drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Haven’t read much if your story but i sense some bi energy (pls don’t tell me they’re siblings)
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"So you know Christopher Newlow, right? Well I had him over this morning and things got crazy. We hooked up and did you know it is this..."
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"Oh duh of course you know! Boy, he should win an award for that amirite?"
...I've managed to make myself uncomfortable. But when she gestured like that that was the first thing I thought of. 👀
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
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i’ve been kinda obsessed with cookie run lately, so… sims 2 cookies?
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Found this simblr with reallllllly good storytelling
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It’s Wednesday my dudes!!! And I’m back from my vacation :3
Finally I’m back at my computer and can let you know about the latest Purple River updates! 😊
Round 14 is complete and can finally be read in one go.
» Read the complete round 14
Or the latest updates: » Nova III  » Parks » Nova-Moon » Jone
The family page is not yet up to date. Gives me some time. 😅 I will let you know as soon as I have done it.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Conne-Winter 3-Adelaide
Adelaidehad moved back to OceanCrest from university to find her old home in a state of despair.
She had some money leftover from her scholarship days and she used that to fix up her house to be suitable enough for company.
During one of her nights in, Adelaide gets a call on from one of her sister Meghara's older friends:
"Adelaide! I heard you moved back into town. Are you planning anything tonight?''
''Actually i am staying in tonight. Do you want to come over and see a movie?''
They never saw that movie...
Since then Sophie kept dropping by, meeting up with Adelaide on weekends, getting all the loving from our little romance sim. However, she was getting nowhere.
A few months in, she brought up getting together more seriously after confessing her love to Adelaide who told her she is still getting her life together after college hoping she would get a hint while Adelaide still gets some.
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Adelaide however needed to start looking for other prospects, prospects that didn't require as much work. Prospects such as Jan Tellerman.
Jan was a romance sim. Blonde bombshell, gorgeous, and totally Adelaide's type. The both wanted no commitment, no drama. It was the perfect open relationship.
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Adelaide kept up her good relationship with meghara and little Micah. She however noticed that meghara and Jan's relationship was pretty rocky.. What's going on there?
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Adelaide didn't give it that much. With a good paying job in marine biology, a made-up house, and a prosperous love life, all she had to do was find a way to fill her empty table with potential lovers.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
OceanCrest-Winter 2- Kimberley and Macey
The OceanCrests are the founders and sponsors of OceanCrest.
The family moved back into their generational colonial after generations of abandonment.
Marcus works from home taking the calls of his townies and helping them solve their issues settling in or getting on with their everyday lives.
His wife Chamomille is the perfect type. She's modelesque, she's sexy, she's an insane cook, a perfect housewife, and a legendary pianist.
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However, Marcus can't help but stray elsewhere into other women's arms...
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His son Matteo and him seem to have some shared territory in terms of the bloodline they are attracted to-like rats.
The OceanCrests have 3 kids, and despite Camomille's desire for more, Marcus had his attention elsewhere and the relationship was going rocky.
Matteo, wants to have fun. He wants to have fun with the perfect woman. The perfect woman he chose to hide. The perfect woman who got away.
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Kimberly wanted OceanCrest manner, and she did everything in her hands to get her father to sign it to her despite his leaning towards to signing it off to Matteo who was more inclined towards having a family and maintaining the family legacy. Kimberly promised her dad to marry and carry on the OceanCrest Lineage as Matriarch.
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And last but not least, Macy. Macy had her father's complection. She wasn't white passing. She would have been considered the black duck. But Macey was a swan. The most gorgeous of the bunch. Going against generational trauma, inheritances, and stereotypes, Macey will be leading lady in the OceanCrest household.
(photo to come)
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Robinsons-Fall 2
The Robinsons are new in town.
They live in the nice mid-century converted modern in the richer part of the town, they dress in business casual, and they have 3 beautiful children.
It sounds like the perfect recipe for the most dull family on the block.
I wish i could add more but the family just moved in beginning of this round. The Robinsons added baby number 3, Olivia opened a Flower-shop on the lot, the first family to host backyard hot-tub parties hosts a get-together... I have some things up my sleeve for the seemingly perfect family.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Lake- Winter 2- Ellina Bell!
Wondering what happened to little Ellina?
Well, David Lake, old friend of Trent Bell, decided to adopt his little girl to keep her nextdoor to her sisters and aunt.
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Ellina grew really close and loving of the Lakes, all her adoptive siblings as loving as her own except little Yasmin who always had the eye for her.
She mnaged to fit in rather well, and even asked David to enroll her in private school so that she and Cate can remain close.
However, she and Cate were closer than one might think. They wanted the same man. Except Ellina was the adopted secret and Cate was the orphaned damsel. Ellina was kept a secret.
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In due time, Priscilla Lake's time in her family residence was coming to an end and she wanted out. After being raised the perfect little middle-class daughter to a chill father and her gossip-driven mother, she didn't develop the best interest in men... I worry about her future choices.
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Micah Bell seems to not be that type unfortunately and he ended up moving to the third most attractive daughter of the Lakes in hopes to attract Priscilla's attention. However, it was only aafter little Yasmin was in deep that Priscilla saw more in Micah. After it was too late.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Bell- Fall 2- Ameryl and Cate
As far as the Bells go, we have 2 leading ladies.
Auntie Ameryl and little Cate. Or not so little Cate.
Ameryl Bell moved into her sister's home in the hopes of getting settled, marrying some rich guy, meeting a bunch of hot guys vying for her attention, or all of the above.
Yeah, poor romance sim Ameryl wasn't so lucky. Her sister and brother in law succumbed to a disease and dropped dead after having their 3rd baby girl Daphne.
After their death, the social worker she went to highschool with was a bitch who deemed her unsuitable to raise three kids and manage the estate. However, since she could do nothing about the estate, she took away Daphne and little Ellina.
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After a whole struggle with the legal forces at mainland Oceana, she managed to fight for custody of baby Daphne who needed her the most. Unfortunately, Ellina was put up for adoption and was left at the mercy of OceanCrest citizens.
Cate grew close to her aunt ameryl despite growing up a military child. Her father Trent was not kind and wanted to crush her dreams of becoming a cook.
And now with the growing shadow of her father's spirit she fears not being able to fulfill this dream he had- maybe even more than having to kill her own dreams.
Cate hit it big with her man though. She managed to catch the eye of boy candy, Matteo OceanCrest, son of Marcus OceanCrest the town founder. If she plays her cards right, she can manage to move into the little colonial up the hill.
What she doesn't know, is that her Auntie Ameyl finally managed to poach a lover. And it isn't any other than Marcus OceanCrest!
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Conne- Fall 1.1- Meghara
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I like my sims games to mainly revolve around my female sims. Idk why but go with it.
Meghara Conne was always the thorn in her mother Ashley's side. She never wore pinks or purples, she was a family sim, and she was a lesbian.
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The day meghara brought home her girlfriend meadow was the day Ashley had decided that this daughter would be inheriting nothing. Not that she had much to begin with.
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When Ashley died after having post-partum depression after having her love child Micah, Meghara had to skip out on college to take care of child Adelaide and baby Micah until Adelaide was old enough to hold her own.
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Despite her love for her sister, Meghara could no longer bear to live in that house of horror. So she moved out and married her highschool sweetheart Meadow.
Together, they adopted baby Jordan.
Adelaide however, took her brother Micah with her, raising him from child to teen. He was her little helper and best friend.
He would eventually have to be told that he had other living family members out there. What's left of them anyway...
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Conne- Fall 2-Adelaide
I started this city with not much in mind. An abandoned island off the coast of a newly discovered continent, Oceana, with the founding family OceanCrest, after which the town was named.
I forgot how bad quality the screen capture is on ts2 so i will start updating as I go.
Meet Adelaide Conne, Romance Sim, Young Adult, Biology Major. Adelaide's mother was a Romance sim obsessed with pink and wished for her daughter to follow in her footsteps. The Connes came from money however, they fell from Grace, with Annabelle being kicked from the family inheritence after her divorce, taking her 2 daughters Meghara and Adelaide for a fresh start with old habits. Will she be successful into marrying them out of their poverty?
Well, Annabelle starved to death after having her 3rd illegitamate child Micah and hence won't live to know. But you guys will!
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Adelaide grew up the blonde bombshell her mother always wished her to be. Loves pink, very smart, with as little nice and playful points making her the perfect hunter for the perfect rich bachelor. Except Adelaide is the romantic sim her mom was, filling the empty spot of both her parents who she lost as a child with men and women while majoring in Biology.
Adelaide Conne currently lives alone and her adventure is only beginnning!
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
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The evillest thing about the Beakers is their apathy towards safety. This NOT compliant with building codes. Section R312 of the International Residential Code CLEARLY states that if the drop is OVER 30 inches then there MUST be railing.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
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it me
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
Hi, Keoni, hope you have a nice day! If you don't mind WCIF that sweater Ivar was wore in last round? Like here /post/689600062379147265/
I am, I hope you are, too!
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Ivar's sweater is by @misomoso-no. You can download it here. If you like this style of clothing, you should definitely check out the rest of their tumblr, because their CC is really gorgeous.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
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When Brad met Tiffany Extras  -  Maybelle Jones
While easily one of the most recognisable faces of the past two decades, not much is known about Maybelle Jone’s early life. Though it’s understood she ran away from home at a young age.
The powerhouse behind Maybelle & The Bellas, Maybelle didn’t let her friends decision to step away from the limelight slow her down at all. Running with her newfound popularity, she dove headfirst into every opportunity presented to her. Record-deals, Musical Theater, TV & Movie roles, she conquered every field. Her work recognised with The Simmy, The Starlight Accolade, The Sim Choice Award, just name an award & Maybelle has it in her collection.
These days, Maybelle lives quietly in her Studio Town Penthouse, where she focuses mostly on her charity work, donating most of her fortune to youth programs.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
I am obsessed fam
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When Brad met Tiffany Extra  -  Maybelle & The Bellas
Starting as a small cabaret act at their local gay bar, Maybelle & The Bellas became an unexpected sensation of SimCity’s 70s. Grabbing attention for their smooth voices, & original numbers, the group brought Drag into the pop-culture eye.
They’re best known for their appearance on The Judie Ward Show, after which the group disbanded. It’s unknown what happened to some of it’s members, but they’re rumored to still be good friends.
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
finding a creator with nice cc
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long early access/perma paywalls
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drymming-sims2 · 2 years
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Double whammy with none extra fries tonight! I’ve got for you the shorts and jacket above. Thought I’d also throw in some cardigans and one elderly man’s winter outfit but I don’t have previews for those yet, so rather than push everything any further into the future, separate posts it is!
Again, everything’s compressorized, tested, has both morphs, and has been neatly named.
Keep reading
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