cheering outside of the airport. Glancing up, her eyes landed on a Flying-Type, who began to violently flap its wings to create powerful winds, unleashing its fury. The two teenagers gave each other a questioning look. As they laughed, another collision could be heard from two Pokémon, sending winds towards their area.
        “Do you want to chec-” Valerie paused. She stopped, however, as Zelie was away from her and running to the city's food area.
        Seeing her friend run towards the food area, Valerie couldn’t help but feel… happy. 
The feeling….that she was here before lingered.
        Shaking her head, she followed her friend—who was stuffing her face with desserts. Her eyes widened at the sight of so many multi-colored desserts in front of her.
        “Didn’t you want to be ready for your conferences instead of being addicted to your cookies?” Valerie spoke before picking one of them up, her eyebrow raised as she felt the soft texture. The cream was as soft as a cloud.
        “No. Cookies will always come first. You made me wait in the airport with no food, so be quiet.”
        Valerie shook her head, joining her friend in her cookie indulgence. 
        For so long, Valerie’s mind was a whirlwind... with many different emotions coming to her. The city brought out her repressed memories of when she was younger. Her eyes glanced around, hoping to find the person within her remembrance and she couldn’t suppress the chuckle that was hiding within her. 
        'Zeile influences my choice of words.'
        The crowds of people walking from one shop to another...
        Many construction sites of shops...
        The looming tower of Lumiose City...
        The joyful expressions on people's faces as dancers surround the streets, trying to provide happiness to those who needed it. Pokémon wandered around in hopes of finding new trainers to battle, bringing life to the city. Her curiosity made her think,
        'Is this the culture of all of Kalos? It’s…heart-warming to see it’s not bad…as it seems,'
        Both girls walked in silence before skidding to a halt. Zelie looked over to her right, seeing a building that resembled a greenhouse, with new trainers coming out with their starters. The three trainers stood together; their smiles comparable to a joyful Happiny. Zelie brushed her hand over Valerie’s shoulder.
        “Professor Sycamore’s lab should be around the corner, is it wise to only have your Zoroark, and both of your Zigzagoon with you? Do you want to change to include your other Poké-”
        Valerie interrupted her friend with a huff, She broke into a small smile as she waved her hand. She has full trust in her pokemon to protect her, to make sure…she doesn’t lose control of her emotions.
        “Don’t worry about me, Zelie. Thank you for caring, but I have confidence with my three Pokémon. Both of my Zigzagoons are capable of protecting me.” 
        Zelie sighed, her soft, close-lipped smile suggested a humored conversation of the past. Her glasses shone, covering Zelie's worried eyes... as her mind remembered the fragment memory of her friend’s nightmares---and to the extent, her last journey. 
Valerie was attached to her when they were younger, making Zelie couldn’t help but silence her emotions. Suppressing them in the moment as to her, she couldn’t bear to say her emotions out loud. It was…unbearable to her to break down in front of her friend.
        Zelie shook her head as she muttered her statement... She couldn't bear to say her emotions out loud..
        “I c…care about you. I just don’t want to lose you…”
        Zelie walked towards the lab, not waiting for her friend to follow behind. Valerie quickly followed, but she stopped.
        Before she continued to walk toward the lab, however, Valerie’s hand touched her forehead.
        She already felt a headache starting to form.
        Clenching her fist, she closed her eyes to feel her heart beating. She jumped back a bit as she felt her Pokéballs shaking—as if they were assuring her. She couldn’t help but crack a smile as she heard her name called.
        Opening the doors to the lab, many Pokémon came towards her and swarmed over her. The flock of Pokémon made her fall onto the cool floor. Her fits of giggles turned to laughter as she felt the happiness of the creatures.
        After hearing footsteps, Valerie heard a deep voice call the creatures back. The person approached her, holding out a hand for her to grab.
        “Bonjour, you must be the one that Professor Elm spoke of. He has the utmost respect regarding you, Madame Valerie Kamiya. Welcome to Kalos. My name is Professor Sycamore, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Remembering the book she read about Kalos---she knew he was the main professor, and not an imposter. To her surprise, seeing a young professor was abnormal. But…She could trust him.
        Valerie lowered her head, as she put her right hand over her heart. She got up off of the ground, causing Professor Sycamore to take his hand away. All of a sudden, Valerie's ears perked at Zelie’s voice.
        “Professor, have my research papers reached you? My research was on the Origins of Mega Evolution.” 
        Professor Sycamore glanced at Zelie, the other girl coming over. He smiled. ” Madame Zelie, yes, yes. Your research paper is in great care with those who are judging at these conferences. Madame Valerie, what is your goal in Kalos?”
        "To become a Battle frontier brain! But first, I want to see what the region has to offer!” Valerie commented, her voice betraying the happiness she was trying to keep inside.
        Zelie stood to the side. Her head was down, not letting anyone see her emotions. Her mind raced with the conclusion...
        'I won’t be able to see her again…'
        She felt her blood rushing as she looked back up to see her friend. She couldn’t….no, she can’t hold in her emotions bottling inside of her. She couldn’t be the robotic self---just being herself,  
        Professor Sycamore started to clap his hands. Zelie fixed her glasses, walking forward to Valerie. Her glasses covered the tears rushing down her cheeks as she began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours.
        Valerie felt her heart breaking into pieces... and she couldn’t help but feel the pain she was in. Valerie put Zelie's head on her chest, letting her friend cry—even if she had her own tears falling out of her eyes
        The green-haired lady grabbed her hand as she could hear Zelie's silent screams, suffocating with each breath she took... trying to hold on to her pride.
        “Zeli, if you think we won’t see each other again… You're wrong. I will see you again, and, while you try to keep your monotone persona… It’s okay to let out your feelings. Knowing me and you, you will work hard on your goal. I will support you no matter what.” 
        Valerie brushed her hand through her friend's pink hair, trying to alert the woman that it was okay. Zelie grabbed her shirt as they stayed there for a moment, not caring about the rest of the people watching them. 
        “So the first gym is located in Santalune City? So I need to go to Route Four before reaching there. Thank you, Professor.”
        Valerie looked over at Zelie, who stopped crying. "Zelie, call me once your research conference is over.”
        Zelie nodded. 
        Valerie bowed and turned her body to the door... She couldn’t wait for her adventure.
'Time to start my Journey in Kalos.'
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Family Until the End|Pokemon One shot
Fankid Day one|Family
Kellyn Mishima[8]: OC Shiori/Shohei Ship
Auerlie Mishima[9]: OC Shiori/Shohei Ship
Lucas Mishima[6]: OC Shiori/Shohei Ship
Lloyd Yang[7]: OC Riku Ishida Yang/ OC Naomi Ishida Yang
Akari Kamiya[24]
Silver Kamiya[24]
Shiori Mishima[37]~Age not canon as she should have been 43---au.
Shohei Mishima[37]~Age not canon as he should have been 43---au.
Riku Ishida-Yang*Just Yang[38]Age not canon as he should have been 44
Naomi Ishida-Yang[37]Age not canon as he should have been 43
Akari became champion at age 24.
: ---------
To say the girl struggled with sleeping was an understatement. Hearing her voice in her sleep, the voices in her head kept getting stronger.  Her sleep was longing, as she could see others versions of herself. Her sleepy eyes landed on the clock, coherent that she only slept thirty minutes. For a five-year-old, her mind stuck with the logical explanation.
Insomnia was the word her mother described her absence of sleep as she closed her eyes in hopes of resting. It was such foreign to her, prior, she could sleep.
But…that was a lie. Asteria could hear her mother’s voice in her mind, as she swore it wasn’t a dream. She jolted back from the world of dreams as her mother called her again.
“Asteria Blair Kamiya! Come on, you will be late and will miss a raft to the Island!”
Her mother yelled as the young girl stirred in annoyance as she stretched her arm. She jumped out of bed at the thought of seeing her cousins, which put on a smile on her face. She looked in the mirror; her wavy red hair was like a Tangela--- messy and tangled. A sigh came out of the girl’s mouth before heading downstairs.
Grabbing on the rail, she could hear a low singing voice, which her eyes landed on her mother, carefully holding her baby sister, while her father packed some stuff in his bag. The house was filled with photos of her, her mother, and her father in their earliest years. She scratched her eyes, as she yawned,
“Mommy, why do we have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning?”
The mother handed the baby to her father before kissing her forehead. The annoyance of waking uplifted, and the little girl had a slight smile on her face. She felt her hair was ruffed, and her father walked up next to her. His ebony black eyes looked down at her, giving a warm feeling in her heart.
Her mother smiled at the thought before, crouching down, as her eyes met with hers. The forest green eyes that she could get lost into, as she could hear the words coming in her mind,
“Your Aunt Shiori and Uncle Shohei have invited us to this Island near the Orian Sea. When he was in the Orian Military, Your Grandfather Keisuke found the Island and let us explore.”
Asteria glanced over at her father, who thought deeply about the conversation and held Azura. Why do I hear grandpa and grandma from my mommy but not from my daddy? Her eyebrow furrowed as she shook her head. She fixed her skirt before running towards the door, and tapped her foot three times, and heard the giggle coming from her baby sister.
The mother let out a sigh as she saw the five-year-old on the door, waiting. She glanced at her husband, who started to walk towards their daughter. The woman shook her head before looking at the wall, the images of their wedding photo. The woman looked down at her wedding ring, playing with it before feeling an arm on her shoulder. She closed her eyes, remembering the man that plagued both of their minds. The sneered of disapproval, the cold--heartless eyes of a man, who left a scar on her stomach. Teardrops started to fall from her right eye as she spoke, with emotions overloading her,
“ How are we going to tell her? How are we going to tell an innocent child this? ”
The man obverse the same image and held her hand. He vividly remembers the older man, jeering at the thoughts. He was the reason I wanted to get stronger.  On the cold nights, he was trying to survive in the frigid place of Jhoto. The words of his father afflicted his mind as he lowered his voice to a hushed tone, “I can…speak to her about it, Akari. It’s my heritage; I need to say.”
While strolling out, both adults had a thought in mind, “Would she understand?”
From a distance, the sun started to rise from the east.  The breeze hit Silver as his fangs flew along with the winds. He was rowing the boat from the mainland to the Island as Akari spoke about the Island while holding Asteria’s hand and Azura. The clouds were moving; the water was glistening underneath the Arcadia sun.
Asteria couldn’t shake the feeling, as she wanted to know. Akari could sense the shakiness in Asteria’s breathing, and her hands were shaky. She decided to rub her back before saying,” My beloved, are you okay?”  Akari’s eyes quickly glance at Silver before hearing the young kiddo sigh.
“Daddy…why don't you speak about Grandpa and Grandma?”
The question Both adults thought before he continued rowing. The man’s eyes were set towards the pier, his mind dodging the question.
Silver sighed as he looked at his daughter, a carbon copy of her mother, with the same shade of innocent green eyes. His heart took a stab before speaking in a hushed tone,
“Little one, there’s a reason…I’m sure you will understand.”  Silver dodged the question as Asteria crossed her hands before he swiftly kissed her forehead, and his voice went even quieter,
“Little one…I don’t want you to be upset with me. I don’t want you to hate me.” He thought while he got out of the boat, extended his hand towards his wife, and helped carry his youngest daughter.  Asteria looked at her mother before getting picked up and put on top of her mother’s head.
This place..is magical. Asteria thought as a smile crept up her face. The little girl’s eyes landed on the treehouse on top of a tree that oversees the whole Island. The waves became gentle as flying types dived in to get fish, creating a huge splash.
Nearby palm trees stood tall as small trunk pieces started to fall. Flying types passed the area, flapping their wings. Water-type creatures touched the stream near the coastline, enjoying the tender liquid reaching their lips. Far from the coast lay a small house that connects to the upper part of the Isle, with a bridge towards a fallen palm tree.
The smell of food reminded Asteria of her mother’s cooking. The scent of her favorite food and the smile on her face when seeing her beloved Takoyaki made her mouth watery. Even without sleep, her mind comes to her Jhotoian cuisine.
“Akari, Silver, Asteria, over here!”
A voice called them, which three kids came running towards them, as Akari put Asteria down, and all of the chatter of the kids. Before seeing her sister, Shiori, Akari looked over at her young kid, attached to Silver. Shiori’s wavy red hair reached to her back, with her two long pieces in her frame. Her hair flew along with the wind as she went straight to Akari’s arms, making the younger sister fall onto the floor.
“Congrats on winning against Lance, Kari!”
Shiori spoke with happiness in her tone as she got up before holding her hand out. Akari, gracefully, grabbed it as she fixed her glasses.  Shiori waved at Azura, who hid on her father’s chest, making the older woman chuckled.
“What did I tell you four years ago. She first decided to beat me to get Silver, his mega stone, and now she's the champion of Jhoto.”
A deep voice spoke, who started to walk down, his eyes squinted as the male red hair, before laughing. He extended his prosthetic hand towards the male, and Silver shook it. The raven hair looked at the little girl before joking,
“So, this is the latest Kamiya in the family? Kellyn, don’t push Lucas in the water. Troublemakers, am I right?”
Silver remained silent as his eyes glanced at his little girl, playing with his brother-in-law pokemon, Luxary. Asteria was in awe of the creature as she petted the mane. She jumped as she heard steps coming towards her, which her eyes widened.  A gray-haired kid with ocean blue eyes leaped out of Luxary before landing on his feet.
“Your hair is so long! I’m Lloyd. Lloyd Ishida-Yang, my parents, know yours!”
Mommy never mentioned anyone she knew with that name. Asteria furrowed her eyes before hearing the kid speak again,
“Do you want to meet where Kellyn, Lucas, Aurelie are? We are at the top of the treehouse! We stole some food that my dad brought!”
“There are signs of them left…the old man and his cult-like followers….”  Silver spoke out; his eyes were fueled with rage. Akari stood by his side, having one of her arms on his shoulder as a way for him to relax. Silver maintained his steady breath; his arm clenched up with the mess he was involved in.
Riku, who stopped cooking, looked at the sky before saying,” Could..there be a chance one of his admins are the ones making these appearances instead of Giovanni?”
Silver looked up before shaking his head as his mind refused to accept that. His brain, fogged with negative memories, before shivering. He felt his jacket was pulled by his older daughter, as he glanced down, and saw tears from her eyes. He pulled his jacket from his neck, before eyeing his wife.
“Daddy, Mommy….tell me the truth.”
Akari glanced at her sister, who was backing away to be in her husband’s arms, with her little one. Silver remained silent before Akari spoke out,
Her eyes flared with anger; as she stomped through the floor, her eyes landed on the parents. Silver stood tall, his red Cowlick hair reached to his back, his eyes looked back at her daughter, before walking in front of her.
Asteria started to walk back, her eyes looking towards other adults before yelling,” Do all of you know!”
For a five-year-old, she knows a lot of words. Shohei mused before seeing the tension of the Kamiya family. The air was filled with stillness before Akari made a move. She stretched her hand to touch her daughter before her daughter swept it away.
“Asteria, we have a reason, dear….we just….” She paused before seeing her husband before she bowed as she went next to him. Silver looked at her before saying some words.
“I didn’t want you or your mother to be connected to him. He caused me and your mother pain. I don’t…want to speak about him in our household. It’s not what you need to worry about…leave it to your mother and me.”  He breathed out as he looked down in shame. He clenched his fist before he heard his daughter stepped back.
“Is this why…” Aesteria spoke out, her eyes looking at her father before he sighed. He ran his hand through his hair, as he looked over at the others before saying,
“Yes. I took her surname, so you and Azura can have a better life. The world..isn’t as good as you imagine.” He started to walk away from Aesteria, before he felt a hand connect with his. He turned his head around before seeing the little one, crying her eyes out.
Akari grabbed Azura from her sister before embracing her partner and daughter. She spoke quietly,” From now on…no more secrets, we are a family until the end.”
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Some quotes of Blitz-
“You know? I always wonder what’s beyond the Arcadian sea, being in Arcadia all my life, I always had a sense...of wanting to explore outside, knowing what’s a trainer life.”
“Orian First class Soldier, Shōhei Mishima. Trained to strike, trained to be a leader,but not trained to talk to woman.”
"Let's dance, Akari. Look at my eyes, and let me hear your heart beat."
"Can you not wake me up now? It's three in the afternoon,"
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
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This user has ADHD 
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Akari Change
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Credit for after|https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810
Credit for before Akari|https://picrew.me/image_maker/69653
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Meanwhile I started to admit this feelings towards someone in my school,
Here’s some facts bout Riku in RE: Sanctuary
He’s the oldest one of the group[24]
His team is based on Pokémon that are Dark Type and one wild card: Dragon Type pokemon.
Out of everyone, he wasn’t born in Arcadia. He was born in Sinnoh, and his family branched out to Arcadia. His father is apart of Internal Agency[Similar To Looker]
While his goal not to be the champion, he’s going to be a member of International Agent[Like Blake BW2]
He has two younger siblings[Twins].
His code name is “Agent Dusk” A reference to how he’s always awake at Dusk to defend.
He’s now The Defender instead of dreamer.
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
To sum up my blogs and side blogs.
Dreaminmemories|Main and Mutifandom
Recklesseeker| Bout the region, not focused on the kids. Infomation on the region, important events.
Sanctuarynextgen|Focus on the kids, and headcanons of the adults/kids such.
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
This will feature all of the ship's canon to Sanctuary. This is just a WIP So Up Hoenn&Including Arcadia is done. Also, this is the future, so It will mention the kids and their parents. While Sanctuary is gonna be an OC-based pkm story, I will put canon characters here. This is on Magna/Animeverse characters.
Leaf Greene/Farrah Greene{Permission with @lydiapkmn]
no kids
NamelessShipping| Two Girls& Boy Lilac Oak, Hazel Oak, Oliver Oak.
Parents: Blue/Red Oak.
WaterWarriorShipping| Two Boys: Kai & Nagisa Waterflower-Lilis.
Parents: Misty/Lana Waterflower-Lillis
VermillionShipping| One Girl: Noelle Cerise.
Parents: Chole/Goh Cerise.
RocketShipping|Two Girls: Juilet& Josie Stuart[Twins Girls].
Parents: James/Jessie Stuart
Soulslivershipping| Two Kids: Blair& Magnolia Shibuya
Parents: Silver and Lyra Shibuya
Ethan/Kris|One Boy: Milo Westcott
Hoennshipping|Two girls one boy: Vivian Birch&Madeleine Birch& Daniel[Danny] Birch.
Parents: Ruby/Sapphire Birch
OriginShipping| Two boys: Cole&Astra Stone.
Parents|Steven Stone&Wallace Stone
Coordinatorshipping| One Girl and One Boy: Dani Hayden&Ian Hayden
Parents: Harley Hayden/May Hayden/Andrew [Drew] Hayden
Fallershipping|Two Girls: Aria&Jocelyn Leta
Parents: Anabel&Looker Leta
Comashipping&Dawn| Five Kids; Three Girls, two boys. Noémi Ketchum-Rebolledo&Annalee Ketchum-Rebolledo&Kendall Ketchum-Rebolledo&Lorrin Ketchum-Rebolledo[Twins with Sorrien]&Sorrien Ketchum Rebolledo[Twins with Lorrin]
Parents|Dawn Ketchum-Rebolledo/Ash Ketchum-Rebolledo/Paul Ketchum-Rebolledo
Geekelectricbounceshipping|Two girls and one boy. Alexa Citron-Yvonne, Adele Citron-Yvonne, Lucian Citron-Yvonne.
Parents:Shuana Citron-Yvonne/Clemont Citron-Yvonne/Serena Citron-Yvonne.
Soulheartshipping| Four Kids-Two Girls and Two Boys. Aurélie Camillie Mishima, Lucas Hoshi Mishima, Katsurō Régis Mishima.
Parents: Shōhei[Blitz] Mishima/Akari Mishima Nee. Kamiya.
Protegoamareshipping| Two Girls[Twins] Akira& Cordelia Ishida.
Parents: Riku/Naomi Ishida.
Sunsetbondshipping| Two girls: Leslie Ange and Callie[Calista] Ange.
Parents: Emilie Ange/Phoenix Ange/Fluer Ange
Amaya&Lillian| Three girls{Triplets] Zelie Aguilar-Pierre& Andie Aguilar-Pierre&Annette[Ann] Aguilar-Pierre.
Parents: Amaya Aguilar-Pierre/Lillian Aguilar-Pierre.
Ryuji&Lucile| Two Boys: Percival[Percy]Mishima & Lovel Mishima.
Parents: Lucile Anabelle Mishima/Ryuji Yoshino Mishima.
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
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"The Defender of Arcadia"
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
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"The Warrior of Arcadia, Blitz Mishima."
-He trained with the Orian Military when Akari was seeking out her dream with Riku and Naomi.
Link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
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"The Seeker of Arcadia,Akari Kamiya"
Link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/69653
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Ships for the new Sanctuary
Akari/Blitz{Real name Shōhei]
Emilie/unnamed female. Yes, they are gonna be in an LGBTQ relationship, got a problem? Don't follow me.
Amaya\Lillian _____________
Mentions of a ship.
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Also, I will be restarting the side blog: Recklessseker as I will be restarting the works of Sanctuary!
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Another headcanons post. This is AU Akari and Blitz. Arcadia is in this but, it's just a regular region with Aequalis being tied into the Orian Warriors, helping others. The Main villain, Vadis has been stopped after they arrived, so it's good.
-Blitz is just a nickname. His actual name is Shōhei Mishima. The reason for his nickname has to come from one of his older brothers, Ryuji: Who see him as just a burst of energy when he was younger.
-Blitz can be...quite a Tunsdere when they first start dating. How they ended together- Well, Akari was the one who started the flirting, which made Blitz snap out and kiss her...as he was just- "F*ck it." Akari mentions this a lot when they are older[They started dating at age 23.] and he's just has a "-_-', why, Idiot, do you have to remind me."
-Marriage is well interesting. Both are well-known trainers, sharing the same goal. Both are Kalos Elite four members, and Akari is half time researcher, for recollections of the ancient City in Kalos. Their private life- has been exposed so much, they just "At this point, I don't care anymore" Mood.
-Blitz is the cook here since "I don't want poison food, idiot." But he loves her baking. Her baking- he's just, have a sweet tooth but won't admit. Akari finds out via his sister, Shion.
-If they need to use different names, Akari uses the name " Cordelia Amos." And Blitz uses," Ryu Amos." Akari looks at him since he uses a part of his brother Ryuji's name..which makes Blitz sigh.
-They have four kids. They decided on the names,Aurélie Camillie Mishima, Lucas Hoshi Mishima, Katsurō Régis Mishima, Sayuri Éliane Mishima. Blitz named the last two and Akari named the first two.
-Blitz, believes he's not a good dad since his biological father wasn't in his life- Akari tends to be there for him, trying for him to be true to his emotions...and spoil him with cuddles and kisses. He's trying not to shut her out, but she's like: "You are doing amazing so far, Blitz. The kids love you, and all of them have said 'Papa' as their first words."
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dreaminmemories · 3 years
Some headcanons for Akari[Pokemon Oc] and Clemont. Will be doing some of these headcanons post for my ships.
-Both of them are popular in Arcadia, but not as popular as Riku and Naomi. Akari for being under Riku command, and being the daughter of the Volitans[Flying] Wyvern, Keisuke Kamiya.
-Clemont, by Ash, became an elite four but he also started his business, Clemontic Industries that hires a lot of people. Akari would have taken her father gym as and become the "Whirling Wyvern"
-Akari has to travel from Kalos and Arcadia a lot
-Akari is a big spoon, Clemont is small
-They have a family Yamper, who loves attention and requires lots of hugs.
-Akari tends to be the one that the kids would convenience to buy anything.
- One scene in the wedding tho. Having no glasses, which can lead to him being unable to kiss her, which makes Akari giggle. She expressed with her logical mind,” this is what I sign up for more. My lovable dorky Inventor of my husband. Bonnie, can you give your brother his glasses.” Clemont was embarrassed but Akari commented,” I still love you, thank you for trying but you still look very...adorable with your glasses on. Let me see the flustered smile, my Dear Husband.”
-Clemont does the cooking, no objections. Akari is basically banned from the Kitchen due to how she almost, almost burned it down.
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