ectodad-a · 6 years
so anyone wanna do anything with the ecto boy?
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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“   takase - san !!  ”    voice is unmistakable ,  especially at such volume.  fingers jab playfully a few times at shoulder as he passes.   “ you been holdin’ out on me !   you and me :  KARAOKE !  whatta ya say ?  ”
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“    and just how have i been holding out on you??    ”    the mask always made his tone quite serious,  what with the voice changer embedded in it,  but there was some jest there.    regardless,  even when he would offer karaoke to the other teachers,  most had other things to do.    he was glad to have a partner this time.    “    sounds great.    only if you promise not to be embarrassed when i floor you with my singing.    ”
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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        “    you’d turn down a colleague treating you to dinner just because you don’t want to take a night off??    ”
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ectodad-a · 6 years
sorry i wasn’t on yesterday… at all, really. does anyone want to plot or something?? i’m not in the mood to do starters/replies
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ectodad-a · 6 years
🔫 go to karaoke with me
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            don’t need to ask me twice
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ectodad-a · 6 years
alright guys so here’s a STARTER CALL
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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marshadow is his favorite
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ectodad-a · 6 years
ecto: I've been told I look like a ghoul isnt that awesome?? snipe: arent ghouls those cannibal things  ecto: why do you think I like juicy meat so much? snipe: well as long as you dont take a bite outta me  ecto: nah, you're a bit too salty for my tastes buds  snipe: mm, salt goes nicely with steaks  ecto: I prefer cheese but it gets stuck in my teeth too easily
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ectodad-a · 6 years
what them teef do tho mr ectoplasm
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            why, for tearing flesh to feed my ghoul soul. what else~?
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ectodad-a · 6 years
y’all r haters
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guys pls love the boi with me i need to talk about him so much because i love him sof ufckign muechasdlfj
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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guys pls love the boi with me i need to talk about him so much because i love him sof ufckign muechasdlfj
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ectodad-a · 6 years
have you guys ever noticed how ectoplasm’s suit doesn’t even have arm holes?? like, just think about it. in the team fights with asui and tokoyami, the entire time he either uses his clones, which will use their mouths, or his legs. now just think about how he uses his legs it’s so fucking skilled. he doesn’t lose balance, he’s so fucking precise, and he hits hard even with the weights on to slow him down.
now that i’ve mentioned that, i have two headcanons to give. before ecto lost his legs, his body had a little more bulk to it and he didn’t have the enormous trenchcoat. still had the mask, but he had a full suit that was in the same style. using his arms and legs like that, he was a really tough customer. but then the villain took his legs from him. and he’s still fighting as a hero, he’s not letting the loss of his legs define who he is. but he’s still scared to lose any more. so the costume change comes with the powerful lightweight prosthetics, but he also blocks his arms off. they’re hidden under the trench coat and more than likely he keeps them at his sides or crossed or something. just out of the way. because what would he do if they were torn off like his legs?? he can’t imagine losing more than he already has.
and think about how he uses his legs. think of all of the physical therapy he went through to get to even walking comfortably on the regular prosthetics, and then walking one ones that were completely different. think of all of the times he must have fallen over and scraped himself up, only to grab something and hoist himself back up. think of all of the training he went through afterwards to completely change his fighting style to just use the legs that don’t make as much of a difference as they had if he lost the prosthetics in a battle. think of how much strength and flexibility he has in his waist and hips and how many weeks/months it took to get to this spot. and think about how he still trains himself into the ground when he can, even though he does enjoy life more now because of that loss, because he doesn’t ever want to take anything for granted again.
just saying.
also, just saying, if izuku ever wants to learn some good proper kicking techniques, he should fucking learn from ectoplasm.
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ectodad-a · 6 years
First Meeting Ideas
Just some kinda unique plot ideas that don’t put pressure on a romance right from the start. 
Muse A and Muse B literally live in completely different parts of their country/state/city but Muse A is very spontaneous and will sometimes travel to other parts of the country/state/city just to explore. They meet Muse B by asking for directions and somehow convince them to show them around.
Muse A is a very inexperienced dog walker with seven giant dogs to take care of Muse B is just walking home when one of Muse A’s dogs get lose. Muse B somehow ends up helping Muse A.
Muse A is innocently working in their class, when Muse B comes in and sits down next to them. The only problem being that Muse B is definitely not in that class/school.
Muse A gets drunk and decides to adamantly explain the plot line of Danny Phantom as their own biography to Muse B. 
Muse B is out very late in a bad neighborhood and Muse A sees this on and decides to walk them home. You can choose the intentions are nefarious or not. 
Muse B is a artist/photographer/writer and they’re searching for inspiration. They see Muse A as a interesting person and try to convince them to help.
Muse A and Muse B are neighbors who have been consistently annoyed by the others habits, but have never actually met each other. One day, Muse A gets is finally fed up and goes to give Muse B a piece of their mind. 
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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“ ah…. “   kirishima had a feeling that was the case but it always sucks to hear it out loud. especially from your teacher.   “ are they like…. failing failing? or about to fail…? “
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“    as in you went from getting mid seventies to high sixties on quizzes.    and the seventies are what’s considered a passing grade.    ”
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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         ❛❛ ah   ,   you  think  so    ?   um   ,   i  don’t  really  have  anything  noteworthy  that’s  new.  but…     i  have  gotten  better  at  hand  to  hand  combat. ❜❜
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        “    i’ve noticed that as well.    try learning how to pivot on one foot more.    whipping your whole body around takes more effort if you don’t have a balance point.    ”
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ectodad-a · 6 years
present mic.
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“   No kidding!”    In a world where quirks commonly held indirect effects on their users, it was actually a bit underwhelming. Of course, Hizashi had quite the active imagination– “to be honest, I thought there’d be fangs or something…” He immediately corrected himself, waving his hands frantically-   “not that this isn’t super cool to see! I’m super digging it.  ” 
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“    i’d like to think i’m scary enough without fangs.    ”    his appearance was something he had long since become comfortable joking about.    he knew how terrifying he could be to some people,  hence the almost softer visage of his mask,  but maybe the whole getup was what made present mic feel that whole vampire vibe from him.    “    it hides my identity pretty well so i don’t have to worry when i’m in my civvies either.    ”
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ectodad-a · 6 years
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“I had both of my fucking legs ripped off, Nemuri.”
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